Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 743: Holy Land

There is an island on the Falling Star Lake called Star-catching Island.

There are no bridges from Daqin's land to Tetching Star Island, and the distance of tens of millions of kilometers must be crossed by the martial artist himself.

In the lake, the wind is high and the waves are high, and the water monsters are rampant. The average warrior does not say that to go to Star Picking Island, it is a luxury to walk tens of kilometers.

The geographical position of Star Tetching Island is very high, tens of thousands of kilometers above sea level, it seems to go deep into the starry sky!

However, the water of the Starfall Lake below is frantically turbulent, and it raises a wave at random, covering hundreds of kilometers!

Occasionally a big wave came over, and water drops might even splash on the feet of the martial artist practicing on the island.

There are thousands of warriors here, scattered all over the island.

In front of no group of warriors, there is a stone stele with precious light circulating, or words or patterns looming on it. In front of the stele, some of the warriors' expressions are tangled, some are happy, and some are intoxicated.

In front of a stone monument sat a tall warrior.

Unlike others, this warrior has difficulty distinguishing race.

It looks like it is a human, but the body is gone, replaced by metal machinery. Every joint and every part represents the highest level of mechanical strength.

Except for some skin on the head, the rest has no even skin.

This is the king of the mechanical world, one of the super powers in the New Territories, the first group of people who passed the Tianmen.

When he passed the Tianmen, the mechanical world king was already the pinnacle of the world king. After entering the metaworld, he came to the Great Qin Empire. With his super talent and strength, he quickly entered the realm of longevity and became a strong one.

Later, on the recommendation of Qin Jianfeng's father, Qin Wushang, he came to the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake to practice, and he is now a holy land martial artist.


The King of Mechanical World opened his eyes.

His eyes are mechanical eyes, with thousands of compound eyes inside. Normally there are two, and there are two more behind his head.

With four eyes opened at the same time, he connected to the dimensional universe.

"who is it?"

"Senior Mechanical, I am the son of Ke Jianglong, Ke Xiangnan, do you remember?" Ke Xiangnan added a friend of the mechanical king, and immediately introduced himself straightforwardly.

"Ke Jianglong, I still have some impressions. When we were in the New Territories, we were all the top realm kings. It has been many years, how is he?"

"Senior, my father has passed away long ago."

"How come? Didn't he get promoted to longevity? No, his strength is not inferior to me. I am now at the peak of longevity."

"It's a real senior, his father died at the hands of Lin Zhen, do you still have an impression of Lin Zhen?"

The king of the mechanical world opened his mouth, and the metal components on his body made a few crisp noises. At this time, he could not be regarded as a complete human. When he expressed his angry emotions, he had a halo in his eyes.

The four eyes flashed for a while, and the machine opened his mouth: "Of course I remember Lin Zhen. He killed my only son Yehua. I am determined to find him for revenge, but the Yuanjie is too big for me to find out. You Do you know where he is?"

"Senior, the news of your holy land martial artist is too closed. Lin Zhen is now in the middle of the ordinary martial artist of the Yuan realm. Not only has he become an alchemist, but he also won the first place in the star of God's punishment. Now he even I have come to Qin State, I heard that I am going to study in the Holy Land."

"You said that he won the first place in the Star of God Punishment?" The machine asked back, and then clearly said: "Senior Qin Wushang was forced to leave Daqin three years ago. It is said that his son was defeated in the Star of God Punishment. Having exposed the identity of the emperor, is it Lin Zhen that defeated Qin Jianfeng?"

"Yes, that kid is also a realm king now, very strong."

The halo in the eyes of the mechanical world king flickered more and more violently, and the anger seemed to have reached its peak.

"Where is he now?"

"Alchemist Association."

The Dimensional Universe was hung up, and Ke Xiangnan let out a long sigh.

Machinery is the pinnacle of the longevity stage, and is a holy land martial artist, with identity and strength, and more importantly, he has a real reason to hate Lin.

That's enough, the machine will definitely attack Lin Zhen, as long as he succeeds, there will be no Lin Zhen coming to the Qilin clan to grab resources with them.

After hanging up from the Dimensional Universe, the King of Machine World stopped his cultivation.

Around him, two warriors looked over.

"Machinery, what happened?"

"I found the whereabouts of the enemy who killed my son."

"Oh, where is it?"

"Just in the Qin State, the Alchemist Association, this kid also won the first place in the Star of God's Punishment."

The other two warriors showed a playful look: "It's very interesting, the first place of ordinary warriors, I don't know how it compares with our holy land warriors?"

"I want to know too, so I'm going to find this kid, and the two brothers will go with me."

"Yes, every day I enlighten in the Holy Land. On this day, the birds are fading out, and I just go out and play. Although the Holy Land martial artist does not participate in the battle of the ordinary martial artist, but this is revenge for the mechanical man, there is no problem."

The machine smiled, and the teeth made a metal collision sound: "Okay, in another month, I think I have some insights on this stone monument. One month later, let's leave Stargazing Island together!"

In the hanging villa of the Association, Lin really was watching Ning Qingxuan's practice.

The days have finally stabilized. After Lin Zhen refines alchemy every day, guild staff will come directly to buy them all and pay Lin Zhen money at a 10% discount on the market price.

In this way, Lin Zhen's pill does not need to be sold by himself, and there will be no backlog.

This saves a lot of time and allows him to have enough time to practice.

But at this moment, Lin Zhen is not practicing, he is watching Ning Qingxuan's battle scene in the Dimension Arena.

Ning Qingxuan is fighting the Longevity Warrior in the Dimensional Arena.

This battle scene gave Lin Zhen a great shock.

You know, Ning Qingxuan's realm is now suppressed to the pinnacle of the domain king. It is not surprising if she can challenge the realm king Lin, but Ning Qingxuan actually played against the longevity warriors in the longevity field, and also maintained a relatively good record.

In the screen, Ning Qingxuan manipulates three long swords to fight against a longevity warrior.

The longevity warrior also chose the spiritual power control object and manipulated five flying swords, but in the process of fighting Ning Qingxuan, he appeared to be restrained and unable to use it everywhere.

Obviously they have more powerful star power, but they are everywhere. The five flying swords were originally controlled very smoothly, but under Ning Qingxuan's concise and sharp control, they appeared to be flashy.

During the five or six minutes that the two people held each other, Ning Qingxuan found an opportunity to attack with flying swords continuously to eliminate this warrior.

When Lin Zhen finished watching the broadcast, Ning Qingxuan glanced at him: "Husband, how do you think of my control?"

"Excellent, Xuan'er, your understanding of the sword seems to be above me."

"I can't say that I am above you. I am a warrior in the Sanhua realm. My understanding of martial arts is still above longevity, and I was recommended by Nanliang to go to Liberty City to practice for a while. day."

"Oh! Have you actually been to the Holy Land?"

"Yes, I used to stay in Liberty City for a hundred years, this kind of mental power control method is my understanding in Liberty City."

"Is there such a big gap between holy land warriors and non-holy land warriors?"

Ning Qingxuan thought for a while: "It's really big. Within the Holy Land, you can learn more advanced martial arts and martial arts. Every stone tablet in the Holy Land is the most proud martial art skill of a super power. You can learn many of them. One, let the holy land martial artist be infinitely useful."

"There are martial arts on the stele?"

"Yes, every stone tablet is the inheritance of a strong man. Why does my husband have no outsiders now, do you want me to insist on this title?" Ning Qingxuan was a little puzzled by this title, always feeling that it seemed to have some meaning.

Lin Zhen smirked, "Isn't it because you want to insist that you will suddenly forget in front of others? Don't interrupt and continue talking."

"In order to pursue the inheritance of a certain person, the warriors often fight to shed blood and lose their lives, but in the holy land, the essence of countless masters of martial arts is there. It depends on how much you can understand and stay in that place all day. Cultivation, it's hard not to make progress."

After speaking, Ning Qingxuan suddenly grabbed Lin Zhen’s hand, and Meimu looked into his eyes: "Husband, don't accompany me here for treatment. I can take care of myself. You should go to the Holy Land as soon as possible. !"

Lin Zhen was silent for a moment: "I feel a little worried."

"Don't worry, I promise that I will never leave the alchemy master for half a step, or leave this suspended villa for half a step, and you have also seen that ordinary longevity warriors can't do anything to me, let alone I feel that my realm is gradually During his recovery, he has almost returned to the realm king's strength."

"Really! Can you remember more things then?" Lin Zhen asked in I remember Liang Chen seemed to tell me that you were a big liar and cheated him a lot of money , And then Chen'er wanted to borrow money from me, as if 30 billion was cheated by you again. "

Lin Zhen was suddenly full of black lines, and the time period of this memory card was a bit embarrassing.

Ning Qingxuan stepped back slightly, with a little caution in her eyes: "Husband, you are not really a liar, are you deceiving my feelings?"

Lin Zhen hurriedly argued: "Why? It wasn't that everyone was unfamiliar at the beginning. Liang Chen always used me as a cash machine, so I counter-designed him. There is absolutely no intention to deceive Xuan'er."

A pair of water snake-like arms wrapped around Lin Zhen's neck, Ning Qingxuan chuckled and said, "My husband is in a hurry! It seems that you are not a liar."

Seeing the cunning in Ning Qingxuan's eyes, Lin Zhen took a breath and couldn't help squeezing her nose: "Little guy, deliberately scare me, be careful to accept punishment."

A hungry tiger rushed over. Ning Qingxuan, who was in the domain king stage, was not Lin Zhen's opponent. She was completely suppressed. She twisted under Lin Zhen, her hair messy and her eyes were silky.

After making a fuss for a while, after eating enough tofu, Lin Zhen let go reluctantly.

"During this period, I really feel the importance of comprehension, especially after mastering the sword intent. Since stronger martial arts and tactics can be learned in the Holy Land, then I will go."

"Well, don't worry about me."

With the support of Ning Qingxuan, Lin Zhen immediately contacted Longgeer through the Dimensional Universe.

He wanted to meet with the patriarch of the Qilin clan to see why the patriarch did not find himself back to the Qilin clan!

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