Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 705: Lin Zhen is back!

Seeing Lord Grim flying over, Feng Qingluan's heart moved. The situation was desperate right now, but if Lord Grim could desperately rescue her, there might not be no chance. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

Thinking in my mind, the movements on my hands were a little slower.

For Jun Mofei rushing to rescue Feng Qingluan, Qin Jianfeng and others retreated slightly, fully guarded, but did not intend to stop them.

Seeing such a scene, Feng Qingluan was suddenly shocked, wrong!

It was too late to think of any more action. Jun Mo had already reached her. He had a sword in his hand, but when he reached Feng Qingluan's side, he suddenly stabbed her in the chest!

Feng Qingluan, who was exhausted to the utmost, could only twist slightly, avoiding the position of his heart as much as possible.


Feng Qingluan let out a sigh of blood with a sword, the flames that had originally gathered dissipated, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to send out the flame of the phoenix that died with the opponent.

"Lord why?"

Feng Qingluan felt very sad. She came to rescue the Phoenix people, but was assassinated by Jun Mo.

Jun Mo watched Feng Qingluan fall to the ground with a trace of unbearableness in his eyes. He slowly squatted down and looked at Feng Qingluan's beautiful face: "Qingluan, don't blame me, today's things are no longer possible, we There is no doubt that you will lose. Instead of letting you be eliminated by others, it is better to let me eliminate you personally so that others will not get points."

Feng Qingluan's eyes were a little dim: "Did you collude with them?"

"I can't help myself. I am the young master of the Phoenix clan. We are still neighbors with Daqin. You have offended so many people. I have to take care of all these things. For the Phoenix clan, I must give in. But Qingluan, I I hope you can understand me, I love you in my heart."


A not-so-loud slap slapped Jun Mo's face, and Feng Qingluan's eyes were cold: "Shameless!"

"Okay! I'm shameless or not, but today's ending is irreversible, I know you like Lin Zhen, but Qingluan, you must understand that your destiny is to be my wife. In the future, you will know mine. Good intentions."

After speaking, Lord Lord raised his hand, with blood on the long sword: "Qingluan, I'm sorry!"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Lin Zhen teleported to the 100th area, and immediately locked the direction after leaving the teleportation array.

Yixiantian is located in the easternmost part of the 100 districts, it is easy to find, and it is also the edge of the entire eastern continent.

Accelerating under his feet, mental power drives the shield to its limit.

The sound of the wind in my ears was loud, and the long hair was drawn into a straight line, and the distance of thousands of kilometers quickly flew to the end.

There is a ray of sky ahead!

From afar, Lin Zhen even saw the crowd at the entrance of Yixiantian.

There are more than a thousand people gathered here!

On the map, hundreds of hero flags are densely displayed.

These people come from all continents, and the warriors gather together but they will not fight because their bosses are already united.

In the minds of the warriors, after this battle, the Star of God's Punishment is over, everyone's ranking is basically set, and there is no need to continue to fight to death.

Now the number of undead creatures and the number of warriors are only a few tens of thousands. After the battle, everyone moved to wipe out some of the undead creatures, and then they could go home.

So everyone was very relaxed and gathered at the entrance of Yixiantian to talk.

Those warriors of the hero banner are touted by ordinary warriors, and they seem to be in harmony with each other.

A heroic banner from the dragon clan looked at the map and said, "Hehe! This is really a sedan chair that everyone carries. The casual people outside are also sensitive enough. After seeing the wind direction here, they all came to take refuge. Another hero banner is here."

Some warriors leaned over and looked at the map of this dragon warrior.

I saw a black spot on the map approaching quickly. It was a flag, which represented a hero flag.

"It's a hero flag. I don't know which side it is from?"

"No matter which side he is on, our task here is to firmly guard the entrance to the sky, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. In this divine punishment star, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to pass the valley. The boss."

"That is! The top few of the rankings are all here, and there are no more masters outside."

The dragon martial artist said, but frowned slightly: "This guy's speed is too fast, this is about to come, you guys will stop him in the past, and ask him if he is rushing to reincarnate? If you don't know the praise, report to the boss. Name!"

The three warriors stood up and greeted them swaggeringly.

Walking down Taniguchi, a streamer was approaching quickly.

"Hmm~! The people in front stop me quickly! This is a ray of heaven and earth, the big guys do things here, and the idlers are not allowed to enter!"

The streamer didn't stop at the slightest, but the speed got faster and faster!

"Where is the stunned green! Tell you, the boss of the Bull Demon King is fighting with people inside, and the boss of Qin Jianfeng is also there. If you know, stop quickly, or you will be called!"

A mental shock from Yaoyao struck over, and the warrior who shouted was brain dead on the spot, and the blue light was out!

Before his body floated, the opponent's warrior had passed him at high speed.

The remaining two warriors stood there stupidly, but the attacker ignored them at all, and rushed over with a gust of wind.

One of the warriors was stunned, and then suddenly thought of who the person who had just passed by him was.

Seeing that person's face, his legs couldn't help but shudder.

Why did this killer come back again? I'm afraid things have changed today!

But he hasn't forgotten his responsibilities. He is from the three-headed demon lion clan with a huge voice.

Pulling away the throat, the sharp voice began to echo!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The one who came is Lin Zhen! Please pay attention! It is Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen who has disappeared is back!"

It's a pity that he still shouted too slowly, because Lin Zhen's speed had far exceeded the speed of sound, and when his voice reached Taniguchi, there was already a mess over there.

Seeing the situation here, Lin Zhen didn't stop at the slightest, as if rushing in directly.

But the people above also saw Lin Zhen rushing over, and all those who were able to live to the present, were strong, and responded very quickly.

"Stop him!"

The dragon martial artist roared, and everyone came forward!

Someone has already seen that it is Lin Zhen, but at this moment there are more than a thousand people gathered here, among them there are even hundreds of hero flags, how can they be afraid of Lin Zhen who is alone, and various attacks are coming from all directions!

In this case, Lin Zhen couldn't rush in at once, but he had his own trick to open the way.

The satellite falls!

A long spear is needed to attack the tough situation. Lin Zhen has the Yin and Yang spear in his hand, and the airflow is swirling on the tip of the spear. In the process of galloping, a huge satellite is gradually formed!

He wants to use this satellite to crash in!

The first batch of warriors who blocked Lin Zhen suffered!

Their star power is too far behind Lin Zhen, not to mention that Lin Zhen's current divine body tempering is not something they can resist.

All the attacks were blocked by the satellites, and they continued to move forward, rushing toward them!

In other words, it didn't hit them. The direction of this satellite was the entrance of the canyon in the sky. They were just blocking Lin Zhen's path forward.

"Block him! Don't let him enter the canyon!"

Several banners of heroes shouted, seeing that the attack could not stop the advancement of the satellite, they immediately rushed over, using their whole body's star power, just to block the advancement route of the satellite.

"Many arm as a car! Overpowered!"

Lin Zhen was already anxious, raised his eyebrows, the lotus bloomed at the center of his eyebrows, and the star power broke out again!


Finally collided!

Several hero flags sprayed blood at the same time, and the whole person was directly hit by Lin Zhen!

"And then on!"

Another group of warriors rushed over and confronted with star power.

There was another spray of blood, and many people were hit by satellites and turned into mud!

"Come on again! With so many of us, his planet is fierce, but the void can't take advantage of it. Under the action of gravity, it will soon fall down, and he can't get up!"

Driven by the banner of heroes, countless warriors rushed up from all directions like moths, and they didn't believe that they could not stop Lin Zhen.

At this time, if you look down from a distance, you will see a wonderful scene.

In the front part of Lin Zhen's spear, a star-like starlight was advancing erratically, and at the entrance of the valley, countless warriors greeted them like raindrops, and they were hit by the planet, and then someone greeted them.

If this continues, Lin Zhen will eventually be blocked.

Just like the hero banner said, Lin Zhen was in the void, and he would fall after exhaustion, and it would never last.

But Lin Zhen didn't. Just when his impact was about to end, a lotus flower suddenly bloomed under his feet!

Tap the lotus on his toes, and he has gained new strength again after exhaustion.

The hands were retracted and released like lightning, the powerful body was able to withstand the rapid throughput of the star power, and the second new satellite was released!

If it was the first time it was a stalemate then this second time was an attack, and Lin really changed his moves too quickly, and no one could react to it. The second time the satellite fell was here!

A car that is about to stop and a speeding car, the impact is of course different!

This time is a disaster!

Hundreds of warriors were bombarded by Lin Zhen's satellite this time, and their bones were broken and blood flew!

Kill at least fifty people in one blow, and there are seven or eight hero flags!

Suddenly, a large number of kill messages floated in the Dimensional Universe, and it was all Lin Zhen who eliminated the XX hero banner.

The whole world was quiet at this moment.

Whether it's within the God Punishment Star, or within the Metaworld, or the person in battle that is about to end within a single day.

This bunch of information told them one thing. Lin Zhen, who has disappeared for ten months and is considered to have no hope of winning the ranking, is back!