Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 707: Must kill list!

In a small tavern in Nanliang, dozens of people are watching the fierce battle in the dimensional universe.

In this battle, from Lin Zhen rushing to the canyon to saving people and leaving, it took less than a minute from start to finish.

But this short one-minute battle is destined to become a classic.

A warrior at the pinnacle of the domain king, under the siege of a group of top realm kings, actually saved people. Who can do such a thing?

I'm afraid this is the first time in Metaverse!

After a while in the tavern, a warrior stood up and applauded. Following his movements, people stood up one by one, and the applause became intense.

On the street, in the dwellings, and in the guild hall, everyone began to applaud spontaneously. The applause seemed to be contagious and spread all over the land of Nanliang in an instant!

One by one young people whistled in excitement, even more excited than they got married and entered the bridal chamber!

"Lin Zhen! Lin Zhen! Lin Zhen!"

After the applause, it was the shouts of people resounding across the sky, cheering for their heroes.

Inside the palace, Liang Zhihuan looked gloomy and let out a sigh of relief.

He turned his head to look at Laxia next to him: "Mr. Laxia, how do you explain the matter this time? I doubt whether you can fulfill the agreement between us and eliminate Lin Zhen from the game."

La Xia’s face was also ugly. During the battle, he was actually blocked by Lin Zhen a lotus, thus losing his attack line. The battle afterwards was even more out of control. Lin Zhen’s powerful combat effectiveness and unexpected tactics made everyone Very uncomfortable, leading to a complete failure of this operation.

After thinking for a while, La Xia turned her head and looked at Liang Zhihuan: "Your Majesty, you'd better not be discouraged. This battle does not explain too many problems."

"Lin Zhen rescued people and left under the attack of the few of you. This still doesn't explain the problem? How can we explain the problem?"

Laxia shook his head: "Your Majesty, this battle has a lot of objective reasons. The biggest of them is that everyone just collected money from Qin Jianfeng, and it's not worth fighting against Lin Zhen. Didn't you see? I, Boston, the Bull Demon King, and Sheng Yan all made a move. It was the first time that Long Xiaonan had underestimated the enemy. He was caught off guard by Lin Zhen's quick shot. Therefore, the chance is particularly great. If you knew Lin Zhen long ago The bottom line is that the outcome of this battle is definitely different."

"Do you say this to prove that you are not doing your best?"

"Of course, none of us did our best, including Qin Jianfeng in the end. He wanted to knock down Lin Zhen with a quick sword, but Lin Zhen resisted with both hands. He didn't expect that Lin Zhen's body is now as strong as steel, so he missed it for a while. Lin Zhen can escape, but it doesn't mean that he is better than us. Otherwise, why doesn't he stay and kill us all?"

Although La Xia said so, Liang Zhihuan's face still didn't get better, anyway, it was getting harder and harder to kill Lin Zhen.

"Your Majesty, don't be anxious, I will discuss it with everyone, and try to make everyone serious. Now Qin Jianfeng, Jun Mo and I hate Lin Zhen to the bone, Shengyan and Long Xiaonan are also at a disadvantage, and they should stand there too. On our side, as long as everyone is doing their best, I can guarantee that the current Lin Zhen is definitely not an opponent!"

"What about the Boston Wagyu Demon?"

"As long as we all agree, I believe they will not stand by. The only thing now is to let everyone have cohesion, give up everything else, and try their best to kill Lin Zhen."

"I don't care about it. In short, Lin really must be eliminated, or our business will be voided, and Mr. Rasha will double the deposit I gave you!"

Liang Zhihuan flicked his sleeve and left. Now that Ning Qingxuan's master Tie Aunt has arrived, he wants to discuss how to get Ning Qingxuan back. As for Lin Zhen, if he can't get rid of it, he will stinks!

Surrounding Feng Qingluan, Lin Zhen directly rushed to the top of the sky.

From this angle, Lin Zhen could even see the yellow and misty cover in the sky.

This layer of cover is the barrier set by the gods for the star of punishment. With this barrier, the star of punishment can stay inside and out.

Looking up, the lid was so close to him.

The piercing wind in the sky was so fierce that it seemed to open the skin of people blowing.

When Lin Zhen thought, the lotus flower bone was like a protective cover, wrapping him and the little Phoenix in it at the same time.

The little phoenix in her arms was already extremely weak, having suffered such a severe injury, and she had also suffered from the Holy Word Art, her condition couldn't be worse.

"Qingluan, cheer yourself up. Don't worry about the injury. I am now an alchemist and a sixth-rank alchemist at the Great Elder level. I am sure to heal your injury."

Lin Zhen hurriedly took out the pill and gave Feng Qingluan a careful conditioning.

Feng Qingluan gently shook his head, "No need for Lin Zhen, this is the star of God's Punishment. If he died, he just returned to the place where he came in."

"No! Then I can't watch you die in front of me." Lin Zhen remembered the incident when Little Phoenix used Phoenix Flame in front of him, and still has lingering fears.

"Don't be stupid, what use is it for you to treat me now? It will take at least a few months for me to recover, but if I leave the Star of God's Punishment and get divine healing, it will be cured in an instant."


"Don’t waste your energy, Lin Zhen, I’m very satisfied to see you come back to rescue me. At most, I lose a little points. Now my points are ranked second. Even if I lose half of it, I’m still the best. Ten, still get a place for tempering a high-level divine body, what do you think I have lost?"

Lin Zhen was speechless for a while, Xiao Fenghuang was right, but the elimination now meant relief for her.

"The Star of God's Punishment is about to end, and I am about to die, Lin Zhen, you promise me one thing."

"You can say anything."

"No matter who it is, if you want to suppress my ranking, you are responsible for getting rid of him and ensuring that I get a high-level divine body."

"Don't worry, you are my wife. I promise to do this. Not only will I guarantee that you will get the divine body, but I will also give you revenge. I will not let anyone hurt you, but you Isn't it okay to just hold on for a while? I can protect you. Let's stay together until the end of the star of punishment.

"Lin Zhen, we haven't seen each other for a thousand years, don't you want to kiss your wife?" Xiao Fenghuang changed the subject.

Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment, then gently kissed Feng Qingluan's cherry lips.

Feng Qingluan responded enthusiastically, while holding Lin Zhen's hand.

After a while, Lin Zhen felt that Feng Qingluan seemed to have stuffed something into his hand.

Before he could react, he suddenly felt the little Phoenix's body tremble.

Lin Zhen looked down and saw that it turned out that the short knife that the little Phoenix gave him was a short knife, and the short knife was in his hand at the moment, and the blade had already penetrated the little Phoenix's abdomen.

"Qingluan! What are you doing?"

"Lin Zhen, I don't want to be a drag on you, so I can let go and fight...Also, be careful of Qin Jianfeng, he is very strong..."


"Remember... come to the Phoenix family to find me..."

Feng Qingluan's head tilted slightly, leaning against Lin Zhen's arms, and then a blue light flashed across his body again, and the whole person was wrapped up and completely recovered.

There was a reminder that Feng Qingluan was eliminated by Lin Zhen from the dimensional universe.


Seeing Xiao Fenghuang out of the game, Lin Zhen's heart was burning with anger.

"Qin Jianfeng, Lord Grim, and those people, you actually joined forces to deal with a weak woman, so don't blame me!"

Lin Zhen has made up his mind that he won't let any of these people go until the end of the star of punishment!

"Master, take a look at the rankings of the Dimensional Universe, you are now ranked eighth." At this time Chrissy's voice sounded.

Lin Zhen hurriedly looked at the rankings. As expected, Qin Jianfeng is ranked first, Jun Mo is second, Boston is third, La Moti is fourth, Holy Word is fifth, Bull Demon King is sixth, Long Xiaonan is seventh, and eighth. In the position of the name, he is impressive, Lin Zhen.

With half the points of Little Phoenix, he directly entered the top ten.

"Master, what are you doing next? Go back to fight?"

Lin Zhen shook his head slightly, but instead opened the body-protecting lotus flower, no matter what the nine-day wind blows, it is nothing to him who has a super divine body.

The cool breeze awakened him a bit, he fell back to the limelight and took out a piece of paper and a pen.

This scene also clearly falls on the person who has been paying attention to Lin Zhen. I saw that Lin Zhen and Feng Qingluan were wrapped in lotus flowers and could not be seen, and there was the sound of Feng Qingluan being eliminated by Lin Zhen. In fact, many people have already guessed Out of Feng Qingluan's choice.

Lin Zhen couldn't save her and eliminate her. This woman was helping Lin Zhen.

And what does Lin Zhen want to write at this moment?

Lifting the pen, Lin Zhen wrote down a string of names.

The first person is Jun Mo. Compared with Qin Jianfeng, Lin Zhen thinks this person is even more hateful and must be eliminated.

Then there was Qin Jianfeng, who was in charge of planning. This person was the strongest, but he was the culprit who harmed Little Phoenix and must be killed.

Then there are Ramotti, Holy Word, Boston, Bull Demon King, Long Xiaonan....

This list wiped out all those who besieged Little Phoenix.

At the end of the list, Lin Zhen wrote the word must kill.

"Little Phoenix, you can watch it outside and see how these people are eliminated!"

Said this sentence to the Lin Zhen put away the pen and paper, and then took out the alchemy furnace.

He is going to open the furnace again for alchemy.

Through the battle just now, Lin Zhen also knew that these people were good, and maybe there were other cards, he still needed to improve his strength.

The pill this time was used to get rid of the sacred bone needle. Before he had collected a few bones, only a phoenix bone was missing. Now he has got Jun Mo's arm, which can already be released. Two magic needles.

Unblocking this divine needle can also liberate the clone's 1.5 million star power. In the case of star power transfer, that is 3 million star power, which is definitely a huge help!

One day is enough, see you in one day!

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