Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 718: Immortal spirit

The so-called divine body is actually a trait, for example, Lin Zhen's divine body is a snow lotus.

And among these divine bodies, some are flames and some are breeze, representing the basic characteristics of divine bodies.

"What does this mean? Can I choose?"

"Yes, you are rewarded with a super divine body for winning the first place, but you already have a snow lotus super divine body, which is not close to all things, and all evils do not hurt. It is already a top divine body and can no longer be compatible with the super divine body. As compensation, I personally used it to achieve 100% star power, and you are not at a loss."

Lin was really taken aback for a moment, and he used his star power 100%, which of course was a very good choice.

Even if 90% of the Super Divine Body is played, 10% of it is still wasted. It would be great if you can play all of it.

But despite this, Lin Zhen still felt a bit of a loss. He said, "I am a super divine body, so you can increase the utilization rate of my star power by 10%, am I not a big loss!"

"Do you still feel at a loss when you perform 100%?" The voice seemed a little angry.

"Yes, it is not only a loss, but also a lot of losses. These are energy elemental bodies. What I need is a special **** body, such as my snow lotus, or the **** body of the sword."

The voice was silent for a while: "That's good, I will give you a chance, but the chance to control your destiny is in your own hands."

"please say."

Seeing the doubt in Lin Zhen’s eyes, the voice continued: "These divine bodies are all high-level divine bodies. You are the first to kill an enemy. You should have a high-level divine body. Now you can choose one of them. It is completely compatible with your snow lotus. If you choose the right one, this divine body can also have super divine body abilities, it depends on whether you can find it?"

"Are the two people before me the same?"

"The two people before you eventually obtained 100% of the divine body with star power. There is no chance for you to choose now, and the divine body has only one chance to merge. Once the choice fails, your divine body will no longer be able to merge with other divine bodies. ."

"Meaning that I might choose the wrong one?"

"Yes, if you want to obtain the abilities of the two super divine bodies, you must find the one that is completely compatible. The others are not compatible with you. If you choose the wrong one, you will get nothing. If you want to get benefits, you must take risks."

Lin Zhen does not reject this kind of gambling choice. If he wants to reach the top, he must walk a different path from others, and he firmly believes that he will not choose the wrong one.

His eyes fell on this row of divine bodies.

High-level divine bodies are all elemental divine bodies, and these divine bodies are also good ones, such as light divine body, wind divine body, water divine body, fire divine body, thunder divine body...

Lin Zhen looked dazzled one by one.

"If I get this light body, it will definitely have a great blessing to my current light elemental power, maybe there are other magical effects."

"Golden Divine Body, this should increase sharpness, and it helps a lot in battle."

"This thunder **** body can help me speed up the birth of the destroy **** thunder? I only have one **** thunder in the black hole now. If it can speed up, this is worth it."

"The **** body of fire can probably help me achieve the power of bright cyan flame, so maybe I can be promoted to the seventh-rank alchemist, this may be the most profitable."

Looking at the divine bodies one by one, Lin Zhen had a feeling that he seemed to be compatible with any other divine body arbitrarily, because he had the elemental energy of the whole system.

But the **** said that he only has one chance, so it means that many are incompatible. Once the wrong choice is made, there will be no turning back.

Lin Zhen stayed for a while in front of every divine body, feeling and understanding with heart.

Until he has an answer, yes or no, then he will leave.

There are eight divine bodies in it, containing every energy element, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

Lin Zhen struggled in front of the eight energy elements for a long time, and the voice seemed a little impatient: "Hurry up, after you are over here, I have to distribute the gods to all the other warriors who have won the top 100. It's wasted with you."

Lin Zhen was unmoved and analyzed carefully.

gold, fire, and thunder can be eliminated first, and it is impossible to fit the snow lotus.

Earth, wood, water, wind, and light are all possible, because snow lotus is a plant, and it fits these elements.

All five are suitable, but only one can be selected, which means that the most suitable one should be selected.

After about five minutes of silence, Lin Zhen came to the front of the water god.

"I choose this."

"Are you sure? Don't you want to consider other things? The soil is the most important thing for the growth of plants, and the light, wind, and wood energy are also important?"

"You are right, but I think this fits best."

Lin Zhen smiled: "The growth of plants cannot be separated from water, and water is the most variable. It can be water, ice, frost and snow. Since it is a snow lotus, his fit is definitely the highest. "

"Then you think about it? Don't change it?"

"A gentleman said, hurry up, hope that the gods will not turn back." Lin Zhen said confidently.

The god’s voice paused, and finally laughed: "Hehe! What a funny little guy, I didn’t guide you, and I deliberately tried to lead you astray, but you were not fooled. Months have made your mood a lot firmer, and you will basically not be affected by external things in your judgment."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Since you have made a decision, I have to congratulate you. This water **** is compatible with your snow lotus **** body. As you said, he is the most suitable snow lotus **** body. You made the right choice. ."

"Then ask the gods to fulfill their promises and let this **** body possess the special abilities of the super **** body."

"Okay, since I promised you, then I won't break my promise, Lin Zhen, you get the **** of water. From then on, your star power can be used 100%, and you can also increase your star power by one million. As for your special ability , Is your body, and now your body can be called an immortal spirit body!"

"Indestructible spirit body? What do you mean?" Lin Zhen had a hint of joy in his tone, and the name sounded very tall.

"The Snow Lotus Divine Body has infinite vitality, and now that it is nourished by water vapor, your body's recovery function will be greatly strengthened, and finally your body will undergo a qualitative change."

"Every part of your body now can be said to have been strengthened, or it can be said to be a little blurred. In layman's terms, you will not suffer too much damage during the battle, such as the heart being pierced or the throat being pierced. Cut, these injuries that are fatal to other people are not fatal injuries to you."

Lin Zhen's eyes bloomed with brilliance: "So, I won't be killed in battle?"

"It's not that you won't be killed. There is no life that cannot be killed in this universe. It just means that you will be difficult to be killed. Your fatal weakness is gone. , Otherwise your body organs will quickly recover."

"Then I understand, the immortality of the immortal spirit means that it is difficult to destroy, what about the spirit body?"

"Haha! You still have a lot of problems, so I'll tell you together. Spiritual body refers to your comprehension ability. The higher the martial artist's realm, the more progress in the future requires comprehension. Don't think you can defeat it now. The vast majority of realm kings are invincible in the world. The universe is so big that you can never imagine how many geniuses there are. In the later stage, the real masters are all enlightened. The presence of the spirit body will improve your understanding. One floor."

Lin Zhen nodded slightly. He has never been proud or slack. Since he has decided to climb to the top, he must know how to be in awe.

After the voice said, the water **** body entered Lin Zhen's body.

A clear water vapor wrapped Lin Zhen from head to toe, and instantly washed away all the filth in his body, and the whole person was transparent in an instant.

A stream of clear spring poured into the dark star space, forming a circle of ocean above the North Pole.

is like the Arctic Ocean above the earth, which completely surrounds the North Pole where the snow lotus is, and a cold wind blows over, forming a unique polar landform.

While the water vapor was rising, one million star power was injected into the dark star space again, making Lin Zhen's strength improve again.

Lin is really overjoyed, this time it can be regarded as the maximum benefit.

The star power of the body has increased to 9 million, and it can still be used 100%, which is equivalent to the 18 million star power of an ordinary warrior!

Even compared with other **** body owners Zhen also has a great advantage.

Especially the immortal spirit body, which is tantamount to greatly improving Lin Zhen's combat effectiveness. In future battles, as long as he does not encounter an enemy that is too far in strength and is basically irresistible, Lin Zhen will not fear anyone.

At this time, the voice spoke again: "The mission is complete, Lin Zhen, I am full of expectations for your future. I am leaving. I will give you a suggestion when I leave. The road to a warrior still needs to be experienced, a warrior in a peaceful environment. After all, it can’t be compared with those warriors who have experienced many battles. You have to go out and go to those dangerous places to experience. Only through wind and rain can you grow.”

"Thank you senior for your advice, I will."

"That's good...bye bye!"

"Hey~! Haven't you told me your name?"

"When you reach the longevity stage, you will have a chance to know who I am!"

The voice disappeared, and Lin Zhen's body flashed a light, and he also automatically left the Star of Punishment.

The next moment, Lin Zhen has returned to the inn in Nanliang City, where he entered the Star of God's Punishment back then.

"After more than a year, I finally came back."

Lin really took a deep breath, although he was very concerned about Ning Qingxuan's situation, but Ning Qingxuan may not be back at this moment.

won the first prize of the Star of God's Punishment, and changing to another empire would definitely have to give a lot of rewards, but in Nanliang, Lin Zhen was not sure that he would get the reward. )!!