Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 706: Lin Zhen fights the heroes!

The Metaverse, especially the Nanliang Empire, exploded after a few seconds of silence. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

During this period of time, the people of Nanliang seldom paid attention to the battle situation of the Star of Punishment.

At present, Liang Chen is the only remaining warrior among the southern beams, and the ranking is still beyond 100,000. It is not easy to obtain a spirit of transformation.

Besides, after seeing Lin Zhen's big fight against the Quartet at the beginning, and looking at Liang Chen's cautious battle, I feel a bit aggrieved.

I thought that the Star of God's Punishment was about to end, and that was the result this time, but I didn't expect Lin Zhen to return.

After coming back, there was such a big movement, and the message of killing the hero flag was instantly refreshed!

Eighty percent of the Nanliang people were almost online within ten seconds to watch their hero Lin Zhen fighting.

Lin Zhen's second lightning shot landed, and after killing seven or eight hero flags, he took another breath and stepped on Jinlian to make the same move for the third time!

Another group of warriors fell down, and then it was the fourth time!

His current shooting speed is much faster than others, and these warriors have no chance to evade. It is like a bottle washed away by a bowling ball, being bombarded and flying everywhere!

In the dimensional universe, Lin Zhen's ranking has skyrocketed!

When he killed the first batch of opponents, Lin Zhen's ranking soared directly from the bottom to within three thousand!

Then with a large number of heroes killed in battle, the ranking is even more crazy, two thousand! one thousand! five hundred!

The warriors dodge the ghost cry and howl, and some people rush up without believing in evil, but they can only become the dead souls of Lin Zhen!

When the satellite fell for the sixth time, Lin Zhen almost rushed into the sky with a bunch of people!

This process does not exceed 30 seconds before and after. The peaceful entrance just now has become a **** on earth, and each of the warriors lifted off like a hot air balloon wrapped in blue light.

With a flick of the spear in his hand, he threw a bunch of warriors out, and Lin Zhen turned into an electric light and went straight to the end of the sky.

The mountain walls on both sides flew past in the blink of an eye, and he had already seen the battle inside!

Upon seeing it, Lin Zhen's eyes instantly turned red, because he saw the sword in Lord Grim's hand was piercing the little Phoenix!

Snow lotus blooms!

Lin Zhen pointed at a distance, a lotus flower appeared in the air, which could block Lord Lord's sword!

"Luan'er don't be afraid! I'm here!"

Feng Qingluan raised his head. After a battle of life and death, he couldn't make this little woman shed a single tear. It seems that he saw Lin Zhen rushing in from the outside, the glorious glow behind him, there were big tears in his eyes. Roll down!

It will be a thousand years!

She hasn't seen Lin Zhen for a thousand years!

Heartbroken, wronged, sad, joyful, all feelings were mixed at this moment, tears rained down!

"You stop him, I will kill Feng Qingluan!"

Qin Jianfeng hated in his heart that this matter was in his plan from beginning to end, and Jun Mo had already conspired with him. He was worried that Feng Qingluan would choose to die together in the end, so that Jun Mo would be more confident in his actions.

And Qin Jianfeng had never thought of giving him the first hand. When Jun Mo killed Feng Qingluan, he would take action to get rid of Jun Mo and become a oriole who hunted praying mantises.

But the plan was disrupted at this moment, and Lin Zhen actually killed him!

Now I can't think of that much. I must first ensure that Feng Qingluan's points are obtained. Anyway, he has paid Boston the money, and now is the time for them to contribute.

On this side, Boston, Lamoti, Shengyan, Bull Demon King, and Long Xiaonan made all of their moves to intercept Lin Zhen.

In addition to the holy words staying behind and preparing for holy words, the other four masters charge together from four directions.

And Qin Jianfeng is trying his best to kill Feng Qingluan!

Lin Zhen was also quickly approaching, seeing Qin Jianfeng's behavior, he raised his hand again, and Xuelian opened!

A lotus flower just appeared on the way Qin Jianfeng was advancing, and Qin Jianfeng almost ran into it!

Taking advantage of this moment of pause, Lin Zhen fought against the interceptor.

On his left is Boston, on the right is the Bull Demon King, behind him is the fascinating Ramote, and on the front is Long Xiaonan with a spear!

Lin Zhen danced with a spear in his hand, and wind was blowing under his feet. He instantly opened the distance to the few people behind him, and the first target was Long Xiaonan!

"Lin Zhen! You are looking for death!"

Long Xiaonan is currently ranked eighth in the overall rankings. In his opinion, his ranking is a bit low, but anyway, he can't get the first place, as long as he is guaranteed to get a high-level divine body, so he won't fight.

But Lin Zhen, an unknown person, even dared to challenge himself, and it was spear to spear, which clearly despised him!


A string of spears tremble, Long Xiaonan's marksmanship has reached the point of perfection.

On the other hand, Lin Zhen has no marksmanship at all, just one word, quick!

The spear in his hand turned into a cloud of golden light, like a swarm of locusts, which hit it with a bang!

Long Xiaonan had already planned the tactics. Lin Zhen dodged what he wanted to use, what to use for hard resistance, and what to use for bombardment. The plan was seamless.

But what is this golden light in front of you?

There was nothing else in front of him, just a large swath of golden rays rushing toward his face. At this moment, his hands and feet were cold!

This is his grandma's shot at the speed of light!

The only way is to protect the heart and throat with all his strength, the next moment, he will be penetrated by a golden light!

The whole body, hands, feet, waist and abdomen, thighs and shoulders, can no longer be described as scarred, it is a mass of rotten meat!

One point one second! He was shot tens of thousands!

If it weren't for Ramotti's sword at Lin Zhen behind him, Long Xiaonan would have died directly!

He was covered in blood, falling like a mass of mud, and Long Xiaonan's eyes were completely ashes!

He lost! And he didn't have a temper at all to lose. He didn't know if it was one trick or ten thousand tricks. Sure enough, all laws in the world could be broken, but it was not broken quickly.

Lin is really quick to shoot, enough to kill too many people!

Ramotti originally thought that Lin Zhen would turn around and confront him, but he didn't expect that a snow lotus bloomed behind Lin Zhen, and it could block the knife, and his body accelerated again!

At this time, the Bull Demon rushed, and the mountain axe in his hand rumbled and killed it.

Lin Zhen twisted his body a few times, raised his hand to the distance, and the blossoming golden lotus opened up in the air without warning, preventing Qin Jianfeng and Jun Mo from attacking again.

Avoiding the axe of the Bull Demon King, Lin Zhen threw a sword!


Eight million star power was concentrated on this sword, and it collided head-on with the Bull Demon King’s Mountain Axe!

The Bull Demon King is extremely powerful. He thought that this axe would definitely wound Lin Zhen, but he didn't expect the axe and sword to collide. Lin Zhen actually took advantage of the force to flee, and directly avoided Boston's trident and rushed towards Qin Jianfeng!

The Bull Demon King stepped back a dozen steps, his body hit the mountain wall heavily, a burst of blood in his chest rolled!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How could his star power be so strong!"

Lin Zhen took advantage of his strength to move forward, a gust of wind blew, and he was already close to Qin Jianfeng and Jun Mo!

At this time, a white light fell into the sky!

The Holy Word of the Holy Word has fallen!

"I give you weakness with my blood! Powerless! Sleepy! Tired! Block your star power from the invisible, knock your body down into the boundless hell! Stop it, Lin Zhen! Holy Words!"

It was this trick in the past that made Lin Zhen trapped for ten months and almost died, but now he has done it again.

But today is different from the past. The lotus flower loomed between Lin Zhen's eyebrows, and a huge snow lotus was in full bloom!

The white light of the Holy Words hit the snow lotus, like a clay cow entering the sea, without any effect!

"What! The Holy Word technique actually failed! What's the matter?" The eyes of the Holy Word stared at the boss for an instant!

But at this time, on the other side, Qin Jianfeng slashed again with a fierce sword, Lin Zhen once again issued a snow lotus to resist, a petal of petals flew with sword aura, and he just saved Feng Qingluan and escaped again.

But Jun Mo took advantage of Qin Jianfeng's full shot, and a silent sword stabbed again.

Qin Jianfeng’s offensive was too fierce, and Lin Zhenxuelian was even a little too late to rescue him. Seeing Jun Mo's move, Lin Zhen was impatient, and slapped the hilt of the phantom lightsaber with one hand, directly from the lower abdomen of the sacred words. Stabbed!

The long sword flew out, because the Holy Word's body was obstructed, it was extremely concealed, and Jun Mo didn't notice it either.

His sword fell to Feng Qingluan, who was already unable to resist, and said in his mouth: "Qingluan! You are mine! Lin Zhen can't save you, so give up!"

Feng Qingluan closed his eyes slightly.

But Lord Lord's sword didn't fall, Lin Zhen's magic light flicked through the air, and directly cut off his sword holding arm!

"Ah! My hand!"

Lord Lord screamed, a phoenix arm fell off, blood gushing.

Lin Zhen himself passed directly over Shengyan's head. At this moment, he didn't even have time to kill them. He had to save Little Phoenix!

Qin Jianfeng finally cut down a piece of snow lotus, and when he took out the sword again, Lin Zhen was already behind him.

"Get out of here!"

"You just got out of me!"

Qin Jianfeng turned his head and shot Long sword brought up a flash of lightning, and once shot it was tens of thousands of Jianfeng!

This is a fast sword, his shot speed is actually the speed of light!

However, he never expected that Lin Zhen actually waved his arms directly, blocking the opponent's sword with his bare hands, with both hands out, the speed actually suppressed his single sword!

With the sound of metal and iron collision, Qin Jianfeng's one-handed sword was only stained with a faint blood stain, only a layer of skin was torn, and Lin Zhen's bones were not injured!

Blocking Qin Jianfeng's sword, Lin Zhen rushed to Feng Qingluan's side with a whirr, picked up his lover who hadn't seen for a thousand years, stepped directly on the snow lotus, and headed toward the sky!

Qin Jianfeng roared angrily. They didn’t expect Lin Zhen to be able to save people in this situation. Moreover, even if they were spiritual teachers, they couldn’t fly too high. They do not have the ability to do so.

Lord Lord staggered awkwardly, trying to retrieve his broken arm.

However, in the high altitude, Lin Zhen suddenly turned his head, a gravitational force enveloped him, directly sucking away half of Jun Mo's arm, and went away!