Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 779: Help and punishment

Within a green light, all prying eyes were cut off, and Jin Nuo was telling Lin Zhen. ⒈⒍⒏. The fastest update visit: щщщ..сОΜ.

"The Thirty-Three Sky Tower, every time it advances one level, the difficulty will increase a lot, and the guards on each level will be stronger."

"Divided carefully, every six layers is actually a cycle. Take the first six layers as an example. The opponents you will face are the'Jing' Mind Master, Domain Warrior, Galaxy Behemoth, Elemental God of War, and Super Sword. Hand and God."

Lin Zhen was shocked when he heard this: "I probably still understand the meaning of the first five, but what is God?"

"God is actually a combination of the first five people."

"Every **** is a powerful galaxy behemoth, and also a powerful'jing' mentality master. He is also'proficient' in field and elemental power. In addition, the weapon is also extremely powerful in close combat, and it can be said that there is almost no weakness. of."

"So if you want to play the Thirty-Three Sky Tower, the most difficult thing to fight is God. Every six floors is considered a reincarnation. For example, the first six floors will be your opponents in the three'flowers' realm. From the beginning of the three'flowers' One of the gods who have reached the peak of the three'flowers' by the'Jing' spiritual mind is more difficult than the other, and once you reach the seventh level, then you will face an opponent who surpasses the three'flowers'."

Lin Zhen felt a little dignified in his heart. No wonder the 33 Heavenly Tower was not easy to fight, and this opponent was too strong.

The first level at the very beginning is the realm of the three'flowers'. The students in the Tianban and Diban classes are better. Those who are in the wild class and the Hongban class may have a hard time thinking about it.

Although Lin Zhen's strength is good, his realm is still lower, and he doesn't know how far he can go inside.

"Lin Zhen, I will set a goal for you now. Within one year, I ask you to get through the first five floors of the Thirty-Three Sky Tower within one year and defeat all opponents before the first God. Are you there?"

Lin Zhen nodded slightly: "It must be done."

"Okay, I like it simply. This is only the first goal. The second goal is to get through the twelve floors within ten years, and within a hundred years, you must get through the twenty floors!"

"Is there any benefit in getting through the 20th floor?" Lin Zhen asked. ⒈⒍⒏

"Haha! The warriors on the 20th floor within a hundred years can continue to stay in the Holy Land for enlightenment, and erect their own stone monuments. If you can’t do this for a hundred years, you must leave the Holy Land. If you do all of this No, then you should understand what I mean."

Lin Zhen didn't say anything. For a hundred years, it was indeed very, very difficult!

If he is not the seventh-level realm king, but the seventh-level longevity, maybe he still has a chance to try.

Jinnuo seemed to have seen Lin Zhen's thoughts: "Lin Zhen, I checked your previous information, I remember you had a clone before."

"Yes, there have been several clones before, but now they are gone, and no suitable body has been found."

Jin Nuo pondered for a moment: "The stone stele of comprehension and cultivation are in conflict with each other. If you can practice while comprehending, then you will get twice the result with half the effort. I suggest you better go and get a clone. Enlightenment, and then practicing on the body, without delay."

"Go ‘get’ the clone?"

"Yes,'get' a better clone. You are still a seventh-level alchemist. I think this will not be difficult for you. Here I will give you a suggestion. It is better to find a clone with a higher realm, but it is more important. It fits with itself. For example, if you are a galaxy behemoth, then it is very helpful to find a clone of the galaxy behemoth. At least when your strength increases, the strength of the clone will also increase. It doesn’t have to be replaced all the time.”

Lin Zhen believed in Jin Nuo’s words. At the beginning, his first clone was Xiao Nuan. At that time, when his realm improved, Xiao Nuan’s realm would also increase, but after Xiao Nuan awakened, Lin Zhen could not find the clone. It's appropriate.

Even if it is a clone of "Hua" and "Hua" Tai Sui, it is of little use to Lin Zhen.

"Okay, but I have to leave here to get it."

"This is not a problem. I can give you a dolphin. There is an ocean in your body. You can keep the dolphin in it. You can use it whenever you need to leave or return to the Holy Land."

"Then thank you fifth brother."

Jinnuo smiled: "Lin Zhen, the road to practice is extremely long, you work hard, the metaworld is so big and there are so many masters that you can't imagine. ⒈⒍⒏"

"I think the Holy Land is the highest martial arts hall in the Metaverse."

"That’s not wrong. The Holy Land is a high-level martial arts hall, but it’s not the only one. Infinite Xinghai also has a sacred place for martial arts, and have you ever thought about it. The people you see now, they may live for tens of thousands of years. One hundred thousand years, or even millions of years, but how long has the Metaverse existed? There won't be only such a master, where are those who have reached the realm of longevity? Now you are actually at the bottom."

Hearing Jin Nuo's words, Lin Zhen also knew that he used to sit in the well and watch the sky.

The New Territories have been born for at least tens of billions of years, not to mention the Metaverse, which is older than the New Territories.

"Then I start to beat the tower now?" Lin Zhen asked.

When Lin Zhen asked this question, Jin Nuo suddenly remembered his purpose.

"You can't beat the tower yet."


"One thing, Huang Zun and several people said that you are disrespectful to Venerable Ranked, and they came to me to file a complaint and asked me to punish you. And in the Holy Land, it is indeed forbidden to'private' automatic hands, so I decided to give Punish you a little."

"What punishment?"

"That’s what I told you before, you leave the Holy Land to'get' a clone and come back within ten months. At that time, it will be one year after you entered the Holy Land. I can say that you were exiled by me. Months, in order to follow your example. You will not be allowed to come back until one year is up and the class is promoted and demoted. You can do it after you come back."

Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment. He didn't care about leaving the Holy Land to ‘get’ the clone, but the ten-month period was a bit longer, and he still had to comprehend the Shadowless Step Stone.

Jin Nuo saw Lin Zhen's thoughts, and laughed: "Don't worry about it, you are cultivating Shadowless Step. I can transmit the stone stele pattern of Shadowless Step to you in the way of dimensional cosmic burning, even if you are not in the Holy Land. Comprehend this stele in the dimensional universe."

"There is such a thing?" Lin Zhen was surprised. The Holy Land Stele cannot be displayed through the Dimensional Universe. This is also a way to ensure the lofty status of the Holy Land. He didn't expect Jinnuo to change this rule.

"Of course others can't do it, but it's possible to stay in the Holy Land, but it's against the rules, so don't talk about it."

After speaking, Jin Nuo blinked at Lin Zhen.

"Lin Zhen, after you go out, you can'get' the clone, and then you will practice immediately. If you get through the fifth floor within a year, there will be a surprise waiting for you."

"Haha! Okay, I will try to get through the sixth floor within a year!"

They were all opponents in the three'flowers' realm, and Lin Zhen had set a higher goal than Jin Nuo, striving to defeat the first sixth-tier God.

Jinnuo's eyes brightened upon hearing this: "If you can get through the sixth floor, then things will be fun."

After Jin Nuo finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and then ‘confessed’ Lin Zhen’s receipt of the dolphins, and after sending the inscribed image of the stone stele to Lin Zhen, he left immediately.

"Remember, I will announce you will be exiled for ten months in a moment, you go."

Lin Zhen watched Jin Nuo leave, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

The time to beat the tower has been postponed, and it will take ten months before the first challenge can be carried out.

In the eyes of the holy land people, I am afraid that the local students of my own class are abolished.

But Lin Zhen didn't care much about superficial skills, at least the shadowless stele didn't delay enlightenment. It was important to go out and get a clone back.

Lin Zhen didn't enter the Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda, but left along the mountain road and started walking towards the lake shore.

On the way, Lin Zhen was already thinking about what kind of clone he was looking for.


The news of Jinnuo was announced very quickly. After a while, Lin Zhen had already beaten up the students who ranked high, and was ordered to be expelled from the Holy Land by the fifth son Jinnuo for ten months. He was only allowed to come back to participate in the ranking when the time was up for one year. The news of the assessment spread.

Upon hearing this news, Huang Zun and others clapped their hands and cheered.

Lin was really finished now. I thought he had learned the shadowless step, and it would be no problem to get through the 33-day tower on one or two floors. Huang Zun and the others were also desperate.

But I didn't expect Wu Gongzi to be so powerful, he actually expelled him directly for ten months.

This is the most critical ten Ten months can not be understood, and the tower hasn't been hit for thirty-three days. When you come back ten months later, everything is too late.

This is almost a direct expulsion in disguise. It seems that the Holy Land is the Holy Land, with strict rules and no one can offend.

But they didn't dare to go down the mountain to mock Lin Zhen who was about to leave, so as not to anger Jin Nuo, who was originally disliked to them, they could only sneer on the ground of the class.

The machine breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news, so that Lin Zhen's downgrade was basically determined, and when he arrived at the Xuanban, he could clean up at will.

But one person is not very happy.

This person is the only holy alchemist in the Great Qin Empire, and Qian Tong is now forced to make alchemy in the Holy Land.

For Lin Zhen, Qian Tong hated him in his bones, but he couldn't beat the wind and waves in the Holy Land. He couldn't do anything except alchemy every day, and he didn't dare to play any tricks under Jin Nuo's eyes. .

He even hoped that Lin Zhen would be expelled from any mistake he had made. He didn't expect that happiness came so suddenly that Lin Zhen was actually kicked out by Jinnuo. Although it only took ten months, for Qian Tong enough.

Although he can't leave the Holy Land, Qian Tong is well-connected after all, and even a long time ago, he was a Holy Land warrior.

It's just that he comes from the Holy Land of Liberty City, and does not belong to Starfall Lake.

Knowing that Lin Zhen was expelled, Qian Tong immediately began to search for friends through the dimensional universe.

As a saint-level alchemy master, too many people are willing to give Qian Tong their lives. After successively finding a few friends who he thinks are good, Qian Tongcai continued to make alchemy after he made great profits.

"Lin Zhen, since you left the Holy Land, don't come back again. You will stay in the Great Qin Empire forever!"

Highly recommended [I Eat Tomato (Tomato) New Book] Lord Snow Eagle