Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 800: Last appearance

After Feng Qingluan's ascent, the three holy sites occupy three places in the top ten list.

However, Falling Star Lake did not perform well, only one person entered the list, and may fall out at any time.

At this time, people really realized that Starfall Lake might really make a big joke this time, and it will be in the top ten of the list.

Some impatient warriors began to contact the fallen angel Michel.

At this time, it is estimated that only Michele can turn the tide. Falling Star Lake can lose, but he must get a place, and there must be no zero hanging.

Since the formation of the Four Great Sacred Sites, no holy site has been linked up yet. If this incident does occur, it will definitely be a major blow to Lake Falling Star Lake. I am afraid Jin Nuo will have no face to meet the owner of Lake Falling Star Lake.

But Michelle’s Dimensional Universe has been delayed and no one answered, and he didn’t know what he was doing.

Compared to Michelle, few people pin their hopes on Lin Zhen.

Although Lin Zhen performed very well in the Fire Qilin clan, and even defeated a few veteran holy land martial artists, but in the eyes of others, Lin Zhen must have relied on the power of the pill and the mysterious beads, and these things are in The Thirty-Three Sky Tower is unusable.

Without these things, Lin Zhen's strength was almost halved, and there would be no major achievements at all.

The competition is still going on. As time goes by, most of the warriors have completed the tower break, and Shuangshuyuan once again has a warrior entering the top ten, ranking fourth, and completely squeezing out Sun Yidao.

Double Tree Garden has occupied four seats, showing its strong strength.

Not only the new students pay attention to this tower, but also the old students.

But seeing the performance of the new students in Falling Star Lake, the old students shook their heads.

"The quality of the freshmen in this class is too bad." This is the evaluation given by the old students.

In the people's waiting, the battle of the Thirty-Three Heavens Tower is coming to an end.

The first to complete the challenge was the Soul Locker, and at the last moment, the trump card of the Soul Locker came out.

Lu Yunfei from the Tianban from the Locking Soul Stage successfully challenged the sixth floor and completed 50% of the seventh floor, jumping to the first place!

But their number one didn't take long. Afterwards, the warrior Xiao Lie of Free City completed 65 percent of the seventh floor and took the number one again.

Now the only ones who have not completed all the challenges are Double Tree Garden and Falling Star Lake.

The dolphins under his feet were accelerating continuously, and Lin Zhen was about to rush out of the misty area.

This time it was a little accident. I thought that riding on the Nine Spirits would be able to pass through the mist area faster, but the Nine Spirits also took a big deal and said that even if there is mist, his nine heads can **** the mist away, ensuring that they will reach Starfall Lake soon. .

But I didn't expect the Nine Spirits to get lost, and it took nearly a day. When Lin Zhen took the dolphin back to the right track, the tower rush in the Holy Land was almost over.

"Jiu Ling, if it delays my business this time, be careful that I take your skin off!"

Lin Zhen was itching with hatred, but there was nothing to do, only to make the dolphins faster.

Just when Lin Zhen was about to rush out of the mist, he suddenly felt the power fluctuations in the space nearby, and then he slammed, as if something had fallen into the water.

"Is there a monster?"

Lin Zhen secretly warned that the lake monsters in Falling Star Lake are very powerful, and they can even swallow the Three Flower Warriors, so he must be careful.

But Lin Zhen soon felt a difference. After something fell into the water, there was a sound of sliding water waves. The sound of the water waves was not loud, and it was the same as the dolphin waves under his feet.

"Anyone from Falling Star Lake?"

Lin Zhen immediately drove the dolphin to the direction of the water wave.

In the mist, a faint spatial passage just disappeared, and someone should have used the wormhole eggs to return here.

Seeing the disappearing wormhole, Lin Zhen feels a little distressed. There are two types of wormhole eggs. One can be used across borders and can travel from the Metaverse to the New Territories.

This kind of internal Metaverse is cheaper, but the price of one is tens of billions.

Being able to use the wormhole eggs to escape, it can be seen that this person's situation is extremely dangerous.


After approaching, Lin Zhen was suddenly startled, and saw Michelle lying motionless on the back of a dolphin in the mist, the dolphin slowly wagging its tail, following his instinct to go to Starcatcher Island.

If Lin Zhen has any friends at Falling Star Lake, then Michelle can definitely be regarded as one. Although the two don't have much friendship, they feel that each other is very temperamental and able to communicate.

Michelle was obviously injured, and the black wings were pulled weakly, blood wounds all over his body, and he looked miserable and did not know how to do it.

Driving the dolphins to swim over, Lin Zhen pulled Michelle over with gravity.

While moving, suddenly a bitter cold came!

Lin Zhenyi raised his hand and put Michelle into the body world at the same time, a sword gang broke out in his hand!


A puff of black blood bloomed in the air, and a black beetle larger than a watermelon was killed by Lin Zhen in the air.

Although the beetle was killed in one blow, Lin Zhen made a huge wave in his heart.

This little beetle was actually very difficult to kill with his sword Gang. You must know that Lin Zhen's star power now exceeds 50 million, which is about the same level as the average longevity realm.

Although the realm of longevity is nothing, but this is just a small beetle!

The beetle corpse fell, and a large number of beetles appeared in the mist again!

"Not good! Where did these ghosts come from!"

Each of these beetles is the size of a watermelon, the carapace on the body is made of metal, and the horrible mouthparts are prominent. No one wants to try the taste of being bitten by him.

And this beetle is simply overwhelming, there are thousands of them!

These beetles saw Lin Zhen as if a fly had seen blood, and they rushed over in a buzzing manner.

Lin Zhen's body immediately entered the body world, the clone appeared, and the armor was turned on for the first time, and the dolphins were collected into the body world to prevent it from being eaten by bugs.

After Kaihua, Lin Zhen started to cast the unicorn spear!

Although this kind of beetle is powerful, it is within the lethality range of the unicorn gun, one shot at a time, without aiming, hundreds of beetles are killed by Lin Zhen every second.

The beetle rushed forward, but was unable to bite through the scales of Lin Zhen attached to the gold. Lin Zhen was completely restrained, and could not give full play to the advantage of numbers.

The rumble of gunfire resounded, and about a minute later, the last beetle was knocked down.

Lin Zhen let out a sigh of relief. Thanks to the attached gold and the unicorn spear, these terrifying bugs were restrained. If it were the main body, it might have been eaten into a pile of bones.

After releasing Michelle from the world inside his body, feeling that he was already in danger, Lin Zhen immediately took out the healing medicine for Michelle to swallow.

Temporarily stabilized Michelle's injury, Lin Zhen took him straight to Starcatcher Island.

After rushing out of the misty area, let the Nine Spirits appear, and after a few vertical jumps, they boarded the Star-catching Island.

Michelle was handed over to the handyman and asked to take him back to his residence. Lin Zhen had no time to say anything, so he went straight to the 33 Heaven Tower.

The tower-breaking of Shuangshuyuan is also over.

Like Liberty City and the Soul Locking Platform, the last appearance of Shuangshuyuan was their ace warrior, an ascetic monk named Moses, who actually reached the level of ninety percent of the seventh floor, ranking first!

The current rankings of the current overall rankings, the first place is Moses in Shuangshuyuan, the second is Liberty City Xiao Lie, the third is Suohuntai Lu Yunfei, the fourth is Fengqingluan in Shuangshuyuan, and the fifth is Zhouzi in Shuangshuyuan. plum......

Among the top ten, Double Tree Garden occupies five seats, Soul Locker occupies three seats, and Liberty City occupies two seats.

Falling Star Lake is still hanging up, not occupying a seat.

Jin Nuo's brows frowned, and her mood was extremely bad.

In the Dimensional Universe, he received a message from the handyman, saying that Michelle had returned, and his injuries were serious, and he could no longer participate in the 33-day tower.

This news spread quickly among the warriors of Falling Star Lake.

The warriors who had hoped in Starfall Lake were desperate. Michel was injured and couldn't participate. There was no one in Starfall Lake.

In order to wait for the return of Michelle, the warriors of Falling Star Lake didn't break through the tower fast, and it was a little bit procrastinated, but after hearing this news, the warriors didn't wait anymore, and started to rush the tower.

The results appeared one by one, but none of them were able to invigorate people.

After the last Tianban warrior rushed to the tower, there was no one in the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake.

In the chat group where Jinnuo was, Zhang Lang smiled happily: "Jinnuo Jinnuo, what's the matter with you falling to the star lake? Does it really make me say that this time the assessment is zero, if it is so, then you This sacred fifth son has no small responsibility!"

Faced with Zhang Lang's ridicule, Jin Nuo rubbed his fingers lightly a few times: "If our holy land really has a zero-zero situation, I will personally plead with my teacher, so I won't worry about brother Lao Zhang."

"How can I not worry, there is a gambling agreement between us. Regarding Lin Zhen, if Lin Zhen does not come back to participate this time, then even if you lose, I can send a Liberty City warrior to see the stone tablet of Falling Star Lake. The stele is the secret of the Holy Land. How can it be easily understood, but Jinnuo has no way to refuse at this moment.

When I was about to gritted my teeth and admit this account, suddenly a handyman came to report it.

"Five sons, we have the last warrior to participate."

"who is it?"

"Lin Zhen, he sent Michele back. Now he has come to the 33rd Sky Tower."

When Jin Nuo heard this, he didn't care about saying anything to Zhang Lang, and he left the dimensional universe directly.

Zhang Lang and several others also quickly got news of Lin Zhen's return.

Zhang Lang coldly snorted, "I'm the last person. I'm still a realm king. What can I do? Switch the situation to Falling Star Lake. I want to see if Lin Zhen can go to the sky."

People's attention was focused on Starfall Lake, waiting for their last martial artist Lin Zhen to complete the challenge.