Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 716: The last one is unblocked!

Lin Zhen sat on the top of a line of heaven, looking up at the sky.

"What is that? Meteor?"

Looking at the huge fireball, Lin Zhen was shocked.

You must know that this place is the star of God's Punishment. When the gods are arranging the Star of God's Punishment, they will definitely design everything in advance, and there will never be a mess of meteors.

But this shouldn't happen, but it happened.

And it was actually facing a ray of sky. Sitting here, Lin Zhen could clearly feel the trajectory of the meteor. In less than a minute, this extremely huge meteor would hit the barrier arranged by the gods.

In other words, it is no longer appropriate to use a meteor to describe this planet. This is clearly another planet. Although not as huge as the earth, it is definitely much larger than the moon.

The air in the atmosphere simply cannot dissolve the mass of this planet, and the force of the collision will definitely be beyond imagination.

"Could it be that people from the emperor clan felt that things were not good and came here to rescue Qin Jianfeng?"

"No, in the eyes of the gods, there should be no distinction between the human race and the emperor race. Those are all human struggles. What is going on?"

Not only Lin Zhen was confused, but others were also confused.

Through Lin Zhen's eyes, they could also see the sky and see the huge planet falling in disorder.

Others were puzzled by speculation, but this scene looked different in the eyes of Liang Zhihuan and Aunt Tie.

"Bastard! You rascal! Interfering with the order of the God's Punishment Star arranged by the gods, is it really impossible for the teacher to deal with you!"

The muscles on Aunt Tie's face jumped and jumped, and she was very sure at this moment that Ning Qingxuan was pushing the planet forward.

"Could it be that...this is really the Queen's doing?" Liang Zhihuan couldn't believe it.

"One hundred percent can't be wrong. That rebel is now superb, and even the old man is not sure that he can beat her. Apart from her, I can't think of anyone who is so boring to come to the Star of God's Punishment."

"Damn it! How could the queen be like this? For a Lin Zhen, she dared to offend even the gods. It's really lawless, senior! Speed ​​up the ringing speed and stop her!"

"It's too late, I can bring her back, but the fall of the meteor is irretrievable. I hope this evildoer will not bring disaster to our Aoba Sect."

Aunt Tie sighed, and the soul chasing bell in her hand shook intensified, crossing the distance of countless light years, into the mind of Ning Qingxuan on the far side of the world.


Ning Qingxuan's head swayed violently up and down, and she even kept hitting the planet in front of her. Such a violent impact could alleviate her pain a little.

At this moment, the soul chasing bell can no longer stop her. People can always create miracles when holding a glimmer of hope.

The planetary rock in front of her has been knocked out of a deep pit by her, Ruyu's pretty face is full of scars, but she doesn't care at all, because she is about to succeed, about to succeed!

Rumble~~! !

With unparalleled power, the planet finally slammed into the **** barrier.

It is as if half of the earth hits the whole earth. Although the earth has a protective cover, the huge impact still makes the planet tremble.

If it were not for this protective cover, perhaps the Star of God's Punishment would have been annihilated.

An extremely huge planet smashed on the shield!

Countless broken rocks like mountains and planet fragments flew all over the sky, covering the sky instantly.

Looking out from the planet, it looks like the end is coming.

The warriors who stayed on the Star of Divine Punishment desperately searched for a place to hide. At this moment, no one hoped that the Star of Divine Punishment would end quickly than they did. How could such a disaster happen when it was over.

Zizi~~! !

A turbulent flow of radio-like energy was rushing in the air, as if the mirror was marked by something. The barrier arranged by the gods, in the sky above the first line, unexpectedly appeared a crack!

"Oh my God! The barrier of the gods was broken by the planet!"

"Are we going to be free? It seems that there is a chance to go out now. Should we go out or not?"

"If we go out, will it count as our abstention? I have definitely gained the spirit of transforming my spirit, and I am reluctant to leave."

"I won't leave either. The Star of Punishment will be over in a minute. I would rather die here than leave."

"I won't leave either. Someone puts a knife on Lao Tzu's neck and does not leave. Without the spirit of transforming my gods, my lifespan will be exhausted soon. I would rather live and die with the star of punishment!"

Each warrior stood firmly, neither walking nor approaching the crack in the zenith.

Including Qin Jianfeng, although he was very curious as to why the planet came over, but he had already won the first place steadily, saying that nothing would come close to it, although the barrier is now cracked and the effect of the air forbidden has disappeared. , But he will not pass, if he passes, he will be pulled out of the star of God's Punishment by some force, and his results will be invalidated.

The only person who dared to approach was Lin Zhen.

He has obtained a super divine body, and he doesn't care so much about a high divine body.

But this was not the reason for his approach, the reason that really attracted him was because he seemed to see a slender figure flying among the rocks in a glimpse.

"Could it be...No way!"

When the figure appeared again, it was already softly crawling above the barrier. After all, the barrier was only cracked by a gap, and it was still recovering quickly, and it was about to close soon.

But this figure immediately grabbed Lin Zhen's heart.

"Xuan'er! You are crazy!"

Lin Zhen could no longer sit steadily. He rose up into the sky and headed straight to the sky above the barrier.

At this time, the effect of the forbidden air had disappeared, and Lin Zhen quickly reached the crack in the barrier.

He was right, it was indeed Ning Qingxuan who came.

But Lin Zhen had never seen Ning Qingxuan so embarrassed.

The color of the clothes is no longer visible, and it is still in tatters. There are wounds on the face and body. The blood and sweat are mixed together, which makes people feel distressed.

This kind of situation shouldn't happen to her, she should be the beautiful, elegant woman like an orchid.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Zhen wanted to get close to Ning Qingxuan, but there was still viscous power in the barrier, blocking his body, he could only stick out one arm and grab Ning Qingxuan's hand as much as possible.

Ning Qingxuan opened her eyes, and Lin Zhen was taken aback by the red blood streaks inside.

She seemed to be enduring great pain, talking to Lin Zhen intermittently.

"Ten months ago, I thought... I thought you had an accident, so I came."

"Fool, this is the star of God's Punishment. It will not be dead. What can happen to me!" Lin Zhen gritted his teeth and held her hand tightly.

"What's wrong with you? You seem to be tortured a lot?"

"First...don't talk about this first, let your clone... come out."

Lin Zhen saw that Ning Qingxuan's body was shaking violently. Knowing that there must be something important, she did not dare to neglect, and immediately summoned the clone of Huahua Tai Sui.

As soon as Ning Qingxuan raised her hand, a silver needle was pulled out of Huahua Taisui's heart.

"Lin Zhen... If I never know you again after this time, would you blame me?"

"Xuan'er, what are you talking about? There won't be such a day, how could you not know me?"

"Lin Zhen, maybe I did a stupid thing...but knowing you, I have never, never regretted, never..."

"Xuan'er, don't talk nonsense, wait for me, the star of God's Punishment will be over soon, no! I will rush out of this enchantment now and meet you!"

Lin Zhen tried to rush out from here, but the barrier was about to recover, he couldn't do it at all.

"Ah~! My thoughts, my soul, I can't remember, Master! I hate it!"

Ning Qingxuan suddenly let go of Lin Zhen's hand, held her head in her hands, and screamed to the sky.

Her body trembled violently a few times, and then everything was calm.

The barrier has begun to close!

Lin Zhen slapped the enchantment violently: "Xuan'er! What's wrong with you? Tell me what happened?"

Ning Qingxuan lowered her head and glanced at Lin Zhen. There was a hint of confusion in her eyes, but more of it was indifferent, as if she had never known Lin Zhen.

Looking at her filthy body, Ning Qingxuan raised her hand, a brilliance flowed, and the filth was gone.

The five-colored deer spread out four hooves and ran down from the sky.

Ning Qingxuan jumped onto the deer's body and walked away in the void.

After that, Ning Qingxuan never looked back at Lin Zhen, and soon disappeared from Lin Zhen's vision.

"She called out Master just now, this matter must have something to do with her Master!"

Lin Zhen felt extremely uncomfortable. Seeing Ning Qingxuan was deprived of her memory in front of her eyes, the anger in his heart had reached its peak.

He must figure out what happened, he will find Xuan'er back!

But before that, he must end the battle of the Star of God's Punishment, otherwise Xuan'er's trek for hundreds of millions of miles would be meaningless.

At this time, the countdown to the end had sounded in the Star of God's Punishment.


Lin Zhen took a deep breath, he felt the unblocked star power around Huahua Tai Sui.

The two divine needles, the blood-chewing and bone-cutting needles, had been touched by Lin Zhen, and they had restored 2.5 million star power before and after.

And now the Mingxin Shenzhen needle was pulled out by Ning Qingxuan, and the star power of 2 million was restored.

Lin Zhen originally thought that the restoration of 2 million star power was the limit, but he didn't expect that after all the three magic needles were removed, the meridians were completely unblocked, and Huahua Tai Sui's star power actually increased again.

The star power of 6.5 million directly reached 8 million!

Star power transfers again!

Eight million bodies and eight million clones! Total 16 million!

Shenli Dan is increased by 40%, plus 6.4 million!

Lin Zhen's current star power has reached an unprecedented 22.4 million!

The surging power rose up in Lin Zhen's body, his physical strength was boiling, and the star power was stirring!

Galaxy beast transformed!


With a huge roar that shook the earth, the black hole beast appeared!

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