Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 664: 1 swallowed

Lin Zhen is gambling, he will be kind to the princess, because he has saved her once and is soft.

and the meaning of the words is ambiguous. Although it seems that the crown princess can do it, but carefully savoring Lin Zhen's words, there are many ambiguous factors in it.

He could clearly feel the trembling of the crown prince's hand, she might want to get rid of Lin Zhen, but after all, this person had just saved her, and she still couldn't do it for a while.

But at the moment she hesitated, something terrible happened!

Lin Zhen hit the planet and knocked away the constant crystal planet, but the tail of the planet tore a long space crack!

The planet suddenly turned, and the crack was thrown over like a tail!

The huge crack directly enveloped Lin Zhen and Ning Qingxuan. At this time, both Lin Zhen and Ning Qingxuan were close to the point where the oil was exhausted and the lamps were dead. Ning Qingxuan was forced to explode, and Lin Zhen was also exhausted. All the star power has entered a period of weakness, and it is no longer able to avoid it!

The crack is like a behemoth that swallows everything, swallowing two people in one bite!

Lin really doesn't like the feeling of being out of control. He instinctively wanted to grab something. At the moment when he was about to enter the crack, he grabbed a soft little hand!

Ning Qingxuan was also stunned by this change, after being held by Lin Zhen, she instinctively returned her grip!

Two people approached each other in unison, hugging and being swallowed by a crack!

Then there is a storm of energy in the sky.

The space of the Metaverse is extremely stable. Lin Zhen has not caused any damage to the space of the Metaverse at any other time except for tearing the space when the planet fell.

The space crack disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared here.

There was only one huge constant crystal planet. Under the bombardment of Ning Qingxuan and Lin Zhen, they had already deviated from the trajectory of almost a kilometer and continued to fly towards the ground.


"His Royal Highness! Great news, great news!"

In the void, in a light car pulled by eight condors, Prince Liang Zhihuan received a report from his servant.

"Say, what news?"

"According to our observation instrument, just now, the orbit of the constant crystal planet has already deviated by a full ten kilometers, so we have to make some adjustments to our current course."

"Oh! Ten kilometers away?"

"Yes, that's right, Your Highness, these ten kilometers have deviated. We will continue to intercept once in the middle. Maybe there is really hope that this planet will be completely sent to a location outside the Nanliang Kingdom. Our capital is saved. Up!"

Hearing the report and seeing the image sent by the other party, the prince's frowned brow finally opened.

When he said the news, the few longevity warriors who came with him all clapped to celebrate.

Regardless of the reason, the planet has finally deviated. This is great news. The capital of Nanliang is saved and their mission can be completed.

People celebrated happily for a while, and the prince continued to ask: "Then have you found out what caused the planet to deviate?"

"Well, the impact is a bit unclear, but according to some pictures, it seems that two people have taken action, deviating the shock of this permanent crystal planet."

"Oh! There is such a thing, please continue to check to see who is doing good deeds silently, find these two unsung heroes, my Highness has many awards."

The prince was in a good mood, but he did not expect that Nanliang folks still had masters helping the court. Such people are too rare and must be found. Even if these two are hermits, he must express his gratitude.

opened the screen of the dimension universe and shared it with all the longevity fighters in the car to see.

There are constant news of detectors passing back over there, all about what happened near the constant crystal planet before.

Metaworld’s technology is not stronger than that of the New Territories, and Nanliang’s technology is also weak. The screens are a bit intermittent, and they don’t look real.

"Hurry up and solve the problem of the clarity of the picture. There is still a need to zoom in. I have not found those two heroes yet."

The prince was a little anxious, and his people immediately started to solve it.

A group of science and technology experts worked it out for a while before the prince saw the figure on the screen.

The prince brought a group of longevity warriors to the screen and watched carefully.

The image time of the screen is not very long. On the screen, at the beginning, it seems that two people are fighting.

"What's the matter? Someone is fighting?"

But the picture was too unclear. They couldn't tell who these two people were. They couldn't tell whether they were male or female.

"The strength of these two people is pretty good. They can fight so fiercely in the void, at least they are at the pinnacle level of the Realm King.

"I can't see that it is difficult for the world king pinnacle to create such a scene, especially the one who uses the sword, at least the warrior of the longevity state, and the one who uses the spear or the stick... at least it is also the pinnacle world king, and it is even possible. It is an immortal warrior."

"Lao Li's analysis is right, this should be due to two longevity warriors here dueling or discussing something, but seeing the planets flying, and at the same time letting go of grievances, and working together to help us solve a big problem!"

It's just the prince Liang Zhihuan frowning slightly. He can't see the two of them, but the one with the sword, with fluttering clothes, can feel like a woman even if it is only a vague influence.

"Women.....Eternal Realm..... Fighting with people..." He muttered a bit in his heart.

Then the screen turned, the huge constant crystal planet flew over, and the battle between the two ended.

The warrior with the spear ran away, and then the warrior with the sword began to attack the planet with one sword and one sword, trying to make the constant crystal planet deviate from its orbit and lead it aside.

The process is very skillful, and it is not the first time this person has done this kind of thing.

The attack screen lasted for more than ten minutes, and the intensity and strength made the strong longevity present here sigh.

"The strength of this sword warrior is comparable to the prince!"

The prince has tempered the divine body, and is stronger than these longevity realms. This is recognized.

It's just that the prince's face is getting a little more and more unsightly. He pursed his lips and did not make a sound. There was some unknown premonition in his heart.

After a while, the warrior who used the sword was about to be unable to hold on, and the whole body was ignited with star power, as if to shake the planet with his last strength, this kind of sentiment and morality moved the warriors present.

"There are still people with such sentiments in the folk? It's incredible!"

"Who is it? Is he dying? Your Majesty, we must find out this matter, and we can't let the hero sacrifice in vain!"

A longevity warrior even said annoyed: "What picture is this? I can't see things clearly, your Royal Highness, or let's buy a new operating system from the Liang Empire. As long as you spend money, they can transfer the operating system in a few minutes. Come here, we can see the faces of these two heroes."

The prince administers the country diligently and thriftily, and saves where he can save. The longevity warrior hadn’t expected much hope. He didn’t expect the prince to make a decisive decision: "Buy! Buy now! Be sure to figure this out!"

Someone soon contacted, and some of them continued to watch.

When it came to this critical point, the warrior with the spear shot.

This person's previous performance didn't seem to be very eye-catching, but this blow made everyone look at him.

This blow can be described as earth-shattering. The whole person turned into a planet that fell from the sky, and it seemed that he did not lose the constant crystal planet, and hit it with the aura of destruction.

The planet that had been beaten by the sword warrior deviated far from it moved another big step.

After this blow, the constant crystal planet was considered to have moved to its current position.

People can't help applauding the two heroes, and when the new system arrives, they can see their true colors clearly.

"Prince! The new system has been accepted, you should pause for a while, we will install it now."

The screen stays at this moment, and then the cumbersome new system installation process.

There is a prince here, and the installation speed is very fast, it will be completed in a while.

I have to say that the technology level of the Liang Empire is much stronger than that of Nan Liang. When the new system is installed, the clarity of the entire screen is immediately improved dozens of times!

"Oh! See clearly, it's a man and a woman. The man who uses the gun is the man, and the woman who uses the sword is the woman."

"I guess these two people may be a couple. I guess there was a conflict before. Didn't you see the woman chasing the man and the man basically didn't fight back? At this moment, seeing the planet come, they joined forces again. Hey! What contradictions are worth doing? They are such noble people, I really hope they can be happy..."

The prince suddenly shouted: "Enough! Are you annoying! Keep watching, no one will speak anymore."

These immortal warriors were taken aback, and at the same time they closed their mouths, but they didn't know why the prince had such a big temper.

I saw the scene again on the screen. The woman seemed to put her sword on the man’s neck and said something. The man didn’t know what she said. Then the woman's body trembled slightly, as if hesitating, excited, and hesitant.

After    it was terrible, and the space crack brought by the constant crystal planet swept over directly.

The man and the woman held hands, hugged each other tightly, and were swallowed by the space crack together.

The longevity fighters were shocked, but no one spoke.

"Play back the screen, move forward, I want to see who these two people are."

Soon the screen was played back, and the camera was quickly advanced, gradually revealing the true face of this man and woman.

When the space cracks struck, the men and women were holding hands together, and then the woman leaned on the man's arms. At this time, the picture just happened to see her face clearly.

Prince Princess~!

No need to remind the prince this time, no one dared to make a sound, only the sound of a mouthful of air-conditioning echoed in the car. ) Download the free reader!!