Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 801: Go through 5 levels

The crowd separated and watched Lin Zhen walk into the 33rd Sky Tower.

After entering the tower, Jin Nuo stood with his hand in the door.

"Brother Five."

"Lin Zhen, let me just say one thing. At present, we don't have any of the top ten places in Starfall Lake Holy Land. I don't want to see us hanging out."

Lin Zhen nodded silently. He didn't say what kind of results he would achieve, only that he would try his best.

Jin Nuo didn't say much, for fear of putting pressure on Lin Zhen, he turned and left the tower.

There is a vermillion lacquer gate on the first floor. After opening the gate, you will face the guards of the first gate.

Lin Zhen opened the door and closed it again. There was a step up inside, but before the step, there was a chair. Lin Zhen sat on the chair and put on the prepared virtual helmet.

The picture flashed in his mind, and Lin Zhen entered the first-layer virtual world.

Each of the six layers of the Thirty-Three Sky Tower is a cycle. They are spiritual teacher, domain warrior, galaxy behemoth, elemental **** of war, super swordsman and god.

The first floor is called Emperor Huang Zengtian, and the guards should be spiritual teachers.

After entering, the scenery in front of him changed, and Lin Zhen appeared in a forest.

Above a big tree, a spiritual teacher was standing there.

This spiritual teacher has the realm of Sanhua's early stage. After seeing Lin Zhen, he raised his hand and several flying knives whizzed out!

What he used is the method of controlling the sword in the holy land, with mysterious and mysterious moves.

But Lin Zhen didn't have time to fight this spiritual teacher at the moment. He had just been promoted to the diamond level of spiritual power, and this level was not difficult for him.

The realm of that spiritual teacher was only in the middle stage of dark gold, Lin Zhen's heart moved, and the **** infant came out of his body!

Seeing that Lin Zhen used the God Infant, the spiritual teacher also drove the God Infant to meet the enemy, but he did not expect that Lin Zhen God Infant's spear flicked during the battle, and the diamond spear flashed with stars, and the spiritual teacher would be mastered with one shot The **** infant stabbed to death!

Master Nian screamed, the throwing knife landed, Lin Zhen's body quickly rushed in, and the spear pierced his heart.

one second!

From the beginning to the end, Lin Zhen passed the first floor in only one second.

The light flashed, and Lin Zhen had automatically passed the steps and entered the second floor of the Thirty-Three Sky Tower.

In the second layer, he will face a domain fighter.

In the outside world, the warrior of Falling Star Lake who had been suppressed for a long time let out a cheer, and Lin Zhen's performance was pleasantly surprised.

Although most of the people present have already passed the first floor, no one has Lin Zhen's speed so fast, seconds passed!

There was also a trace of surprise on Jin Nuo's face, and Lin Zhen's performance surprised him.

But Zhang Lang and others didn't care too much. It was good to pass the first level with one move, but the realm king was the realm king, the upper limit was limited, and it would definitely become more and more difficult later.


The thirty-three days tower on the second floor is called Taiming Yuwantian, and inside is a big ring.

Lin Zhen came on stage, and a giant axe warrior appeared in front of him, the peak of Sanhua's early stage.

The soldier yelled when he saw Lin Zhen, a ripple oscillated in the space, and the domain was complete!

The realm is the gravity field, under gravity, Lin Zhen suddenly felt the pressure doubled.


Swinging the giant axe, the warrior roared as if violent, rushing over, tearing the space with the giant axe in his hand.

"Galactic Realm~!"

If you want to fight against the realm, you also need the realm. Lin Zhen also owns the realm. With a thought in his heart, the galaxy realm becomes, the sky full of galaxies transforms, and many stars appear.

The advancement of the giant axe warrior was suddenly blocked by countless planets, and the planets exploded in the air, and the strong shock wave made the giant axe warrior retreat uncontrollably.

Lin Zhen didn't want to delay the time on the second floor, stepping forward without shadow, even with gravity, it was still dazzling fast.


Lin Zhen calmly evaded the giant axe warrior's axe after several attacks. Wuying Step had already stepped behind the opponent, and with a backhand sword, he pierced the opponent's heart!

The mighty giant axe warrior did not fall, but instead swung an axe in his backhand, but Lin Zhen walked in front of him without a shadow, with another sword, and cut off his head!

The giant axe warrior fell on his back, and Lin Zhen ascended to the third floor.

The second layer of Lin really took three seconds!

This achievement once again moved the warriors. If the first layer passed quickly and can be understood, but the second layer of the giant axe domain warrior is not a godly impact, where there is such a good pass, Lin Zhen can end the battle in three seconds, it is enough It shows his great strength.


"Lin Zhen has almost caught up with the top ten of the list."

"More than the top ten, the top three are all catching up. I don't believe anyone can beat the domain warrior in two seconds."

"It's amazing. I was a bit unconvinced with Lin Zhen before, but I haven't played the second layer yet, but he passed the second layer in three seconds. The gap between me and him before... The ground is as far away."

"He is just the king of the realm. If he is promoted to Changsheng, I can hardly imagine how far he can grow."

Because Lin Zhen was the last to play, everyone's attention was here, and such a quick clearance attracted all the attention of the four holy places.

Those who thought they had a chance to win, their faces became serious at this moment.


In the Garden of Double Trees, Feng Qingluan is standing under the whirling tree, beside her is a girl named Zhou Zimei. Feng Qingluan is currently ranked fourth and she is fifth.

And under the double tree, a bald warrior dressed in coarse linen was sitting there, his eyes slightly closed.

Zhou Zimei said to Feng Qingluan, "Qingluan, is Lin really your boyfriend?"

Feng Qingluan nodded slightly: "It's my love."

"His performance is good. One second passes the first layer and three seconds passes the second layer. I used to worry about what kind of man could be worthy of you. Now it seems that I don’t need to worry about you. You will belong to you. A good match."

Feng Qingluan's face was slightly hot. She only met Lin Zhen once at the Star of Punishment, but she never had the opportunity to talk to Lin Zhenduo. She missed him very much.

The millennium agreement is about to come, and she will meet him.

It was only the appearance of Princess Nanliang that stimulated Feng Qingluan, and she made her resolute decision to join the Holy Land without seeing Lin Zhen. Ning Qingxuan's excellence made Feng Qingluan, who was also a woman, feel a crisis.

She doesn't want to lose to anyone, especially women.

At this time, the bald warrior sitting cross-legged under Shuangshu suddenly said: "Qingluan, it is not easy for you to marry someone. I think Miss Si has the intention of nurturing you. Maybe you will become the fifth of Shuangshuyuan in the future. Miss."

Feng Qingluan's expression changed: "How could it be me? I think Brother Moses is more hopeful for you. You just won the first place."

The bald warrior is now the number one Moses in the overall ranking. He has a plain face and a friendly smile: "Although I won the first place, brother Qingluan, don't forget that brother has been at the top of Sanhua for countless years, and you are a longevity. Period, as a mutated phoenix, your talent potential is not a second person in the entire Shuangshuyuan. If you reach the peak of Sanhua, I am afraid that among the four holy places, except for a few left behind, no one is yours. It's an opponent, so you are definitely more suitable than Senior Brother."

Feng Qingluan was silent. Fang Fei, the fourth lady of Shuangshuyuan, paid great attention to her, especially after discovering that she was a mutant phoenix, she spent a lot of money to get another one that fits her own high-level divine body completely. A high-level divine body.

With dual divine bodies, mutant phoenix, and Feng Qingluan's talents are high and scary.

Although Moses is currently the first young generation in Shuangshuyuan, Feng Qingluan still has to look at the future.

Seeing Feng Qingluan's look, Moses smiled calmly: "Junior sister can't let go of Lin Zhen, but in my opinion, Lin Zhen may inherit the Starfall Lake in the future. It's difficult for you two to be together!"

Zhou Zimei said at this time: "Is it possible that Lin Zhen can beat the senior brother and take the first place in the overall ranking?"

Moses closed his eyes slightly, and squeezed an aquarium seal in his palm: "If he can really defeat me, as long as he doesn't make any mistakes, inheriting the Starfall Lake will be almost a certainty. At the moment, it might be really hopeful. "

Zhou Zimei said unconvincedly: "But I don't think the brother has tried his best."

Moses shook his head slightly: "What about trying his best or not? Lin Zhen is just a realm king."


The third floor of the Thirty-Three Sky Tower is called Qingming He Tongtian, and the guards of this floor are galaxy behemoths.

When Lin Zhen entered the third floor, he was surprised to find that the giant galaxy he was facing was a fire unicorn.

If it were other galaxy behemoths, Lin Zhen might have to spend a little bit more hands and feet in the fight, but with Qilin, there would be no problem.

Kai Hua, attach gold, and then Qilin will fight.

The opponent had to hold back any means, relying on the copper skin and iron bones, Lin Zhen defeated the opposite Galaxy behemoth unscathed and successfully entered the fourth floor.

Although this layer took a lot of time, five minutes in full, it was not difficult at all for Lin Zhen.

The fourth layer is called Xuantaiping Yutian, and the guardian is the elemental **** of war.

Elemental God of War refers to a warrior who has nurtured elemental power to the extreme and has strong melee combat capabilities.

However, the elemental power is still limited to Lin Zhen's lethality. Lin Zhen, who is proficient in all elements, has a high resistance to elemental energy.

The threat of the elements is Lin Zhen passed this level with ease, using Jian Gang, continuous inexhaustible swordsmanship, and falling stars to kill the Elemental God of War.

It took five minutes for the third layer to make people think that Lin Zhen might not be able to achieve any results. Unexpectedly, he did a miracle again on the fourth layer and ended the battle in 20 seconds!

Going through the fourth floor and then on the fifth floor, facing the super swordsman.

This battle is relatively difficult to fight. The Super Swordsman has no obvious weaknesses, has excellent swordsmanship, unskilled impact, elemental power can resist, and strong melee strength.

Lin Zhen played on this level for another ten minutes, and finally passed through without any risk with the help of shadowless steps.

After five consecutive levels, Lin Zhen is about to face a little boss, God!

God is a galaxy behemoth who is proficient in domains, mental powers, elemental powers, and is extremely capable of close combat. Its strength is comparable to the collection of the previous five levels, and its realm has reached the peak of the three flowers.

As long as he can pass this level, Lin Zhen will definitely be able to advance to the top ten of the overall rankings and complete the task Jinnuo assigned!