Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 745: Sniper Lin Zhen candidate

Hearing Ning Qingxuan's words, Lin Zhen put it down and brought him back indoors.

"Let's talk, listen to what Xuan'er can teach me?"

"Husband, are you sure you want to enter the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake?"

Lin Zhen was shocked: "Can I still enter other holy places?"

Ning Qingxuan said: "It is not impossible to enter Lake Falling Stars, but husband, the four holy places, each warrior can only choose once. If you enter Lake Falling Stars to enlighten, then you will not be able to enter other holy places in the future, and in the future You belong to the line of Falling Star Lake."

"The four sacred sites are not affiliated with each other, and there is competition between them. As far as I know, the sacred place of Falling Star Lake does not have any advantage compared with the other three sacred sites."

Lin Zhen thought for a while and said, "That is to say, I enter the Starfall Lake to comprehend the martial arts there, and I will not be able to go to other holy places to comprehend in the future."

"Yes, you must know that each holy land's martial arts has its own uniqueness, and it is a pity not to be able to comprehend it, so I tell you this, just let you think about it."

Lin Zhen was silent for a while: "It's better to enter Falling Star Lake, I can't leave Daqin too far now, it's better to be in Falling Star Lake."

Speaking of this, Ning Qingxuan glared at Lin Zhen suddenly: "I heard that there are saints in the Phoenix clan, she is beautiful and beautiful, she seems to have a very good relationship with you."

Lin Zhen's face showed embarrassment. He knew that such a thing could not be concealed from others. Xuan'er's intelligence was probably known for a long time, but Lin Zhen never had a chance to say it.

"Xuan Er..."

Ning Qingxuan suddenly stretched out a finger to press on Lin Zhen’s lips: "I have seen Feng Qingluan’s news in the Dimensional Universe. She is indeed a very rare good girl, and she is about the same age as mine. It's not as narrow as an ordinary woman. Although I feel a little sour, don't think of me as a jealous jar."

Lin Zhen let out a sigh of relief: "I know, Xuan'er is a vinegar bottle at best."

A small white jade fist hammered Lin Zhen's chest. Lin Zhen could still feel a little pain in the past, but after the black hole beast's body entered the growth stage, Ning Qingxuan's fist was almost tickle.

Soon Ning Qingxuan was suppressed by Lin Zhen, and the two of them rolled into a ball...



Elder Qin swept everything on the table to the ground angrily.

The originally written calligraphy is also ruined, and the ink on the ground is like an oolong with teeth and claws.

His son Qin Dong and the two brothers of Ke Xiangnan and Ke Xiangdong also sat with gloomy faces.

"Damn it! The patriarch actually acted arbitrarily, and directly absorbed Lin Zhen into the clan, and reported his name to the headquarters of the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance. The Fire Qilin clan only has one place, so he took it!"

The breath of sulfur continued to erupt from his nostrils. Elder Qin walked around the ground for a few times and suddenly looked at Ke Xiangnan: "What did you say about finding someone? Why is there no news yet?"

Ke Xiangnan scratched his head: "The machine had promised me to deal with Lin Zhen, but because he had reached a critical moment in his martial arts, he had to delay for a month. No one thought that he would move so fast there, and Lin Zhen had all the places. "

"Please contact him again and ask him if he can snipe Lin Zhen? Even if we can't get the quota, Lin Zhen will definitely not be able to enter the Holy Land, otherwise no one can control him in the future."

"Okay, I'll get in touch now!"

The sudden change of things caught the machine by surprise. Lin Zhen's name had been submitted and could not be changed. Unless Lin Zhen died suddenly at this moment, the matter would be set.

But Lin Zhen was in the General Alchemist Association, and he was afraid that he would not show up. Even if he wanted to deal with Lin Zhen, he would look for opportunities in a hurry.

Of the two holy land martial artists who had been with him, one of them gave the machine an idea.

"Brother, there is no way to deal with Lin Zhen. He can't come out at the general meeting now. We can't do it. But since he has signed up, he is going to be selected for the Holy Land after all."

"You mean...?"

"Find someone to kill him in the ring match!"

Hearing the words of this holy land warrior, the machine shook his head slightly: "Of course I have thought about this issue, but since Lin Zhen can win the first place in the star of the gods, it is not easy to kill him, especially in the ring match. , In a one-on-one situation, I am afraid that most people really can't kill him."

"You are wrong, of course ordinary warriors can't kill him, but what about holy land warriors?"

The machine looked at his companion: "You have a problem with your thinking, you are all a holy land warrior, how can you rejoin the holy land selection?"

"Haha! Dude, you only know one thing, you don't know the other, do you know that we once caught a sacred warrior from the desert lock **** platform in Starfall Lake?"

"I know, that person wanted to come and spy on our martial arts in Starfall Lake, but was caught by our senior."

"Yes, this person has been **** in the Starfall Lake for five hundred years, and he has been completely forgotten. You can find an opportunity to release him, control him with the method of soul training, and let him listen to you honestly. If you do, then he will be sent to also participate in the ring competition. This person has two identities. It is still possible to register with the other."

The machine stunned: "But he couldn't get through in the end."

"If we don't pass it, we can't pass it. We didn't expect him to pass. When he was discovered, he was caught by the Holy Land at most and executed him. But before that, he could go to snipe Lin Zhen. "

"But how do you guarantee that he can play against Lin Zhen?"

"It's very simple. We all came through selection. We knew the rules of selection. It didn't take long for Lin Zhen to sign up. Let him sign up. Then it won't take many rounds before they meet. Just kill Lin Zhen. , Even if he has completed the task."

The machine was silent for a while, feeling that what the companion said was very feasible.

A sacred martial artist from the Locking God Platform, who has always wanted to secretly learn the martial arts of Falling Star Lake, ran out of the dungeon and signed up unscrupulously. As long as he is controlled with soul medicine, he will not tell him, and he will be discovered. You can let him commit suicide when


"Drugs are not a problem. You pay, and I will help you solve it. I have a friend who is under the master of the country, Qiantong, and he can definitely get the pill to control him."

At the thought of his son Yehua's death, Machin became full of resentment towards Lin Zhen.

"Okay! I did this time. As long as I can kill Lin Zhen, it will be worth it."

"Haha! There will be absolutely no problem. The warrior who locks the gods has a high-level divine body, and is still in the realm of longevity. It is said that he has also learned the essence of the gods of the locks and Senluo. This kind of strength is almost the same without winning the championship. It is absolutely trivial to kill Lin Zhen."

The kings of the machine world were all surprised: "You actually learned the Silla Sword? Isn't that the stele of our Holy Land?"

"No, no, no! Senluo Excalibur is one of several highest stone monuments. Each holy site has one, and the content is different. It is said that if you learn all Senluo Excalibur, you can cross the metaworld, but it's a pity, Holy Land No communication is allowed between them, and no one has the opportunity to learn all the Sun Luo Excalibur."

"Oh, then I can rest assured, such a powerful warrior, I am afraid that he is still above us, I will find a chance to let him go."

"I will help you contact, as long as you are willing to pay, I also know the person who guards the water jail..."

After getting a mechanical reply, Ke Xiangnan finally felt relieved.

"Elder Qin, don't worry, the machine has already agreed to me, and will look for someone to kill Lin Zhen when they are in the ring match."

"He said he was looking for someone?"

"That didn't tell me, but he told me to rest assured. He is definitely a very powerful person. He arranged everything. In short, Lin really will die in the ring."

Elder Qin was silent for a while, "I can't put all my hopes in the hands of others. Lin Zhen has now come to the Qilin clan and is valued by the patriarch. I am afraid that if this continues, the fire Qilin clan will fall into Lin Zhen's hands sooner or later."

"We can't control this, right?" Ke Xiangnan asked.

"Not necessarily. If one day, the current patriarch dies, who do you say is most hopeful to succeed the patriarch?"

Ke Xiangnan was taken aback: "Of course it is Elder Qin you."

"As long as you know."

Hearing Elder Qin's words, a chill rose behind Ke Xiangnan, but with it, there was even greater ambition.


In the dimensional universe, Lin is really practicing.

During this period of time, Ning Qingxuan's condition was stable and improved rapidly. In addition, Dong Xiaoqi was taken a victim, Lin Zhen worked hard to refine alchemy, and finally had money in her hand.

As long as Lin Zhen doesn't slack off, the income from alchemy will be several hundred million a day.

After having money, Lin Zhen's practice was back on the right track.

Lin Zhen can refresh his opponents infinitely in the realistic venue of the Dimensional Arena.

A battle has just Lin Zhen fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Chrissy, how many games have I lost?"

"Master, you have fought a total of 430 battles, of which you won seven and lost 422, all in one."

"What kind of opponents did I win the seven games?"

"According to your requirements, every warrior is a holy land warrior, is a realm of longevity, and has a divine body. The system randomly assigns you four holy land warriors. Of the seven games you won, one game is against Shuangshuyuan. Each of the three holy sites won twice."

"And in the seven games you won, all your opponents had were primary divine bodies, they were all in the early stage of longevity, the star power was under you, and the realm of spiritual masters was under you. The winning percentage is still pretty high."

"In the case where the star power gap is relatively small, your chance of winning is about 1%."

Lin Zhen nodded: "Yes, I have also noticed that when the star power is similar, the opponent's martial arts and tactics are obviously superior to me. My star fall five styles and Taiyuan swordsmanship seem to have a sense of powerlessness, unless Use black holes to swallow or destroy the divine thunder, otherwise it will be difficult to win."

"Master, in fact, the martial arts such as Taiyuan swordsmanship you learn are derived from the martial arts of the Holy Land. Everyone you know will fight against the martial arts of the Holy Land. The chances of losing naturally are higher. I don't think you Choose a holy land martial artist, few people are your opponents."

Lin Zhen shook his head slightly: "No, the arena selection will start soon. I have a bad feeling that someone will definitely get in the way."

"It is urgent to improve my strength. I must be fully prepared, but now it seems that conventional methods are no longer acceptable."

As soon as he raised his hand, three destructive thunders flew in his palm, and Lin Zhen said to Chrissy: "Come again! I will win all this time!"