Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 770: The battle of the Holy Land ends

Lin Zhen was promoted. Qian Tong and Lin Zhen didn't take advantage of the bang. Although he was confident that Lin Zhen was not his opponent, but in a hurry, the stellar attack still knocked him back, and his face was even worse. Light.

But feeling that Lin Zhen's star power dropped sharply at this moment, he knew that the effect of the opponent's medicine had completely passed.

So Qian Tong wanted to do it again, but a figure suddenly appeared behind him, grabbed his collar and threw it out!

"Is the Saint Master going to be my enemy of Falling Star Lake?"

Unstoppable Vigorously took his body to fly, and directly threw Qian Tong out tens of thousands of meters!

After finally stabilizing, he saw the distant place, the five sons of Holy Land's eyes were already very indifferent. Far away, he could still feel the chill in the other's eyes, and Qian Tong's heart also calmed down.


After Lin Zhen was promoted, he was a student of the Divine Land Class. He was too impulsive to act at this moment. If he killed Lin Zhen it would be okay, but instead of killing Jin Nuo, he offended Jin Nuo.

Qian Tong murmured a few words before suddenly holding a fist to Jin Nuo: "The old man is impulsive, please forgive me."

"I will report this matter to the teacher, the saint teacher has self-respect!" Jin Nuo turned his head and stopped looking at him.

After all, Qian Tong's identity is special, and it is better to leave such matters to the teacher.

Jin Nuo also looked at Lin Zhen at this time, and couldn't help feeling a little.

This time, there was an amazing guy from Falling Star Lake. If this kid was promoted to Longevity, he would be so big that he could go anywhere.


Lin Zhen gently stroked Ning Qingxuan's hair, feeling warm in his heart.

After I break through to the longevity in the Holy Land, I should find a chance to go back to the New Territories and take all my family.

There is also Little Phoenix, who should also look for an opportunity to pick her up, there are still ten years to be a thousand years, and he can't let Qing Luan wait any longer.

Of course, the most important thing is cultivation, and finally entered the Starfall Lake. Lin Zhen believes that he must be able to integrate the martial arts of Starfall Lake and the Suo Shentai martial arts into one, creating a powerful martial art that belongs to him!

This round of battle is over, and there is a final draw.

The people of Qin were completely desperate and no longer cared about whether Lin Zhen could win or lose.

Victory is a day shift, and failure is a ground shift, neither is the result they want to see.

The cursing Qin people had already begun to leave the stage, but they didn't know who to curse.

Even the national teacher Qian Tong quietly shot, but still failed to win Lin Zhen, this Lin Zhen is definitely not so easy to deal with, they don't want to watch Lin Zhen's scenery go down.

At the beginning of the final round of drawing, Lin Zhen's opponent was the fallen angel Michelle.

"I abstain!"

Just when people thought they could still see a fierce battle, Lin Zhen chose the rapids to retreat.

The black hole has been swallowed, the divine power pill has been swallowed, and the destruction of the divine thunder has been released. Moreover, it is still a period of weakness in the efficacy of the medicine, and Lin Zhen has no possibility of victory in the battle, so why bother to insult himself.

The day shift has to enter, but not necessarily at this time. Lin Zhen is very open to this point. It is already the best result to be able to get the place for the ground shift.

Michelle was very excited when he picked Lin Zhen, thinking that he could fight heartily once, but he was a little regretful when he heard Lin Zhen abstained.

However, Michelle quickly understood Lin Zhen's behavior and walked up to Lin Zhen and gave him a hug.

"Lin Zhen, I admire your fighting spirit very much. It is a miracle that you can get here all the way this time. When you break through to the longevity, we will learn from each other."

Lin Zhen responded with a smile: "There will be that day."

"Then you have to come to Tianban soon, I will see you in Tianban this time next year!"

"A word is settled!"

Michelle laughed, and the two became friends inexplicably.

Sometimes friends are a feeling between each other.

Lin Zhen abstained from voting and immediately entered the ground class, and Michel didn't fight and became a Tianban student directly. This should be the first one among the four holy places to advance to the Tianban.

The battle started soon afterwards, and finally after a battle, Michel, Dongfangyu, Sun Yidao and others became Tianban students.

So far, the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake has completely come to an end.

At the same time, news came from several other holy places, all of which ended the battle, and the students of each class had already emerged.

Zhu Ziheng said a few words before leaving, holding his empress tightly with his hands, absolutely not having a fight with Lin Zhen.

And Saga of the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance came to Lin Zhen with joy: "Lin Zhen, congratulations, I really didn't expect you to kill the local team in one go. This is really a miracle. Work hard. When you come out of the Holy Land, I will give you the position of the head of the Fire Qilin, and then you will compete for the leader of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance!"

Lin Zhen smiled non-committal, he had no interest in being the leader, but he didn't want to disappoint now.

Then Long Geer also came to Lin Zhen: "Well, you have won honors for the Alchemy Master Guild this time, but don't forget to make alchemy while practicing. Alchemy is also a kind of cultivation."

"Good vice president, I will never forget the guild, I will always be a member of the guild."

Longger also left, and gradually, people gradually dispersed.

All the warriors who entered the Holy Land came to the front of the blue whale at this moment.

The fifth son Jin Nuo stood on the back of the blue whale, facing all the people.

"Congratulations to you all for being a member of the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake. The history of the four great holy places has a long history, even longer than the years in many countries. The holy land warriors are different from ordinary warriors. As a holy land warrior, you have to shoulder the responsibility. ."

His gaze swept over the people: "The Metaverse has not only ground races, but also alien races. The Emperors have always been hostile to the Metaverse races, which are dominated by human races, and there are battles between them."

The people below were stunned. Although they knew about the emperor clan, they didn't know that Yuanjie had to fight the emperor clan.

"Before you didn't know it was normal. The battle between the Holy Land and the Emperor Clan has always existed, but it never needed to be announced to ordinary people. Now that you are a member of the Holy Land, you are naturally qualified to know."

"As long as you know that you have a mission on your shoulders, for the survival of the tens of thousands of races on the surface of the Metaverse, you may be able to fight at any time.

"But before that, you have to study hard. Only the outstanding holy land martial artist has the qualifications to fight against the alien race. If you are not capable enough, you do not even have the qualifications to play, then for the martial artist, it is absolutely a battle. shame."

Jin Nuo's voice is very contagious, and the warriors including Lin Zhen have a sense of mission in them.

Although Lin Zhen doesn't think there are real right or wrong in race war, as a warrior, if he can't climb the peak bravely, then he will definitely not have too high achievements.

Jinnuo's words continue: "You might think that you can stand out from so many contestants, you should be regarded as super strong, as a genius, but I tell you, that is the world of ordinary warriors, In the Holy Land, you are nothing!"

Jin Nuo shook his fingers slightly, and some warriors showed unconvinced expressions.

"Don’t be dissatisfied. Each class in the Holy Land is not just a few of you. You recruit once every ten years. Everyone can practice in the Holy Land for at most a hundred years. Take the Tianban Diban for example. If there are eight people in ten years, then there are eight people in a hundred years. Ten people."

"Even if there are other factors that will reduce the number of students, there will be at least 40 or 50 students in each class. Do you think you can sweep everything in this competition? How about compared with the previous one? And those who have been in front of the stone tablet. Compared with the sacred warriors of decades? Is it weak and pitiful?"

Hearing Jin Nuo's words, the warriors who were a little arrogant all put away their arrogant color.

Yes, there are countless geniuses in each session, compared to those warriors who are proficient in holy land martial arts, they are really nothing.

"So please remember that after you arrive at the Holy Land, don't cause troubles. The right thing to do is to concentrate on cultivation. I hope you can all learn something as soon as possible."

"My words are all here. You will go back to rest today and explain what you have explained. When you gather here tomorrow, someone will pick you up to Star Picking Island. Although you are not forbidden to go out after entering the Holy Land, I believe you will truly understand From the stone monument, you probably won't have the mind to go After Jinnuo's words are finished, it seems that you are about to turn around and leave.

At this time, a warrior couldn't help but asked: "Fifth Young Master, when will we be like you, become the direct disciple of the Master of Falling Star Lake?"

Jin Nuo paused for a while, and then smiled: "It takes hard work. When I am practicing, I am responsible for receiving students from each session into the Holy Land. Almost every session has people asking this question. In total, you It’s the 1.52 million people who asked me this question."

The students were shocked, how old is this fifth son?

One in ten years, more than 1.5 million, then he has lived for at least 15 million years!

The warrior spoke again: "How many people did it?"

Jin Nuo smiled again: "The reception task between our brothers and sisters has always been small suffering. The youngest person is responsible for the reception. More than ten million years have passed, or I am responsible for the reception, what do you think?"

This time, including Lin Zhen, everyone was really shocked.

For more than ten million years, the master of Falling Star Lake did not accept any more disciples!

There are more than one million selections, and there are more than 1,000 people in each session, which means that during this period of time, Starfall Lake has absorbed more than 1.5 billion warriors!

There is no one qualified for the 1.5 billion talented elites!

People who were full of confidence in themselves just now have been severely hit. The requirements are too harsh.

"I also hope that some of you can take over my task and become the sixth brother of the Holy Land. At that time, I will be able to relax and go out for a good walk."

Jin Nuo said, his eyes swept from the crowd.

Lin Zhen had a feeling that Jin Nuo's gaze seemed to stay on his body for a while, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.