Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 708: Furious Thunder Dan!

Lin Zhen took the pen and wrote down the names of these people, and it was immediately seen by those who followed him in the Dimensional Universe.

The fact that Lin Zhen rescued Feng Qingluan from the thousands of horses made the people in Nanliang full of confidence in him. They all believed that Lin Zhen could perform miracles and eliminate all of them.

For this reason, the people of Nanliang even started to fight with warriors from other countries on the forum.

How did they discuss it? After La Xia saw Lin Zhen's situation, Ramotti immediately knew about it and passed the news to Qin Jianfeng and others.

Ramotti and Qin Jianfeng both knew that the outer dimension universe could see the situation inside the Star of God's Punishment. In order to prevent peeping, these people deliberately opened a barrier to discuss this matter.

When the barrier is opened, you can only see them talking in the dimensional universe, but it is not clear what they are saying.

"Everyone, I won't say anything about the previous things. You just want to get the money if you don’t work hard. This resulted in this ending. Feng Qingluan was left without talking, and the girl knew she insisted. I didn't want to go any further, and instead gave the points to Lin Zhen, which I didn't want to see."

Qin Jianfeng's expression was extremely ugly: "Moreover, after this battle, the evaluation of us by the outside world must have been extremely ugly, right?"

Ramotti nodded: "Indeed, people outside now look down on us very much, thinking that we are a group of parallel imports, and a group of people can’t leave Lin Zhen alone. Long Xiaonan, Jun Mo, and Shengyan are all injured, and they all say If it wasn't to save Feng Qingluan, Lin Zhen might kill us all. Although there are many wise people who can see some ways, most people say that."

"Have you all heard it? This is the result of our disagreement. Now Lin Zhen is on the top of Tianshan Mountain and said that he will come down and kill us all in one day. What do you think?"

Two pieces of gunpowder smoke spurted from the huge nostrils of the Bull Demon King: "Huh! I was a little careless before. If there is another time, Lin Zhen will definitely be miserable."

Qin Jianfeng glanced at him contemptuously: "You also fought Lin Zhen for a short time just now, do you think even if you fight with all your strength, how confident is your victory?"

The Bull Demon suddenly lost his voice: "I...I don't mean to fight alone, I mean we are together."

Qin Jianfeng did not look at him again, but said to everyone: "I can say without exaggeration that the brief fight with Lin Zhen just now is enough to prove his strength. Among us, we are fighting alone, and no one is sure to be able to defeat it. His, including me, are the same, and I believe that most people still have a better chance of failure."

These people were silent. Although they didn't want to admit it, they still had to say that what Lin Zhen did just now would be impossible for them.

Qin Jianfeng continued: "It's not that Lin Zhen is much stronger than us. Everyone should have noticed from the battle just now. This kid may have obtained some kind of secret technique, maybe even a divine body. It is precisely because of this that we It’s not easy to beat him. If the God's Punishment Star ends and we all get the body, Lin Zhen is of course nothing, but at this stage, his body is really difficult to deal with. Now everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. If you have any ideas, speak out and discuss them, and you can always find a way to restrain him."

The injuries on the lower abdomen of the Holy Words have basically recovered, Lord Grim's severed palm has also regenerated, and Long Xiaonan, the most injured, has also recovered a lot, his eyes are full of hatred and jealousy.

Hearing this, Long Xiaonan suddenly said: "I actually have a way, but I don't know if you are willing to try it."

"It's all this time, just tell me if there is any way, as long as Lin Zhen can be destroyed, nothing is a problem."

Long Xiaonan said: "Our dragon clan has a secret medicine, which is refined from an ancient pill, called a violent thunder pill. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"Raging Thunder Dan!"

Jun Mo's eyes lit up: "I know this drug. If this drug is taken by someone, it will increase its star power by 50% out of thin air, and its power speed will increase sharply. It can be said to be the number one battle magic medicine, but that side effect......"

Qin Jianfeng asked, "What are the side effects?"

Jun Mo continued: "The side effect is that the user will implosion and die within half an hour, so this medicine is also called suicide. If it is not tired of life or there is no way to survive, no one will use this medicine. ."

The Bull Demon snorted coldly, "Who will take the medicine that will explode? Whoever takes it is a fool!"

Boston rubbed the trident lightly over there: "I don’t think it’s necessary. Don’t forget that this is the star of God’s punishment. Death is not real death. If this medicine is really so magical, it can basically offset Lin Zhen’s This is a strange increase. If you can eliminate Lin Zhen, you can try it."

The Bull Devil's eyes lit up suddenly: "Yes, it's not a real death. I'm afraid he is a bird. Lin Zhen is here. Let's take this medicine and kill him in minutes!"

After speaking, he asked Long Xiaonan: "How many pills of this medicine do you have?"

"No more, no less, just seven. We have seven people, one for each."

Boston continued: "I think it's okay. When Lin Zhen arrives, everyone must swallow them all, so as to ensure that no one will not take the medicine and reap the benefits."

The Holy Word said again: "We can kill Lin Zhen in this way, but if we all blew ourselves up, what will we do about the ranking?"

Qin Jianfeng waved his sword fiercely: "Easy to do! Let's do it now, and we will kill all the 30 or even forty people who rank behind us, so that even if our points are halved, we will still be the last Ten, anyway, the star of God's Punishment is about to end, and killing Lin Zhen is the most critical."

Ramotti also nodded: "Then do it, we all split up now and clean up the warriors behind. Then, isn't Lin really saying that he will come in one day? Let's set a time, twenty hours, twenty Still gathering here in hours."

"Okay! Just do it!"

"That's it, no one is allowed to come, otherwise everyone will join hands to deal with him!"

The seven masters of the Star of God's Punishment have set a strategy. In their opinion, as long as Lin Zhen is removed first, and when everyone has a **** body in the future, then Lin Zhen is nothing.

The seven masters immediately began to split up, and they agreed to gather here again after twenty hours.

They knew where many of the top-ranked hero flags were. Even if they were not sure, there were still many subordinates to inquire. Soon they locked on the top-ranked hero flags and began to act.

The seven masters broke up, and soon a piece of kill information floated in the dimensional universe.

The remaining hero flags have suffered. As long as the points are higher, the people who may threaten their status will all be removed, and reducing other people's points will also increase their points.

People in the dimensional universe see their actions, but they don't know what they are going to be crazy about or what they want.

People can only wait and wait for the moment of the final battle.


In the starry sky of the universe, a five-colored deer is quickly approaching the star of punishment.

On the back of the deer, Ning Qingxuan looked tired.

She has been on the road in the starry sky for ten months, and she has exhausted her energy to find this place.

In the middle of the journey, he even encountered danger many times. If Ning Qingxuan didn't break through in the realm of longevity, he might even fall.

But when she saw the yellow mist outside the planet, her face suddenly showed surprise!

"Successful! I finally found the position of God's Punishment Star. The ten months of hard work were not wasted!"

Driving the five-color deer under her crotch, Ning Qingxuan quickly approached the God's Punishment Star.

Came to hit the periphery of the planet, and ran around the planet twice, Ning Qingxuan did not find even a small gap to allow her to enter the interior of the star of God's Punishment.

"The enchantment of the Star of God's Punishment is indeed extremely powerful. Even with my strength today, I still feel unshakable."

"The distance between the barrier and the ground is about 10,000 meters. It is a very thick layer. I wonder if there is any weaker place?"

Ning Qingxuan thought in her heart, and started to find the weak part of the barrier according to her own thinking.

She doesn't believe that the things arranged by the gods are absolutely seamless, and there will definitely be some relatively weak parts. If she can find them, she may really be able to create some miracles. "

While she was eagerly searching, a bell rang in her ears!

"Ah! These are the three soul chasing bells of the Qingye School! It is the master calling me!"

Ning Qingxuan held her head in her hands, her delicate face showing pain.

From the moment she left Nanliang to search for the star of God's Punishment, she knew that there would be such a day when Liang Zhihuan could not find herself, and in the end she would definitely ask Master to take her back.

Chasing the soul bell is her prohibition as the heir of the sect. In the eyes of the master, Ning Qingxuan will not only take over as the queen in the future, but also take over the Qingye Sect. This is her destiny and cannot be violated.

So her master Tie Aunt didn't allow Ning Qingxuan to have any problems, but she just had a problem. Lin Zhen's appearance disrupted her life trajectory and put her on another path.

The soul chasing bell was planted in her body by her master since she was a child. If one day her heart becomes unruly, this chasing bell can hook her soul and bring her back to the Aoba Sect!

These days, she closed the Dimensional Universe and refused to receive Master's communication finally angered the teacher and started to deal with her with the soul chaser.

"After the three soul chasing bells rang, my soul will enter a state of ignorance, just like a living dead, and will automatically return to the Green Leaf School. I don't know exactly how, but there must be great horror!"

Ning Qingxuan's whole body began to tremble, and until the end of the soul chasing bell, her whole body was already dripping with sweat, and her whole body was almost in a state of collapse.

"I can't leave now. I haven't seen Lin Zhen. His situation is definitely dangerous. I must find a way to break through this barrier. Before that, I can't go back."

"The supreme god! Please bless me this time, even if the three soul chasing bells make me a zombie, before that, let me see Lin Zhen's side!"

Leaning softly on the back of the five-colored deer, Ning Qingxuan made her last effort for her love.

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