Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 821: Tiger father without dogs

"Everyone, grasp it firmly, the warship is speeding up and is leaving the atmosphere!"

"The people behind are catching up, God, his speed is so fast! We have to enter the parallel universe as soon as possible!"

"Prepare for the lunar railgun, no no... intercept with laser weapons."

"War fortress missiles are launched, try to delay for a while."

The Constant Crystal battleship quickly escaped, but the chasers behind were not left behind.

Through the radar on the battleship, An Ning and the others could even see the face of the chasing warrior.

Three flowers bloomed on the top of this man's head, which could block most of his attacks, and modern weapons of war seemed so weak in front of him.

"This is probably the Sanhua warrior that Yuanjie said. Sanhua is a realm above the longevity period. We must not act rashly, especially Lin Ping and Lin An. You two, don't try to do it. Can you know?" An Ning turned back, right. The two Lin Ping brothers said.

Lin Ping and Lin An clenched their fists and stared at the chasing people on the screen.

The man still had a cat-and-mouse sneer on his face. It seemed that Lin Zhen's family couldn't escape his palm at all. He was just playing with them now.

The two brothers Lin Ping and Lin An are definitely the best among the martial artists of the same level. They have not never seen masters. During their travels in the New Territories, the two brothers once met a longevity martial artist from the Metaverse.

During this long life, I thought that I would be able to dominate in the New Territories. I acted unscrupulously. When I was bullying and weak, I was met by the two brothers.

The two brothers joined forces, and after five hours of hard work, they actually beheaded the warrior at the pinnacle of longevity!

After that time, the two brothers' spirits were also high, and they were very confident in their own strength.

But An Ning knew that longevity and Sanhua were definitely two different concepts, not to mention that there were three flowers on the heads of people who were chasing later, which represented the peak of Sanhua.

The battle between the world king and Sanhua Pinnacle was almost without a doubt.

Not everyone in the world is Lin Zhen.

"Oh my God! Why is this person so fast? He can actually move close to the speed of light, and we can't leave him behind."

"He is attacking the battleship, we can't accelerate into the parallel universe!"

I saw the warrior in the back chasing, a stream of light from time to time in his hand, blasting on the constant crystal battleship, causing the battleship to shake continuously.

Whenever a warship is about to accelerate to the speed of light, it will receive an attack, slowing down its speed again.

In this way, the warship will never be able to enter the parallel universe, and flying outside the parallel universe is impossible to get rid of the opponent.

The battleship flew within the sun's collar, and a person behind was chasing wildly. The shield on the constant crystal battleship was constantly bombarded, and the light became increasingly dimmed.

In order to fight against enemies from the Metaverse, this warship has undergone many transformations, and the energy contained in it is extremely powerful, so that it can withstand the repeated bombardments of the Sanhua powerhouse.

"We must work out an escape route so that sooner or later we will be unable to escape."

"Go to Mars, go to the wormhole, go through the wormhole, go to Sagittarius, and go to the front of the Tianmen, which is the closest place in the entire New Territories to the Metaverse. I want to try, and Lin Zhen telepathically, will it work? ."

This was the only way Su Mingyue could think of. She and Lin Zhen had twin star crystals in them. They used to be able to sense each other when they were in the New Realm, but when Lin Zhen arrived in the Metarealm, this kind of induction disappeared.

Sometimes Su Mingyue would think that if she could get closer to Lin Zhen, she might still be able to sense each other.

As for the entire New Territories, the closest place to the Metaverse is the Tianmen of Sagittarius.

It was not the time for the Heavenly Gate to open, but she could only think of this way.

Hearing Su Mingyue's words, everyone in the Lin family nodded. This was the only way, the only way to contact Lin Zhen.

Otherwise, the whole family may not survive this disaster.

But now there is a key question, that is, how to get rid of the opponent's chase and go through the wormhole to the Sagittarius.

If you don't get rid of the other party and bring the other party to Mars, it is likely to cause the creatures to be overwhelmed, which is absolutely not allowed.

No matter how they manipulate the warship, they cannot get rid of each other.

The Lin family in the battleship was a little desperate.

Wislan flew in the void behind, feeling refreshed in his heart.

Whether flying or teleporting in the New Territories, it is much faster than the Metaverse. He can actually reach the sub-light speed limit here, which is unimaginable in the Metaverse.

Moreover, his teleportation can reach tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant, which is also impossible in the Metaverse.

The Lin family’s battleship flying in front of him was nothing but a dying struggle.

As long as he breaks the shield of the battleship, the Lin family will all be caught.

"Lin Zhen! Don't blame me, the person who is going to deal with you is Saint Master Qiantong, I'm just a mercenary who collects money to do things, your family, just blame yourself for not protecting yourself!"

Wislan thought, a teleport appeared directly on the top of the Constant Crystal battleship.

Step on the energy shield, take out the long sword in his hand, and keep attacking the shield.

With his harassment here, the Constant Crystal battleship has been unable to accelerate into the parallel universe, and it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.


"Mom, don't worry about the two of us. How did Dad fight back then? How did he be born to death and defeat one after another powerful enemy whose strength is far above him? As his son, we can't behave too badly. ."

"Yes, if we retreat at this time and come to Metaverse in the future, dad asks us, as the two men in the family, do you protect the women in the family? We will face dad without face."

Lin Ping and Lin An both bid farewell to the family.

Lin Liye, Li Qin, sisters An Ning, Su Mingyue, Lin Mei'er, Ling'er, and Angel, this big family did not give any further comfort.

An Ning can’t help crying while holding Su Mingyue. Someone must stand up to fight the enemy outside, but it must not be a woman, because it may be sending sheep into the tiger’s mouth, which will bring humiliation to Lin Zhen at that time, which no one can accept. of.

But Lin Liye's strength was not good enough, Lin Ping Lin An could no longer stand it, and took the initiative to fight.

Seeing that the two sons are leaving, they may even be gone forever, and the peace as a mother is heartbroken.

The hatch of the battleship opened, and Lin Ping Lin An went to fight.

Through the battleship, the fierce battle sounds can be heard outside.

The roar of the two children and the laughter of Wisland, the battle immediately entered a life-and-death situation.

The shield that was about to run out of energy suddenly stopped depleting, Lin Ping and the others succeeded, and the battleship was finally able to accelerate to the speed of light and enter the parallel universe.

On the eve of the speed of the battleship, An Ning seemed to see the defeat of the two sons, and quickly fainted.


Lin Liye controls the battleship and forcibly accelerates forward. As a grandfather, how can he not feel sorry for his two grandsons? If there is only him in this battleship, he will blow the enemy even if he blew himself up, but he can’t. child.

The warship came to Mars through the parallel universe and rushed down the wormhole of Mount Olympus.

Rush out of the wormhole, accelerate into the parallel universe again, and head straight to the direction of Sagittarius.

"Mom! I want to avenge my brothers!" Lin Meier's eyes were red, heartbroken.

Su Mingyue took Mei'er's hand: "Don't worry, they will definitely get revenge, but don't be discouraged. The other party's purpose here is not necessarily to kill us, because killing us will not do them any good. Most of the purpose is to catch us and threaten your father with our safety."

Anning quickly recovered, and she couldn't help but nodded her head when she heard Su Mingyue's words: "Yes, killing us will only irritate Lin Zhen. Only by catching alive can we disturb Lin Zhen's mind. In this way, Ping'er An'er Maybe not dead yet."

"It's definitely not going to die, definitely not..."

In the prayers of everyone, the battleship finally arrived in the wine-red nebula region of Sagittarius after a day and night flight.

When Tianmen opened, there were countless people but now it is empty and there is no one.

The Constant Crystal battleship came to a halt, and the Lin family first scanned it with a radar, but did not find anyone nearby.

Su Mingyue said to Lin Liye and others: "Mom and Dad, you are all waiting on the spacecraft, looking for the best place to accelerate the departure. If things change, you will leave immediately by boat."

"No! I won't run anymore. If there is still no hope this time, we will fight our opponents. Yue'er, go quickly. No one knows our course of action, and no one will catch up."

"Mom, you have to be careful!"

Su Mingyue nodded slightly, turned and jumped off the spaceship, and then went straight to the direction of Tianmen.

This place is often seen in the dimensional universe, but it is the first time for Su Mingyue to come.

When I arrived in front of the Tianmen and looked up, the dark energy above the sky formed a large burgundy nebula, floating around.

Two huge pillars of life went straight to the world, and Tianmen was a million kilometers away.

Su Mingyue's star power is surging and rises into the sky!

Although the Tianmen Gate was closed, the pressure on the Tianmen Gate was still there. Under the pressure, Su Mingyue directly surpassed the limit of one million kilometers!

This also proves that if Su Mingyue breaks through the gate of heaven now, he will definitely pass the barrier easily.

But when it came to an end, there was no Metaverse here, and the Tianmen was closed.

The body was suspended, Su Mingyue's hair was flying, her mental power swept over, and she couldn't feel anything at all.

Thinking that she might not be able to reach Lin Zhen, Su Mingyue was sad, and two lines of tears fell from her cheeks.

"Husband~! Where are you~~~~!!!"

The dignified and elegant saint uttered a heartbreaking shout!

The voice echoed at the end of the nebula, but it couldn't reach the Yuanjie.

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