Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 776: What is so heavy?

Zhang Lang's bet is not easy to complete. If you can complete the three-story Thirty-Three Sky Tower within one year, you are basically eligible to erect a stone monument in the later stage.

If Lin is really a Sanhua, even if it is a Changsheng, Zhang Lang would not make this request.

He was not aimless, he had watched Lin Zhen's fighting video.

In his opinion, Lin Zhen was able to enter the Holy Land by relying on three great tricks.

One was the God of Destruction Thunder when he defeated Black Bone, but Zhang Lang had a venomous eye. He knew at a glance that the Thunder of Destruction took a long time to conceive. Lin Zhen just let go of the Thunder of Destruction. May breed success.

The second is the magic pill. There is no problem with the magic pill in real battles. However, the guards inside the Thirty-Three Sky Tower are in a virtual environment and must be defeated by their own strength. Drugs are prohibited inside, so this trick cannot be used. use.

There is also the black hole beast's transformation. This move is very powerful, but the guards in the Thirty-Three Heavens Tower will not give Lin Zhen such a chance, and there is no trick that cannot be released.

Lin Zhen, who had lost the three great tricks, was just a slightly stronger world king, at most equal to a longevity warrior, how could he get through the three-story thirty-three sky tower.

So in his opinion, he will definitely win this bet.

Jin Nuo groaned after hearing Zhang Lang's words: "You said you can comprehend the stone stele of Liberty City. What is the method of comprehension?"

"This is very simple. I can put a few stone tablets together without reporting the name, and let him choose one by himself. It doesn't matter to me whether the choice is good or bad. The bad one is that he has bad eyesight. His fortune teller is good."

"This statement is too vague. To be more specific, how long is the enlightenment time?"

"Hehe, you're quite careful, let's be more specific. Everyone knows that the martial arts of the holy land are not interoperable. Who can learn the martial arts of other holy places, that will greatly improve the strength, if Lin Zhen gets through the third layer , I showed him five stone steles for him to see, four of them belonged to the mysterious class and one of the ground class. The comprehension time... is ten days."

Jin Nuo said: "What if Lin Zhen gets through the fourth floor?"

"Haha, you really dare to think, if he can get through the fourth floor, it will also be five stone tablets, four land shifts, one sky shift, and the enlightenment time is 20 days."

"What if the fifth floor?"

"Then all are Tianban, including a Tianban special grade. This is fine, but Jinnuo, let’s say, if Lin Zhen can’t do it, then you must at least open up a Tianban stone tablet for I."

Jinnuo nodded slightly, he thought this bet could be tried.

Regardless of what Zhang Lang thinks, in Jinnuo's view, Lin is really the person whom Master has told us to take care of, so his potential must be extraordinary. If you can't even pass the thirty-three-story tower, then how can Master There can be no such orders.

"I think it's feasible, so it's decided." Jinnuo agreed.

"Hahaha! Okay, Fangfei and Fengdao testify to you, and you are willing to bet!"

The gambling agreement between the two was thus reached.

Afterwards, there were chats of a few people, such as Fengdao said that the black bones of the Locking God Platform were killed by Lin Zhen, but the black bones had left the Holy Land of Locking God Platform and wanted to sneak into Starfall Lake to learn martial arts. people.

For example, Fang Fei said that this year a newcomer in Double Tree Garden has come to be valued. She is a girl from the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance. She has a high talent and is scary. She decided to focus on training Yunyun.

What Jin Nuo was thinking about was when Lin Zhen would go to the Thirty-Three Sky Tower. If he failed the first time, how should he encourage him?

Maybe Lin Zhen should be given a small stove.


"Brother Huang, come, come, sit, this is the Xiaguang tea brought from the New Territories by the younger brother. At that time, only one or two of them were produced on our planet in ten years. When the younger brother left, they were extinct all at once."

The tea is soaked in the teacup, and the red clouds cover the mouth of the teacup.

Huang Zun took a sip and nodded in satisfaction.

"There are no surprises in the big world. It is not easy for places like the New Territories to produce this kind of treasure."

"Senior Brother Huang likes it. There are still two catties here, Brother Huang, and I will take it all to Senior Brother Huang." The machine took out all his inventory and gave it to Huang Zun.

"You don't need to be so polite. Speaking of you entering the Holy Land earlier than me, I should call a senior brother." Huang Zun said in his mouth, but actually put the tea away unceremoniously.

The machine laughed, and there was a sound of metal collision in his throat: "That's not the case. In the Holy Land, the senior classmate is the senior brother, and the senior brother Huang is a student of the earth class. I am only from the Xuanban class. It should be called senior."

"Well, then Huang is disrespectful."

The machine watched Huang Zun accept the tea, and then whispered: "Mechanic has something to ask, please help Brother Huang."

"what's up?"

"Lin Zhen from the local class had a little holiday with me when we were in the New Territories, but now he is in the local class, and I can't deal with him. If Brother Huang can demote Lin Zhen, Huang must have a lot of thanks."

"I can't do anything about this matter. Promotion and relegation all depend on personal strength. How can I dominate?"

"Brother Huang, it's not difficult, isn't Lin Zhen looking at the stone stele, and he has never passed the Tongtian Tower on the first floor. He should be ranked last in the ground class. As long as Brother Huang finds a few people, when he is enlightened , I interrupted him every three to five, and asked him to sit back, so that he would naturally not have any comprehension, and could only stand still. A year later, he was still at the end of the class, and he would be demoted to Xuanban, then I can deal with him personally."

Huang Zun always saw Lin Zhen not pleasing to his eyes, but Lin Zhen has always been low-key, so he didn't deliberately make things difficult.

Now that he has received the benefits of machinery, Huang Zun is happy to embarrass Lin.

"This is not difficult. His rank in the field team is behind us. No matter who is in the past, he has to give way. It's just that I can't let him enlighten smoothly. I can still do it."

"Then bother Brother Huang."

The machine sent Huang Zun away, all eyes were hating Lin Zhen.

Now Lin Zhen has become his demon. Seeing the murderer and the enemy are in front of him, the machine has no intention of practicing. No matter what price he pays, Lin Zhen will die!

"Huh! This third picture is really difficult. From three footprints to ten footprints, the changes are more than tens of thousands of times. The timing, timing, and strength of each step have to go through thousands of times. Calculation."

"There is also a sequence. This step can be forward or backward. There are many changes, but it is precisely because of this that the shadowless step is so erratic."

Another half month passed, Lin Zhen was completely indifferent to the outside world's tower-breaking behavior. His goal was to comprehend the third stage of Wuying Step, and then go to the 33-day tower.

But the third level has changed too much, and Lin Zhen has only realized one third of it in half a month.

"In another month, I may hope to comprehend the third picture."

"At that time, I will go to the Thirty-Three Sky Tower, relying on my pace and my **** orb, I will definitely be able to make a difference."

Lin Zhen secretly cheered himself up, as he was about to start a new round of enlightenment, a figure appeared.

"I want to comprehend this stone stele with no shadow steps, you go back."

Lin Zhen looked up and saw that this person was called Li Kai, who was very close to Huang Zun.

Lin Zhen frowned slightly, there has been no one here in Wuying Step, and his comprehension here is also very smooth. If he staggers a position later, it will definitely have a big impact on the comprehension.

Although he doesn't want to move his position, the Holy Land has the rules of the Holy Land. This person is ranked ahead of him, and he must give way.

"Well, you enlighten it first, I just have a rest."

Lin Zhen got up and prepared for the activity.

He just got up and didn't take two steps, Li Kai also got up, turned and left.

Lin Zhen was shocked, watching Li Kai go, he returned here to practice again.

But after only ten minutes of practicing, Li Kai came back when he had some feelings just now, and said to Lin Zhen: "Get out, I want to comprehend."

Lin Zhen got up again helplessly, but Li Kai was doing nothing here, humming a little song, with a comfortable look.

Lin Zhen didn't make a sound, turned and walked away. After walking around for a while, when he came back again, he saw that Li Kai had already left.

Back in front of the stele of Wuying Step, Lin Zhen sat down again.

Ten minutes later, Li Kai ran back and said to Lin Zhen: "Go to the back, I want to see here, don't the guys at the bottom know how to respect the strong?"

As he said, he still sneered at Lin Zhen: "Why? Not convinced, are you? You have to endure even if you are not convinced. My ranking is ahead of you, so you have no room to resist!"

Lin Zhen smiled: "Well, if you are willing to sit here, then sit."

With that said, Lin Zhen sat behind Li Kai, and with a thought, a shiny marble appeared in his palm.

Spiritual power was floating, the marbles flashed a circle of halo, looking at the unusual beauty.

Li Kai sat in front of Lin Zhen. He came here to disgust Lin Zhen. As for Wuying Step, he couldn't comprehend it at all, let alone Wuying Step, it is Wind Step that he has not understood thoroughly so far, how could he come Comprehend here.

If Lin Zhen cares, his actions will make sense, but now Lin Zhen doesn't seem to care anymore. He sits here like sitting on pins and needles.

According to He Huang Zun's plan, it is best to provoke Lin Zhen and let him do it. If he actively attacked his classmates in the Holy Land, he would be imprisoned. The fifth son is selfless and will not tolerate Lin Zhen.

After being imprisoned for ten or eight years, his ranking may have fallen directly to the deserted squad. When that time comes up from the deserted squad, his holy land cultivation journey will be abandoned.

But Lin Zhen didn't care anymore, playing with a bead there, this change was beyond the plans of Li Kai and others.

"Hey, show me what you got!" Li Kai asked Lin Zhen carelessly, but he couldn't make it easier.

"This thing is very what do you look at."

"Do you know what is superiority and inferiority order? My ranking is ahead of you. If you want to get better in the local squad, just give me some awareness."

Lin Zhen seemed helpless: "Well, since you insist, then I will show it to you for a while."

After all, Lin Zhen wrapped the bead with mental energy and sent it to Li Kai.

Li Kai reached out to pick it up, and Lin Zhen withdrew his mental strength.

As soon as the beads came into Li Kai's hands, they suddenly fell down with an incredible weight!

"Ah! What is so heavy?"

Li Kai, a three-flower warrior, couldn't bear the weight of this bead at all. He held the bead and was directly pressed below the ground!


A big humanoid pit appeared on the ground, and Li Kai was gone!