Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 782: Guns in the Stone

"I talked to Patriarch Sakya. My name is Lin Zhen."

Seeing the guards of Qilin Sacred Mountain come out, Lin Zhen answered calmly.

When the fire unicorn guard heard Lin Zhen's name, his eyes brightened: "It turned out to be Lin Zhen. You are very welcome. This is the first time you have come to the unicorn family."

"Yes, the first time."

"Then congratulations on your return home. The patriarch has long announced that you are a member of our clan. You can take a look here."

"Okay." Lin Zhen agreed and walked inside.

"That...can you take a photo with me? You know, I'm a fan of you."

The unicorns of this longevity realm are a bit twitchy, just like the star chasers on earth when they saw their idols.

"Haha, no problem."

The unicorn turned into a young man and took a photo with Lin Zhen in front of the holy mountain.

Passing through a light gate invisible to the naked eye, the scene inside is completely different from the outside.

From the outside, the sacred mountain is a bare volcano, a barren land, but after walking through the light gate, I realize that the outside situation is an illusion.

This is a volcano, but there are a lot of buildings built around the volcano. As the home of the fire unicorn family, of course it cannot be too shabby.

The first thing that caught Lin Zhen's eyes was a row of unicorn statues.

Those who can erect statues here are all great figures who once appeared in the Fire Qilin clan.

At the beginning of the Metaverse, the first patriarch of Fire Qilin, someone who once served as the leader of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance, and some people who established immortal merits.

When he reached the seventh statue, Lin Zhen stood up.

The statue is a person and a unicorn, but this unicorn is different from the others. It is actually a black hole beast.

Lin Zhen has been in Yuanjie for so long and has seen too many races of all kinds and people, but he has never seen another black hole beast.

The black hole beast's name is Mocha, and there is his brief introduction below.

Mocha, a mutant fire unicorn, is called a black hole beast because it can release a black hole to swallow everything.

The martial artist of Shuangshuyuan Holy Land went to the endless sea of ​​stars to fight with the emperor at the peak of the Sanhua realm, and finally disappeared.

Below are the glorious achievements of Mocha's life, and a brief introduction to his life. The achievements looked shocking, and Lin Zhen could easily feel the scenery of Mocha back then.

It's just that the date of signing below is too far away, hundreds of millions of years ago.

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, a person at the level of a great god, I don't know if he has fallen? But it is estimated that it is more ill-fortune."

In addition to Mocha, there are many variant fire unicorns here.

There are wind elements that mutate, fire elements mutate, and earth elements mutate, everything is there.

There were even two-element mutations and three-element mutations. Lin Zhen even saw a four-element mutated fire unicorn named Landis. He was once the number one master of the fire unicorn family at the time, and his strength was also extremely strong.

Not only the Fire Unicorn, any galaxy beast can mutate is an opportunity, after the mutation, the talent potential will exceed the same race, every mutated galaxy beast will have a legendary story that belongs to him.

After looking around, Lin Zhen found that most of the strong fire unicorns had died in the endless sea of ​​stars.

Practice, join the Holy Land, continue to practice, enter the endless star sea battlefield, and fall!

This may be a deadly cycle of Yuanjie warriors, the pursuit of the strongest way of martial arts, but in the end is a dead end, I really don't know how terrifying the endless star sea battlefield can make so many powerful people fall.

Passing by the statue complex, in front of it is a towering hall near the crater.

The name of the main hall is called the Fire Palace, which can go straight to the depths of the volcano. This is the residence of the Fire Qilin patriarch, and Sakya should live here.

When he came to the gate of the Palace of Fire, Lin Zhen's attention was attracted by a spear.

There is a huge boulder in front of the gate of the Palace of Fire. This boulder is as big as a tall building. Although the light is dim, Lin Zhen still recognizes it at a glance. This boulder is actually a huge cosmic crystal!

To be precise, this should be the stone of the world, the crystallization of the inner world of a warrior.

Lin Zhen also has a world inside his body, and Lin Zhen's huge boulder is also very large, but compared to this huge boulder, it is still much smaller.

Lin Zhen estimated that the master state of this huge stone was definitely not limited to the three-flowering stage, otherwise such a huge world stone could not be bred.

But it was such a big boulder that was pierced by a spear, and the spear was picked on the boulder.

Obviously, the owner of the boulder should have been killed by the owner of this spear.

There is an introduction below the boulder.

"The spear of Lantis, Lantis has pierced the dantian of Absolute Demon God with a spear, pierced his inner world, picked this world stone off, and reversed the situation on the battlefield of Windsor, and Lantis had fallen because of this. "

"This Lantis gun is left here to commemorate his great achievements. When Landis was dying, he had a last word. Who can draw out this Lantis gun is the owner of this gun."

Lin Zhen's eyes fell on the spear on top of the boulder.

Since the spear was destroyed, Lin Zhen began to use swords. Although the swordsmanship was also extensive and profound, Lin Zhen still had a passion for spears.

Even when looking for the clone, Lin Zhen once thought that the clone could not only use a sword like the main body, and should look for a suitable spear.

Marksmanship and swordsmanship have their own strengths, and swordsmanship is more sophisticated, but the spearmanship is more powerful and more suitable for group battles. Lin Zhen didn't want to give up.

But a good spear is too difficult to find, Lin Zhen has not found a Lingbao-level spear so far.

But this long gun is different. It looks from a distance. It has a dark gun body with simple and fine lines on it. I don't know what material it is made of, but at first glance it knows that the strength and toughness are excellent.

Moreover, the bursts of chill that bloomed above the gun body made Lin Zhen still feel the coldness deep in his bones even if it was 100 meters away, which further proved the extraordinary of this long gun.

This is not only a Lingbao-level spear, but also not an ordinary Lingbao, it is definitely the best among Lingbao!

"This spear is probably more than a grade higher than Zhankong Divine Sword!"

Lin Zhen's heart became more and more as he watched, and an urgent sense of possession came to his heart.

At this moment, a fire unicorn boy was passing by, and Lin Zhen stopped him: "Little brother, can anyone draw this spear?"

The teenager did not know Lin Zhen, but it did not prevent him from talking to Lin Zhen.

"As long as they are members of the Fire Qilin clan, they can try to draw this gun, but I advise you to dispel this idea. The Lantis gun is the treasure of the Fire Qilin clan. For countless years, only Lantis One person can use it, and no one else can draw a single bit of this gun."

As the boy said, he pointed to the ground: "Look there, this world stone is fixed on the ground, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to pull the gun and the world stone together, unless you can pull the metaworld. Get up, if you want to draw the gun, you can only pull the gun out of the stone, but no matter who has much power or star power, it is impossible to succeed."

Lin Zhen looked at it, and the World Stone was indeed fixed, and it was closely connected to the earth.

But Lin Zhen wanted to draw his gun. It had nothing to do with this stone. He confirmed to the boy: "Then I am qualified too?"

"Of course, you can try."

Without a word, Lin Zhen jumped to the top of the stone.

Upon reaching the stone, Lin Zhen felt the extraordinary of this spear even more strongly.

The part exposed out of the stone is about two meters, and the inner part is estimated to be more than one meter thick, as thick as a goose egg. When you gently touch the barrel of the gun, a cold and rough feeling comes from it, as if you are touching a mountain in your hand. A very reliable feeling.

"With this gun in hand, coupled with the appropriate marksmanship, I will definitely be able to be invincible!"

After squeezing with one hand, Lin Zhen began to adjust his breathing.

Since this spear can be placed in the Fire Qilin clan for hundreds of millions of years, it is definitely not easy to draw, but how can Lin Zhen be willing without trying.

Seeing Lin Zhen ascended to the top of the stone, he immediately attracted a lot of people from the fire unicorns to watch the excitement.

Someone immediately recognized Lin Zhen.

"Wow, God, that's Lin Zhen, it's Lin Zhen!"

"Really, I used to watch it in the Dimensional Universe, but I finally saw alive this time, Lin Zhen! I am your fan!"

"Is Lin really our tribe?"

"You are stupid, haven't you seen the previous selection of the Holy Land? The introduction is all about Lin Zhen, a family of Fire Qilin. He has already joined the Fire Qilin. The patriarch has already said it, but there has been no chance to come."

"Lin Zhen, come on! If you can pull out the spear, you will be a hero of the clan!"

There was a burst of noise from below, and Lin Zhen closed his eyes slightly without being disturbed.

The star power of the whole body was mobilized to the limit, and Lin Zhen firmly grasped the barrel of the gun with both hands.

Feeling that his current state is at the peak state, Lin Zhen immediately burst into power.


With a loud roar, Lin Zhen's power has reached its limit, and the 48 million star power has completely exploded!

But the spear did not move at all!

At this moment, Lin Zhen felt abnormal.

It's not that his star power is not, but Lin Zhen felt that inside the spear, there was a flower that bloomed quietly, which actually offset his star power injection!

Above the flowers, the power of ground, water, fire and wind rushed, and the four petals formed a powerful protective field, making his power disappear into the sea like a mud cow.

"This is..... This is the flower of the elements? Why does this appear?"

The flower of elements is the crystallization of elemental power, formed by talent, not what you can do with elemental power.

Lin Zhen remembered the story of Landis that he had just seen. Landis was a four-element mutated unicorn. Perhaps this was the reason why he had the flower of elements.

"I see, if you want to pull out this spear, it will not succeed at all without the four element mutation. No matter how much star power you have, after entering the spear, it will be offset by the flower of the four elements, unless you can pull it up directly. Metaverse, but of course it’s impossible."

After thinking about the reasons, Lin Zhen felt a little regretful. Could such a peerless magic weapon only become a decoration?