Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 768: Jedi strikes back!

After Zhao Lihua took the stage, the bamboo stick in her hand tapped the ground lightly.

A pair of eyes seemed to shoot ice knives out, facing Lin Zhen with a grim smile.

"Lin Zhen, when I was on stage, someone advised me to be careful with you. I really don't understand. You are such a stinky hairy boy, what should I be careful about?"

Lin Zhen drew out the sword of Zhankong: "You will know soon."

"Hehe, then try."

Before Zhao Lihua had finished speaking, the bamboo stick had already reached Lin Zhen's eyes.

Lin Zhen blocked his sword with a loud noise, and Lin Zhen actually felt a little tingling in his arm!

You know that while Lin Zhen's Shenli Pill is effective, his star power is as high as 67 million, and Zhao Lihua's arm hit by a bamboo stick is numb. This old woman's star power is simply outrageous!

Not only was Lin Zhen shocked, but Zhao Lihua was equally shocked. With her 80 million star power, she could not beat Lin Zhen back. This young man was really shocking.

While shocked, it also aroused Zhao Lihua's murderous intent, this son must be removed!

The bamboo stick in his hand was swung away, and the wind was generally directed towards Lin Zhen, and the two started a fierce battle on the ring!

Lin Zhen didn't want to fight Zhao Lihua so fiercely, because the efficacy of the Shenli Pill now only lasts for seven or eight minutes. Once the efficacy is over, he will enter a period of weakness and will undoubtedly lose.

To solve the battle, it must be completed within the effective period.

The solution is to transform the black hole beast into a black hole storm, and it will definitely destroy Zhao Lihua.

It takes a little time for the black hole beast to transform, and it takes a little distance, but Zhao Lihua will not be as he wants. The offensive of the bamboo stick is like a tide, and it will tightly entangle Lin Zhen in close combat, and she will never give him a trace. Away from opportunities.

One eagerly wanted to break away from the battlefield and transform, while the other stubbornly followed, Lin Zhen suffered a bit in his mentality.


The bamboo stick drew on Lin Zhen's ribs, causing several ribs to break.

My chest was stuffy, and he almost spewed a mouthful of blood.

"Hahaha~! Lin Zhen, don’t think that the old man doesn’t know what your plan is, and you want to use your black hole beast transformation to deal with the old man, right? You have been guarded against this trick, but it’s a pity that you are There is no such ability in front of the old man."

The bamboo sticks turned into a continuous stream of water, as pervasive as mercury pours into the ground.

After suffering for a while, Lin Zhen felt unusually uncomfortable. The bamboo stick was of the Lingbao level, and the internal organs were shaken after hitting it.

Temporarily dispelling the thought of retreat, Lin Zhen focused on fighting.

At this moment, it can basically be regarded as Lin Zhen's best condition, with the highest star power, and the combat experience and methods are not bad at all.

Although Zhao Lihua has 80 million star power, she can only use 90% of her star power, which is 72 million, which is less than 5 million compared with Lin Zhen’s current star power. difference.

With this level of battle, the star power gap of 5 million can no longer be regarded as very large, and can almost be ignored.

When Lin Zhen put away her mind and fought her head-on, Zhao Lihua finally realized the true strength of this young man.

With her decades of experience accumulation, facing Lin Zhen, she has no advantage at all!

If it weren't for Lin Zhen's handsome face, she would even think that she was facing an old monster that had survived hundreds of thousands or even millions of years!

"This... how is this possible?"

Zhao Lihua saw sweat on her forehead. She thought that Lin Zhen District Boundary King was not her opponent, but she didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful.


A ball of fire hit the face, Zhao Lihua waved a bamboo stick to break it up, and a planet fell from the sky in the light of the fire!

It was too late to dodge, Zhao Lihua could only resist again.

The bamboo stick collided with the planet. Although the planet was broken, Zhao Lihua's chest became stuffy, and she staggered back.

Lin Zhen stepped on the plum blossom pile afterwards, swept across with the empty sword in his hand!


The bamboo stick blocked it, but Zhao Lihua lost her last resistance.

A sword beam spurted out of the palm, and the body rotated and swept away again!

Zhao Lihua tried her best to lower her head and dodge. He dodged her head, but did not dodge her hair. Lin Zhen's raised bun was swept by a sword beam!


Lin Zhenyi's scalp and a large group of hair were cut off by Lin Zhenyi!

Zhao Lihua screamed, and the blood slid off the top of her head. Although this sword did not cause any serious injuries, it made her extremely embarrassed.

Most of his hair was shaved off, and his face was bleeding, looking hideous and terrifying, like a ghost.

As soon as Lin Zhen succeeded, his body retreated, and he was ready to completely solve Zhao Lihua with a black hole.

Before he could transform into a black hole beast, Zhao Lihua suddenly raised her hand!

A gray thing rose into the sky, directly to the top of the ring guard, a huge pressure fell from the sky!

The strength of the warrior can carry the mountain and drive the moon.

But at this moment, Lin Zhen felt that the top of his head was no longer a mountain, but a star!

Motivated by Zhao Lihua's star power, this mountain-like thing emitted a planet-like gravity, and Lin Zhen almost fell to his knees directly!


Lin Zhen Kaihua opened it almost instinctively. He pressed his hands on the ground, blood flowed out between the gaps in the scales, and the bones creaked, as if they were about to break in the next second!

After the last time the ring was destroyed by Lin Zhen’s Destroying Thunder, this time the ring was newly built and stronger than the last time, but under Lin Zhen’s feet, fine cracks still appeared.

"This is... what is this?"

Seeing that Lin Zhen could no longer move, Zhao Lihua walked over in embarrassment.

Wiping her face with her hand, blood flowed, making her face even more hideous.

Gritting her teeth, Zhao Lihua said fiercely: "Little bastard! What else do you have to turn over this time? The old man is going to kill you alive!"

Lin Zhen raised his hand hard, with a talisman in his palm, as long as he crushed it, he could leave the ring.


Zhao Lihua's bamboo stick flew in the air and hit Lin Zhen's wrist directly.

There was a pain in the wrist, the amulet fell, and Zhao Lihua snatched it.

"Want to run! It's too late. If you cut off your old body's hair today, you will cut off as much meat as your old body!"

A shimmering dagger appeared in Zhao Lihua's hand and swiped it down!

Under the pressure of gravity like the planet above, Lin Zhen couldn't avoid it at all, and a piece of flesh and scales were cut off!

"Hahaha~! It's so cool, you have turned into such a big man this time, old enough to cut tens of thousands of knives, Lin Zhen, I know your body is strong, but I don't know if you can still be cut into pieces. live!"

Puff puff~!

As the knife flew up and down, Lin Zhen was suddenly scarred!


Ning Qingxuan's heart was broken when she saw this scene, she was really scared at this moment.

Lin Zhen can't get out of the ring now, is he going to be tortured alive!

"Master, please be merciful!"

Ning Qingxuan's pleading didn't work at all, Zhao Lihua saw it, but only gave her a cold look.

Lin Zhen heard it, looked back at Ning Qingxuan, and shook her head slightly.

Ning Qingxuan was stunned, she saw the unyielding in Lin Zhen's eyes.

There was joy around the ring, and the people of Qin were finally able to cheer. Lin Zhen is now a lamb to be slaughtered, and there is no possibility of turning over again!

Under the cheers of the people, Zhao Lihua became more and more vigorous.

She held a knife in one hand and a bamboo stick in the other, and she struck Lin Zhen crazy!

"Let your kid go crazy again! Let you fight against your old man again? You can offend Nanliang too? You can offend the Qingye Sect too? When you were in high spirits, did you ever think about today?"

Lin Zhen's body bent and endured a crazy blow, but he didn't fall down!


Lin Zhen seemed to be struggling to death, and grabbed Zhao Lihua by the ankle.

"Hahaha! Do you still want to struggle? It's a pity that it's useless, the old man will cut off your hand now!"

The knife in his hand went out and cut it on Lin Zhen's wrist.

However, after the knife entered the flesh, it was difficult to move forward. Lin Zhen's immortal spirit body was not good-looking. It was already very difficult to cut the scales. When it reached the bone, the knife could no longer move forward.

"What a hard body, but it's useless. You can't even move now. Even if you grab the old body's ankle, it won't help. I can still beat you to death and shred you alive!"

The crackling bamboo sticks and the flying knives continued to fall!

Some people cheered, some were silent, and some were crying.

But everyone has decided that this game is over, not only is it over, but Lin Zhen is going to end in a miserable manner.

On the blue whale's back, next to Emperor Zhu Ziheng, her queen sighed slightly: "Oh! What a pity a handsome guy."

Jin Nuo, the fifth son of the Holy Land, frowned slightly. Compared with Zhao Lihua, Lin Zhen still feels that Lin Zhen has greater potential, but this is a ring where the weak and the strong eat, and he can't force interference.

More than eight minutes have passed....

Zhao Lihua was already a little out of breath, Lin Zhen's immortal spirit body was too difficult to entangle, especially the other party lowered her head and grasped her ankle to prevent her from moving or revealing the vitals. She would kill her for a long time.

"Smelly boy, your medicine's effect is over, right? When the medicine's effect is over, it's your death date!"

"Well... why is it so cold under your feet?"

Zhao Lihua lowered her head fiercely, and suddenly found out in horror that at some point, her feet had already been sealed by Lin Zhenbing to the ring!

This ice quickly formed and spread quickly, freezing her feet, knees, and thighs!

That ice is like eternal mysterious ice, glowing with a faint blue light, with her star power, she actually felt the blood in her lower body solidify and lost consciousness!

"Dare you brat!" Zhao Lihua raised the bamboo stick and beat again.

Lin Zhen abruptly took a few bamboo sticks and backed away.

Seeing Lin Zhen's actions, Zhao Lihua was frightened. If this distanced Lin Zhen, wouldn't it be a chance for him to cast a black hole storm.

Absolutely not!

Zhao Lihua's star power is still strong, and with a finger, Qian Tong rolls over the mountains of the planet that Qian Tong has given her, pushing down with supreme gravity, and she wants to crush Lin Zhen alive on the ring!

Facing the falling planet again, Lin Zhen after Kaihua let out a loud roar!

"It's time for me this time!"


The thick arm waved to the sky, a cluster of star power burst out of the sky, and quickly condensed and grew in the sky, getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a star-like fire, straight up to the sky, shaking the planet and mountains!