Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 818: Heart sword into

Lin Zhen was shocked when he heard this.

There is actually this way of becoming a god, which is simply unheard of.

Seeing Lin Zhenzhen was shocked, Michele said: "There are two ways to become a god, one is self-cultivation to become a god, and the other is to refine a **** into a god."

"Is there any difference between the two? If there is no difference, everyone can buy the **** crystal to become a god, why bother to make such a hard breakthrough?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Of course there is a difference. The difference is even bigger. Those who cultivate themselves to become gods are much stronger than those who want to become gods. For example, Brother Lin, you have become gods by your own strength, and the three of us are all gods. It’s a god, if you really fight with hands, maybe none of the three of us are your opponents alone. This is the difference in strength."

"Yes! And when the gods become gods, it is easier to leak the breath of the world in your body. When you encounter a strong one, you will directly follow the breath to chase and kill the world in your body, completely destroying the world in your body, leaving you no chance to rebuild. Only those who have cultivated themselves to become gods can more easily cover up the breath of the world in the body. Even if the **** body is killed, it will not be easy for the opponent to chase and destroy you." Sun Yidao added.

Dongfang Jade said: "There is one more important point. After refining the **** crystal into a god, the strength is frozen, and there is no possibility of promotion. Although you are not dead, your road to martial artist has come to an end. The cultivators are different, and their future has unlimited possibilities."

Lin Zhen thought about it for a while and said, "Since there is such a big drawback to becoming a god, why are there so many people fighting for it?"

Michelle smiled bitterly: "Brother, you really don't know how difficult it is to become a god. If you are so successful in self-cultivation, there will not be so many gods and stones in the realm to become demigods. It is said that there are less than one in a hundred, even One thousand miles, one thousand miles!"

Dongfang Yu smiled: "Don't hide my brother, my ultimate goal is to become a god. To reach this point, my so many years of hard work will be the end, and it is impossible to achieve higher achievements."

"Me too!" Sun Yidao said.

Michelle hesitated: "I will try it first. If it fails, then the only way to go is Shenjing. If there is a chance to get Shenjing, I must not miss it. This is what I left for myself. Back road."

Seeing that Lin Zhen hadn’t answered yet, Michele said, "Brother, if we get the crystal, then whoever gets it will be the one who gets it. Afterwards, it’s not allowed to fight, even if your brother Tianzong Wizard, is it your family? Are you geniuses just like you? Didn't they get old the day? There are not too many things."

Lin Zhen thought for a moment: "My family can cultivate to longevity."

"Longevity is good, but you can't die with a single stroke. You can only cultivate to become a **** and release the world inside your body. If your internal world is big enough, after you become a **** and release the world outside, you can even tolerate their small world. Even if they are dead, you can bring them back to life. As long as Lin Zhen is not dead, you will never have to worry about the death of your family, but the prerequisite is that they will become gods. Is this reason enough?"

Lin Zhen was finally tempted when he heard what Michelle said.

He found a new way forward and goal, which is to make his family a god.

Although this goal seems out of reach now, it is worth his continued struggle for.

But this does not mean that Lin Zhen will follow Michelle and the others to the Grave Star. Since it is about the battle for the crystal, there must be a lot of people competing, and they must be very strong.

Maybe there are a few God Realm changes, and it's not uncommon to see the power of God Stone becoming strong.

Although Lin Zhen was promoted to Longevity, it did not mean that he was reckless. After thinking about it for a while, Lin Zhen said, "Brother Michel, I think people still have to strive for things within their own power, rather than pursue too much. After being vague, some things seem beautiful, but they can often make people lose their minds and even lose their lives. I don’t recommend fighting for it now. When the strength becomes stronger in the future, wouldn’t it be better for everything to happen in the future.”

Hearing what Lin Zhen said, Michelle was a little disappointed, but everyone had their own ambitions, and they couldn't force Lin Zhen.

A few people still ate a happily, and then left each other.

But seeing what Michelle meant, Lin Zhen still planned to go to Grave Star.

If you go to the Tomb Star, there will be a time conflict with the Ten Years Holy Land. It would be better for them to be faceless and fight for the **** crystal.


Michelle still left. On the tenth day when Lin Zhen returned to the Holy Land, the three of them confessed to Jin Nuo, and then left the Holy Land.

Lin Zhen didn't pay too much attention to such things. He decided to practice for a while, and after waiting for ten years in the Holy Land Competition, he saw Little Phoenix, and then took her and Xuan'er back to the New Territories.

After returning to the Holy Land, Lin Zhen began a new round of assiduous practice.

Continue to comprehend the swordsmanship of Sen Luo and continue to break into the 33 Heaven Tower.

After being promoted to Changsheng, Lin Zhen's strength soared, and after several challenges, he actually broke through the eleventh floor of the 33 Heaven Tower!

The body clones joined forces and successively defeated the domain warrior, the galaxy behemoth, the element warrior and the super swordsman.

It's just that when facing the God of the God of War, Lin Zhen's body clone was defeated without any suspense.

The God who changed his mind had already represented the strongest person who changed his mind. It was no surprise that Lin Zhen failed.

However, the completion of the twelfth floor and 30% of the progress made the entire Holy Land shake.

Jinnuo is very satisfied with Lin Zhen's performance. Now he can no longer see other people in his eyes. He has devoted himself to training Lin Zhen, hoping that he can achieve excellent results in the ten-year competition.

And Lin Zhen didn't let him down. In the ninth year of his time in the Holy Land, Lin Zhen made another breakthrough and entered the seventh level of longevity!

Seeing Lin Zhen's progress, Jin Nuo was even more happy. He had never seen a warrior entering the territory so fast.

Maybe in a few years, Lin Zhen will become the realm of Sanhua. If Lin Zhen reaches Sanhua, he will definitely be a powerful figure who can stand alone.


It is only less than three months before the Ten Years Holy Land Dabi

Lin really meditated in front of the stele.

His mind has entered the stone tablet, and there is a vast sword shadow in front of him.

He understood ninety-nine percent of this stone tablet, which was the last step.

After this step, Lin Zhen was able to thoroughly comprehend this stone tablet.

"The second style of Senluo swordsmanship, Senhan, can I really understand it before the competition?"

"This last sword has a total of 13,600 sword marks! It is almost a sword that was produced within 0.1 second. After figuring out the order of the sword, it is Sen Han."

Lin Zhen now has a lot of experience with this sword, and at the same time he has enlightened him, he has also entered the dimensional arena.

A separate training ground, in front of a simulated stone monument.

He stood in front of the stele, his eyes slightly closed.

As time went by, Lin Zhen exudes a cold sword intent, and the surrounding air is distorted by his side, sometimes being cut into pieces by the sword energy released outside.

"If you want to comprehend this sword, you must master the mood of the person who carved the stone tablet when he took the sword."

"Able to create Senhan Yijian, this person must be absolutely cruel, absolutely ruthless."

"Cold and ruthless, it is not a derogatory term for the warrior. It proves that this warrior can not be moved by foreign objects, and Xiang Wuzhi's heart is extremely firm. Such a person should have a high position in the holy land!"

Lin Zhen passed all the stone steles he had seen in his heart, and those stone steles, no matter which one had a name, he even saw the stone stele Jin Nuo had left in the Holy Land.

However, Sun Luo swordsmanship did not have the name of the creator, so Lin Zhen had to doubt it.

"Could it be that the person who created this sword technique is the owner of Lake Falling Star?"


At this moment, if Lin Zhen felt something in his heart, he was dancing with black hair and windlessly, his eyes were not opened, his heart sword was out of its sheath!

No sword in hand, sword in heart!

Lin Zhen hadn't mastered this trick again for so many years in the Holy Land, but at this moment, his heart sword was completed!


A piece of sword light flew out, hitting the virtual stone monument in front of him hard.

Among the flying stone chips, a sword mark was carved out, which was exactly the same as the stone tablet in the Holy Land!

It's done!

Before the stone stele of the Holy Land, Lin Zhen opened his eyes, and the gleam in his eyes made people shudder at it!

At this moment, he not only mastered the second move of the Sun Luo sword, but also mastered the heart sword.

The so-called heart sword is a manifestation of the sword being accidentally placed to the extreme. It can not only release sword energy, but also release powerful and mysterious killing moves.

The moves released outside the heart sword are not necessarily more powerful than the moves released with the magic weapon in hand, but this move is hard to prevent.

Who would have thought that the person on the opposite side would stand with his hand holding his hand, but suddenly act motionlessly. The vast majority of people would end up bitterly under the and after Lin Zhen mastered the cold, the abyss, Sen Han, the power of these two swordsmanships even surpassed that of Divine Burial, and became one of Lin Zhen's current strongest killing methods.

After repeatedly experimenting with these two sword techniques, Lin Zhen's star power gradually calmed down.

Lin Zhen's strength has risen once again, with the seven-level longevity, 130 million star power, plus the heart sword and sunluo sword skills he just learned.

He is waiting now, and when the big competition is over, he will return to the New Territories to find his family.

New Territories, the Andromeda Nebula.

Here is the capital Andromeda, a huge planet with a population of hundreds of billions and a diameter several times larger than the Earth.

The technological civilization here is highly developed, the spacecraft shuttles in the air, and the buildings on the ground are all foldable and easy to move. A tall building can be taken apart and taken away.

Above the capital star, the emperor who lives in the Andromeda Nebula is a ninth-level realm king.

On the street, taxis were shuttled.

The taxi driver John Didi honked his horn: "This is really a congested day. The traffic of Fairies is getting more and more congested, and the taxi business is not very good. Maybe I should consider going to Tianhe Empire. In business, I heard that the bustling over there is even better than that of Andromeda."

The passenger in the car next to him said: "I just returned from Tianhe, but most of the places there are still not as good as Andromeda. The most prosperous place is Lin Zhen's sun collar."

"Oh~! Who makes Andromeda not have such a powerful warrior." John sighed.

"Why is the sky getting darker?"

John squinted his eyes slightly, and saw that in the distant sky, the sunlight was obscured, and replaced by a huge wormhole, which seemed to appear from the depths of the dark starry sky.

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