Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 820: Lin Zhen's house

The Sun Leader is now considered a country within the Tianhe Empire.

Since the Sun Lord Lin Zhen ascended to the Metaverse as the number one in the New Territories galaxy period, the Sun Neck has become the hottest tourist destination in the New Territories.

People want to see what an outstanding person is in this place where the number one master of the galaxy period was born.

Metaverse and the New Territories are not completely disconnected from each other.

Occasionally, when people come to the Metaverse, they will also bring news about the Metaverse. Those influential figures in the New World have not completely disappeared from people's sight.

It is said that Lin Zhen is also very good at the Metaverse, shocking the world many times. Every time there is news about Lin Zhen, he will make the headlines in the New Territories and become the focus of attention.

There is an endless stream of tourists from all over the New Territories, and the business atmosphere of the sun collar is also very strong.

The earth, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, these six planets are now habitable planets, plus the moon, titan, and lunar satellites, forming a unique ecological zone in the solar region.

According to statistics, the resident population of the six planets is about 40 billion, but the floating population of the entire sun is as high as 300 billion!

During this period, plans to develop Uranus and Neptune have been put on the agenda to ease the growing population pressure.

Although other planets are very crowded, the population pressure on the Earth as Lin Zhen's hometown is not that great.

The earth has strict regulations. There is a quota for the tourist population that is accepted every day, and numbers exceeding the quota are absolutely not accepted, so as not to break the earth's ecological environment.

East, Bingcheng base city.

Castle in the Sky.

In the garden, two extremely beautiful women are talking.

"Sister Anning, do you also feel the bottleneck?" Dressed in a moon-white dress, the elf-like Su Mingyue gently took An Ning's hand, and the two sat on the swing, shaking gently.

As Lin Zhen’s wife, the two have been together for thousands of years, and their feelings are even closer than their ordinary relatives.

"I feel it. For several years, I feel that my star power has already overflowed, but there is always an invisible barrier that prevents me from breaking through. No matter how hard I make, I can't get one step closer."

"Me too. This may be the so-called New Territory restriction. No matter who it is, you can only cultivate to the peak of the realm king in the New Territories. If you want to enter the longevity, that is impossible."

"Well, it's not just you and me, like Sister Angel, Ling'er and others, too. They stopped at the peak of the world king and couldn't make an inch."

An Ning suddenly laughed and said, "Mom and Dad are also world kings. Now every day I wonder why Lin really doesn't come back to pick them up."

Then she asked Su Mingyue: "Yue'er, didn't you and Lin Zhen have feelings? Have you ever felt his situation? Is there any danger?"

Su Mingyue shook her head slightly: "I haven't felt that he has ever been in real danger. Sometimes I will be very conflicted. I want to feel his existence and worry that he is in danger. I don't want to feel his existence."

An Ning nodded in agreement: "Yes, I would rather wait such a long time for the day he comes back, even if it is 1,000 years or 3,000 years, I don't want any accidents."

A pair of beauties were silent for a while, and fell into thinking of their husbands.

"Two ladies, young master, they are back."

The elf girl Ling'er came over and said.

"Ah! Didn't they go out to travel? Are they back?"

"Yes, it is said that the young masters have also encountered bottlenecks. There is no point in practicing, so they will come back to be with their families."

An Ning and Su Mingyue are very happy and haven't seen a few children for many days.

Cheers and laughter came from outside the door, and the two brothers Lin Ping and Lin An walked in with their sister Lin Meier, one from the left and the other.

"mom, Mom, Mom!"

Several children ran over and embraced the mothers happily.

"Well, yes, the spirit is very good, and they have reached the peak of the realm king. If you can go to the meta realm, the day of breakthrough will not be far away."

Lin Meier took Su Mingyue's arm: "Mom, why can't my dad come to pick me up? I'm really bored in the New Territories. How nice to go to the Yuanjie!"

Su Mingyue smiled and said: "Your father didn't say it when he left. We must make sure that he will pick us up when we are safe in Metaverse. Otherwise, what should we do if we go and drag your father back."

"But Dad is already very good!"

As Lin Meier said, she took out a collection of newspapers, "Look, this newspaper was brought by Yuanjie. I found the news on it."

"Ahem!!" Lin Mei'er looked straight and read aloud.

"Lin Zhen, the first star of God's Punishment, created another miracle, broke the seven-story Tongtian Pagoda, defeated the guardians of God's Change, and became the first freshman in the four holy places!"

Speaking of this, Lin Mei'er said: "I don't know what level of Divine Sense Transformation is. It must be much more powerful than Realm King. Dad can defeat such a master. Isn't our safety guaranteed?"

"There are some outsiders and there are outsiders. Your father hasn't come back. There is a reason why he can't come back. Sister, please wait." The big brother Lin Ping came to comfort his sister.

Lin Ping Lin An didn't spend a lot of time at home these years. They spent most of their time traveling around the New Territories and encountered a lot of dangers, but they were finally turned away. Their strength was definitely the best among the world kings.

An Ning looked at her two sons: "Are your bloodlines fully awakened?"

"Yes, mom, my brother and I have both awakened blood in the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance. Both of us are mutant unicorns with dual attributes of ice and fire. However, I am dominated by fire attributes and my younger brother is dominated by ice attributes."

"You have inherited your father's talent, and can awaken the power of blood, even in the face of ordinary longevity."

Su Mingyue looked at her daughter: "Didn't you have also awakened the bloodline power, why have you never mentioned it?"

"No, it's ugly to become a unicorn, I'd rather be the way I am now." Lin Meier took Su Mingyue's hand to act like a baby, and refused to become a unicorn.

The whole family has no choice but to take this youngest girl, even though she is actually not too young.

"Hahaha! My granddaughter doesn't want to change and stays the same. There are enough masters in our family, not bad for you."

Lin Liye and Li Qin came over, and heard that their grandchildren were back, they also rushed back, and the family reunited.

Lin Liye and Li Qin also entered the realm kings, the fifth-level realm king and the third-level realm king respectively.

But their strength is much worse, each time they barely break through, and they have not experienced any actual combat. They belong to the bottom of the realm king.

But they didn’t care at all. The two elders thought very much. It was enough to be able to see the happy life of the family. They had already made money by living longer, and they didn’t want to fight with others. They lived a few more years just for the sake of Stay with your family for a few more years.

"I won 20,000 yuan in a card game with someone today. I invite the whole family to a big meal!" Lin Liye waved his hands proudly, and the family couldn't help laughing.

As the family of the Sun Lord, their family conditions are so good that they can't be better. Twenty thousand yuan is not even a dime, but the father is happy, and everyone is happy to cooperate with him.

Just as the whole family was about to go out and have a meal, suddenly the electronic screen in the garden lit up.

On the other side of the screen is the Chief Guard, a man who is extremely loyal to Lin Zhen.

"The old lady, the two young ladies, just now a merchant ship from the Andromeda Nebula entered the solar collar, the target is the African continent, the reason is to ship artificial weather control systems there, but this order is three earlier than before. In May, according to our investigation, Africa is not in urgent need of this system, and according to our inspection, one of the passengers’ star power status is a bit vague."

An Ning was taken aback: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, according to Mrs. Young’s instructions, our interstellar radar scanning system is the latest in the entire New Territories. It no longer focuses on the surface realm of the martial artist, but scans the total amount of star power, but the result of this person’s scan is beyond the radar scan. Upper limit."

"Exceeding the upper limit? There is still such a thing!" An Ning and Su Mingyue immediately became vigilant.

Su Mingyue is also a smart person, and she ponders for a while: "If I remember correctly, there seems to be a group of people from the Metaverse on the Andromeda side a few days ago."

"Yes! I have also heard that this ship is from Andromeda...coming early...and those whose star power exceeds the upper limit, the target is the earth... Yue'er, I have some Bad feeling."

The family's expression became serious. As Lin Zhen's family, they knew There were some people in Metaverse who wanted to deal with Lin Zhen, but Lin Zhen couldn't deal with it. Maybe they would make a fuss about them. .

They couldn't hold back Lin Zhen, and they could put aside other things, but they had practiced more than once for temporary escape.

Lin Liye attaches great importance to safety and waved his hand: "Don't go out for dinner, immediately board the Constant Crystal battleship to observe. If something happens, enter the parallel universe immediately, and you must not let the other party catch it."

Lin Liye's decisiveness played a very important role, allowing Lin Zhen's family to avoid the fate of direct destruction.

Just as they boarded the battleship, the stern air defense alarm sounded!

The alarm only sounded for an instant and stopped, because the other party moved instantly and entered the Sky City! Entered the back garden of Lin Zhen's house.

The defensive firepower hidden in the back garden was activated for the first time, and countless fierce artillery bombarded the past.

The person who came was Weislan, with three flowers blooming above his head, isolating all the artillery fire.

"Hahaha! This is Lin Zhen's house, this kind of crude defense is really making people laugh, stop it!"

A punch containing huge star power smashed to the ground fiercely, and all the defense systems were shattered!

The destruction of the defense system triggered a high-concentration cloud explosive bomb underground, sending out a huge mushroom cloud, enveloping Wislan!

This cloud explosive bomb is the final defense of Lin Zhen's family, just to deal with irresistible enemies.

Even if Weislan was in the Sanhua realm, he was injured by this cloud-burst bomb!

Taking advantage of this exploding opportunity, the Constant Crystal battleship lifted into the air and went away quickly!

In the smoke and dust, Wislan vomited a mouthful of blood, his face showing a hideous look: "Want to run! It's not that easy!"

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