Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 721: New memory

Seeing the lunatic's eyes fall down with gloom, Lin Zhen finally let out a long sigh.

The longevity warrior is not so easy to deal with, he can kill the lunatic, in fact, the accident factor is very big.

First of all, this guy's brain is not so good, plus he is now 100% able to exert star power, which means that Lin Zhen can 100% prevent star power from overflowing. As long as he doesn't want to be discovered, he can even pretend Become a **** of war.

Even the longevity warrior can never see a hint of clues. Only then can he successfully pretend to be the owner of the hotel, follow behind the lunatic, and find a chance to kill with one blow.

The one who was going to jump out of the window was Lin Zhen's clone, and Lin Zhen's body was behind the lunatic.

While the lunatic shot, Lin Zhen suddenly shot and made a contribution!

It's just that the vitality of the immortal warrior is very strong, and he can actually turn his head back and give Lin Zhen a sword, but Lin Zhen now has an immortal spirit body, you give me a sword, and I will return you a sword.

You return my sword again, Lin Zhen simply used two Seven-Star Knives to insert the lunatic's mind, and completely killed the immortal warrior.

If this were not the case, if he was fighting head-on, there was no Star Power Transfer and Divine Power Pill now, Lin Zhen really was not the opponent of the Immortal Warrior.

The two wounds on the chest and throat are healing quickly, and there is no major problem.

The immortal spirit body was too helpful to Lin Zhen. When fighting in the future, Lin Zhen no longer needs to be cautious. If anyone dared to die with Lin Zhen without knowing what he was playing with, then he is going to die.

It's not the time to think about this, Lin Zhen's mental power directly enters the brain of a lunatic.

Search the soul~!

It's been useless for Lin Zhen to search for souls for a few years. He hasn't found a suitable person. This kind of opportunity is precious. Lin Zhen doesn't want to waste it on a useless person.

And this lunatic is absolutely suitable. First of all, the longevity warrior itself is very remarkable. His combat skills and experience are all worth learning by Lin Zhen.

What's more, the lunatic is still an alchemy master, and he has created a half-dangling spiritual pill, this Lin Zhen couldn't let go.

The black hole beast appeared, absorbed the lunatic's masterless soul directly into the black hole, searching for the soul and depriving him of all his memories.

Soon, this crazy guy has completely become history, and his body and spirit are completely destroyed.

After Lin Zhen searched for his soul, his mind was almost torn apart. He escaped directly into the world inside his body, and then took him by the clone to immediately go to the Alchemist Guild.

He must absorb the memory of a madman in a safe place, which is absolutely not possible here.

The lunatic was dead, and there was no expert monitoring outside, Lin Zhen reached the Alchemy Master Guild smoothly all the way.

He didn't even have time to say hello to anyone, so he plunged into his yard with the door closed, please don't disturb.

The main body was sitting in the room, and a tide of memories came.

Lin Zhen is quite familiar with this kind of thing. He eliminated all the useless memories and specially selected the useful things for him to absorb and organize.

The lunatic is now almost 20,000 years old. A thousand years ago, he was the alchemist at the pinnacle of the fifth rank, and now his alchemy level is almost the same even if he has not reached the seventh rank.

This person is also very creative, and he can actually develop his own pill, and it is a spiritual pill that almost no one dares to touch.

It is great to be able to formulate spiritual potions based on his physical constitution. If his spiritual power pill is successfully developed, he will definitely become a seventh-rank alchemist in one fell swoop.

Lin Zhen absorbed the lunatic's insights about alchemy alone for three days!

Even though Lin Zhen was already a sixth-rank pinnacle alchemist, he still benefited a lot from this process.

After absorbing the lunatic's alchemy technique, Lin Zhen only felt that his understanding of alchemy was more diligent. If it were not for the restriction of an alchemy, maybe the average seventh-rank alchemist was at his current level.

"Spiritual pills! Maybe there is really hope."

Combining my understanding of the spiritual power pill, coupled with the understanding of a lunatic, and going to the wrong part of it, this kind of unattainable pill really seems to be taking shape.

After absorbing the alchemy technique, Lin Zhen also discovered some other advantages of the lunatic.

That is the power of a madman who actually comprehend the law!

To say that the reason for the big change in the disposition of a lunatic is not just because of the failure of alchemy. This person has once been given a chance to learn about the law.

The location is in an elite concentration camp, where a group of geniuses have enlightened the stele. They all do what they can, from simple to difficult.

But at that time, the lunatic had just entered the longevity, and his heart was very high, and he did not know the height of the sky to comprehend the most difficult stone tablet without words.

As a result, he failed, causing his mental power to be somewhat confused, and it would be difficult to make progress by relying on his own cultivation. Only then did he finally start with the idea of ​​refining a mental power pill, but he did not expect to really make a point.

If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be cheaper for Lin Zhen.

"The madman's swordsmanship seems to be very famous. Thanks to I didn't fight him head-on today, otherwise, even if there is an immortal spirit body, I will probably be cut into flesh by him in the end."

"But I can't fully understand his swordsmanship for the time being, and I need to understand it slowly. Let's learn the art of alchemy first."

After five days of absorbing time, Lin Zhen comprehended everything about lunatics.

When he finished absorbing, he just walked out of the room and saw Nalan Chenxi waiting for him outside.

"President, long time no see." Lin Zhen greeted Nalan Chenxi.

Nalan Chenxi glanced at Lin Zhen with a slightly complicated look, and sighed, "Lin Zhen, you have been working hard this time."

"It's okay, there's nothing wrong with martial arts cultivation."

Lin Zhen sat down and made some tea for Nalan Chenxi.

After taking a sip of tea, Nalan Chenxi said with a melancholy: "Lin Zhen, I know all about you, and the entire alchemist guild also knows it."

"Oh! How does the president think about me?"

Nalan Chenxi did not immediately answer Lin Zhen's question, but slowly said: "Lin Zhen, do you know that just yesterday, the princess had already returned to the Qingye Sect."

Although Ning Qingxuan is already a queen, the people of Nanliang still call him the prince princess.

"What? Xuan'er is back? So soon!"

Nalan Chenxi nodded: "Yes, soon, I came to you today just to hear your thoughts."

Lin Zhen solemnly said: "Xuan Er was born and died for me, I will never give up."

"As I thought, I actually asked more about it. Knowing your Lin Zhen's character, how could this kind of thing shrink back."

Nalan Chenxi smiled bitterly: "But this way, our guild will be a little difficult to do."

Lin Zhen didn't say anything, knowing that Nalan Chenxi had something to do.

"Lin Zhen, it is said that our Alchemy Master Guild does not need to look at other people's faces, but it is a normal situation. This matter of yours is a bit serious. I have already inquired about it. After the prince came back, she went to Qing Ye Pai, the emperor passed by yesterday, and it is said that he had a very happy conversation with Auntie Tie, the head of the Qingye School.

"After the emperor left the Qingye faction, he returned to the palace and talked with his ministers and representatives of various forces. He wants to settle all resistance and condemn you."

Lin Zhen nodded: "As expected, if this little resistance can't be settled, he doesn't need to be the emperor."

"On these forums, the royal family has been guiding public opinion, and the wind direction is becoming more and more unfavorable for you, but if the Nanliang royal family has not convicted you for a day, I can guarantee that you are absolutely safe here. But When I really wait for your conviction, I am afraid that you are also powerless."

"President, you don't have to worry about this."

Lin Zhendao: "I know that even though they are alchemists, most of the people here are natives of Nanliang. They still have to live in Nanliang after all. They can't really tear their faces with the royal family, let alone just for me."

Nalan Chenxi nodded slightly, agreeing with Lin Zhen's words.

"So please don't worry, President, when the royal family announces my crime, I will leave the Alchemist Guild, and I will definitely not drag the guild."

Nalan Chenxi took a deep breath: "Lin Zhen, otherwise it's okay. I will arrange for you to leave and go to the Great Qin Empire. The Great Qin Empire has gone through a period of chaos. The royal family has been newly established. The president of the Alchemist Guild there is my teacher. I can recommend you to go there. When you arrive in Daqin, you no longer have to be constrained by Nanliang."

Lin Zhen was a little touched by Nalan Chenxi's words. He was still willing to help him at this time, which shows Nalan Chenxi's character.

"President, thank you for your kindness, maybe one day I will go, but I want to ask you, do you know when the royal family will condemn me?"

"It takes three days as fast as possible, and five days as slow as possible. This is more accurate news. It will take time for Liang Zhihuan to settle the rest."

"Well, before that, I want to do an assessment, an assessment of a seventh-rank alchemist!"

"Wha...what! You said you want to test the seventh-rank alchemist?" Nalan Chenxi opened her mouth wide.

"Yes, if you have some understanding of the alchemy technique recently, if it goes well, you might really be able to succeed."

"This is is incredible!"

Nalan Chenxi stood up, rubbed her hands excitedly, and finally clapped her hands altogether: "Lin Zhen, don't worry, before your assessment is over, even if Liang Zhihuan and Chen Bing are in front of the Alchemist Guild, I will stop them for you. No matter what the final result is, I It is guaranteed that you will be safely sent out of the border of Nanliang!"

Lin Zhen also smiled and stood gave this lovely old man a hug: "President, I think you are more kind than beautiful women."

"Go go! Don't do this with my old man!" Nalan Chenxi also smiled.

"Then you prepare, I'll make arrangements. I must know that the seven-rank alchemist, my old man, is not qualified to invigorate the exam. Only let my teacher and others video invigilate the exam. When you are ready, you will notify me if you succeed. Now, I should be able to represent you as an alchemist qualification, hehe! It's really good, not bad..."

As Nalan Chenxi said, Dian Dian'er ran out. In his opinion, this matter has been resolved. If Lin Zhen can become a seventh-rank alchemist, then the conference will definitely take action and will not allow Liang Zhihuan to kill Such talents.

No matter how good Liang Zhihuan was, he did not dare to compete with the Association.

Seeing Nalan Chenxi's departure, Lin Zhen let out a sigh of relief.

Although Nalan Chenxi was very enthusiastic, he didn't intend to let the other party help in this matter, because he had to take away Xuan'er, the Nanliang imperial family and the Qingye faction, and Lin Zhen would fight them to the end!