Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 717: 1st place reward

The hearts of those who watched the battle of God's Punishment Star have undergone a severe test.

This feeling is like a roller coaster, ups and downs.

There were too many accidents. First, Lin Zhen rose up all the way to kill the Quartet. In the end, Qin Jianfeng reversed and turned out to be an emperor.

Then a woman pushed the planet to hit the **** barrier, then turned and left.

Finally, Lin Zhen turned into a huge fire unicorn!

Do not! It's not the fire unicorn, the fire unicorn is red, this one is black, and when this giant beast appears, people seem to see the sky full of stars.

Clusters of nebulae revolved in the sky, and the black giant screamed from the sky, and then rushed down from the sky.

Stepping on the lotus, three steps and two steps have reached Qin Jianfeng.

Qin Jianfeng's long sword beams jetted in his hands, standing there looking at this strange beast.

"Lin Zhen! Is this your Galaxy Beast? It should belong to the unicorn clan, but no matter which one you are from the unicorn clan, it is impossible for me to take any advantage today."

"Let you taste the fighting power of the strong imperial clan, look at my sword storm!"

With both hands waving and staggering, the two sword gangs moved the wind and clouds, and the crisscrossed sword nets once again filled the space.

Just this trick, Lin Zhen, who had a body, transferred his star power and took a divine power pill, directly caught up to the sky, showing how powerful this blow was.

At this time, the countdown has reached five seconds!

Five seconds later, the Star of God's Punishment will end soon.

Facing Qin Jianfeng's endless sword nets, Lin Zhen's indifferent beast's eyes shot cold light, as if looking at a dead person.

He opened his mouth, and the stars flashed deep in his throat.

There is the most terrifying place in the universe, the black hole!

"Qin Jianfeng, a powerful emperor, you are lurking in the Great Qin Empire for this day, but it is a pity that you met me, this time you can't do what you want!"

"Black Hole Storm~!"

A cloud of storm starlight instantly filled Qin Jianfeng's field of vision, and within his field of vision, he couldn't see anything else.

The sword net he sent out has disappeared invisible at this moment!

"Spirit sword body guard!"

Qin Jianfeng's sword vigorously went down and down, and countless sword auras pierced the surrounding mountain walls like a rope, firmly fixing his body!

The star power within the dantian is boiling, and the 37 million star power has formed a powerful guardian net. He will fight to the death against Lin Zhen's black hole storm!

At this moment, Qin Jianfeng did not dare to expect anything to defeat Lin Zhen. His only goal now was to hold on for the last few seconds!

In less than five seconds, this moment is as long as a century.

Every second, Qin Jianfeng's strength is rapidly shrinking, rapidly degenerating, and his body is no longer under control!


With flying sand and rocks around, a scene of doomsday, everything around is pouring toward that endless black hole!


Qin Jianfeng's hands finally couldn't hold it anymore. He couldn't imagine why Lin Zhen would have such a powerful talent and skills, even his more than 30 million star power could not be resisted!


With a swish, Qin Jianfeng let out a scream, and the whole person has fallen into the black hole.

But he didn't really fall in. The moment he entered the black hole, he was already judged dead.

Otherwise, the black hole really turns into that molecular structure, and I don't know if the gods can bring it back to life.

A cloud of blue light wrapped Qin Jianfeng's body and began to fly into the air.

He clearly saw the changes on the list. At the last moment, his first position was lost. After losing half of the points, he fell to the second position and Lin Zhen finally reached the top!

Floating in the air, he could even hear the last voice.

"The Star of God's Punishment is over, and all the contestants teleport back to the starting point..."

Qin Jianfeng closed his eyes slightly to prevent tears from flowing out of his eye sockets. His heart was extremely unwilling. This result was unexpected. He was eliminated at the last moment. If so, he would rather never get the first place. , So at least I can feel better.

But everything is over, it is doomed, and there will never be any changes.

In the next moment, he has returned to the Great Qin Empire.

As soon as he appeared, his father Qin Wushang grabbed his arm.

"Don't say anything! Let's go!"

"Where are you going?"

"Of course it is to leave the metaverse and go to the endless sea of ​​stars. We can no longer stay here. The people who support me have started riots. Several princes have come to the capital in the name of King Qin. This emperor can no longer do it."

Qin Jianfeng was dragged by his father blankly, and his heart was cold.

Everything is over. I have been lurking in the Metaverse for thousands of years, and now I have achieved such a result.

If it weren't for Lin Zhen to eliminate him, if it wasn't for Lin Zhen's Destroying God Thunder to severely wound him, he would not have reached this point and would not have been discovered as an emperor.

He is proud of the emperor, but the Yuanjie cannot tolerate the emperor. He and his father have no choice but to leave.

"But I still have a divine body..."

"It doesn't matter with the **** body, the **** will give it directly to you, no matter where you are, all we have to do now is to leave."

Qin Wushang and Qin Jianfeng rushed out of the palace, before they could take anything away, they rushed into the vast starry sky.

The once glorious Great Qin Empire began to decline today.


On the street of Nanliang, on the big screen, the crowd was quiet for a while, and then suddenly shouted loudly!


"First! Lin Zhen got the first!"

"Naliang hero, we want to sing for him!"

"Where is singing enough? We have to erect a monument for him to commemorate this moment forever."

Excited people sing and dance, forget feelings and joy.

When the sound entered the palace, Liang Zhihuan slowly closed his eyes, feeling the sound so harsh.

Auntie Tie stood up and said, "Emperor, your queen has returned. It took her ten months to find the star of punishment, and it only takes one month when she comes back."

"How is she?"

"It's okay, I haven't become a madman or an idiot, but I may forget a lot of things."

"That's good, this is the only good news I have heard."

Aunt Tie left, Liang Zhihuan sat for a while, summoning Shi Xiaomao to come in.

"Go and release Lin Zhen's black material, let people know what this national hero is."

"Yes, your Majesty, but the people are in high spirits at the moment. I am afraid that the effect of releasing it now will not be very good. Should we wait two days?"

"Also, let's take two days to find the most appropriate time."


Shi Xiaomao withdrew, Liang Zhihuan leaned back in the chair, a little bit grateful for Ning Qingxuan's memory loss.

If she hadn't lost her memory, then according to the agreement between him and Ning Qingxuan, as long as Lin Zhen didn't want his throne, he would have to agree to anything he wanted. When Lin Zhen came to take the queen away, he could not violate it.

It's all right now, Ning Qingxuan has lost her memory, she's over a hundred, she doesn't have to worry about this problem anymore.

The warriors of the Star of God's Punishment have already teleported away, and the entire planet is silent.

Only occasionally, there will be sporadic roars of undead creatures.

The sky of the closed planet has been completely removed, and here is a lonely land of the dead.

Lin Zhen has changed from the form of a black hole beast to a human again. He looked up at the starry sky, feeling a little at a loss.

Why didn't he teleport away, but stay here?

When I was confused, suddenly a voice rang in my ear.

"Lin Zhen, it's a very wonderful journey, even I didn't expect you to be number one."

"It's you!"

Lin Zhen was overjoyed. He was too familiar with this voice. It was the person who tested him in the North Pole, or in other words, this person set the test of God's Punishment Star.

"The Star of God's Punishment is held once every 100,000 years. Since Henggu, I don't know how many times it has been held, but your situation is too rare!"

Lin Zhen didn't say anything. One hundred thousand years sounds like a long time, but in the long river of eternal time, how many hundred thousand years have passed?

The age of the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and the age of the sun is longer than that of the earth.

People think that the New Territories may have existed for nearly 20 billion years, but what about the Metaverse?

The birth of the Metaverse was much earlier than that of the New Territories, and no one can tell how many years.

There is no way to count many things from ancient times.

Even within 4.5 billion years of the earth, how many stars of God's Punishment have been held?

Once in a hundred thousand years, one hundred million years is a thousand times. In the process of the existence of the earth, the star of divine punishment has appeared 45,000 times!

So how many stars of God's Punishment add up? It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of times and millions of times are possible.

But the **** told him that he has too few situations like this now, so it's really rare.

The voice of the **** continued: "As far as I know, after all the stars of God's Punishment appeared, just like you, there are only two precedents for obtaining a super divine body first, and then you are the third."

"Then, what should I do in my current situation? Or give me a super divine body?"

"Of course, this is the God's Punishment Star, and the reward is only the Divine Body, but your situation is more special than the previous This is a bit of a headache."

"Oh! It's not the same as the other two, what's the difference?"

"The rewards here are divided into several types. One is the divine body in the normal ranking. You got the first place and you have already obtained a super divine body. Then you are normally two divine bodies, each of which has its own use. You even got the first elimination place for the Star of God's Punishment, and that reward is also for a high-level divine body, so there is no way to arrange the three divine bodies."

Lin Zhen was silent. He knew that at this time, he had to make a fortune in a muffled voice to be the best choice.

Sure enough, after a while, the voice finally said: "Fine! Your situation is special this time, it will be cheaper for you, let you see the reward this time, and give you a chance to choose by yourself."

A golden light flashed in front of him, and a string of divine bodies appeared in front of Lin Zhen!

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