Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 798: God change

Winter in Tianling came, and after a snowstorm, the temperature dropped to minus 40 degrees.

The door of the Palace of Fire opened creakingly, and Lin Zhen walked out of it.

With the opening of the gate, a heat wave rushed out from the inside accompanied by a faint starlight, causing the surrounding cold air to recede, and the two airflows of cold and hot impacted, forming an air layer visible to the naked eye.

After moving the sedentary hands and feet, Lin Zhen's face was filled with joy.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to return to the Holy Land, he had worked so hard to digest the medicine during this period of time, and finally got the opportunity to swallow it again, allowing his realm to be promoted to the ninth-level realm king.

The star power increased by two million again, and his body star power reached 52 million.

This is no longer the data of a realm king, and there is basically no such data even in the longevity period, which is equivalent to a good three-flower realm.

Looking around, the volcano has not erupted recently, and the temperature has dropped. The fire unicorns feel uncomfortable, so they stay at home and refuse to go out.

The four spirits such as the photoelectric were arranged by Lin Zhen to guard the surroundings of the volcano and became the power to secretly guard the Qilin clan.

After leaving the house, Lin Chuang was already waiting outside.

"Patriarch, the population of our tribe has increased by nearly one level in the recent period. This is an unprecedented situation. I have heard about it. The new fire unicorns are all here because of the patriarch."

There was a hint of excitement on Lin Chuang's face. The Huoqilin clan was sparsely populated and was able to grow gradually, thanks to Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen nodded slightly, and the Fire Qilin clan was indeed thriving, which he was happy to see.

"Remember what I said, gather the elites of the clan for cultivation, don't slacken, and strive for the next time when the holy land opens, a few more people in our clan will enter the holy land. Without the support of the holy land martial artist, a race cannot develop."

"I understand the patriarch, but if you enter the Holy Land, don't you need a race recommendation? In the past, we only had one place."

Lin Zhen smiled: "You also said that it was the past. The students of the Holy Land Tianban are also eligible for recommendation. For the eight newcomers, there is one recommendation qualification for ranking eighth, and there are eight recommendation qualifications for ranking first. At that time I will recommend the right people to enter."

When Lin Chuang heard this, his eyes lighted up. He was also a pinnacle of longevity, and his strength was very good. Entering the Holy Land was the yearning of every warrior, and he certainly wanted to enter.

Lin Zhen patted him on the shoulder: "Practice well. Before the next Holy Land assessment begins, if you can enter Sanhua, I recommend you to participate."

Lin Chuang nodded immediately, never thinking that Lin Zhen would not enter the Tianban.

In his opinion, the patriarch is omnipotent, and entering the Tianban is just a matter of hand.

"Well, there hasn't been any major events in the clan recently, I'm going back to the Holy Land."

It has been ten months since Lin Zhen returned to the clan, and it was time to return to the Holy Land.

Within these ten months, Lin Zhen had been promoted to the eighth level of Realm King, his mental power had been promoted to the Diamond level, and he was able to comprehend the fifth picture of Wuying Step. This progress was unprecedented.

He also renewed the governance of the Kirin tribe. The Alchemist Guild and the Kirin tribe signed a drug purchase agreement to ensure the supply of medicine for the Qilin tribe disciples.

The Fire Qilin clan also had a lot of money, but the relationship with the Alchemist Guild was not good before, and those really good medicines were not what they could purchase.

With Lin Zhen, there is no problem. Lin Zhen himself is still the great elder of the Alchemist Guild, and he has a very good relationship with the president. Not only does he guarantee the supply of medicines, he can also get discounts.

With the pill, I believe that in time, the Fire Qilin clan will surely emerge in large numbers.

In addition, the safety of the fire unicorn clan is not a problem. The four-spirit star river beasts such as the photoelectricity are left by the fire unicorn clan by Lin Zhen. If there is any situation, they can contact Lin Zhen immediately.

"The patriarch can rest assured, there is nothing wrong with the clan for the time being."

Lin Zhen nodded, and did not notify the rest of the Fire Qilin clan. With a thought, the Nine Spirits came out of the inner world.

After he came out, he rolled around in place, and a nine-headed lion appeared like a behemoth.

On the surface, Nine Spirits is just a particularly huge lion, but under its long mane, eight small heads are hidden. When it is needed, it will show a hideous color.

When choosing a mount, Lin Zhen struggled between the Nine Spirits and Optoelectronics for a while, and finally determined the Nine Spirits.

The speed of the Nine Spirits is slightly slower than that of Radio and Television, but the strength is much stronger, and the photoelectric is one of the four spirits.

Moreover, the speed of the Nine Spirits is also very fast, the sub-light speed limit is at least twice as fast as the original double-headed magic dragon.

Lin Zhen leaped slightly and sat on Jiuling's back.

The hunter’s mane flew to form a protective layer, and the Nine Spirits said to Lin Zhen: "Master, when the Nine Spirits can advance, I can reach the speed of light. At that time, the master is willing to travel around the Metaverse, and the Nine Spirits can bring them. Go with the master."

"Haha! Okay, then I'm waiting to take your ride."

With Lin Zhen's encouragement, Jiuling immediately became excited, and his claws were thrown away, and he stepped up into the sky and headed straight for the direction of Falling Star Lake.

Lin Chuang waved his hands on the ground, and the four spirits, such as Guangdian, released star power in the four directions of the volcano to bid farewell to their master.


In the holy land, a group of warriors gathered in front of the 33 Heaven Tower.

After nearly a year of cultivation, a large number of people who can successfully break the tower have emerged in the Holy Land.

Among freshmen, the highest ranked person is Tianban disciple Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Jade is currently on the fifth floor of the tower, ranking first among all new students.

But Dongfang Jade didn't see much joy, because at the moment, the Holy Land had already drawn a big list.

This is the list of new students, not only the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake, but also Double Tree Garden, Liberty City and Soul Locking Platform.

This is the rule. After all freshmen enter the Holy Land, in the annual assessment, there will be a big list of evaluations. All freshmen from the four holy places will be gathered together to see who the best people belong to. .

You must know that this is the most elite warrior in the face of all the metaworld sacred places, and it is a huge honor to be on the list.

The top ten on the list all have huge rewards.

The reward is a very special thing called a **** stone.

Many people in the Metaverse don't know about sacred stones, and they are not even considered currency at all and cannot be circulated.

But the more high-end warrior, the more he knows the magical effect of the **** stone.

The origin of the sacred stone is the evolution of the universe crystal. When the martial artist surpasses the realm of Sanhua, he will enter the realm of sacred transformation.

Passing through the realm of God Transformation is the true god, this is the transformation from a martial artist to a god.

Divine transformation is the change of mental power, called divine consciousness change.

The change in the world within the body is called the God Realm Change.

The change of the world stone is called the divine stone change.

Complete the triple change of gods, martial artists transform into gods, and become real gods, standing high and overlooking all beings.

The only place of origin of the **** stone is the martial artist of the **** stone transformation realm. After the failure of becoming a god, the **** stone will be broken, and the martial artist will always lose the opportunity to become a god. The weaker ones will fall directly, and the stronger ones may have Chance to preserve the body and become a demigod.

Each sacred stone is a huge energy source. A unit of sacred stone weighs one kilogram. The sacred stone can not only continuously replenish the power of the martial artist in the divine change realm, but also explode the divine power. Times the fighting power!

Of course, few people are willing to use the **** stone like this. This kind of thing is too rare and can only appear in the later stage of the **** change, so it is extremely precious.

This thing is not currency, but it has more purchasing power than currency.

The currency exchange ratio between the sacred stone and the Metaverse is, one gram of sacred stone is 100 million!

One unit of sacred stone is 100 billion Yuan of Yuanjie currency!

And this kind of thing is almost priceless, in fact, the transaction price is definitely higher than this.

This time the four holy places were able to come up with the **** stone as a reward, which made the warriors excited.

The first place in the overall ranking will get two units of sacred stones, and the rest from the second to the tenth place are all one unit of sacred stones.

This kind of competition is only held during the first year of enrollment for freshmen, and every holy place attaches great importance to it.

Today is the day for the assessment of the Holy Land. There is a surge of people in front of the 33-day tower of Falling Star Lake, and the assessment is about to begin.

The fifth son Jin Nuo frowned slightly as he watched the students who kept going to the tower.

Dongfang Yu played first, but did not perform well. Although he passed the fifth floor, he was quickly defeated at the place of the sixth floor.

According to past experience, people who can pass the sixth floor can enter the top ten steadily, and they may also enter the top ten after passing the fifth floor, but they must have a high degree of completion.

The virtual characters in the Thirty-Three Sky Tower have health points. Killing all the health points of the opponent can be considered as a pass. Dongfang Jade only consumes 20% of God's health points, which may be hopeless.

If any one of the top ten, four holy sites can win three places, it is considered a success.

If you win two places, it is considered a failure.

However, Dongfangyu, who was highly expected by Jinnuo, did not perform This time maybe Shuixinghu couldn't even win two places.

It would be a shame to win only one spot.

One by one, the results came out, and another seed player Sun Yidao in the Tianban also broke through to the sixth floor, with a completion rate of 33%!

It can be completed by one-third, this result may have a chance to get tenth in previous years, but this year, Jinnuo shook his head slightly, not optimistic!

At this time, news from other holy places came continuously.

Yang Ye from Liberty City reached the sixth floor with 51% completion, ranking first!

Zhang Jing of Shuangshuyuan reached the sixth floor with 49% completion, ranking second!

Soul Locker Wu Qing broke into the sixth floor, with a completion rate of 45%, ranking third!

Sun Yidao and Dongfang Yu fell to the fourth and fifth positions one after another, which made Jin Nuo's face even more unsightly.