Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 822: telepathy

Chaiyue, as the guardian of the heavenly gate, listened to his majesty, but his life was very boring.

His strength has reached a peak, and it is impossible to make any breakthroughs. In addition to sleeping, he finds some games in the dimensional universe to play, or read the news and watch.

He was in Tianmen and could monitor everything in the New Territories, but he didn't want to pay attention at all.

What does the life and death of the New Territories have to do with him?

He didn't know anyone in the New Territories. He only knew Lin Zhen, and now he also passed through the Heavenly Gate and reached the Metaverse.

Moreover, as the guardian of the heavenly gate, the duty of chasing the moon determined that he could not interfere in the New Territories indiscriminately, just like the earth ruled by humans, humans cannot force their own power to interfere with the life and death of the animal world.

He didn't intend to break this rule, even if another sensation happened in the New Territories.

until today.

I am downloading a book titled: "It will turn a dragon when you encounter wind and cloud, and the last sentence is the title of the book."

Suddenly, he seemed to hear a woman's cry.

Close the Dimensional Universe, chasing the moon and seeing Su Mingyue.

He knows who this woman is, Lin Zhen's wife.

Hearing Su Mingyue's stern cry, Chauyue's heart moved, and after investigating it, he quickly learned the whole story.

Chasing the moon's heart is very contradictory.

He didn't know what he should do. Opening the Tianmen and asking Su Mingyue to find Lin really wouldn't work. His duty didn't allow him to do that.

But he knew that no matter how this woman called, there were barriers between the New World and the Metaverse, Lin Zhen would not be able to receive any information from Su Mingyue, and it would be useless for her to break her throat.

If it's someone else's matter, chasing the moon will definitely be indifferent, but for Lin Zhen, chasing the moon is very impressive, and even the two of them are friends.

"Fine! Lin Zhen, I will help you once in violation of the rules. As for the result, it depends on your life!"

Chasing the moon inadvertently raised his hand, Tianmen quietly opened a gap!

Su Mingyue, who was already a little desperate, suddenly felt a different breath!

Sagittarius is just a nebula region, and there is nothing else around except stardust, but this is a breath of life, even with the fragrance of earth, and it is different from any smell she has ever felt.

That is the breath of the Metaverse. Although Su Mingyue has never been to the Metaverse, she is extremely certain!

She didn't know why this happened, but since it happened, she couldn't miss it.

With her hands gently closed to her chest, Su Mingyue's thoughts spread out at this moment.

"Husband! I'm Yue'er, husband, save us...Save us!"

This idea is invisible, but it can travel through time and space and reach people's hearts!


Wislan has come to the edge of Sagittarius.

Behind him, the mercenaries who went out to play have arrived and are following him.

"Here, here is the Sagittarius. The hope of the people in the New Territories. If they pass through the heavenly gates here, they will be able to reach the Metaverse, otherwise they will have to squander to death in the New Territories."

"Lin Zhen's family ran very fast, and they were able to get here, but with their means and strength, wanting to escape the chase from the Metaverse is a dream. Now that they have stopped, they will never run away. Can't drop it."

Weislan said, touching a wound on his cheek.

"The little boy from Lin Zhen's family is quite tenacious, and he can give me a blow."

"Boss, don't worry about these trivial things. Their family is full of beauties. In a moment, you won't even get back all the benefits."

Weislan showed a sneer, but he didn't dare to make him move the Lin family's woman.

But at this time, even if he didn't move, Lin Zhen knew that in the future, he would not let him go.

"Hurry up, hurry up and end this incident. We can't stay in the New Territories. I always feel that something unexpected will happen."

Weislan took it and quickly rushed to the direction of Tianmen.

In the Holy Land, Lin really closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

In this year's cultivation, his greatest improvement is the improvement of his spiritual power.

Yesterday, I swallowed the pill of spiritual power, and now my spiritual power has reached a diamond level of consummation.

Within the spiritual consciousness of the sea, the spiritual power has become a diamond-like crystal state. The **** infant is in the diamond, just like a baby in the stone.

A diamond spear was held in his arms, giving the **** infant a breath of solemnity.

"I don't know what my current state is to challenge the God of the twelfth floor, what chances of victory I can have, if the body clones join forces...maybe it will be a little too close."

"There are still two months, when the Holy Land Grand Competition, when the time comes, we will fight against the old students. Among the masters, there is no lack of **** change, and I don't know what ranking I can get."

While thinking about it, suddenly there was a throbbing in Lin Zhen's heart.

"This feels~~~!!!"

Lin Zhen fiercely opened his eyes. He almost forgot this feeling, but he never forgot, because this was what he felt when he felt that Yue'er was in danger, or the mood swings were particularly severe.

Since coming to the Metaverse, this feeling has completely disappeared. It has been a little fuzzy since the Metaverse has been close to a hundred years.

But today's sudden awakening made Lin Zhen's heart broken!

Moon is in danger, family is in danger!

He stood up without hesitation, closed his eyes, and looked for the direction of his mood fluctuations by feeling.

"Sure, over there...very far away."

Some fragments flashed in my mind like a fright, a vague burgundy.

"Could it be...Why did Yue'er get there where Tianmen is in the New Territories?"

Lin Zhen didn't care about anything, he immediately searched for the coordinates of the star map in the dimensional universe, looking for the location of the Tianmen.

If you want to go to the New Territories through the wormhole eggs, you must go to the place in advance through coordinates.

Soon, Lin Zhen determined the coordinates of Tianmen in the New Territories.

"Senior Brother Five, I'm leaving in a hurry." Lin Zhen said hello.

Jin Nuo could feel that Lin was really anxious, and immediately replied: "Go back quickly."

Lin Zhen raised his hand and took out one of the wormhole eggs.

Lin Zhen bought five of these things. When using them, just open one and enter the coordinate position, and the wormhole eggs can directly send you where you want to go.

The wormhole eggs open, a trace of space cracks appear, and then there are increasingly larger wormholes.

Lin Zhen stood in front of the wormhole, waited for the wormhole to stabilize, and immediately pierced through it!

The wormhole travels very quickly, less than a minute, and the wine-red nebula is blowing in front of you.

After leaving the New Territories for a hundred years, Lin Zhen finally returned!

The use of Wormhole Eggs in the Holy Land would of course disturb many people, but when they saw that they were used by Lin Zhen, no one else said anything.

Lin Zhen's status in the holy land is now very high. Everyone can see the care of the fifth son Jinnuo. People already have guesses that Lin Zhen is probably the successor cultivated by Jinnuo.

Maybe thousands of years later, Lin Zhen might succeed Jin Nuo as the new stay-behind. So although he is a Tianban student, no one dares to treat him as an ordinary student.

Not to mention that he used the wormhole eggs to come and go, even if he moved the stele together, as long as Jinnuo didn't say it, no one else would say anything.

Only at the foot of the Holy Land Mountain, the holy alchemist Qian Tong was a little frightened watching Lin Zhen leave with the wormhole eggs.

"What the hell? Why did Lin Zhen suddenly use Wormhole Eggs? Looking at the scale of this Wormhole Egg, it certainly wouldn't have been teleported from within the Metaverse. He is heading to the New Territories."

"Weisslan and their idiots have messed up? No, so if Lin Zhen returns, they will be finished, and these guys will explain to me without hesitation."

Qian Tong walked back to the alchemy room, thought about it, and felt that he couldn't wait to die.

This guy Lin Zhen didn't agree with him. If something happened to his family this time, he would definitely come back to retaliate against him. He would not care about his status as a holy alchemist.

But Qian Tong was not very afraid of Lin Zhen either.

As a holy alchemist, Qian Tong’s promotion has never been a big With the support of holy elixir, Qian Tong has actually reached the state of divine consciousness change three years ago, but he It has always been low-key, and no one knows.

What he was afraid of was the fifth son Jinnuo's intervention.

If Jin Nuo supports Lin Zhen, he can't say that he will be caught with nothing.

"I want to find some people to support me. In any case, I am the only holy-level alchemist known on the mainland. There are many people who need holy-level pill. The Holy Land of Falling Star Lake cannot execute me, and I must not die. , I can continuously supply holy grade pill, it is my amulet."

"If Lin Zhen insists, then the grievances between us also need to be resolved by myself. Jinnuo cannot forcefully intervene in this matter. I believe that Lin Zhen's arrogant boy will not use Jinnuo's hand to get rid of me. , This is my chance."

As a saint-level alchemist, Qian Tong knows many great people.

Even big people, those people need holy-level pills, and Qian Tong believes that this is his hope for life.

Opening the Dimensional Universe, Qian Tong first found a demigod powerhouse he had known many years ago.

"The face of a half-god powerhouse, even Jinnuo should consider one or two, first try with him."

Wislan and several people finally rushed to the gate of heaven.

They saw the constant crystal battleship.

"Hahaha! Are you planning to give up? This is still a bit of your eyesight. If you still resist at this time, continuing to struggle will only bring unnecessary loss and harm."

This group of mercenaries laughed and surrounded the Constant Crystal battleship.

The Lin family got off the battleship, and Su Mingyue was still on it trying to communicate with Lin Zhen. At this point, they couldn't give up Su Mingyue to escape alone and fight with these people!

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