Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 819: Yuanjie visitors

At this time, no matter what they were doing, they all stopped their hands and watched the sky hole open.

In the dark and deep sky, the wormhole resembled a terrifying mouth, exuding an aura that did not belong to the New Territories.

Whoosh~~! !

A figure appeared from the sky.

Several people with sturdy figures and grim complexions walked out of the wormhole.

The costumes of these people looked a little weird, and they looked a bit like mercenaries, but they did not look like people in the New Territories.

Among these people, the worst is also in the realm of longevity.

One of the tall men was the leader, Sanhua Peak, walked out of the wormhole and looked down.

He stretched out his hand and flapped it in front of the tip of his nose twice: "The smell of the New Territories is really unacceptable, oh! Look at the air, how muddy, there is **** industrial atmosphere everywhere, this kind of environment connects our hometown toilets. It's not as good. No wonder even a realm of longevity cannot be born."

A man in strong clothes next to him said: "Boss Wisland, the New Territories is like this. The atmosphere of cultivation is not so strong. The aura between heaven and earth is also very thin. The development of science and technology is good, but it limits people's personal The pursuit of the limit, put the cart before the horse, otherwise there won't be so many people who want to break through the heavens and leave."

"It's all a bunch of ignorant natives. Looking at them more will stain my eyes."

After Wislan finished speaking, he looked at the companions behind him: "All come here."

"It's all here, there are twelve members of our mercenary group, not a few of them."

"Then be ready to act. This time the employer provided us with round-trip wormhole eggs and a large commission, but the task is extremely easy, and we can't mess things up."

"Boss, do you think this employer has a lot of money and has nowhere to spend it? If we give us such a large sum of money, let us catch a few people who are at most the kings of the world. He has a brain disease."

"Idiot! What do you know? Do you know who we are going to arrest? That's Lin Zhen's family. Lin Zhen is now living in the wind and water of Falling Star Lake. When he graduates from the Holy Land, it will belong to Metaverse. A great god, the aftereffects of arresting his family are not small, would you still think it is easy?"

His men were reprimanded for a moment: "What should we do? Shall we withdraw?"

Weislan sneered: "Why do you want to withdraw? It's not that easy for Lin Zhen to grow up smoothly. Naturally, someone will deal with him. Besides, we will return to the Metaverse when we catch someone. Lin Zhen can never find our place no matter how good he is. Now that we are here in the New Territories, how can it be done if it is not fun."

His subordinates' eyes lit up: "Yes, some of us are the strongest in the New Territories, so we should have a good time, let these buns feel the power of some Metaverse masters!"

"I'm going to set up the ring here, deliberately attract the strong from the New Territories to challenge, and then lose all the **** they won, hahaha!"

"I'm going to pick up girls and see where there is a beautiful girl who robbed him directly. When I was in Yuanjie, I could not do it arrogantly. In the New Territories, I can do it unscrupulously. Who dares to stop me, I will kill him directly!"

"I'm going to be the emperor, and I will directly find the emperor of a country to kill, personally play his position for a few days, and grasp the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people. This is also a rare experience!"

Looking at these mercenaries who were about to lose control, Wislan knew that these guys were going to shake the world.

But it doesn't matter, places like the New Territories can be played casually when they come. They have absolute force and they don't care about anyone.

"Go and play, but keep in mind that there are several places that you cannot touch, such as the branch of Dimension Universe Company, the branch of Universe First Bank, and the branch of Arena. These places are all giant companies. It is related to Metaverse. As long as you don't touch these, you can play anywhere else."

"Oh roar! Thank you boss! You really gave us a holiday? You are so generous!"

Weislan laughed: "Of course, I am a generous boss."

One of the subordinates said, "What about you, boss? What do you want to play?"

"I'm not as playful as you guys. You and I still have business to do. I worry that Lin Zhen's family will be very vigilant. Letting you let go of the game is to let you attract the attention of the public, thinking that we are just a group of Metaverses. 'S playboy, and I passed by quietly..."

"Understand the boss! You deliberately didn't go directly to Lin Zhen's hometown, just don't want them to be wary."

"Of course, as a leader, I did my homework when I came here. Lin Zhen's hometown has very good defense facilities. If you want the past undetected, you must have a legitimate identity and not cause others to be alert. Yes, this Andromeda Nebula is the nearest nebula to the Milky Way, but it is also an alien system. How could his family care too much about an alien system."

"Boss wise!" Several mercenaries gave thumbs up one after another.

A mercenary said: "The boss, I will leave first. This is a colorful world, I want to play well."

Weislan glanced in the distance: "I'm afraid you will have to wait a while because there is a little trouble here."

Several mercenaries followed Weislan's gaze and saw that a group of military flying saucers in the distance were rapidly approaching.

"Aha! What an ancient and stupid machine, can this kind of slow crawling like a snail and a living coffin be used for battle?"

When they were talking, the fairy star military had already acted. Hundreds of UFOs surrounded them, and some anti-aircraft firepower on the ground also quietly aimed.

"Listen to the people in front, this is the Andromeda, the capital of the Andromeda Nebula. Please indicate your identity, explain your intentions, and accept our investigation, otherwise we will treat your behavior as a provocation and will be determined. The blow... repeat, the people in front listen..."

"What an annoying group of flies!"

A mercenary in the realm of longevity frowned, swinging a long knife in his hand, and a blade of light burst out of the air, directly hitting the military flying saucer that was shouting into scrap!

The flying saucer burst into flames, tumbled and fell from the air.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Ready to fire!"

Before the flying saucer fired, ten mercenaries rushed out, cutting and killing melons and vegetables in the air, and the hundreds of flying saucers surrounded by the army were wiped out.

The enemy's rampant actions caused chaos on the ground, and people ran around in panic.

"Where are the senior warriors? These people can't be dealt with by the military!"

Hundreds of warriors have risen from all over the fairy star. These are local masters who usually reside in the fairy star. When there is a threat, they will often come forward.

One of the ninth-level domain kings rushed to the front, but when he saw these people, he immediately took a breath.

He had participated in the Crowd-into-Tianmen, but he didn't go through, but he had seen a scene where the Guardian of the Heavenly Door chased the moon to suppress Ke Xianglong.

At that time, Chaiyue was a powerful understatement, deeply carved into his bones.

These people in front of them have the same characteristics as Chasing Moon, they are definitely from the Metaverse, warriors above the longevity level!

In this new world where the world king is the top master, the longevity martial artist, that is definitely a god-like existence, not to mention there are more than a dozen here.

If these people go crazy, it is very likely that the fairy stars will be turned into ruins.

"Hurry up and notify the emperor!"

The domain king sent people to inform the emperor for the first time, and then walked over in person and respectfully saluted: "I have seen a few seniors, seniors are from the Metaverse."

"There's still a bit of insight, little guy, now it's up to you to tell us, where is this place?"

The domain king pressured his mind: "Several seniors, this is the Andromeda Nebula. I don't know where your destination is? Maybe I can give you some guidance."

"We are here to play, but now I want to meet your emperor, you can lead the way."

The domain king cried secretly, but he dared not say a word.

Weislan waved his hand to the mercenaries behind him: "You go out to play, enjoy yourself, remember to pay attention to your dimensional universe, when I need you, I must return immediately."

A few mercenaries agreed and immediately turned into birds and beasts.

Seeing those people left, the domain king felt a little relieved and led Wislan to the fairy star's palace.

Weissland soon met the guy, I’ll give you a chance to arrange someone to take me to the galaxy, Lin Zhen’s hometown, this thing is done well, when I leave, you can Take you to the metaworld and give you a chance for longevity. "

The emperor of the fairy star was also a person who had broken through the gate of heaven, but he had failed.

A look of ecstasy appeared on his face: "Thank you, senior, if you go to the sun collar, the best way is in the name of the caravan. Senior can start with the caravan so that you can pass the monitoring system of the sun collar and get close to Lin Zhen Hometown, earth."

"Well, these things will be arranged to you, as soon as possible."

Soon, the fairy star emperor arranged for Weislan as a caravan, and set off from the fairy star to Lin Zhen's hometown, Sunling.

This incident was also noisy for a while in the dimensional universe, but as Wislan said, it did not attract much attention.

Over the years, it is not that people without Metaverse came to the New Territories.

Some people can't get along in the Metaverse, and they will come to the New Territories after they have cultivated to the realm of longevity, choosing to become a native emperor in the New World.

Although nothing in the New Territories is as good as Metaverse, it is at least safe and free from threats.

There are only some reports in the Dimensional Universe, saying that a group of Metaverse people visited the Andromeda, and there was a little friction with the military, and the misunderstanding was quickly resolved.

It's just that there are some crazy people who want to go to the Metaverse, and take the initiative to contact these Metaverse visitors, hoping that they can take themselves away when they leave.

And those who come from the Metaverse, come here to eat, drink and have fun. They are not afraid of the sky and the earth. They look like a group of tourist groups, nothing more.

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