Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 778: Before the gate

"Lin Zhen! You are so bold!"

Huang Zun yelled violently, pressing his sword hilt, as if he was about to fight at any time.

In Lin Zhen's eyes, this appearance was nothing more than a bluff.

As soon as the expert took action, he knew if there was any. Lin Zhen's just step contained endless mysterious changes, which made Huang Zun and Senior Brother Ma slightly change their faces.

This kid, who has been here for more than a month, actually has an understanding of Wuyingbu?

They want to do it, but they are not sure of victory, and they are in a dilemma for a time.

Brother Ma blinked his eyes twice: "Lin Zhen! Don't be arrogant, kill fellow seniors and beat others. Today, your guilt is inevitable."

Lin Zhen snorted coldly, "I have recorded everything in the dimensional universe. How can you change it by turning black and white?"

"You said you didn't kill anyone, where is Li Kai? Hand it over! Did you put him under house arrest in the internal world? This is also not allowed." Huang Zun immediately yelled at the crowd around him.

"Just this one, am I still under house arrest? He is digging a hole in the ground and playing ball for fun."

As he said, Lin Zhen raised his hand, and a stream of light shot into his palm from the ground, like a bead.

Only then did Huang Zun notice that there was a deep hole on the other side of Lin Zhen.

The bead was taken out, and the mountain that was pressing on Li Kai was finally removed.

Monkey Sun has been under the mountain for five hundred years, and he has not suffered for a month.

Because Sun Monkey can still lie on his stomach when he is pressed down, he goes down on his back. If his strength is slightly slack, he will be crushed to death. No one can experience this kind of pain.

When fresh oxygen rushed into the abdominal cavity, Li Kai, who had been groggy, woke up.

He was angry for the first time, and his first thought was to take revenge!

Lin Zhen, a low-ranking guy, even trapped him underground for a month, almost crushed to death, this hatred must be reported!

As a Sanhua warrior, he naturally felt that someone was coming above the pit, and immediately thought that he couldn't lie down so aggrieved, he wanted to go out!

The depression in his heart turned into a long roar, and Li Kai soared into the sky in the pit!

Huang Zun was talking about whether Lin Zhen had Li Kai under house arrest, and he saw Li Kai rushing out into the pit as a streamer.

"Lin Zhen dog thief! Come to take his life!"

When Li Kai went out of the pit, seeing Huang Zun and the others, his courage suddenly increased, and when he came out he brazenly shot Lin Zhen.

A sword light slashed down, Lin Zhen stepped on a shadowless step, a three-step chain!

Huh huh~~~! ! !

The figure flickered, Lin Zhen sprayed the sword gang with his palm, and cut off one of Li Kai's arm with a flick of his hand.

Li Kai screamed and fell to the ground. He didn't catch Lin Zhen's figure at all in the moment. He didn't even understand how he was hit and suffered a fiasco.

"You can see it, he will act on me as soon as he comes out, and I am just defending myself."

Lin Zhen smiled at the corner of his mouth, but that smile made Huang Zun and Senior Brother Ma feel chills in their backs.

With one move, he defeated one person, and cut off Li Kai's arm by moving a few steps in a row. Lin Zhenguo really realized that he had become a shadowless step, and he seemed to have completed two pictures!

Shadowless Step is an actual combat step. Lin Zhen has learned this trick and it has become extremely dangerous.

Brother Ma's face changed, and he said to Huang Zun: "I think this matter is still strange. I won't participate in the dispute between you. If Senior Brother Five asks, I will truthfully report it."

After speaking, Brother Ma turned around and left, making up his mind not to swim in the muddy water.

But Huang Zun couldn't leave. He helped up his two companions and glared at Lin Zhen.

"Lin Zhen, today's affairs are not over, I will go to the fifth brother to sue you!"

"Whatever, I believe that the five brothers' eyes are like a torch, and it is not your trick that can be deceived. This Li Kai insisted to look at my baby, but he went down to the ground after holding it. As for the things you said about my low ranking... .It won’t be the case soon."

Lin Zhen wasn't paying attention to these clowns either. This was inside the Holy Land, and there was no way to kill them. It was enough to cut off the other's hand.

Turning around and leaving the place of the ground class, behind him is a group of whispering students.

Down the mountain road, Lin Zhen went to the highest peak of Star Catch Island.

This is where the Thirty-Three Sky Tower is located.

Huang Zun took two people injured by Lin Zhen to Jinnuo's villa to file a complaint.

"Fifth brother, Lin Zhen has no respect and inferiority. He ignores the ranking and hurts his classmates. Please call the fifth brother."

The three people lined up and knelt in front of the villa, waiting for Jin Nuo's reception.

After a while, I waited for Jinnuo's response.

"As a high-ranking person, it is not an honor to be injured by a low-ranking person. It is really disappointing for you to come to complain."

Huang Zun and the others didn't expect Jinnuo to have this attitude, and they didn't know what to say.

"Finally, there is something wrong with Lin Zhen's injury after all. You go back and I will naturally punish him."

"Thank you, Brother Five!" Huang Zun and the others were overjoyed. If they could punish Lin Zhen, it wouldn't be considered a waste of their hard work.

After the three of them left, Jin Nuo opened his eyes in the villa, his vision traversed the space, and came directly to the 33 Heaven Tower.

Lin Zhen had just arrived at the 33rd Sky Pagoda at this time, Jin Nuo raised his foot, and a rainbow golden bridge appeared under his feet, leaping across to Lin Zhen in one step.


The Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda was located on the absolute peak. Lin Zhen walked up the mountain road, stepped gently under his feet, stepping across several hundred meters, and it took a long time to reach the peak.

Passing through the troposphere of the clouds, when reaching the peak, it has been deep into the galaxy.

Not far away, a meteor fell slowly, throwing into the deep and vast Starfall Lake. Before it reached the surface of the lake, it was submerged by a big incredible wave.

The golden tower looks out of reach, looking up from below, a person is like a tiny ant.

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagodas of the Four Great Sacred Grounds, it is said that even the gods cannot directly fly up, but must go up step by step.

People who can climb to the top of the tower don't know what realm they should have?

Lin Zhen stood in front of this tower that had existed since ancient times, and could not move for a long time.

Originally, he planned to come to the tower, but at this moment he feels that he is integrated into this room. This tower seems to be all-encompassing, containing the world and the earth.

Looking up from here, he could see the location of the spire, but Lin Zhen felt that the spire did not seem to be the end. The tower was right in front of him, but it made him see a little fuzzy.

The surrounding temperature was a bit cold, because the Star Picking Island was located above the Starfall Lake, and the water vapor below rose up, making Lin Zhen's body gradually wet.

But he didn't realize it, and just kept watching until someone next to him spoke.

"What did you see?" a voice spoke in his ear.

"I feel that this tower...I can't see clearly." Lin Zhen replied instinctively, and then suddenly woke up from that feeling. Looking back, I saw Jinnuo standing next to him. Behind him, I don't know when it will come.

Seeing Jin Nuo suddenly appeared, Lin Zhen slightly saluted: "I have seen Brother Five, when did Brother Five come?"

Jin Nuo didn't answer, but looked at Lin Zhen in a daze, and then said, "Do you think you can't see this tower clearly?"

Lin Zhen looked up again, the tower was so huge that he didn't know why he couldn't see clearly at that moment.

"I did not see clearly just now, but now it is gone." Lin Zhen answered truthfully.

Jin Nuo was silent for a while, and then asked: "You come to hit the tower, are you sure?"

Lin Zhen pondered for a moment: "I haven't beaten it yet, I don't know."

"Then do you know the rules of Tongta?"

"Don't you just hit it?"

"It's not that simple."

Jin Nuo shook his head slightly, walked a few steps on Star Picking Island, and after looking around, suddenly raised his hand, a cyan light completely enveloped the two of them.

"Brother Five?" Lin Zhen didn't know what Jinnuo meant.

Jin Nuo said sternly: "Lin Zhen, you must remember what I will say to you next, this is very important."

"Senior Brother Five, please speak." Lin Zhen's expression also became serious, knowing that Senior Brother Five said something like this, there must be something big.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable surprise in his heart. Jinnuo stayed behind as a holy land. How noble is Jinnuo's status, almost no one can surpass it on the ground of the Metaverse. What does he want to say to himself?

"Lin Zhen, my holy land has been passed on since the birth of the metaworld. Its foundation is the thirty-three sky tower. Speaking of it, the thirty-three sky tower is the highest measure of the strength of the martial artist. In it."

"As a warrior, the level of strength can be reflected on the 33 Heaven Tower. Remember that I am talking about all warriors, including all races on the ground of the Metaverse, including all races in the endless star sea, including all hidden Masters in the world, including me and even teachers."

"Isn't the Master of Falling Star Lake ever completely attacked the 33 Heaven Tower?" Lin Zhen felt very shocked. In his opinion, the owner of the Four Great Sacred Lands is definitely a person of the stratum standing at the peak of the universe. Can you get through the Thirty-Three Sky Tower?

Jinnuo didn't answer Lin Zhen's but said to Lin Zhen: "I will tell you about the 33 Heaven Tower, you must remember."

Lin Zhen stopped interrupting immediately and listened respectfully.

"Before telling it, let me tell you one thing. When I first came to the 33-day pagoda, just like you, I felt that I couldn't see the pagoda."

Lin Zhen was shocked, what does Jinnuo want to explain?

"It's not just me, but my previous holy place stayed behind, that is, my fourth brother had the same feeling as me."

Lin Zhen's pupils dilated instantly, what he thought of.

Seeing Lin Zhen’s expression, Jin Nuo knew that he understood, and smiled: "You’re right. Listen to my fourth brother, my third and second brothers are all the same as us. When I was in this tower, I felt vague, even...even the teacher."

Lin Zhen took a deep breath. At this moment, he seemed to see a avenue to the sky, slowly spreading out in front of him. The dream of setting foot on the summit in this life seemed to have found its way.