Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 784: Fu Zhu

A blood poison is a special toxin, which is very corrosive.

If it is contaminated with saliva, blood and other body fluids, this kind of thing will happen, not only can decay the body, but also make people crazy.

The giant beasts on the stage in the Qilin battle have become a mess, and under the fangs and claws, injuries are inevitable.

After the blood was put on, everyone almost went into a violent state, the more they fought, the more intense it became.

Tables, chairs and other things were beaten up everywhere, the mane scales fell to the ground, and blood was everywhere.

The roar of the giant beast filled the entire hall, and it was particularly shocking in the red fall of the fire tree.

The blood mist was shrouded in a faint golden light, which was an isolated energy shield. Elder Qin did not allow these giant beasts to have a chance to rush out.

Regarding Elder Qin's move, the giant behemoth on the round stage was undecided, just madly attacking the opponent.

Sakya is worthy of the three-flower realm, with plenty of star power. Even with one enemy and four, there is no wind, and the fangs and claws are waving, and every time a piece of flesh and blood will fly.

The warriors of the four clans are like a few wolves besieging the tiger. Although fighting alone is not the tiger's opponent, they can also pose a great threat to the tiger.

At this time, Qin Dong walked up to his father.

"Father! Is this what you're talking about?"

Elder Qin's eyes flashed with excitement: "I didn't expect that Sakya would come with blood poison, so that my plan can be implemented more smoothly."

"This metal round table has many doorways."

"Of course, when did your father act recklessly, tell you, this metal round table is the spirit gathering formation that I spent tens of billions of dollars to get, do you know why I am looking for warriors from the other four races?"

Qin Dong shook his head. Although he had some thoughts, he was not sure.

"Hey, wind unicorn, black unicorn, water unicorn, golden unicorn, plus Sakya this fire unicorn, these are the five elements. When they all die, the five elements and bodies will be reunited by the spirit gathering formation to create Become a brand new super unicorn beast!"

"Super unicorn?" Qin Dong didn't quite understand.

"Yes, it is a super unicorn, a super unicorn that integrates five elements in one. Strictly speaking, it is also a mutant unicorn. You know our family’s Landis, that is a four-element mutant unicorn, but I doubt Landis. The four-element mutation of "is not normal. One type of two elements is normal, and three are almost impossible. How can there be four-element mutation?"

"So your father, I have already started preparing for all this. When the body of the super unicorn is born, I will refine it into a clone."

Elder Qin took a deep breath, "The clone is refined, and with time to practice, I can even make the clone the patriarch of the entire Qilin clan! You can also go to the holy land to practice, and after that, there will even be competition for the Galaxy Behemoth. The possibility of an alliance leader!"

Hearing the bright prospects described by Elder Qin, Qin Dong's eyes gleamed: "Father, am I going to become the son of the leader of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance?"

"There is absolutely such a possibility, look at it, son, your father will lead the alliance to the pinnacle of the universe!" Elder Qin's heart is surging at this moment, and the ambition that has been suppressed has been released.

Although the road to the future is very long, but today's things are done, everything is possible, and it is not an exaggeration!

Imagining a beautiful blueprint for the future, the father and son are full of excitement.

As time passed, the battle on the high platform gradually came to an end.

Whether it is Sakya or the warriors of the four races, they are all exhausted and bruised all over at this moment.

One party is strong and one party has a large number of people. Neither of them has the ability to completely eliminate the other party. Instead, the fierce fighting accelerated the movement of blood poison and the blood mist released by the elder Qin, causing them to accelerate toward death.

"The critical time is coming. Once they die, they will begin to reunite immediately. Qin Dong, go and see Brother Ke Family. The entrance is strictly guarded and no one is allowed in."

"Good daddy, I wish you success!"

Qin Dong went there, as long as his father can succeed, his life will be better in the future.

After Qin Dong left, Elder Qin took out a diamond-shaped crystal.

"The perfect crystal from the endless sea of ​​stars, in order to get you, I have almost exhausted my wealth these years, and I am greedy for ink, otherwise I will not provoke Sakya's dissatisfaction. I will finally come in handy today."

"A body inlaid with perfect crystals will become a super divine body and even evolve special abilities."

"This new body is my future capital for the universe, the five-element mutant unicorn, hahaha! The super among the super galaxy beasts, it is exciting to think about it!"

Elder Qin had completely forgotten himself, staring at the high platform, waiting for the death of a few giant beasts.


Lin Zhen came to the sky above Elder Qin's manor and swooped down quickly.

He felt the breath of Sakya, that breath was very weak, and it was undoubtedly a trick.

If it is later, it is likely to be a big mistake.

When they came to the gate, the two guards stopped Lin Zhen from going: "Stop, this is Elder Qin's private estate. The elders are banqueting guests. You can't enter without invitation!"

Without saying a word, Lin Zhen waved his palm, and a sword pierced out of the air, directly beheading the guards of the two 9th-level realm kings.

Now, killing the realm king is almost the same as killing a chicken for Lin Zhen, without the slightest difficulty.

After killing the two and walking inside, another person appeared.

"Who is so bold! How dare to break into the elder's residence!"

Lin Zhen fixed his eyes, and this one was actually an acquaintance, Ke Xiangnan.

Lin Zhen and Ke Xiangnan had grievances. When he broke into the gate of heaven, he was competing with Ke Xiangnan.

At that time, Ke Xiangnan's realm was much higher than Lin Zhen's, and it took Lin Zhen seven hundred years later, but now Ke Xiangnan is only the pinnacle of the realm king, and Lin Zhen is about to catch up.

In terms of strength, Ke Xiangnan was even thrown ten streets away by Lin Zhen.

After seeing Lin Zhen, Ke Xiangnan's legs trembled. Although he hated Lin Zhen, he was also terribly afraid of Lin Zhen.

Even if Lin Zhen killed Ke Jianglong, Ke Xiangnan didn't dare to know what he was doing. He could only find someone to plot Lin Zhen, but he would never dare to face Lin Zhen face to face.

It is precisely because of this that the super geniuses of the New Territories that year have been squandered in the Metaverse to such a point that they have not been able to enter the longevity because of the demons.

So seeing Lin Zhen, Ke Xiangnan's first reaction was to turn around and run.

It's a pity that he can't run away anymore. If he can get a realm king to run away from him, Lin Zhen won't have to mess around.

As soon as he raised his hand, an unstoppable gravitational force pulled Ke Xiangnan into his hand.

Grabbing his neck with one hand, Lin Zhen sneered: "Ke Xiangnan, do you think you can get rid of me by finding a machine? Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you. If you guys were not talking behind your back, I'm afraid There is no achievement today, but now I am tired and don't want to play with you guys!"

"Ah! No, Lin Zhen, listen to me, all this is wrong...Ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Zhen had already used one hand to twist his neck directly!

With a click, Ke Xiangnan's head drooped softly, the blood vessels and bones had been broken, only a layer of epidermis was still attached.

After killing Ke Xiangnan and hearing panic footsteps in the distance, Lin Zhen raised his hand and Ke Xiangdong, who had already entered the early stage of longevity, was also caught by him.

"The two brothers are not a good thing. You can go with your dad if you are a raccoon dog!"

Following the same procedure, Lin Zhen pinched Ke Xiangdong to death again.

Since then, the Ke family who came from the New Territories have become extinct, and the three fathers and sons have all been killed by Lin Zhen.

After killing two people in a row, Lin Zhen hurried forward again, and almost hit the oncoming Qin Dong.

Lin Zhen also met Qin Dong, and Qin Dong was also eliminated by himself when he was in the Star of Punishment.

Qin Dong was also afraid of Lin Zhen in his bones. Knowing that he was not an opponent, he wanted to call for help immediately.

His mouth opened, but he saw Lin Zhen's eyebrows move, and a spiritual evil spirit pierced through the air, directly piercing his brain and piercing the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

brain death!

Nothing was left behind, and Qin Dong fell softly to the ground. With the passage of time, these people who were able to compete with Lin Zhen have long been left behind by Lin Zhen.

After killing three people in a row, Lin Zhen didn't have the slightest fluctuation in his heart. He came to the Qilin Clan to make a clone, but Lin Zhen also wanted to deal with Elder Qin and the group, lest these people always make small moves behind his back.

With the improvement of his realm, Lin Zhen will bring his family to the Metaverse sooner or later. At that time, he doesn't want any villains to cause trouble.

With acceleration, the two flashes passed through the fire forest.

When Lin Zhen saw the high platform, he was also surprised.

On the high platform, four unicorns had fallen dead, and only Sakya was still alive, but it was almost impossible to look at it.

Under the high platform, Elder Qin was holding a crystal in his hand and was looking at Sakya spitefully.

"Sakya! Don't do unnecessary struggles and persistence The unicorns no longer belong to you, and they don’t need you anymore. You are only an eyesore when you are alive. Give up quickly and you will be free. There is no need to endure this pain."

Sakya crawled on the high platform, feeling that his body was declining and was about to die.

He just relied on the powerful strength of the three-flower period, hard and self-supporting, but he couldn't hold on for long.

"You won't succeed!" He insisted.

"Hey, then you don’t have to worry about it. Whether I succeed or not, it has nothing to do with you. Anyway, you won’t see that scene anymore, but I can tell you that your body and strength will Being refined into a clone by me and living in another way is my greatest compassion, hahaha!"

Elder Qin laughed wildly, and he could no longer suppress his excitement.

At this moment, someone behind him suddenly spoke.

"No matter what the final result of the Sakya Patriarch, it has nothing to do with you, because you can't see that scene anymore!"