Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 663: Epiphany, the planet falls!

The martial artist has a mysterious state called epiphany.

This kind of state is almost unattainable, often you can't get it when you want it, and it suddenly comes again at some point.

Since Lin Zhen has comprehended the satellite landing, he can calmly fight against the realm king, but he hasn't comprehended the fourth type planetary landing of the star-fall five forms.

But since seeing the constant crystal planet falling, Lin Zhen has a strong feeling that this is the planet falling!

Planet Falling is on display, and even the longevity warrior has to retreat. Even a strong like Ning Qingxuan can only use the tactics of cannibalization to change the planet's trajectory little by little, but cannot resist head-on.

If he can use the planet to fall, then his strength will rise in a straight line, and he will have a real trump card in the competition of the star of punishment.

closed his eyes, and the previous scenes skipped in front of him like a movie.

From the appearance of pressure, the tearing of space, the falling of the planet, and the unstoppable momentum, Lin Zhen's heart surged.

The palm of his hand gently danced in a mysterious trajectory, and this scene was engraved in his mind.

Epiphany is often a matter of a moment.

"I understand that the fall of a planet is destruction. The planet itself will be destroyed, and everything that is hit by it will also be destroyed."

"When a warrior makes a move, he will subconsciously have reservations to ensure the continuity of subsequent attacks and ensure that his own safety is not harmed."

"When killing the enemy, ensure that you are not injured. This is not only the general knowledge of the warrior, but also the instinctive reaction of people. It is this mentality that determines that he will never be able to send a planet."

"If you want to destroy the enemy, don't be afraid to destroy yourself. Without this awareness, where would the planet fall!"

This momentary comprehension made Lin Zhenxin look like a mirror. When he opened his eyes again, the profound meaning of the planet falling was already in his heart.

He even has a strong impulse to make a move, try to see if he can really make this move.

There are two targets of his attack, one is Ning Qingxuan, who is already close to the end of the oil and the lamp is running out, and is about to fail, and the other is the extremely huge and unstoppable constant crystal planet.

"Now if I make a move against Ning Qingxuan, she will definitely die, and I am completely safe, but this is not in line with the profound meaning of Planet Fall. When facing a person who can be killed easily, how can I destroy myself? There is no such understanding. , The planet falls cannot be sent out."

Lin really set his eyes on the huge planet that had flown far away. From his perspective, Ning Qingxuan could not be seen anymore, only the planets were falling continuously.

From the slight tremors on the planet again and again, Lin Zhen could feel Ning Qingxuan still persisting.

"The prince... is also a very good person, but unfortunately it is my enemy."

Lin Zhen is less than a minute away from the efficacy of the Shenli Pill at this moment, and his time is running out.

is not for Ning Qingxuan, nor for the common people of the Metaverse. Just as Lin Zhen said, this is Ning Qingxuan's hometown, but it is not Lin Zhen's hometown. He did not sacrifice his consciousness for these unrelated people.

But at this moment, if you don't show the planetary fall while the iron is hot, you don't know when you will understand it in the future. Maybe there will be no such opportunity again.

So Lin Zhen moved.

"The magic dragon! Give me the fastest speed! Get me to the side of the planet in 50 seconds!"

The two-headed dragon dived like crazy, chasing the huge planet.

Lin Zhen's whole body is as high as 8 million star power, this moment has already exploded.

What kind of situation he does not want to care about in the future, the most important thing at the moment is to master the planetary fall, the opportunity is rare, he does not want to miss it!


Ning Qingxuan felt that everything in front of her eyes began to blur.

She knows that this is caused by star power, physical, mental, and other reasons. If she can’t get a rest in time, her life may even be in danger.

Since entering the realm of longevity, she hasn't felt this way for a long, long time.

Especially after tempering her body, she would not have such a situation, because very few people have been able to force her to this level.

But today is different, she is not fighting with a person, but with a star!

is still a constant crystal planet about to fall into her hometown. If this planet falls, her hometown will fall.

Ning Qingxuan thought a lot at this moment.

This is not the first time that she has done something like this. She knows that the harder she works, how many people will survive her efforts.

It’s just that this time the situation is too difficult. Even with her strength, she cannot completely avoid the disaster, but she must do her last part.

From the time she saw this constant crystal planet, she had the worst plan.

She has nothing to miss, and nothing to miss. Liang Chen has grown up and no longer needs her own care, and she is just a familiar stranger with her fiance Liang Zhihuan.

Master and fellow schoolmates don’t need themselves so much.

The only regret may be that the **** Lin Zhen has not been punished, but this moment is not important anymore.

After ten minutes of fierce bombardment, this constant crystal planet has changed its trajectory for several kilometers. This is the limit she can achieve.

The star power in her body is no longer enough, not enough to continue to make such an attack.

Maybe it's time to end on its own!

The star power around her body began to swell again, and Ning Qingxuan mobilized her last strength, preparing to change the trajectory of the constant crystal planet again at the expense of life.

"My life can be exchanged for the survival of millions of people, then there is nothing to miss in this longevity."

thought in her heart, her eyes were a little moist, Ning Qingxuan resolutely rushed towards the constant crystal planet!


Lin Zhen finally rushed to the side of the planet within fifty seconds under the speed of the double-headed magic dragon.

Now that he has decided to attack the constant crystal planet, Lin Zhen doesn't mind doing something good, so he can save a few people by adding strength to the position where Ning Qingxuan has been blasting before.

In front of this huge planet, Lin Zhen is as small as dust, but his small body can burst out with power that destroys the world!

With more than eight million star power, unleashing an unprecedented planetary fall, Lin Zhen didn't know what would happen.

The five styles of falling stars are classical books, each of which is displayed in a powerful way.

Just like a satellite falling, a punch is blown out, and there is really the power of a satellite impact!

Lin Zhen’s power at this moment has reached the verge of unpleasant displeasure. When the huge planet passed by hundreds of miles in front of him, he could not see the edge before and after, he exploded!

At this moment, it has been less than ten seconds since the end of the effect of his magical pill, he must hurry up.

took a long breath, Lin Zhen held the broken Yue long spear in both hands, and his heart revolved in accordance with the Starfall Five Form, and he shot it out!

The two-headed magic dragon has returned to the dark star space, and Lin Zhen's whole person has turned into a star here!

The sharp point of the broken Yue spear was the shining point of this star, and the body suddenly accelerated to its limit!


The wind and thunder wings exploded at this moment, and the huge wings accelerated Lin Zhen again!

There is no atmosphere in the universe, but the tip of his gun is still almost burning at this moment!

That is what happens when an object rubs against the dark matter in space when it approaches the speed of light!

He didn't think about whether he would die, even if he died, he would shoot this shot!

did not have the determination to destroy himself, if the planet falls!

The starburst on the tip of the gun flashed, and a shot of Lin Zhen's almost full strength burst into the air with a shining brilliance, dragging a long tail, and rushing towards the constant crystal planet!

At this moment, it looks like a huge meteor in the outer space, with a suicidal attack, it slammed into the constant crystal planet!

Starting from a meteor, it evolved into a comet as it progressed, and then from a comet to a speeding satellite!

Lin's star power is really burning frantically, this planet's strike actually cost a full five million star power!

Different from Ning Qingxuan's continuous attack method, Lin Zhen's attack was a one-time attack. With this attack, he would have no strength to do it again.

Satellites are changing again during the flight, getting bigger and bigger! Starlight surged in the sky like a nuclear bomb!

"Come on! You are a planet and I am also a planet. Even if you are such a giant, I will shake you!"

The two planets finally collided!

When only 100 meters away from the constant crystal planet, Lin Zhen stabbed out with a spear!

The power accumulated from this charge burst out at this moment!

If there is any picture that can describe the situation at this moment, maybe a hundred, no! Thousands of nuclear bombs exploded together, maybe they can interpret the current scene!

The blast of the trembling sky formed a powerful shock wave. Not only did the trembling Lin Zhen's body throw out blood, but even this giant constant crystal planet was directly blasted out by Lin Zhen's strong blow. Kilometers!

The rolling air wave was like a sky tide, spreading out quickly, pushing away Lin Zhen while also pushing away another person who wanted to hit the planet and die.

Lin really only felt that his eyes were staring at Venus, his ears were buzzing, and his hands and feet were soft at this moment.

The period of weakness of Shenli Dan has arrived.

But his mood is extremely At that moment, his understanding has become a reality, and he has truly mastered the profound meaning of planet fall!

is worth it! It's all worth it!

He felt that his state was extremely poor at the moment, the star power of the clone had automatically oscillated and left the body, the effect of the divine power pill had no effect, and his star power instantly fell from more than 8 million to 1.68 million. This is the divine power pill. Side effects, star power is reduced by 40%.

The huge gap between front and back made others feel that Lin Zhen was about to fall into a state of dying.

Just as Lin Zhen was struggling to summon the double-headed devil dragon to leave, a Qingfeng sword had been silently hitting his neck.

"Why save me?" Ning Qingxuan's weak and cold voice came from behind.

Lin really needs to respond to the ghost instinctively before trying to save you, why are you here? But when the words came to my lips, he swallowed back suddenly, revealing a sad wry smile: "I always thought I was a selfish person, but at this moment I understand that there is something in my heart that cannot be violated. Worthy of heart, princess, do it!")!!