Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 744: Growth period of the black hole beast

Longge's face was very great. After Lin Zhen contacted him, on the third day, Longge asked Lin Zhen to go to his garden, saying that the patriarch of Fire Qilin had arrived.

Lin was really pleased, stopped alchemy, and left the suspended villa to go to Longgar.

"Come on, Brother Lin, let me introduce to you. This is Sakya, the patriarch of the Fire Qilin clan."

There is a tall and burly middle-aged man in the house, with a golden-red fluffy hair, wide-open mouth, and an amazing momentum.

Like Long Geer, this is also a warrior in the Sanhua realm.

Because of Xiao Nuan, Lin Zhen could tell at a glance that this middle-aged man is a fire unicorn with the purest blood.

"I have seen the Sakya Patriarch."

Sakya laughed after seeing Lin Zhen: "Hahaha! This is my young hero Lin Zhen from the fire unicorn clan, right? I've seen information about you a long time ago. It really is a talent. No wonder I can hook up other people's wives. Run away."

Lin really almost spit out blood, is this praise me or scold me?

Long Geer smiled and said: "What your old boy said is ambiguous. The Nanliang Emperor is narrow-minded and can't tolerate others. He is not worthy of Ning, the proud daughter of heaven. Brother Lin and her are a perfect couple. , You were said to be like an adulterer, you should be punished!"

"Hahaha! I didn't mean that, okay, it was my slip of the tongue. What did Brother Lin say he wanted to punish me?"

Long Geer continued: "The first time Brother Lin met you, how embarrassed to bring it up, I will do it for you, and you will be punished to immediately absorb Brother Lin into the Qilin clan. My brother is a peerless genius and won the star of punishment. First, but your race has been procrastinating to find your brother back to the clan. What is the reason?"

Sakya smiled bitterly: "I am also in trouble. A group of people headed by Qin elders objected to the old brother's return, and said that he killed Ke Jianglong, the same clan, and suppressed Ke Xiangnan Ke Xiangdong, and Qin Dong, the son of Elder Qin. The Star of God's Punishment was also eliminated by him. A group of people were talking in my ears all day, and it was annoying. In addition, my brother was involved in trivial matters a while ago, isn't it inconvenient?

"Okay, even if what you said is reasonable, now that my brother has come to the Alchemist Guild, there is no way you can shirk it. Isn't it time to let him return to the Qilin clan."

"Okay, I'm here today for this purpose."

Let’s talk, Sakya looked at Lin Zhen with a serious face: "Mutated Fire Qilin Lin Zhen, as the head of the Fire Qilin clan, I will ask you questions on behalf of the whole clan. Would you like to return to the Qilin clan?"

Lin's true black hole beast is a mutant fire unicorn, so he counts, he belongs to the fire unicorn.

"I am willing to go back." Lin Zhen also replied solemnly.

"Very well, as the patriarch of Fire Qilin, I officially welcome you back!"

After finishing speaking, Sakya stretched out his hand and gently covered the top of Lin Zhen's head, a surging firepower fell from his palm!

Received the infusion of this firepower, Lin Zhen only felt that his muscles and bones were comfortable, and the black hole beast that couldn't help but turned into a form!

Before Lin Zhen's black hole beast has reached the peak of the juvenile stage, he has never advanced. This time he received the star power injection of the fire unicorn patriarch, and actually broke through the realm and reached the growth stage!

'S originally dark scales now turned blue, the bone spurs on his back grew rapidly, and the mane on his neck became thicker.

'S body has obviously grown larger. At the beginning, the length was only six or seven meters, but now it has reached eleven or two meters!


Lin Zhen went up to the sky with a long roar, and a bright blue flame spurted from his nostrils, forming a fire snake several meters long!

The galaxy above the head loomed, and a black hole hovered vaguely in it, like the center of the universe.

The star power is surging, and the bones are a hundred times stronger than the hardest metal. Lin Zhen only feels that his current black hole beast body can easily kill the longevity realm even by relying on hand-to-hand combat.

Now Lin Zhen is in the strongest state of strength. Without counting the divine power pill, it should be that after he is armored, his scale armor is invulnerable, and with the immortal spirit, it is simply a super combat weapon.

This power made Sakya and Longge's heart shocked, especially Sakya's eyes showed excitement: "Black hole beast! I have been the patriarch of the fire unicorn clan for 600,000 years, and I have never seen it. After the black hole beast, Lin Zhen! You will be qualified to ask the patriarch in the future!"

Lin Zhen turned into a human form from the state of the black hole beast, just when he heard Sakya's words.

"What did you say to the patriarch?"

Sakya immediately said: "I said that you are even qualified to be the head of the patriarch, not just from the Fire Qilin clan, you can rule all the Qilin clan, Lin Zhen, you are the hope and future of the Fire Qilin!"

"Patriarch, let's not talk about this for now, I still lack too much ability."

"It doesn't matter if your ability is poor, you can practice, I will now recommend you to the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance, enter the Holy Land to practice!"

Lin Zhen was overjoyed: "Can I go to the Holy Land? Will other people in the clan object?"

"Don't worry about them, they are not the patriarch. I came here this time to fear that other people would be squeaky and crooked. I just decided to say, just now you turned into a black hole beast. Actually, I brought a chemical lin medicine. You have also reached the pinnacle of the juvenile period and directly enter the growth period first, which will also help you in your battle."

"Thank you patriarch!"

"You're welcome, this time the matter will be announced when I go back. I have already signed up for you. Our Fire Qilin clan is a place for cultivating in a holy land. I recommend you, but this does not mean you can go. Up."

"Oh! Why?" Lin Zhen asked.

"The number of places in the holy places is limited. Every time a referee goes to the holy places to practice, there will be fierce competition. I recommend you to go there. It does not necessarily mean you can win."

"So many people want to go to the Holy Land to practice?"

"Of course, let’s not talk about anything else. In the entire Galaxy Behemoth Alliance, there are a hundred and twenty-eight supergalactic beast races, and each race can only recommend one person. This is only for the Galaxy beasts clan. , What about the others? Every time the Holy Land begins to collect people, it will be eliminated on a large scale."

"Do you want to play a knockout?"

"Yes, the reason why I rushed here this time is because the knockout round is about to start. I want you to lock this place in advance. Otherwise, according to Elder Qin's intention, he wants to give this place to his son Qin Dong. You, Lin Zhen, you'd better understand the rules of the elimination rounds in advance. The Holy Land advocates actual combat. The elimination rounds are all real battles, not virtual battles. You have to be careful. Killing and injuries are common things."

At this time, Longer said, "This is true. It is said that when the Holy Land is selected, each contestant will be issued a ring amulet. When the amulet is crushed during the battle, there will be protection, but it is too late to crush the amulet. The situation happens from time to time, so every time you are selected for the Holy Land, a lot of people will die. Brother, you better think about it clearly. I'm worried that someone might look at you unpleasantly and want to attack you."

Sakya also agreed: "Yes, my brother, you have a promising future, but don't lose your life because of the selection of the Holy Land."

Hearing the two's advice, Lin Zhen laughed: "The patriarch, the vice-chairman, you two are too worried. Anyway, I was killed all the way in the blood and rain. If I were to die, I would have died hundreds of times. , If the two holy sites fail to pass, then I can just find a piece of tofu and hit it to death."

Long Geer said: "Brother Lin, you can't be careless. You must know that you are not only the hope of the Fire Qilin clan, but also the hope of our Alchemist Guild. Yesterday, I discussed it with several senior elders during dinner. The most promising to become a saint master is that you are Lin Zhen, the youngest seventh-rank alchemist, you are not a saint master who becomes a saint master, so your life is too precious, be careful."

Sakya also said: "Brother, do you know that during the selection of the Holy Land, most of the participants were immortal warriors, and even three-flower warriors appeared. Among them, quite a few people have divine bodies. Wouldn't it be great to meet such people? Danger?"

Lin Zhen was surprised at this time: "There are still Sanhua Warriors to participate in the selection?"

"Although there are very few, but definitely." Sakya looked serious.

"Even if there is a Sanhua warrior, I have to give it a try. There is no doubt that I am invincible. There is still a chance to crush the talisman. Don't worry about my life."

Sakya and Longger nodded one after another. They also knew that Lin Zhen must now participate in the selection of the Holy Land.

Even if Lin Zhen has the identity of the Huoqilin clan, it is only more convenient for him to walk outside, such as staying in stores, shopping and traveling, but if someone catches him, he can still be brought back to Nanliang to receive the reward. of.

But if he becomes a holy land, the wanted orders of various countries will be invalid for him.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the masters of the four holy land jointly announced that the martial artists of the holy land were under the management of the holy land, and the mortal nation race had no right to dispose of it!

Therefore, the identity of the Holy Land Martial Artist is a super amulet.

Lin Zhen has obtained this status, and the wanted order is a piece of waste paper.

"My brother, go and wait. The registration may be over in the next few days. The end of the registration is the rule-making. After the rules come out, you will soon be notified in the dimensional universe. No one knows the rules. What is certain is that the arena is actual combat, and it is conducted at the Holy Land."

Lin Zhen nodded and agreed, and said goodbye to Rongel and Sakya.

At this time, his identity in the dimensional universe has changed and he has become a member of the Fire Qilin clan.

From today, he is even a member of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance, but the entry is relatively low-key and has not been announced yet.

I went back to my floating villa very happy, and saw Ning Qingxuan leaning against the flower tree in front of the door, looking at her side like a watchman's stone.

Among the flowers, the beauty like a jade and the appearance of a little wife made Lin Zhen's heart warm, and he walked two steps to her side.

"Xuan'er! I have a new identity! I'm going to participate in the selection of the Holy Land!"

Lin Zhen picked up Ning Qingxuan and turned around twice, and Ning Qingxuan also gave him a sweet smile. ) Download the free reader!!