Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 802: Double battle with God!

Entering the sixth floor, here is a desert.

Lin Zhen looked around in the scorching sun, but didn't find where God is.

"No, how can no one be?"

Lin Zhen looked around and saw that the surrounding wilderness was vast, and there was no human figure at all.


Suddenly a call rang in the sky, and Lin Zhen raised his head fiercely, only to see a huge bird with wings stretched out for a hundred meters from the sky in the light of the sun!

The huge claw came to the front, as if teleporting, and caught Lin Zhen in one stroke!

His body rose into the air uncontrollably, and before Lin Zhen could react, the huge bird's beak slammed down.

"Don't think about it!"

Lin Zhen Zhankong's divine sword swung fiercely, and the ultimate swordsmanship was exerted to the extreme!

The spirit treasure level sword slashed up, and there was a sound of golden and iron clinking!

This big bird was not blocked by anything, a beak pecked Lin Zhen's shoulder!

"Black hole beast transforms! With gold!"

In an emergency, a layer of scales appeared on Lin Zhen's body, which forcibly blocked the blow of God's beak, and at the same time became a huge black hole beast.

After transforming, Lin Zhen Qilin's big beak slammed into the bird's abdomen!

The bird released his paw and threw Lin Zhen out.

Lin Zhen's body was rolling in the air, trying to use this opportunity to swallow the black hole, but the wings of this big bird shook, and the next moment it appeared next to Lin Zhen, the huge wings swung!

Lin Zhen couldn't dodge, was slammed to the ground, and slammed into the yellow sand heavily.

As soon as the body was finished, the big bird appeared next to him again, and with a wave of his paw, Lin Zhen slammed into the sky again.

There was a layer of gloomy light on the huge bird's beak, and he knew it was extremely sharp. Lin Zhen deeply doubted that he could block this blow.

"No way, my main body still can't fight against God, I need to fight with my clone."

Others thought that Lin Zhen was so strong by relying on the power of medicine, but no one has discovered that Lin Zhen has gained a new clone.

With a thought, the clone appeared directly in the state of the five-element variant unicorn, and after it appeared, it fell on the back of God.

The huge mouth bit down fiercely, and the bones were seen in one bite!

God yelled in pain, and turned around to deal with the clone, while Lin Zhen's body took this opportunity to bite it again, and gave God another heavy blow!

God was continuously injured, and finally couldn't hold it anymore. His wings shook, and the person was already in the air, twisted and transformed into a human form.

With a hooked nose, high cheekbones, and dark skin, this **** is a galaxy beast of a golden-winged roc bird!

The golden-winged roc bird is a mutant species among the roc. It possesses spatial talent. It can reach hundreds of thousands of kilometers when its wings shook. It is also extremely powerful among galaxy beasts.

Since the other party gave up the star river beast state, it proved that he would use other methods. Lin Zhen did not dare to slack off, and at the same time transformed into a human form with the clone. Anyway, this is a virtual space, and he doesn't worry about being known to others that he used the clone.

After the golden-winged roc bird turned into a human form, it screamed, and a mental shock came out!

The spiritual power of the dark gold peak period was a bit worse than the diamond that Lin Zhen had just promoted.

Lin Zhen immediately counterattacked, using his mental power to counterattack, and at the same time let the clone advance. Now that the clone appeared, the main body didn't have to charge at the front line.

The **** infant is on the top and the clone is on the bottom, while launching a counterattack against God!

The spiritual impact of God failed, and there was a tweet again, and the power of the domain was opened.

The Golden Wing Roc possesses the storm domain, and the desert becomes **** in an instant!

In Lin Zhen's eyes, this violent wind has almost been out of the category of wind, at least it is not what can be possessed on the planet, but the space storm sweeping the universe and galaxy, not only air, but also dark matter and dark energy flow.

The instantaneous wind speed reached a thousand times the speed of sound. This speed is a wisp of air in an instant, it will also become the sharpest knife, enough to cut too many things.

Lin Zhen Shen Ying instantly returned to the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness, his body clone was simultaneously armored, and gold was attached at the same time to resist the storm domain of the Dapeng Bird in a combat form.

During the storm, the Dapeng Bird also turned on the armor, and the huge black wings spread out behind him, and at a speed comparable to lightning, the weapons in his hands became two spears.

The domain and elemental powers were displayed, and his super swordsman's melee skills were also used.

Super swordsman is just a pronoun for melee combat. It does not mean that God must use a sword. His two spears have four spear heads, which can stab at the front and back. Lin Zhen is an old gunner, and he can see this weapon at a glance. It's called the two-headed snake.

The flower gun is very difficult to practice. Although the attacking ability is not as good as a big gun, the skill is much stronger than the big gun. With the speed advantage, it is definitely the supreme weapon in close combat.

God's flower spear was put on display, and in the storm, the spear and the man were united, like a huge hedgehog covered with spikes, attacking at a spooky speed, not giving Lin Zhen the right angle and opportunity to swallow it.

Lin Zhen's body wielded the sword of Zhankong, the clone took out the gun of Lantis, and the two joined forces to fight God.

In this battle, Lin Zhen used almost all of his abilities.

The shadowless step has become Lin Zhen's strongest means to fight against God, especially the shadowless step in the fifth picture, so that Lin Zhen will not be let down by the sharp impact.

A hundred steps, countless changes, made Lin Zhen's figure dancing in a storm, calmly counterattack.

No matter how strong God is, in Lin Zhen's opinion, he is also the pinnacle of Sanhua, with more comprehensive abilities and stronger star power, but he is not strong enough to instantly defeat him.

Perhaps he could do it in the face of the main body alone, but the main body and the clone work together, especially the star power of the clone is as high as ten million, how can it be easy for God to succeed.

Lin Zhen's body was promoted to the ninth level of the realm king, and his clone also reached the ninth level of longevity, each level increased by 5 million star power, star power soared to 90 million, not much worse than the star power of God.

Moreover, the body and mind are connected, and there is no mistake in cooperation. Although the battle was fierce, Lin Zhen had the confidence to pass.

"The Land of Spring!"

After a long battle, the clone finally found an opportunity to use Landis' marksmanship.

As the guns flashed, the earth's crust began to move, and countless high walls of mud rose from the ground!

These earth walls are not very lethal, but under the isolation of the earth walls, God's storm domain is greatly restricted!

The storm hit the earth wall and crushed layer by layer, but Lin Zhen's earth wall was almost infinite, quickly reducing the wind speed.

Without the acceleration of the squally wind, the speed of God has dropped sharply by a notch.

Lin Zhen's body was finally able to capture the trajectory of God's actions, and he jumped up, killing him with a unique sword!

God's eyes were cold and there was no human emotion, but he saw the opportunity, saw the flaws in Lin Zhen's body, one speeded up to Lin Zhen's body, and the spear pierced with lightning!

A spear shadow fell, and Lin Zhen's swordsmanship turned defensive, motionless!

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding~~~!!!"

Amidst a series of sparks flying, Lin Zhen's body was defeated, but he was only injured and not dead.

The avatar is back in place, Lantis shook his spear, and the cold of winter!

A piece of ice and snow appeared behind him, and a large group of frozen air was blowing!

The Lord felt that he wanted to retreat without a second, but his feet suddenly stagnated. It turned out that during the battle against Lin Zhen's body, although Lin Zhen's body was injured, he trapped a large group of cold air around him.

These freezing air can't affect too many things, but when it collides with the icy winter power of the clone, the freezing air immediately erupts, forming a frozen air layer that fills the entire space!

These frozen air will freeze on God's body within 0.1 second, freeze within 0.2 second, and freeze within 0.3 second!

This short stagnation is fatal at this time, Lin Zhen burst out with a single shot, spearing through his body!

God desperately tried to resist, but the injured Lin Zhen's body suddenly turned back, and a gravitational force grabbed one of God's arms, turning his two-handed defense into a one-handed defense by a millimetre.

With one hand, no Sanhua realm can withstand the long spear of Lin Zhen clone.

When the two-headed snakes stopped, the clone succeeded.

After the gun of Lantis was attached, it could not be stopped at all, and a shot pierced God's chest.

"Split me!"

The avatar shook the spear, the flower of the four elements bloomed, and the earth, water, fire and wind surging, immediately stirred the innards of God into a ball of porridge!

God yelled, and the one-handed spear pierced Lin Zhen's throat.

This near-death blow frightened Lin Zhen. This kind of virtual character is not afraid of life and death. Everything is aimed at killing opponents. This blow is really almost successful.

Fortunately, Lin really has a super divine body, and a snow lotus blooms, blocking the final blow of God.

A cluster of star power exploded on the snow lotus. If it was pierced, the cluster of star power would explode in Lin Zhen's body. Even if he had a divine body, he would probably be shattered by the explosion.

The lotus petals fluttered and fell in the air, and the body and the clone stopped at the same time, and their chests couldn't help heaving, watching the figure of God slowly disappear in the air.

"Win.... Won!"

Lin Zhen couldn't help having a strong sense of accomplishment and a sense of awe.

After the clone was trained, Lin Zhen had not put any Sanhua realm in his eyes for a while, believing that the body clone would be vulnerable to any Sanhua realm together.

But this time when I saw God, Lin Zhen was taught a lesson.

The God of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda can almost represent the highest level of the Sanhua realm, at least the top Sanhua, who can defeat the God, can be regarded as the king in the Sanhua.

Lin Zhen was defeated, but the victory was dangerous, and if there is a master like God in the real world, then there must be a clone. If he releases a clone, can Lin Zhen still win?

"There are people outside, and there are days outside the sky. At all times, I must maintain a sense of awe."

Lin Zhen let out a long sigh, no matter what, he finally defeated God and now ranks fifth in the overall list, surpassing Zhou Zimei of Shuangshuyuan, and completed the task that Jin Nuo explained.

Next, he will face the guards on the seventh floor and meet the most powerful challenge!