Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 783: Kirin family duel!

After Yi Lin Zhen tried it once, knowing that it was impossible to pull it out, he did not continue the experiment, but jumped off the boulder.

People made some regretful sighs, but they didn't say much. No one had been able to draw this gun for countless years, and it was normal that Lin Zhen could not draw it.

After coming down, a group of large and small fire unicorn martial artists gathered and talked with Lin Zhen one after another.

Fire unicorns are rare on weekdays, but here, fire unicorns are everywhere.

"Hehe, well, I will have many opportunities to meet with you in the future, but now I am going to see the Sakya Patriarch. I wonder if the Patriarch is in the Fire Palace?"

At this time, Patriarch Sakya’s staff came out: "The patriarch went to Elder Qin. Mr. Lin Zhen can go to Elder Qin’s residence to find him. His residence is on the other side of the mountain, less than three thousand miles away."

Hearing Elder Qin's name, Lin Zhen suddenly had a bad omen in his heart.

This elder Qin and his son, as well as the two brothers, Ke Xiangdong and Ke Xiangnan, did a lot of small actions behind their backs, and did not stumble Lin Zhen. If Lin Zhen worked hard and had good luck, he might have killed them all.

And the Sakya Patriarch is undoubtedly close to him, it is difficult to say whether Elder Qin will have any bad thoughts.

"No, I have to go over and take a look."

Lin Zhen asked about Elder Qin's residence, then said goodbye to everyone, and went faster.

After passing through the crater area, Lin Zhen flew at low altitude.

After a while, between the volcanic rocks in front, a manor appeared, and there was the target.

But there was still a hundred miles away, Lin Zhen could feel an extremely astonishing breath rising from the manor!

A loud roar came vaguely, making Lin Zhen's eyelids twitch.

Sure enough, something happened!

An hour ago.........

The arrival of the patriarch personally is also a major event for the elder's family. Elder Qin took his son and Ke family brothers to greet him at the door.

"Hahaha! The patriarch is here, it is a great honor for someone Qin!"

Because he was in the clan, Sakya did not bring any entourage. He came by himself. Facing Elder Qin’s hypocritical smile, Sakya also smiled and said, “Elder Qin invites him. No matter how busy he is, he will come over, let alone other guests. Yeah, where are the others?"

"We are already waiting in the lobby, and the food and drinks are ready. The banquet will start when the patriarch arrives, please."


The two were polite and entered the manor courtyard together.

The hall of Qin's home is tens of meters high and magnificent. As an elder of a race in the Metaverse, he is also a highly powerful and extremely wealthy.

Inside the hall is a fire forest covering an area of ​​several square kilometers.

Fire tree is a unique tree in the Metaverse. The growth environment of this plant is different from ordinary plants. It needs a certain degree of heat. The temperature at which other plants can be scorched is just right for it. It can grow in Volcanic rock area.

There are often volcanic eruptions outside, which is not suitable for caring, so the rich people in the Huoqilin clan will plant the fire tree indoors.

Maple-like leaves are colorful and colorful, passing through the forest, the air is fresh and the environment is pleasant.

"Patriarch, the guests are waiting in the woods, just turning ahead."

Sakya slowly walked through the woods, crossed the indoor bridge, looked at the winding river below, and said to Elder Qin: "Every time I come to you, I feel that the environment is beautiful and fascinating. I want to press It’s a pity that your layout and construction here have always been shy."

"Hehe, the patriarch is too modest, I just tightened my belt to create such a scene."

The two talked, and the front opened.

In the middle of the woods, there is a huge metal round table, which looks like a stage and a place for dining.

"Oh! This round table seems to be the first time I have seen you."

"It's also a new one. Drinking and admiring the fire tree here is also a different taste."

Sakya glanced at Elder Qin with a slight contempt: "Drink and admire the fire tree, pay attention to a close to nature, the metal round table is a bit nondescript, it is better to make it into a stone."

"Haha, what the patriarch said is that Qin is a bit cheesy, and this metal table must be demolished in the future and replaced with a stone."

After degrading Elder Qin, Sakya's mood improved, and he followed Elder Qin on the platform.

On the round stage, the food and beverages have been arranged, and the warriors of the four tribes of Mo Qilin, Water Qilin, Wind Qilin, and Jin Qilin have been waiting for a long time. After seeing Sakya on the stage, they stood up to say hello.

"Hello everyone, sit down!"

Sakya was not too polite. Although the warriors of the four races were the guests, he was after all the patriarch, a super master of the Sanhua realm.

The people of these four races are just a longevity period, and it is not worthy of his attention.

When he arrived at Qin's home, Sakya wanted Elder Qin to sit on the seat, but Elder Qin disagreed, insisting that Sakya take the first place. The warriors of the four clans each stood on the two sides, and he added another to Sakya. sit.

Clap and clap their hands gently, a few elven beauties began to arrange dishes and wine. When everything was ready to stop, Elder Qin picked up the wine glass and said to everyone present: "Thank the patriarch and a few friends for coming to Qin's house. Drink this cup."

After everyone had a drink together, Sakya's wine entered his throat and dissolved it with star power, preventing Elder Qin from making any tricks.

After drinking, Sakya opened his mouth and said, "Elder Qin, this time we invited the four clans' envoys to come here, what are the major issues to discuss? Why didn't I hear any wind in advance?"

Elder Qin also put down the wine glass and stood up slowly.

"Everyone, I invite you to come this time. There is indeed a major issue for discussion."

The tone of his laughter became serious, and the messengers of the four races also put down their cups, and invisible pressure began to fill the air.

Elder Qin waved his hand, and all the elven beauties who were serving had left, and only a few of them were present.

"I don't know if the patriarch has heard a word? It's called the emperor take turns and come to my house next year.

Sakya's eyelids twitched slightly: "I've heard that it doesn't matter if Elder Qin has something to say."

"The Sakya patriarch has been in the position of patriarch for millions of years. After so many years, our Fire Qilin clan has not seen any visible progress. It is low in the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance and its talents are withered. Is this all you Don’t you think you should take a little responsibility?"

"Oh, how do you Elder Qin plan to make me responsible?"

"It's very simple. Just like I said, the emperor takes turns to do it. Since you can't lead the fire unicorns to rise, then change to a capable person."

"It seems that Elder Qin thought you were the capable person?"

"Hehe, although Qin is not talented, he thinks he can handle the position of patriarch, and today invites the four clans to come over, just to give Qin a testimony."

Sakya sat here calmly: "The change of the patriarch needs to be negotiated by the clan. The four envoys you have found do not have this qualification, and they cannot represent the other four clans."

"That's right, the change of the patriarch does require negotiation within the clan, but if the patriarch is suddenly killed and passed on? Then there is no need for negotiation within the clan."

"Have you finally told the truth? These four people are nothing more than the killers you found."

Faced with Elder Qin's aggressiveness, Sakya did not panic. As the patriarch, as a three-flower master, he has absolute confidence in himself. The opponent is only five longevities, and he is not afraid.

"The patriarch must think so, that's not wrong. Since you are here today, then don’t think about leaving. Now hand over the patriarch’s token and write down the will and testament. I can keep you alive and trap you. The world in my body must not leave, otherwise, today next year will be the anniversary of the patriarch."

Having said that, Elder Qin even tore off all the veils, revealing his true colors.

The warriors of the other four races all cast their eyes on Sakya. They received the money from Elder Qin and were ready to take action on Sakya at any time.

Sakya certainly couldn't pass it to him. At this time, he felt it was better to start first.

When the table is slapped, the bowls and chopsticks on it jump, Sakya will start.

And the warriors of the four races had already paid attention, seeing that Sakya was about to make a move, the nearest Jin Qilin elder took the lead in attacking!

Without any extra action, open the Kylin Jue directly!

A huge golden unicorn appeared and let out a loud roar!

Almost at the same time, water unicorns, wind unicorns, and ink unicorns appeared one after another. The four giant beasts swept over the tables and chairs on the high platform, and the atmosphere of the unicorn and the king of beasts filled the audience.

The fire tree in the distance seemed unbearable under the pressure of this breath, and the leaves fell like rain.

But at this moment, Elder Qin leaped away and jumped off the metal round platform.

Originally, their agreement was for five people to fight together and use a unicorn to fight Sakya together, but they didn't expect Elder Qin to shrink back.

But his mouth said: "Look at what I am doing? Don't hurry up, I'll take the baby to deal with him, you will win if you hold it for three minutes."

Driven by the Qilin Jue, Sakya also showed his true body of the Fire Qilin at this time.

As a three-flower warrior, his unicorn transformed into a larger than others, and a fiery red unicorn appeared, facing the four giant beasts around him.

At this point, the warriors of the four races have no choice, they can only choose to kill Sakya as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Hoho~! Hoho!~!"

The elements surged, the roar shook the sky, and the four unicorns pounced towards Sakya from four directions!

Seeing the fangs in the mouths of the four of Sakya's heart moved, and a bottle of dark potion suddenly spread all over the body.

"Blood poison!"

The warrior of Feng Qilin roared.

Sakya opened his mouth and smiled: "Unexpectedly, you want to kill me, so prepare yourself to be poisoned to death. Since I have come to this banquet, how can I be unprepared against you? A group of yellow-mouthed children dare to calculate the patriarch, let me die!"

The warriors of the four races evaded one after another. Although they didn't dare to bite, they could still attack with their paws, and they were all together on the high platform for a time!

The fight of the five behemoths made people feel terrified at a glance, but Elder Qin quietly came to the side and pushed a wrench under the high platform.

A layer of diffuse blood light quietly rises from the metal high platform, covering the five giant beasts above it.

"Fight, fight! The five elements are gathered together, you will know after a while, you will soon be unable to stop, let me refining and blending you together!"