Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 769: Swallow the stars!

The center of the ring was flooded by Lin Zhen's blow!

If there is a slow-motion camera at this time, you can see that Lin Zhen's starlight is undergoing amazing changes.

From the fireball to the nucleus, from the nucleus to the star, only a short period of zero and one second!

This stellar change was realized by Lin Zhen from the previous star falling.

Sometimes, comprehension is only a momentary matter, but often there must be a medium. The best medium is to see something with your own eyes.

On the mountainous planet above his head, Lin Zhen couldn't breathe. Lin Zhen wanted to get rid of it, but Zhao Lihua was attacking frantically.

The only way is to make Zhao Lihua unable to do it temporarily.

Lin Zhen's ice power came in handy at this time. Zhao Lihua was playing Huan on it, but Lin Zhen was accumulating strength, and with one effort, Zhao Lihua's feet were completely frozen.

Zhao Lihua wants to interfere again, unless she cuts herself in two!

One move the stars fall, shake the planet hard!

Of course, this planet cannot be knocked down by Lin Zhen with a single blow. What he needs is the temporary disappearance of gravity!

The planet and the planet collided in a small space!

Lin Zhen star smashed into it, and the space shook, and Zhao Lihua's control was instantly out of touch!

"Don't think about it, brat!"

Zhao Lihua's canthus was about to split, and she waved the bamboo stick in her hand to control Lin Zhen's throat with mental power.

"A snow lotus blooms!"

With a flick of Lin Zhen's finger, a lotus flower opened in the air, blocking the bamboo stick.

Zhao Lihua raised her hand again, and the knife in her hand also flew out, and was blocked by another lotus flower.

With this time, Lin Zhen finally got the opportunity to transform the black hole beast.

In one second, a huge black unicorn with a height of six meters and a length of more than ten meters appeared!

Mane hunting, fangs flashing, black scale armor, flames circulating on the body, the unicorn raised his head and let out a loud roar!

Galaxy! Emerging overhead!

The huge black hole with open mouth began to circle!

"You won't have such a chance, I will kill you!"

Zhao Lihua was also very good. In the end, she could once again control the power of the mountains, falling from the sky and blasting towards Lin Zhen.

"Nothing in my field of vision can cause harm to me!"

Lin Zhen fiercely opened his mouth, the black hole aimed at the attacking planet, sending out a terrifying black hole storm!

The naked singularity appeared, and the terrifying death ripples expanded in circles. The mountains of this planet began to be absorbed, decomposed, melted, and reorganized in the black hole!

Seeing this scene, Qian Tong, who was on the back of the Blue Whale, stood up.

The planet's mountains belonged to him. He spent a lot of money to get it. Originally, he lent Zhao Lihua to let her deal with Lin Zhen, but he didn't plan to let Lin Zhen eat it.

That's right, Lin Zhen just wanted to eat this planet, and if he didn't solve it, the threat to him would be too great.

Zhao Lihua used the strength of the milk, the blue veins on her forehead burst, the star power urged the mountain planet, she did not want to give up.

But the power swallowed by the black hole is the most mysterious power in the universe, almost unstoppable, how can Zhao Lihua be able to control it.

The mountains of this planet that Qiantong acquired can compress a star into a mountain not much larger than a steamed bun, which is already very rare, but it is not as hard as Lin Zhen's black hole compression!

If it were an ordinary planet, Lin Zhen really couldn't swallow it, because what he wanted to swallow must first be within his vision.

If you want to include a planet in the horizon, how far away must you reach the planet?

Even if it is included, this distance is beyond his swallowing range.

So the compressed planet in front of you is the best target for devouring.

Lin Zhen didn't know the consequences of swallowing this star, but his instinct at the moment was to swallow it!

Under Zhao Lihua's command, the planet began to expand continuously. At first it was a steamed bun, and the next moment it became as big as a table.

In the next moment, it will be bigger than a tall building. If you give her time, this mountain will even become a planet again.

But under Lin Zhen's black hole crazily swallowed, the planet didn't grow up at all, and when he grew up, he was exploited a little.

All matter belonging to the planet fell with a crackle, followed by the death ripples into the black hole, and was compressed into an infinite density of neutrons.

One full minute!

In one minute, the mountains on the planet were compressed by Lin Zhen into a substance the size of a marble.


This marble fell into Lin Zhen's body.

When the marble fell, the world in the body shook for it. This is not a marble, but a planet, a planet bigger than the earth!

Lin Zhen felt that this marble was very useful, but he didn't have time to study these for the time being. He swallowed the planet and mountains, and there was Zhao Lihua in front of him. This old beggar must also solve it.

The black hole has been swallowed, and the efficacy of the Shenli Pill is still the last ten seconds.

Lin Zhen quickly transformed into a human form, and leaped forward towards Zhao Lihua.

Zhao Lihua was still immersed in the annoyance of losing her baby, she saw Lin Zhen coming, and the ice under her feet had not been broken, she could not move at all.

Realizing that Lin Zhen was about to kill, Zhao Lihua didn't care about promotion at the moment.

Entering Xuanban is also a good choice, she decided to crush the amulet.

Lin Zhenyi stretched out his hands, Jian Gang flickered, and ejected a ten-meter-long sword beam. His hands were raised high in the air and fell heavily: "Zhao Lihua, you can't go this time!"

"Puff puff~!"

Two pieces of blood were ejected, and two dry palms were directly cut off by Lin Zhen with one blow!

She had a talisman herself, and also snatched a talisman from Lin Zhen, all of which fell on the ground at this moment!

Zhao Lihua screamed. She doesn't have an immortal spirit body like Lin Zhen's. These two palms fell, and it took great effort to recover.

But now it’s no longer the palm problem. Lin Zhen has already come to her, peeking with both hands, and firmly clasped Zhao Lihua’s shoulders: "Leave your two arms first!"

"Crack, click~!" Lin Zhen took off both arms abruptly.

Zhao Lihua, who had always been arrogant and domineering, was finally terrified at this time, and howled loudly.

"Lin Zhen, stop me, I am Ning Qingxuan's master, you are deceiving master and destroying ancestor by doing this!"


Lin Zhen vomited her fiercely: "Now I remember that you are the master, if the master is your virtue, then I will deceive the master, and you can do nothing!"

Lin Zhen hated this Zhao Lihua too, so he just had to fight hard, but he would have killed people, which he absolutely couldn't tolerate.

Moreover, after he entered the Holy Land, it was impossible to guarantee that Zhao Lihua would not attack Xuan'er, and Lin Zhen had to guard against it.

The best way is to make her a dead person.

"It's painful to be frozen, right now I will give you a little warmth!"

Lin Zhen opened his palm, a blazing flame came out, covering Zhao Lihua.

The bright blue flame, Zhao Lihua, whose hands and feet were scrapped, couldn't resist, and suddenly turned into a torch.

When she was dying, Zhao Lihua still yelled.

"Guo Shi save me... Holy Master... You can't just stand by..."

Then she lost her voice and turned into coke.

Burning all the combustible substances in her body, Zhao Lihua turned into ashes and disappeared into the air.

The prompt sounded, "Congratulations to the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance Lin Zhen for winning and entering the top sixteen!"

Lin Zhen let out a long sigh, and finally finished, he finally entered the holy land class.

At this point, it was considered that the task was truly completed. Lin Zhen didn't even think about entering the sky shift immediately, the ground shift was enough.

The shield outside the ring was scattered.

The noise came, and there were all kinds of words, some were angry, some were hopeless, some were joyful, and some people paid attention to what Zhao Lihua said at the end.

It turned out that the national teacher also wanted to kill Lin Zhen.

This time the battle of the Holy Land, the national teacher Qiantong was almost wiped out. Only one person, Yin Tianhuo, entered the yellow class, and several others were in the last four classes, with poor grades.

Moreover, Lin Zhen eliminated the four national teachers' Ke Qing alone, and three of them were seeded players. No wonder the national teacher hated Lin Zhen.

But Lin Zhen just got out of the ring, and something unexpected happened to everyone.

Guo Shi Qian Tong unexpectedly flew from the back of the blue whale and attacked Lin Zhen brazenly!

No one thought of his actions, including Jin Nuo, the fifth son of the Holy Land, did not pay attention to Tong was also anxious, his subordinate Ke Qing was eliminated by Lin Zhen one after another, and now even his baby has been eliminated by Lin Zhen. He swallowed it, and Zhao Lihua sold it at the last moment, letting everyone know that he had acted secretly, and his face couldn't hold back.

He wasn't a good person at first, and at this time anger started from his heart, evil grew to the guts, and he wanted to kill Lin Zhen directly.

Killing a holy land martial artist is not a trivial matter, but he is confident that he will not do anything, because he is the only holy alchemist in the metaworld, and no one will stupidly remove him.

Now is the last second of Lin Zhen Shenli Pill's effect.

He didn't expect that the national teacher Qian Tong would do it himself, but Lin Zhen was not afraid of him at the moment, because he had just learned how to set stars.

"Come on!"

Waving both hands, the star power burst out again, and the star falls again!

Qian Tong didn't expect Lin Zhen to make this blow again, and the two of them faced off without fancy.

Like two kites flying to the sky, Qian Tong and Lin Zhen rolled back at the same time.

Pieces of lotus flowers formed a road full of flowers in the sky. After stepping back on the road for several steps, Lin Zhen sat down slowly.

The efficacy of Shenli Pill has passed, and he has now entered a period of weakness.

However, he was very happy. This trip to Falling Star Lake was considered to be a successful completion of the mission.

Sure enough, Jin Nuo, the fifth son of the Holy Land over there, has rushed over, and the overall situation has been determined!

A fragrant and tender body plunged into Lin Zhen's arms, and Ning Qingxuan cried with joy: "Husband! You won! You won Master, you entered the Holy Land, you have become a local student!"

Lin Zhen turned his head, behind him were familiar and warm smiling faces. Everyone of his supporters expressed their inner joy with the brightest smile!