Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 777: use force

Looking at the disappearing figure, Lin Zhen snorted and sat back in front of the stele again.

Leaving is Huang Zun's subordinates, this must be Huang Zun's idea, but Lin Zhen doesn't know for the time being whether Huang Zun is entrusted by others, and knowing whether or not he knows is not that important.

In this sacred place, both the machine and Qian Tong might have calculated themselves, whether they did this or not, Lin Zhen would not let them go.

As for Huang Zun, Lin Zhen will teach him a lesson sooner or later.

The beads that pressed Li Kai directly below the ground were Lin Zhen's neutron **** beads.

This marble was condensed when Lin Zhen swallowed Qiantong's planet and mountains. After the black hole's decomposition and reorganization, it turned into a bead, which looked dazzling, like a round diamond.

But Lin Zhen knew how powerful this small marble was!

This is a huge planet compressed, the mass of this marble is equivalent to ten times that of the earth!

In other words, if Lin Zhen used this marble to bombard the earth, he could shatter the earth with just one blow!

You don't even need to hit it. As long as Lin Zhen places the marble on the earth without controlling it, the power of the marble can immediately derail the earth!

Not to mention the earth, even if it is a star like the sun, Lin Zhen can hit it through with a marble, causing the sun to die!

After absorbing this marble, Lin Zhen has been warming it up in the internal world, allowing his mental power to resonate with the marble. After integrating Lin Zhen's spiritual power, this marble has no weight for Lin Zhen. , But when he withdrew his mental power, it became a planet to other people.

This is the Holy Land, the space is stable and the earth is solid, and it is much stronger than any planet in the New Territories. This divine orb has not caused any movement, otherwise it will be crushed like this, and the earth must be broken!

Li Kai is not so easy to die. He is in a three-flowering period, and he must have a lot of life-saving methods, but it is not easy to get out of the suppression of marbles.

At least when Lin Zhen didn't let him come out, he couldn't come out with his own ability.

Because the stone stele of Wuyingwu is far away from the other steles, the movement here has not been discovered. Lin Zhen thought for a while, and the earth element appeared, and the soil condensed in his place and turned into A human form.

Putting his coat on the clay man, disguising himself as himself, then Lin Zhen reached the edge of the big hole and returned to his previous position.

After changing into clothes similar to Li Kai's, Lin Zhen lowered his head and glanced into the big hole.

The big pit is tens of meters deep, Li Kai's whole body is star-strength condensed, his body is splattered with light flashing, three flowers bloom, desperately resisting the pressure of marbles.

Those rays of light are all his means of pressing the bottom of the box, and now they are all used to save their lives.

If he can't resist it and the marbles are pressed down, he will definitely die in the end.

It is a pity that after countless years of accumulation, these treasures have been used to fight against marbles. Seeing Lin Zhen's eyes look down, there is a hint of pleading in his eyes.

If he can't say a word now, he will be discouraged when he speaks, which means death.

Lin Zhen sneered: "Oh, I was having a good time. I actually took my marbles and digged into the ground to play. Then I won't bother Brother Li Kai. Have fun here."

After saying that Lin Zhen would not go to see Li Kai any more, he was in the Sanhua realm anyway, it should be no problem to support it for a month, and he would still cultivate with peace of mind.

Li Kai almost vomited in his heart and wanted to vomit blood, but he couldn't say anything. He couldn't move a single movement. The unparalleled weight pressed on his body, and he could directly become fleshy at any time.

I really don't know where Lin Zhen got this thing, a small bead, that can crush the Sanhua powerhouse!

With the continuous release of star power, Li Kai hoped that Huang Zun would find out the situation and come and rescue him, but he didn't know that Lin Zhen had made a dummy and stood there.

About an hour after Lin Zhen started practicing, Huang Zun, who had stopped practicing, looked here.

Looking from a distance, Li Kai was in front and Lin Zhen was in the back. Both of them were cultivating in front of the stone stele without a shadow.

Huang Zun showed a satisfied smile. Li Kai is still very reliable. He actually got used up with Lin Zhen. What he was most worried about was that Lin Zhen would rather sit in second place and continue to practice and enlighten. Li Kai pitted.

Unexpectedly, Li Kai had no complaints, which made Huang Zun relieved.

"I have been cultivating for a long time in the first one, and the second is almost unbearable, Lin Zhen, how long do I think you can hold on? Sooner or later there will be the day when you beg me!"


In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

This month of cultivation was very precious to Lin Zhen.

The third picture of being able to comprehend Wuying Step without being disturbed is an important node in his progress.


A series of footprints appeared on the yellow sand.

Ten steps, a total of ten steps from beginning to end.

In the single training field of the Dimensional Arena, Lin Zhen's figure is like a ghost.

Looking at it from a distance, this string of figures flickered in place, forming a vague phantom that could not be distinguished at all.

"Wuying, this is the basic meaning of Wuying. When I was fighting with Wuying, even the light couldn't catch my shadow. The first picture is the surprise of the blitz, and the second picture is the flashing and turning. , The third picture is really applicable to actual combat."

"Such a pace is of great help to the battle. As long as the opponent's strength gap with me is not too big, this set of pace can almost kill the opponent in seconds."

Lin Zhen repeatedly practiced the shadowless step in the arena, thoroughly familiar with this set of steps.

The fourth picture of Wuyingbao has 30 footprints in total, but Lin Zhen hasn't comprehended it for the time being.

The first to third pictures can be called elementary steps, which are called entry level, small success, and great success.

What Lin Zhen is learning now is the pace of elementary mastery.

If you have to correspond to the realm, the primary step is what the Sanhua warrior should practice. Lin Zhen is too strong in himself and has an understanding of time, space and wind elements, so that he can learn the primary master step in the realm of the king.

After familiarizing himself with the steps, Lin Zhen practiced swordsmanship for a while.

"Huh! It feels almost done, but the real practice still has to be applied to actual combat. If you don't compete, you won't be able to truly understand it."

Lin Zhen had planned to go to the Dimension Arena to fight for a while, but he heard footsteps behind him.

Withdrawing from the dimensional universe, Lin Zhen looked towards the hillside.

On the hillside, three people came.

One of them was Huang Zun, and there was also a local class warrior who had walked closer to Huang Zun, who was in the same group as Lin Zhen.

The other was the fat warrior that Lin Zhenchu ​​saw when he first arrived in the city.

I don't know how this person got together with Huang Zun and the others.

Seeing a few people coming, Lin Zhen stood up slowly and looked down at the pit under his feet, only to see that Li Kai was still dying.

But it was almost the same. If Lin Zhen didn't take the marbles off for him, this Sanhua Warrior would have been unable to hold on for three days.

"Where did Brother Huang come?" Lin Zhen said lightly.

"Step aside!"

When Huang Zun saw that the person who was supposed to be Li Kai stood up and it was Lin Zhen, his expression suddenly changed. He didn't pay attention to Lin Zhen at all, and went straight to another clay figure.

Walking over and pushing, the clay figure collapsed.

Huang Zun suddenly changed his color when he saw it, turning his head to face Lin Zhen angrily: "Lin Zhen! Where is Li Kai?"

Lin Zhen shrugged slightly: "Why did you ask Li Kai to ask me, he is a big living man with hands and feet, can you still have someone look at him?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Li Kai came to you, I couldn't contact him in the Dimensional Universe, and then I looked at the people on your side, and felt that this dummy has no aura of life, so I came to you and said! How is Li Kai?"

Lin Zhen snorted coldly: "You are really inexplicable, do I have to look at him when he comes to find me? I want someone to find it myself."

Huang Zun followed a few words between his teeth: "Lin Zhen, you'd better give me a little bit of knowledge. If you kill the same person in the Holy Land, you will be executed or imprisoned. Just to prevent you from admitting it, I found it today. Brother Ma, if you really do something wrong, Brother Ma will definitely uphold justice for us."

"Oh! How can Brother Ma uphold justice?" Lin Zhen looked at the fat warrior.

The fat warrior said with a stern face: "Lin Zhen, you better explain where Li Kai has gone? Otherwise, we will take you down and ask the fifth brother."

"Why do you guys?"

"Why? Just because our ranking is ahead of you, Lin Zhen, this is the rules of the Holy Land, ranking determines the status, we now suspect that you have placed Li Kai under house arrest, unless you open your inner world to us now, Otherwise your suspicion cannot be removed!"

Huang Zun's words made Lin Zhen's expression cold. If a warrior opened up the world in his body, it would almost be equivalent to handing over his secrets, even life and death to the opponent.

"So if I don't hand over Li Kai today, you will have to do it?"

At this time, the warrior behind Huang Zun stood up: “It’s wrong, it’s not us, but me. Senior Brother Huang and Senior Brother Ma, it’s really dirty to deal with you. Up."

Lin Zhen looked at this warrior.

This is also a new student, the order in the ground class is only higher than himself, and once challenged the 33-day tower, but failed.

Although he failed, as long as he has challenged, he will rank higher than himself.

"You...?" Lin Zhen sneered: "You're a fart!"

"Presumptuous! What did you say Lin Zhen? There is a kind of you say it again!" This warrior was furious The star power was rising, and he wanted to act on Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen lifted his hand, struck first, and smashed it in front of Huang Zun and Senior Brother Ma!

This warrior snorted coldly, and directly drew his sword to stab Lin Zhen.

It is worthy of being the realm of three flowers, with one sword out, ten thousand rays of light bloom.

Lin Zhen just took a step forward slightly, but the man reached the side of the warrior weirdly, letting all his sword light fall through.

The fist still slammed past without stopping, directly hitting his temple.

The warrior snorted, his brain was blank, and his whole person was smashed to the ground.

Lin Zhen shook his hand, looked at both Huang Zun, and slowly said, "I said, you're a fart!"