Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 720: Who is crazy!


()&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLooking at Liang Chen's teeth and claws dancing in the Dimensional Universe, Lin Zhen smiled: "If you really want to kill me, then you don't have to yell with me here, I'm at **** hotel, you can choose to come by yourself now Bring someone here."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Chen hung up the communication. About twenty minutes later, the hotels opened. Lin Zhen saw Liang Chen sneaking in with his head wrapped around his face.

After arriving in Lin Zhen’s room, Lin Zhen waved to Liang Chen: “If you want to do it, you should do it as soon as possible. If you don’t want to do it, then sit down first.”

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Chen had been there for a long time, squeezing his fists for a while, and finally did not have the courage to punch Lin Zhen, and sat there with a little discouraged.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Good! I admit that I am not your opponent now, but Lin Zhen you must do one thing, or even if I die, I will never forgive you."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Talk about it and listen."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Help my mother restore her memory!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Liang Chen said here, his eyes were a little red: "My mother is so miserable that she can't remember anything by her master's soul chasing bell. I went to ask my father, but he said this is not what I should do. Regarding things, Lin Zhen, she did this to save you. If you can't be responsible to her, then you are not a man."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"You don't need to say that I will do it too. Do you know when your mother will be back?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Probably it will be three to five days."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Liang Chen looked at Lin Zhen: "Although I don’t think 10,000 of you are worthy of my mother, I have seen everything about the Star of Punishment. Lin Zhen, this is my mother’s choice, and I will respect her. ."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Oh! Don't you care how your father feels?" Lin Zhen asked, squinting.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Chen did not hesitate: "Relatively speaking, I care more about my mother."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp After speaking, he looked at Lin Zhen again: "But don’t be proud, if my mother’s memory recovers, I must persuade her to stay away from you. You are too wicked, and I can’t open the pot if I’m poor now. This time I gained the energy of transforming gods, but I didn't even have the money to maintain cultivation.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspSpeaking of this Lin Zhen was a little embarrassed, indeed Liang Chenkeng was a bit miserable.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Lin Zhen slightly awkwardly turned off the topic: "Don't talk about this, Liang Chen, if I'm not wrong, you are here to inform me, right? Is your father ready to do it to me?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Chen was taken aback: "How did you guess it?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLin Zhen smiled: "Does this still have to be guessed? Your father will not let me go."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Obviously Lin Zhen got it right, but Liang Chen was still a little unconvinced: "Your question has not been studied yet. After all, you have won a high honor, and there are still many people who support you. Before that, My father can't do it to you."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Hmph! Liang Chen, don’t open your eyes and talk nonsense. I’m not so naive anymore. Yes, your father can’t catch me openly, but he can do it secretly. Doesn’t he worry about me running now, Will there be no one at that time?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHearing this, Liang Chen finally nodded slightly.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Lin Zhen, although you are a jerk, you have to say that you are quite clever. Yes, I heard that when I came, my father has already found a strong longevity from outside, and he is going to take you Control it. When they settle the opposition, they will declare your crime. The long-lived strong man is already on the road, and it is estimated that this place is also monitored. It will be difficult for you to return to the Alchemist Guild now, maybe I will go down The next time I saw you, I was in Nanliang's prison."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Longevity and strong come to catch me?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Yes, have you heard of a madman?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Is it the kind of person with a bad brain?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Liang Chen rolled his eyes: "Lin Zhen, when are you still talking nonsense? Madman is the name of an immortal warrior, a very tyrannical guy, and very strong."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"How strong is it?" Lin really became interested.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Hehe, that's amazing. This person is from Xiliang. He used to be a fellow with you. He was also an alchemist. In order to strengthen his mental power, he refined forbidden drugs."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Oh! Also an alchemist? Do you take a psychiatric potion or a pill?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLin really knows how difficult it is to get a mental power pill. He has now made a mental power potion, but it can only be used to swallow the black hole beast. With the powerful gene digestion of the black hole beast, it can’t be put on the market. In the case of pill, it is definitely a profit. "

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"It’s a pill, but this guy is not successful. His mental pill is only a half-hearted, and he uses himself as an experiment. Although his mental power has indeed improved, his temperament has changed drastically. Now this guy has basically no humanity. Yes, the person who made oneself is neither a ghost nor a ghost, even family members and relatives are killed, no one makes friends with him at all, and it is precisely because of this that my dad will find him to deal with you, because even if things are revealed , You can also put all the responsibility on him."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"That's really a lunatic. In that case, this person is half successful. It seems that the grade of the alchemist at the beginning is not low."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Not low. A few hundred years ago, when he went crazy, he was already the alchemist at the pinnacle of the fifth rank. Later, his temperament changed and he was also removed from the Alchemist Guild. No one knows what level he is now."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspSpeaking of this, Liang Chen stood up and said, "Alright, my Highness is leaving, Lin Zhen, please ask for your own blessing. Actually, I really want to see you in prison, but if you are caught, maybe No one will help my mother restore her memory, so I have to come, but it's not for you, Lin Zhen, you have done all your kindness and righteousness, let's go!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLin Zhen suddenly said: "Liang Chen, if one day I want to turn this southern beam upside down, whose side will you stand on?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Liang Chen pondered for a moment: "I will always stand by my mother's side."

After finishing talking, Liang Chen got up and left the hotel in a hurry.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAfter Liang Chen left, Lin Zhen stood up and came to the window.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan was really overcast. He was talking about research here, but he was actually trying to paralyze himself, but the other side had already started to find a super killer in the longevity realm.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Come here, longevity warrior, since this warrior is not visible, then it will be fine for me to kill him! Liang Zhihuan, since you want to deal with me, then try if you can do it!"

At this moment, Lin Zhen has made up his mind. As long as Ning Qingxuan is there, the contradiction between himself and Liang Zhihuan will be irreconcilable, but Liang Zhihuan’s actions also annoyed him. If this is the case, then simply tear his face and just give himself In a little time, he will turn the sky of Nanliang over!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspIt is estimated that his current hiding place has been exposed, but if it is exposed, then the hotel owner should come to him?

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Thinking of Lin Zhen suddenly alert, at the speed of the royal family, it is impossible for him to stay in this hotel for so long without noticing it, and the boss clearly knows that he lives here, why didn't he come to find himself?

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspUnder normal circumstances, shouldn’t the boss come over and tell him that you are not welcome here, get out of it?

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThinking of this, Lin Zhen immediately opened the door and went downstairs to the hotel reception.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAfter seeing Lin Zhen, the boss was first shocked, and then asked with a hint of nervousness: "Sir, do you have any needs?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Don't you know me?" Lin Zhen asked.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Uh don't know, your name?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLin Zhen fought over with Soul Lock, and the boss of this galaxy period was immediately controlled.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Can someone come to me?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Dear master, someone has been here, and someone just told me not to disturb you. It is estimated that the person who will arrest you is almost here."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"If someone comes, you are like this."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Yes, please be careful, master. The sky outside is full of surveillance systems. If you go to the endless sea of ​​stars at this time, you will definitely be found and pursued."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Got it."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLin Zhen didn't plan to enter the endless sea of ​​stars again. He had to stay on the ground and wait for Ning Qingxuan to return. The primary goal now is to return to the Alchemist Guild first.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe voice here has not fallen, the sound of breaking through the air has been heard in the distance.



&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspOutside the door of the hotel, a warrior with dirty clothes appeared.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHe has a full face and a beard, the eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, the complexion is blue, and there is a vicious look in his eyes that is not like a normal person.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp But it happens to be such a person, but he is a longevity warrior who makes the world afraid!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNo one knows his name, he has been called a lunatic for so many years.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHis longevity temple may be regarded as the worst longevity temple near the beams, because this person has no humanity at all, and even too many incidents of killing pilgrims, naturally no one will go to his temple to worship.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLater, this person simply abandoned the temple and started a wandering life.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTo kill Lin Zhen today, he also received a large sum of money, and the other party had only one request, and that was the job.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Hey! Since the Nanliang Emperor asked so, then I will die, but humans are alive, but I can not guarantee the integrity, if I only bring you back a living head, the body is replaced by a pig, I wonder if the Emperor Nanliang can still admit it?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAt that time, Liang Zhihuan was clenching his teeth secretly. If it were not for controlling Lin Zhen in advance, he would not want to talk to this crazy guy at all.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp However, Lin Zhen was tortured a little, and that was really what Liang Zhihuan wanted to see.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe madman appeared at the door of the hotel and then stepped in.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspWhen he came to the hotel owner, the madman showed his reddish teeth and smiled: "Little guy, tell me if Lin Zhen is still here?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe boss shivered suddenly: "I was there just now."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Well, take me over and see, don’t try to play tricks."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe boss took the lunatic to Lin Zhen’s room tremblingly, came to the door of the room, and started knocking gently.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"No need to knock!" The lunatic's eyes widened, and a mental force blasted up at the door like a bomb, directly blasting the door to pieces!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAs soon as the door blasted open, I saw that Lin was really about to jump out of the window.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Hey! Do you think you can still run?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspA lunatic stride, a three-foot steel knife slashed directly at Lin Zhen’s neck!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe longevity warrior shoots, the space is locked, and Lin Zhen has no way to dodge the opposite!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp But before he succeeded in beheading, behind him, the hotel owner suddenly shot, a spear pierced his heart!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp This lunatic understood that the man behind him was Lin Zhen, but he didn't know how he could hide his investigation.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp But this almost fatal blow did not kill him. The madman roared and turned his head violently, and it penetrated the boss's heart without even looking at it!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"To die, everyone die together!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp But Lin Zhen didn't even feel moved. As soon as he raised his hand, a long sword was inserted in his throat again!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspA big mouth of blood spilled from the lunatic’s mouth, but this crazy warrior was not dead yet, and another long knife pierced Lin Zhen’s throat!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLin Zhen didn’t change his With both hands waving at the same time, two short knives were inserted again from the left and right temples of the lunatic!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThree consecutive tricks will kill, the lunatic finally can't hold it.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHis eyes were dizzy, the body of this warrior, who was known for his madness, leaned back, his vitality finally passed.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"You are crazy than me!"

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