Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 746: Holy Land Battle Rules

The recruitment of martial artists in the Holy Land is also a grand event in the Metaverse.

Although the recruitment of each Holy Land alone was not as sensational as the Star of God's Punishment, every time it was recruited, the four Holy Lands were all together. In comparison, it was even more sensational than the Star of God's Punishment.

Yuanjie warriors have a high yearning for the holy land, and every warrior is proud to join the holy land.

It's just that there are too few warriors that can be recommended compared with the star of punishment. The entire star of punishment can allow tens of billions of warriors to enter, and the total of the four holy sites is only a few million.

Millions of people will be scattered to the four holy places, and one holy place is only more than one million.

The warriors who can be recommended have signed up. The heat of the star of God's punishment has long passed, and now people's eyes are focused on the selection of the holy land warriors.

In order to ensure that the warriors of their own country or race can enter the Holy Land smoothly, each country has sent out their strongest warriors.

One hundred thousand years ago, the warrior of God's Punishment Star, two hundred thousand years ago, one million years ago....

People often see some prominent figures in the list of entries.


In people's eagerness, the registration for Falling Star Lake Holy Land is over, and the selection system has been released.

"Husband, I'll read it to you."

Although Ning Qingxuan hadn't fully recovered her memory, her relationship with Lin Zhen was already very good. She leaned lazily in Lin Zhen's arms, Yan Yuying sang, listening to it was a joy.

"Read it, my husband is listening." Lin Zhen just finished his practice, listening to Ning Qingxuan's voice.

"Currently, the registration for Falling Star Lake Holy Land has been closed, and the cut-off number is controlled at 1.048,576."

Lin Zhen interrupted Ning Qingxuan's words: "Do you know why you want to control this number?"

Ning Qingxuan gave him a blank look: "Do you think I have a low IQ? This number is a multiple of two, so it can be used to play the knockout matches."

Lin Zhen nodded slightly and signaled Ning Qingxuan to continue.

"The competition is divided into two stages, both of which are knockouts. The first stage of the knockout will eliminate most of the warriors. In the end, there are 1024 people left. These thousand and 24 people can be selected for the Holy Land."

"The Holy Land is also divided into several levels. The stele is divided into eight levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang, Yu, Universe, Hong, and Huang, and then the second stage. The thousand and twenty-four people start the knockout again. , The first batch of people to be eliminated are the students from the deserted class."

"The remaining 512 people are eliminated again, the eliminated 256 people enter Hongban, and the remaining 256 people continue to be eliminated."

"By analogy, the last eight people will enter the Tianban, of which both Tianban and Earthban will have eight students."

"Tianban students can choose to comprehend the stone steles at will, while the earth classes are not able to comprehend the stone steles of the heavenly classes, and the mysterious classes are the steles that cannot comprehend the earth classes. At the end of the wild class, they can only choose the lowest level of comprehension. Stele."

Lin Zhen came here and asked, "Xuan'er, did the same rules apply to your holy land when you were in Liberty City?"

"Almost, there is no big difference. To say that there is a difference, the number of people in Liberty City is a bit more than this time. There are 2,048 people selected, because the number of applicants from Liberty City is more than here. The 1,024 people who came out were all classified into the deserted class, so the number of the deserted class is extremely large."

"Is there any difference between the top eight in the class that day?"

"There is no difference. Although the martial artists are divided into strengths and weaknesses, after the top eight are selected, the division of the Holy Land has been determined. However, when the Tianban is actually reached, there may be disputes among the students."

"Oh, what else is there to argue about?" Lin Zhen asked puzzled.

"Of course it’s a fight for a seat. Everyone’s position is fixed. If you are the first in the day shift, then you are in the best position. This is not only a status symbol, but also Enlightenment and understanding can also be more thorough."

Lin Zhen nodded as he understood the selection rules of the Holy Land.

"Which position was Xuan'er selected in the first place?"

"I didn't play very well at that time, but I was selected for the Yu class, not even the yellow class."

Although Ning Qingxuan said badly, there was obviously a little pride in her tone.

It’s amazing to think about it. There are eight people in the Tianban, eight in the Jiban, 16 in the Xuanban, and 32 in the Huangban. Ning Qingxuan’s Yuban is 64 people, so count Ning Qingxuan. It is also one of the top 128 in the Holy Land of Liberty City.

"What state were you at then?"

"In the middle of the longevity stage, and I also have a high-level divine body."

Lin Zhen couldn't help being stunned secretly, this kind of strength had just won the top one hundred and twenty-eight, and he was now the fifth-level realm king, and he still didn't know what result he could achieve.

This battle is no better than the Star of Punishment. It can be said that the Stars of Punishment are young people. Everyone is under ten thousand years old. There is a limit to how strong they are.

But this time there are countless old monsters, millions of years old are everywhere, one is more abnormal than the other, Lin Zhen dare not pack a ticket for whether to enter the holy land, if he encounters a three-flower warrior halfway It was very wrong to be eliminated.

Ning Qingxuan looked at the Dimensional Universe for a while, and said with some worry: "Husband, this time the contestants are too strong. I have seen many familiar names. I am a little worried that you will not be able to enter the Holy Land."

"Oh, are there many strong people?"

"Yes, I just checked the sacred land martial artist in Nanliang, and it turned out that the ancestor of our Qingye faction participated in the battle!"

"What? Your Patriarch?"

"Yes, that's my master's master. Her name is Zhao Lihua. The three sisters of the Tie Family who fought with you are all her disciples."

"No, how old is she?"

"I met her when I was a child. It is said that she is more than 300,000 years old. She has an intermediate divine body and is a Sanhua realm."

"Besides, I think Da Liang, Zhou Guo and Wei Guo, in these countries I know, there are still a few people who are no less than her. I even thought these people were dead, but I didn't expect them to come out this time."

Lin Zhen shook his head slightly: "Entering longevity is completely different. Longevity has an infinite lifespan. As long as they don’t fight and die, they basically won’t die. They hide where they practice, and they will cultivate for tens of thousands of years. I think they are dead, but that's just not when they should appear."

Ning Qingxuan also nodded: "Yes, the highest pursuit of a martial artist is still the pinnacle of martial arts. It is the dream and wish of countless martial artists to enter the holy land to practice, but this is really unfair to you, you Only practiced for more than a thousand years."

Lin Zhen smiled and touched her little face: "This can't be said to be unfair. Don't sign up for fear of unfairness. Since signing up, I'm not afraid of fighting."

After speaking, Lin Zhen said again: "My only concern is that I may not be able to enter a class that is too good. Maybe it is a student of the deserted class, but do you know that the deserted class can be upgraded?"

"Oh, yes, I haven't read this one yet. When you enter the deserted class, you will find that there are more people in the deserted class than you imagined, because every ten years, new students will come, especially the deserted class. There must be thousands of people."

"Everyone has only one hundred years of enlightenment and study in the Holy Land. In order to ensure that there are not too many warriors in the Holy Land, a big competition will be held every once in a while. The lower class will be eliminated from the next class. Those who follow are directly expelled from the Holy Land. Those who are ranked higher can also be upgraded to the previous class."

Hearing this, Lin Zhen's eyes brightened: "This is easy, even if my first grade is not ideal, but I can still pass the assessment to enter the previous class. I believe that as long as I adapt for a period of time, I will stand out."

"Hmm! I believe you!"

Gently holding her pretty face, the two kissed gently.

As the selection time for the Holy Land approaches day by day, Lin Zhen practiced harder.

Currently, Lin Zhen is already the fifth-level realm king, with a star power of 34 million.

The accumulation of star crystals in the past few years has made him almost able to advance to the sixth level of the world king.

In addition to the improvement of realm, the world in Lin Zhen's body is constantly nourished by Wen Yang Pill, and the edge of the world has been expanding. The fifth fierce star on the fierce star chart, the star breaking army, is also about to light up.

Furthermore, Lin Zhen's Black Hole Beast has reached the growth stage, allowing his strength to improve again, and his overall combat effectiveness has increased by almost one third compared to when he first entered the Realm King.

These days of hard work and hard work, Lin Zhen reached the fifth-level peak ~ ~ Breaking the army is about to light up.

But Lin Zhen didn't have time to attack these two realms for the time being, because he still had to prepare a magic pill for himself.

Based on past experience, the selection time for the Holy Land is probably more than one month.

Lin Zhen has only one chance to take the Shenli Pill, and he must use it at the most critical moment.

"I had the opportunity to take the Shenli Dan once, and the black hole swallowed it once, and after so many days of practice, my God of Destruction Thunder finally became the method of three thunders in one by me!"

"A single Destroyer Thunder is already strong enough. The three thunders in one will be my biggest killer at the moment. If you don't have a last resort, Destroyer Thunder will definitely not be used."

"Fortunately, I now have the sword and ring, as well as the sword in the palm. This was obtained when I understood the meaning of the sword."

"With these assassins, it should be able to support me to enter the Holy Land."

Lin Zhen's current goal is not high, even if he just enters the deserted class, he believes he will stand out step by step.


The dimensional universe rang out, and Chrissy sent a message to Lin Zhen.

"Master, your Holy Land battle number has been released, 778122. According to the rules of battle, each number adjacent to each other starts to fight. That is to say, your previous battles were probably all martial artists next to you."

"Very well, see who is my first opponent?"

Soon Chrissy found it for Lin Zhen.

"From the Daqin Empire Medicinal Materials Chamber of Commerce, the name is Jiao * Jian Ren is... Guo Shi Qian Tong."

Lin Zhen was shocked, but he didn't expect Da Qin's first opponent.

"Master, please prepare. Three days later, all the contestants will go to Falling Star Lake, where the elimination round will be held."

Lin Zhen nodded, the battle of the Holy Land is about to begin!