Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 799: Feng Qingluan climbs to the top

In the chat group where Jinnuo was in, Zhang Lang smiled and said, "Brother Jinnuo, your results in Starfall don't seem to be very good this time."

Jinnuo said: "Now the fourth and fifth of the top ten are ours. Two places are considered to have completed the basic tasks. As long as we win one more, our results will be above the average of the Four Holy Lands."

There are ten places in the four holy sites, with an average of 2.5. Most of the time, there are two and three, two and two.

Sometimes a sacred place gets four places, it is particularly outstanding.

Shuangshuyuan once won six places, the highest record in history, but other holy places did not have zeros, as many of them were won.

Zhang Lang chuckled: "It seems that Jinnuo is well-informed, but you have to be careful. Whether it's our Free City, Shuangshuyuan or Soul Locking Platform, there are still masters who haven't played yet."

Of course Jin Nuo knows this, and this is the fundamental reason why he is worried that Dongfang Yu and Sun will not be able to keep the top ten.

But of course there can be no show at this moment, Jin Nuo's face remains unchanged: "We also have masters who haven't played yet."

"Hehe, I know, Michelle the Fallen Angel, but as far as I know Michelle has gone on a tour, I don't know if it's time for this competition, but don't have any surprises."

At this time, Fang Fei, the fourth lady of Shuangshuyuan, said, "No matter how you fight, there won't be as many places as Shuangshuyuan, dare you bet?"

Neither Jin Nuo nor Zhang Lang would bet against Fang Fei.

Shuangshuyuan is the most mysterious of the four holy sites. It has always been the strongest. Whether it is the number of first places or the most places, they are the most.

Seeing no one bet with herself, Fang Fei was silent.

Zhang Lang continued to say to Jin Nuo: "By the way, what about your Lin Zhen? I remember there was another bet between you and me about this kid, do you remember it."

"Of course, I remember that Lin Zhen is coming back. Didn't we add a follow-up to our bet? It was originally agreed that if Lin Zhen can pass the fifth floor, he can comprehend the stele of your holy land, if he can pass the sixth floor. If you pass the seventh floor, Lin Zhen can choose a stone at will, right?


"Yes, that's what I promised, but if Lin Zhen can't do it, I can also find a Liberty City disciple and comprehend your stone tablet on Starfall Lake."

"A word is settled!"

"That's good, haha, Jinnuo, do it for yourself. If the Falling Star Lake Holy Land has zero zero in your hands, then things will be fun, haha!"

After speaking, Zhang Lang didn't speak anymore.

Jin Nuo left the chat group of the Dimensional Universe. Zhang Lang's words made him feel a little uneasy, and he was hungry... the word lingered in his heart, with a bad feeling.

"No, there is Michelle, how can it be zero."


The rush to the Thirty-Three Sky Tower still continues.

One by one students walked in and walked out, and most of them didn't look good.

The difficulty of the Thirty-Three Sky Tower is a bit too difficult. After practicing for a year, even nearly half of the martial artists of the deserted class can't even get through the first floor.

Even if it is Hongban, many people will be eliminated on the first floor.

Most of the two classes in the universe will stop at the second level, and very few people can get to the third level.

In the two classes of Huang and Xuan, many people were able to pass the third level, but no one was able to pass the fourth level. After all, their practice time was short, and it was not easy to do this step.

If you want to reach the fifth layer through the fourth layer, only the students of the Tianban Diban can reach the fifth layer, and most of the students in the Diban can not even reach the fifth layer.

For example, Dongfang Yu and Sun Yidao broke into the sixth floor, and so far they are only two of them.

But what is not optimistic is that the current rankings of the two of them have fallen to seventh and eighth, and there is a strong in each of the three holy places, and their completion is higher than them.

Some people who had ended their journey to the tower left the stone stele comprehension area and went to the living area to rest.

It's like an exam. They are students. The hard work for the past year is for this day. Now that the results are coming out, no matter how good or bad they are, they have a rare break.

These people came to the front of the alchemy room. Nearby is a commercial area where you can buy some things. In front of the alchemy room, Qiantong has arranged a stone table and stone bench for people to rest. The environment is good. When nothing happens, everyone likes it. Come here to gather together.

On the table, Qian Tong provided free drinks and food. As a holy alchemist, Qian Tong's most indispensable thing is money. He has always done a good job of winning people's hearts.

The warriors are sitting here, watching the next tower break.

"Everyone, I have a bad premonition. This time the Four Holy Lands Grand Tournament, we may have some trouble falling into the Star Lake."

"Don't say that. There are still several people in Tianban who have not appeared on the stage. No one will know the result until the end."

"Don't be too optimistic, Tianban’s Michelle hasn’t come back yet, and the others seem to be inferior to Sun Yidao and Dongfangyu. Seeing that they are both being squeezed out of the top ten, if Michelle There was something unexpected about you, this time there might be a big upset in the tower."

"It's really hard to say, hey, brother Huang Zun, your performance this time is not very good." A black class warrior said to Huang Zun.

Huang Zun rushed to the fifth floor of the tower this time. He is currently the first in the ground class, but he must have missed the top ten.

Hearing the words of the Xuanban martial artist, Huang Zun snorted: "Not so good is also the first in the squad, much better than someone like you who can't even get in the squad."

After the Lin Zhen incident, Huang Zun kept a low profile a lot, but still couldn't listen to cynicism.

The Xuanban martial artist was choked and his expression changed. Looking at the people around him, Huang Zun didn't dare to do anything to himself. He simply said loudly, "Compared to me. He has the ability to compare with Lin Zhen. I see him. Will definitely be better than you."

Lin Zhen is Huang Zun's Ni Lin, and when he heard this Xuan Pan martial artist's words, his face suddenly became cold: "Boy, you have something to say again!"

Seeing Huang Zun's signs of madness, the Xuanban martial artist suddenly didn't dare to speak. He was really worried that Huang Zun would run wild here, and it would be too shameful to beat himself.

At this time, Qian Tong walked out of the alchemy room and put a plate of fruit on the stone table.

"Haha! This little brother, what you said is not right, how could Lin Zhen be able to compare with Huang Zun? I don't think he has the ability to break the tower at all. When is this, most of the competitions have not seen him come back. Maybe not come back at all."

Everyone knows the stalemate between Qian Tong and Lin Zhen, but at this time there was no one to help Lin Zhen speak. In the Holy Land, Lin Zhen was an outlier. As the realm king, he was promoted to the local squad, which made many people disagree. Convinced is not pleasing to the eye, let alone being expelled by the five sons, can there be anything to do when he comes home after wandering outside for ten months? What a joke.

With that energy, it's better to have a good relationship with Qiantong, maybe you can buy some medicine pills at a low price.

"Holy Master, how do you sell your holy pill? Sell us a little." The Xuanban martial artist said.

Qian Tong smiled and shook his head: "Holy-level pill is too rare, even if it is an old man, it is not easy to refine it. I can't sell ordinary money. I want to buy holy-level pill unless I get a sacred stone."

"It's too demanding. No one has a **** stone in it. Where can I get that stuff!"

Qian Tong laughed and said, "Then my holy pill is not easy to handle. For example, my life-returning pill, as long as the person is not shredded, as long as the body is still there, even after three years of death, I can shut it down. Pull it back, you said such a good thing is worth a few sacred stones?"

At this time, Huang Zun said: "If you want to get a sacred stone, it is very difficult to get on the ground of the metaworld. Only when you go to the endless star sea and go to those dangerous places, you can have such a little hope. You still don't have extravagant expectations. , Isn’t it all right to enjoy your blessing obediently?"

The warriors did not say anything, but since joining the Holy Land, it means that none of the warriors here are willing to be ordinary.

If it is for enjoyment, then it is enough to cultivate to longevity, and to pursue the three flowers and the spiritual transformation.

A warrior with a dream in his heart, if he wants to live comfortably, he can't be put on his head by too many people, otherwise his life is not enough to be guaranteed.

The longevity warrior was cut off, and he was still going to die. The real immortality was a god.

So no one took Huang Zun's words seriously, but he didn't want to argue with him.

What everyone is paying attention to is this competition, to see what results the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake can achieve.

Perhaps the person who is most concerned about is Qian Tong. After the last failure, Qian Tong has temporarily died down. He did not give up revenge on Lin Zhen, but he was waiting for the right opportunity.

If you don't make a move, it is already Once you make a move, you must take Lin Zhen's life, and Qian Tong is already preparing.

But he still needs to see that Lin Zhen is definitely going to come back this time. He wants to see what Lin Zhen can achieve before formulating specific strategies.

When everyone was talking, the first warrior to get through the sixth floor appeared!

Feng Qingluan, a martial artist from Shuangshuyuan, successfully broke through the sixth floor, defeated God, and completed a 35% challenge on the seventh floor before being eliminated.

As a result, Feng Qingluan has become the temporary first place among the four holy places. I dare not say that this result is still the first, but the top ten, or even the top five, is absolutely no problem.

Before people had time to be shocked, another strong appeared on the Soul Locking Platform and Freedom City. Freedom City Qin Fei broke through the sixth floor, and the seventh floor completed 30%, ranking second!

Lv Qinghou, the soul-storing platform, passed the sixth floor, and the seventh floor was 27% completed, ranking third!

At this point, Dongfang Yu has been squeezed out of the top ten, and Sun Yidao fell to the tenth position, already in danger!