Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 722: Promoted to Rank 7 Alchemist

The assessment of the seven-rank alchemist can be described as a grand event. Normally, it is necessary to go to the general meeting or to come to the general meeting.

But Lin Zhen is now in a special situation, so he can only simplify everything.

Nalan Chenxi reported Lin Zhen's situation, and Long Geer, the vice president of the Alchemist Association, personally invigilated the exam.

"Brother Lin, are you sure you don't need to broadcast? I think you have a great chance of success." Nalan Chenxi was still patting Lin Zhen's shoulder affectionately as she approached the exam.

"Brother, I really don't need it anymore. It's not getting married and getting married. It doesn't need to be so grand." Lin Zhen smiled.

"What's so grand about marrying a wife? Men need grandeur to achieve their careers."

Hearing Nalan Chenxi’s words, Lin Zhen was a little speechless. His earth thinking has not changed too much. In Nanliang and even in many countries in the Metaverse, marrying a daughter-in-law is not a big deal, because a powerful warrior can have a lifetime To marry a lot of wives, even many wives have to ask the South to marry in.

After changing the world, the customs and habits were completely different, and Lin Zhen couldn't keep up with the times in this respect.

"Then can we start?"

Although it was not grand, there were several audiences.

In addition to Nalan Chenxi, the vice president Dwyane, as well as the other three great elders of the Alchemist Guild, are all bystanders today, wanting to witness the birth of a seventh-rank alchemist.

"Brother Lin, come on, if you succeed this time, you will be the elder of the association in the future. You must know that the elder of the association can also serve as the president of other countries."

Hearing Nalan Chenxi's encouragement, Lin Zhen nodded and walked to the front of the furnace.

In front of him, all the pill furnace pills were prepared, and on the big screen, the three alchemists on the opposite side were preparing to watch Lin Zhen's alchemy and decide whether he was eligible to be promoted to the seventh rank.

Among them, sitting in the middle position is the Vice President Long Geer from the General Association, a very powerful alchemist.

It is said that to be able to achieve the position of vice president of the Alchemy Master Association, that is to surpass the seven-rank realm.

However, such alchemists have lived for countless years, at least they are longevity warriors, and even Sanhua warriors.

Lin Zhen didn't think so far for the time being. He first had to concentrate on taking the position of the seventh-rank alchemist and gaining greater authority, so that he could inquire about the soul of the town.

"Elder Lin Zhen, are you ready?" A brocade robe, looked at the extremely majestic Longgeer.

"Okay, ready."

"Well, I wish you success first, Nalan, let's get started."

Nalan Chenxi nodded when he heard Longge's command and motioned to Lin Zhen to start.

"The pill I am going to refine today is a spiritual pill!"

Lin Zhen gave a brief introduction, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Long Geer's eyes also showed surprise. As the vice-chairman of the general association, he has a lot of people to assess, although the seventh-rank alchemist It's relatively rare, but there are people who go to the assessment basically every day, but there are too few passing.

Lin Zhen didn't care about other people's eyes, and sat alone in front of the pill furnace, and began to refine the mental power pill.

The mental power pill has always been a problem in the alchemy world. Many alchemists want to overcome this subject, but there has been no precedent for complete success.

It is understandable for one person to be unsuccessful, but if ten thousand people are unsuccessful, it is probably not a human problem.

Lin Zhen didn't have any clues before, but after absorbing the memory of lunatics, he had found the crux of the problem.

If you want to refine the mental power pill, the first thing to do is to inject mental power and then return to the cage.

Other alchemists can't succeed because they don't have this medium of return, and Lin Zhen has it.

After the spiritual force is injected, it can be withdrawn smoothly without losing the medicine. This requires a black hole!

Only black holes can achieve the perfect connection of this process. Lin Zhen has done experiments before. It can be said that the mental power pill is simply tailor-made for him. Just telling others the method, others will not learn it.

Because Lin Zhen was able to transform into a black hole beast, it was because his soul had crossed the black hole to inspire this bloodline, and no one else could do it anyway.

Slowly closing his eyes, this set of procedures are all in Lin Zhen's heart, and all the movements are like clouds and flowing water.

Longer and the others on the other side simply watched them at first, and then they posted on the screen without suicide, carefully observing Lin Zhen's every move.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing! This elder Lin Zhen has already fully possessed the demeanor of a mature 7-rank alchemy master. As long as this medicine is completed, he will be a super master!"

If you do not advance to the seventh rank, you are not qualified to be called a master.

All the processes were breathtaking, and there was no slightest omission. Until the last moment, Lin Zhen withdrew his mental power through the black hole.

So far, the elixir is out~!

When the fire of the pill was opened, everyone stretched their necks and stared at the pill.

Along the way, about the size of soybean grains, about forty or fifty pills appeared.

"Well, who will come to check and see if my medicine is effective?"

Nalan Chenxi immediately volunteered: "As the president, I have an unshirkable responsibility for this kind of thing."

Dwyane and a few people can see that this potion of medicine is finished, but Nalan Chenxi is the president after all. They have no choice but to use power for personal gain. They can only watch the old man pick up one. Swallow the elixir.

"Um... Um!... Um~~!!!"

Listening to Nalan Chenxi's um, Longger couldn't sit still: "Nalan, what on earth do you want to talk about? Don't always be um.

"Uh~! Vice President, I can now guarantee with my personality and position. The efficacy of this pill will only be better than I thought. After swallowing him, I even feel that I will not move for ten thousand years. The spiritual power of the dark golden period is somewhat loose."

"Oh! So, is this pill OK?"

"It's more than enough, that's too good! Vice President, if this kind of pill can be put on the market in batches, you can't imagine how much money you will make. Almost half of the entire Metaverse are spiritual teachers. Personal mental power needs to grow. Even if you have tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of them, you are guaranteed to grab them all in one day!"

Hearing Nalan Chenxi's decisive assurance, Longgel had no doubts.

"Okay! Now that President Nalan has approved it, then I also believe in the authenticity of this assessment. Now please call Lin Zhen's pill...oh! What is its name?"

"Spiritual star." Lin Zhen temporarily gave a name.

"Well, this kind of spiritual star pill is the original creation of Elder Lin Zhen. Please Chairman Nalan send the pill to us as soon as possible, and let us witness it in person."

"Vice President, what about Lin Zhen's level?"

"Passed, you can give Lin Zhen an identity first. As long as this pill does not cause problems, Lin Zhen's identity will not change. After all, my old man still has this vision, is it a seventh-rank alchemist? You can’t pretend."

With Long Geer's authorization, Nalan Chenxi was overjoyed and immediately awarded Lin Zhen the badge of the seventh-rank alchemist.

"Nalan badge, the elder Lin Zhen has already been promoted to the seventh rank, and the position of the elder of the Nanliang Guild is no longer suitable for him. He is now the elder of the general association."

"Haha! I know very well about this vice president. Brother Lin Zhen did not live up to our expectations. From now on, he is temporarily the elder of the general association where my alchemy guild is a guest. I promise to entertain him and look after him. Time allowed him to go to Daqin."

"Okay! I want to inform the chairman of this good news immediately, Lin Zhen, you'd better hurry up to make alchemy, this is all a large sum of wealth."

Lin Zhen smiled and nodded. He could see that Long Geer wanted him to go to Daqin immediately, but Lin Zhen would not leave until the matter was finished.

Nalan Chenxi brought new training and badges, and the official representative association announced that Lin Zhen was promoted to the seventh-rank alchemy master!

In the entire Nanliang, the number of masters did not exceed five. It can be said that at this moment, Lin Zhen has reached a peak in his life, and can almost be regarded as the youngest seventh-rank alchemist.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, this time the Alchemist Guild will guarantee your safety." Nalan Chenxi said in a big deal.

Lin Zhen glanced at Nalan Chenxi: "Brother, when will the royal family's decision come out this time?"

Nalan Chenxi thought for a while: "Tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow, a conclusion will be made about you, but don't worry, I have a way to send you out of Nanliang."

"What about Xuan'er?" Lin Zhen said lightly.

Nalan Chenxi was taken aback. At this moment, he also knew Lin Zhen's attitude. The contradiction between him and the royal family was irreconcilable. No matter who made any effort, it was useless. Liang Zhihuan dealt with Lin Zhen resolutely. Not determined to deal with the royal family.

"In that case, my brother can only hope that you will cherish it safely. No matter where your brother goes, don't forget that the Alchemist Guild is also your home."

Lin Zhen nodded lightly, then got up and walked into the room. He didn't see how much joy the promotion to the seventh-rank alchemist brought.

"It's only two days at most. Within these two days, I must figure out the matter of the chasing soul bell."

Open the Dimensional Universe This time Lin Zhen's status has been promoted, and the identity and authority of the Dimensional Universe are also changed simultaneously, so this time, Lin Zhen can finally read about the Soulchaser Bell.

"The Qingye Sect Soul Chasing Bell is used to constrain the future masters of the town’s magical skills. The controlled person may be confused in memory, or insane, and become a lunatic. The principle is to use the black lotus from the bottomless abyss, Hematitis from the sea of ​​blood, plus..."

Lin Lin always appeared in front of Lin Zhen like the words of the heavenly book, but he still had to watch and learn.

After about two hours, Lin Zhen slowly closed the Dimensional Universe.

He had already figured out and understood the refining method of the medicine. Although the process was very slow and had to be gradual, Lin Zhen had the confidence to complete it.

The biggest problem now is not the antidote, but how does Lin Zhen face the people of the Qingye School and how to face the people of the Nanliang royal family?

With one or two days to go, Lin Zhen will have difficulty walking in Nanliang.

Many things need to be planned ahead.