Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 803: Challenge to the realm of **** change!

Even if the people in Falling Star Lake Holy Land are no longer willing to cheer for Lin Zhen, and even if they are jealous that Lin Zhen will surpass them as the realm king, Lin Zhen is on the list at this moment!

If you don't want to, you have to cheer, otherwise, if you fall into Jinnuo's eyes, you may think that you don't care about the honor and disgrace of the holy place.

And this cheering is not completely against their will, after all, if the Holy Land loses ugly, they will also have no face.

Lin Zhen was able to get through the sixth layer of the God's Guard at Sanhua Peak as the ninth-level realm king. This in itself was a miracle, and they had to admire it.

Maybe there were only two people who didn't cheer, one was a student from Xuanban, and the other was Qian Tong who was watching outside.

These two people are Lin Zhen's enemies, and they can't cheer Lin Zhen to death.

But others won't, even Jin Nuo couldn't help but clapped his hands gently, obviously very satisfied with Lin Zhen's performance.

Michelle’s absence due to injury made Jinnuo very regretful, but Lin Zhen turned out to make up part of it. At least there is no zero in the Falling Star Lake Holy Land, which is good.

Moreover, Lin Zhen was not at the bottom. After defeating God, he was ranked fifth, which was relatively high.

And get through the sixth floor, then Zhang Lang will lose.

For the bet between Jin Nuo and Zhang Lang, as long as Lin Zhen gets through the third floor, there will be rewards. If you get through the fifth floor, there will be a Tianban stele in the stele of comprehension.

The sixth and seventh floors were discussed with Zhang Lang after Jin Nuo talked with Lin Zhen. The sixth floor was opened up. The three stone tablets Zhang Lang opened to Lin Zhen must all belong to Tianban, let Lin Zhen choose One.

This reward is very good. I only hope that Zhang Lang will not be too bad and give Lin Zhen three stone tablets that are not very useful for him to choose.

And if Lin Zhen gets through the seventh floor, then Lin Zhen can call his name and choose a stone stele in the Holy Land of Free City at will. This is the best.

But the seventh floor Jinnuo didn't even think about it, because the guard on the seventh floor was a spiritual teacher who was in a state of change!

The state of divine transformation is divided into three levels: divine consciousness change, divine realm change, and divine stone change.

The three realms added up are collectively referred to as divine change.

The guards on the seventh floor are the spiritual teachers in the initial stage of the Divine Mind Transformation. Don't think that the Divine Mind Transformation and Sanhua are only one realm away, but this step is heaven and earth.

Because after the change of divine mind, the martial artist already has something belonging to the gods, strictly speaking, it no longer belongs to the martial arts category.

The mighty Sanhua might have a hint of hope to challenge the divine mind, but the realm king challenged the divine transformation. Since the beginning of the world, he has never heard of it. At least Jinnuo has never heard of it, and has never heard of the teacher. I have never seen it in any record.

That is impossible!

Therefore, in Jinnuo's view, Lin Zhen entered the seventh floor and would soon be eliminated. His progress could not be higher than Feng Qingluan in Shuangshuyuan.

Speaking of Feng Qingluan, Jin Nuo also feels that this woman is definitely not a thing in the pool, and that she can reach this level with the realm of longevity, and it is very likely that she will inherit the mantle of Shuangshuyuan and become a holy place in the future.

If it were in the past, Jin Nuo might be jealous of Fang Fei's life, but seeing Lin Zhen, his mental balance was a little more balanced.

Maybe he didn't have to wait for tens of millions of years, maybe within a million years, Lin Zhen could take his place and liberate himself completely.

Jinnuo's heart is in the endless sea of ​​stars!

"Lin Zhen, come on, you will come out in a while, and I will personally celebrate for you!" Jin Nuo thought to himself.

Sealing the Soul Sacred Land, Sealing the Sword was silent for a while, and said to the martial artists in their holy land: "You have to work hard. You usually pride yourself on genius, but what is the measure of genius? It's a leapfrog challenge. Lin Zhen can be the king of the world. The God who leapfrogged and challenged the peak of Sanhua, who of you can do it?"

The geniuses lowered their heads, it was almost the same to leap one and a half levels, but it was a bit too difficult to challenge two levels.

In the Holy Land of Double Tree Garden, Moses opened his eyes slightly, and there was no surprise in his eyes.

"Sure enough, Lin Zhen must be the future heir to Falling Star Lake Holy Land, Junior Sister Qingluan, you have the foresight to choose such a person."

Feng Qingluan squeezed her small fist secretly, "Lin Zhen, I must surpass my grades!"

In the Holy Land of Free City, Zhang Lang's face is not pretty.

"This Lin Zhen is really capable of defeating God. It seems that I underestimated him before."

"This time the kid Jin Nuo gave me a pit. It seems that I have to choose three stone steles from the Tianban for Lin Zhen to understand. All the limelight in Liberty City was taken away."

Zhang Lang thought in his heart, what stone tablet should be chosen for Lin Zhen to enlighten, in his thoughts, it is impossible for Lin Zhen to pass the seventh floor, so this stone tablet still has to be picked by himself.

Not only Zhang Lang thinks so, but most people think so. Through the sixth and seventh levels are completely two concepts, Lin Zhen's genius will stop here.

Lin Zhen didn't think so much. After getting through the sixth floor, his mentality in the seventh-level battle was relatively relaxed. It is not particularly important to lose or lose. With this mentality, he can often exert his best strength.

As the scene changed, Lin Zhen came into a void.

The gravity on the ground is so strong that it can't stay in the void under normal circumstances, only the imperial objects under your feet can do it.

Lin Zhen turned Light Sha into a shield again and stepped on his feet. Although Sha Sha was not a treasure, it was soft and could change shape arbitrarily without being shattered and broken. The feet were very easy to use.

Lin Zhen walked forward slowly as he stepped on the sha all.

There is a void around me. I can't see the ground down, the stars can't be seen up, and the world can't reach the ground, and there is nothing else.

Lin Zhen was walking in the void, not knowing where the enemy was.

While in doubt, suddenly there was a chuckle from the sky.

"Haha! The King of the District, who dares to challenge the gods in vain, is really overwhelming."


Lin Zhen was taken aback. In the battle on the first six floors, the enemy was completely robots. They could not speak any words or have any emotions. How could they change when they reached the seventh floor?

"I am the guardian of the seventh layer of emptiness, little ant, it is really hard for you to come here all the way, and then, let you feel the power of God!"

"God's shock!"

In the void, a mental shock appeared out of thin air!

This mental shock was completely colorless and invisible, and it directly hit Lin Zhen's spiritual consciousness!

Even in Lin Zhen's eyes, he only saw a diamond shining brightly, and then his head was in pain, as if he was pierced by countless steel needles, he was directly planted from the sky!

This time, Lin Zhen saw the ground.

Above the ground is a terrifying river of steel and magma!

The river was not water, but a torrent of roaring steel. It was turned into molten iron by the powerful firepower. The temperature reached an incredible level. Seeing Lin Zhen fall down, the lava rose into the sky, as if to swallow Lin Zhen!

Although Lin Zhen is not afraid of flames, this steel magma gives him a feeling of extreme danger. The sharp golden gas inside and the firepower are enough to skin and tear himself!

Enduring the severe pain in his mind, Lin Zhen mobilized his mental power, and the foot shield rose into the air again, avoiding the steel lava attack dangerously!

The heat wave almost passed by, and Lin Zhen glided in the air and lifted off.

Just lifted off, the sneer in the sky came again.

"It's really the struggle of the ants, but I like to watch the ants crawling on the hot pot, wanting to escape, but there is nowhere to escape, little guy, let's have fun with you!"

"God's shock!"

Another psychic shock came, and Lin Zhen's Spiritual Consciousness was once again hit!

Within his spiritual consciousness, there is only a little diamond-level mental power on the tip of the **** infant’s gun, and more than ninety-nine percent of it is still at the dark gold level.

Encountered by the opponent's diamond-level mental power bombardment, Lin Zhen's dark gold mental power could not be stopped at all. The severe pain came again, Lin Zhen screamed, and his body immediately rolled down again.

"No! You must not fall into this steel torrent, or you will be eliminated!"

Lin Zhen forcibly mobilized his mental power and lifted off again when the steel torrent hit.

A stream of molten iron slipped over his ankle, causing his clothes and skin to fester instantly!

But fortunately, the body escaped, Lin Zhen was not eliminated.

"Haha! What a tenacious little guy, but what's the point of your struggle like this? You can't find my existence at all, you can only be beaten constantly by the impact of my god, dodge once, and dodge Ten times? As long as you don’t fall, I’ll keep fighting."

"God's shock!"

The third spiritual force struck again.

Lin Zhen didn't get hit immediately this time.

When the opponent was talking, Lin Zhen judged the time when the opponent was going to take action based on his breathing rhythm and tone of pause.

When Lin Zhen felt that the other party shot he decisively started the time slowdown!

Ten times slower!

Around Lin Zhen, a small time stand appeared, with only a thin layer.

The time stance cannot completely prevent the arrival of the mental shock, and the opponent's shock speed is still very, very fast.

But after all, it slowed down a little bit.

Based on this little bit of slowing down time, Lin Zhen could feel the direction of the opponent's move.

His left side of his mind, at a forty-five degree angle, was the first to bear the mental shock of the opponent.

Although the body was still suffering and the body was still falling, Lin Zhen's face showed a little joy.

Because with this trick, he has found the position of the opponent.

There is no chance of winning against an invisible enemy. Lin Zhen doesn't know how far this seventh level will be, but he must do one thing, that is, let the enemy live!