Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 771: 33 days tower

After explaining these things, Jin Nuo turned and left.

The blue whale flicked its tail, and departed.

Jinnuo left, and the remaining students immediately formed teams of themselves.

The Tianban is with the people from the Tianban, the local with the locals, and the Huangban with the people from the desert.

Lin Zhen stood in the ranks of the earth squad. Except for him, the other seven people were all martial artists in the Sanhua realm.

One of the martial artists named Huang Zun said: "A few classmates, we will all be in the same class in the future. I hope we can unite closely and not be bullied by those old students."

Several other people nodded in agreement. After arriving at the Holy Land, they were new rookies, Xinnen, who were definitely at a disadvantage compared to the old students.

Lin Zhen thinks so too. The Holy Land is also the world of warriors. As long as it is the world of warriors, strength is the king. They just entered, and it is inevitable to be bullied.

"Why don't I be the host today and set a table in the Changtian Pavilion of Qin State, and the eight of us will gather together to get to know."

This Huang Zun was regarded as the best performer among all the local students. Although he lost to the Tianban students, he only lost one move. He was suffocated in his heart to achieve transcendence and waited until this time next year to enter the Tianban.

According to his performance, among the eight local students, he faintly thought of himself as the boss.

The others were silent and did not make a sound. No one who was able to get to this point was not arrogant, and no one was willing to subdue to others.

Lin Zhen was the first to say: "I don't have time for the time being. I will enter the Holy Land tomorrow. Today you also saw that I have so many supporters coming. I want to be with them and leave."

Lin Zhen turned around and left after speaking, Xuan'er and the others were still waiting for themselves.

Huang Zun watched Lin Zhen leave with a look of disdain on his face: "Excuse, it's all students from the Holy Land class, what's the point of staying with those ordinary warriors!"

Lin Zhen did not go to see if the rest of the local students would act together, he returned to his supporter.

"Brother Lin, we told my sister-in-law that today is a good day for you. You have to celebrate it. Today we are going to beat your local tyrant. Who makes you rich?"

Zhao Xiaoman said frankly, and Lin Zhen smiled: "Okay, today everyone will go to the best restaurant in Qin, not drunk or return!"

The crowd burst into cheers, and immediately returned to Qin Capital in a mighty manner.

In Metaverse, there are many restaurants that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. Lin Zhen has set a banquet of thousands of tables to entertain his supporters.

Although Qin people hated Lin Zhen more, the situation was different now from before.

Lin Zhen, as a holy land martial artist, and a student of the local class, would not allow ordinary people to offend at will.

As the national teacher of Qin State, Qian Tong is also the only holy alchemist in the Metaverse. What a noble and noble status, because he shot Lin Zhen once during the battle, he has stayed in the Holy Land and has not returned.

Offending the Holy Land, even a saint like Qiantong would be in great trouble.

Qian Tong's status in Qin was comparable to that of the emperor, and he couldn't even offend the holy land martial artist, let alone other people.

Therefore, no matter how Lin Zhen was in Qin, the people of Qin were daring not to speak, and even avoided Lin Zhen as far as possible.

The Holy Land is the most powerful amulet of the warrior. If you don't want to die, everyone has to weigh the meaning of these two words.

After this meal, people seem to have returned to their days in the New Territories.

Everyone came from the New Territories, drinking happily and thinking about the past.

Listening to everyone's lively discussion about everything in the New Territories, Ning Qingxuan's beautiful big eyes kept blinking.

"Husband, when will two sisters Su Mingyue and An Ning come over?"

"Well, after a while, to guarantee their absolute safety in Metaverse, I must advance to the realm of longevity and learn something in the Holy Land, otherwise it will harm them."

Lin Zhen also missed his family a lot. The Metaverse and New Territories Dimensional Universe could not communicate with each other. He missed his parents, wife and children, but he could not go back temporarily.

The price of wormhole eggs is 300 billion. Lin Zhen doesn't have that much money right now, but when the time is right, earning 300 billion is not a far away goal for a seventh-level alchemist.

"What about Little Phoenix? She is not too far from here."

Lin Zhen nodded, it was indeed time to pick up Little Phoenix, and waited until the Holy Land stabilized.

At this time, Long Juetian suddenly said: "Brother Lin, Miss Qingluan seems to have gone to Shuangshuyuan Holy Land."

"Go to Double Tree Garden?" Lin Zhen was taken aback, he really didn't know the news.

"How did you tell me? What's the matter?"

Long Juetian glanced at Ning Qingxuan: "I haven't found a chance to talk to you."

"It doesn't matter, Xuan'er is not that kind of narrow-minded woman, but it doesn't matter.

"I heard that this is the case. The Galaxy Behemoth Alliance recommends people to participate in the selection of the Holy Land. Among them, the Phoenix clan only has two places. One was given to Lord Grim, but he did nothing in this Holy Land, and the other was given to Fengqing. Luan, but she went to the Shuangshuyuan Holy Land. It seems that she has also entered the Holy Land. You can check the specific situation."

Lin Zhen hurriedly checked and inquired about the situation in Shuangshuyuan Holy Land.

The result was quickly found, in the Shuangshuyuan Holy Land, Feng Qingluan entered the yellow class!

Lin Zhen really wanted to talk to Little Phoenix, but he didn't have the other party's dimensional universe number.

Long Juetian continued: "I also met Miss Feng by chance. She also asked me to convey a word to you."

"What is it?"

"She said she won't lose to anyone around you. When the time is up, you will see each other."

Lin Zhen didn't say anything for a while, he knew that Feng Qingluan would not be willing to be mediocre, especially after Ning Qingxuan appeared, maybe the little Phoenix was still stimulated.

She is proud and will not allow herself to lose to other women, no matter who it is.

Ning Qingxuan's eyes flickered when she heard these words: "She is really a proud sister, so I am looking forward to the day I meet her."

Lin Zhen coughed, pretending not to hear Ning Qingxuan's words, raised the cup and said to the others: "Thank you friends for your support, we did this cup!"

Five hundred yuan a cup of premium snow burn, 10,000 people all drank it in one go.

After one bite, it is five million!


On Star-catching Island, Jinnuo is asking his teacher through the dimension universe.

In other words, the person who answered him was not the teacher at all, but the intelligent life of the teacher.

Just like Lin Zhenkris, the intelligent life of the owner of Falling Star Lake is a beautiful young woman in her early twenties.

In fact, Jinnuo doesn't know where the teacher is. He hasn't seen a teacher for tens of millions of years. Every time he asks, this intelligent life is receiving him, but it also represents the teacher's will.

"Jinnuo, is there anything else?"

"Teacher, it's about the selection of the Holy Land this time."

"Holy land selection occurs once every ten years. It is not a very special situation. You don't need to report to the teacher, you can call the shots."

"Teacher, this time a realm king named Lin Zhen has entered the ground class."

"Oh! King of the realm? Have you even entered the local class?" The beautiful young woman wore a black leather outfit, and her figure was extremely hot. Jin Nuo sometimes wondered in her heart that the teacher had made such an intelligent life, right? Does it have the effect of relieving boredom when there is nothing to do?

The young woman pondered for a moment: "The four sacred places are not precedents for the entry of no realm king, but they all happened in the ancient times. When the longevity three flowers became popular, the realm king almost had no chance."

"Even if there is an occasional case, it is also the first time to enter the deserted squad or the Hong squad. This is the first time to directly enter the ground squad."

"Yes, so I felt that the matter was of great importance, so I came to report to the teacher, and this Lin Zhen also suffered two unfair treatments, once inside the Holy Land, the black bones of the lock **** platform warrior I captured that year were released. It came out, controlled it and used it to snipe Lin Zhen, but the black bones are now completely destroyed, and it has not been found out who did it."

"There is also Qin's national teacher Qian Tong, that is the holy alchemist. Lin Zhen failed to calculate, and he shot Lin Zhen midway. I now order him not to leave the holy land for the time being. Please tell the teacher what to do?"

"Holy Alchemist..."

The glamorous young woman thought for a while: "The holy land is located in Zhuoxing Lake, in the country of Qin. Qian Tong is in the country of Qin. After all, we still have to give the people of Qin a little face, and we will fine him to refine the alchemy in the holy land for a hundred years. After a hundred years, Lin Zhen and this group of students can leave before he can leave."

"Yes, the disciple understands!"

"As for the unfair treatment Lin Zhen has, after all, we have oversighted. You will occasionally point him and make him progress faster."

"This, is this also the teacher's opinion?" Jin Nuo was taken aback. This answer was unexpected, and he suspected that this was the unauthorized assertion of Intelligent Life, not the teacher's opinion.

"Jinnuo! Are you doubting my orders?" The beautiful young woman's voice changed suddenly, full of supreme aura!

Feeling this tone, Jin Nuo's body trembled and hurriedly knelt down: "Jin Nuo dare not!"

"Jinnuo, do you know how beautiful your four senior brothers and sisters are now?" The voice changed back to the soft voice of a young woman again.

Jin Nuo suddenly showed an expression of envy. In fact, he is the only person in charge in the Holy Land, so he must do these things himself.

This is the rule of the Holy Land. When there is a brother, all the coolies belong to the brother, and those who are brothers can run away and go out to be happy.

"Don't you want to be like your senior brother and sister?"

When Jinnuo heard this, he fully understood what the teacher meant: "I understand the teacher, but whether he can succeed or not depends on his good fortune. After all, it is too difficult to get up to the Thirty-Three Sky Tower."

"That's natural. Speaking of since you started 15 million years ago, no newcomers have come. The Holy Land is indeed deserted."

The glamorous young woman sighed, and then showed a charming smile: "Well, the master can't do without me, I'll go now!"

"Send the teacher respectfully!" Jin Nuo bowed and saluted.

Withdrawing from the dimension universe, Jin Nuo looks into the distance.

At the top of Star Catch Island, deep into the starry sky, there is a tall tower.

This tower is called the Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda. It is said that the Metaverse stood here when it was born. The Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda is the foundation of the Holy Land!