Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 665: Space turbulence

The spatial turbulence was rampant around, but Lin Zhen was not very afraid.

The so-called spatial turbulence is a combination of all the energy elements and the dark energy in the universe. It impacts at extremely high speeds and is lethal to almost all life.

But Lin Zhen is not afraid, because he has cultivated all the elemental energy for a long time.

And every elemental energy, Lin Zhen has cultivated it to the extreme, comprehending the power of atoms.

It is precisely because of this that the elemental energy cannot cause fatal damage to Lin Zhen. Only the impact carried by the dark energy makes him a little bit painful and needs a shield to protect him.

This shield must be a shield that gathers all elemental energies to ensure that it will not be broken in the turbulence of space, but it needs a lot of star support.

But Ning Qingxuan by her side has no such ability. Although she is a longevity martial artist, she can't cultivate all the energy elements. The space turbulence struck, and Ning Qingxuan was very painful to resist.

The bodies of the two people are completely out of control, walking through the endless turbulence of space, the only thing that can be grasped is each other.

Lin Zhen's tall body embraced Ning Qingxuan. At this time, he couldn't easily let go of the other party. Although this woman wanted to kill herself, Lin Zhen still admired her character very much.

The energy elements on the body are released, combined with the mental power, to form a protective shield to isolate the space turbulence as much as possible.

Although the strong impact still makes him uncomfortable, at least neither of them needs to die.

Ning Qingxuan discovered Lin Zhen's actions after the initial panic period.

A pair of small white jade hands pressed hard against Lin Zhen’s chest. Lin Zhen’s hard chest made her chest a little tight, and it was more of a psychological panic. She could not accept that she was a life and death enemy just now, but now she hugged tightly. .

Lin Zhen saw that Ning Qingxuan wanted to break free, and said loudly in her ear: "Prince princess, now is the time of life and death. I lack star power. You'd better put star power outside. For this reason, my protective cover is not Being broken, otherwise my strength will be consumed and I will die too, and if you leave me, I am afraid that you will not survive for a minute!"

"Don't be with you when you die!" Ning Qingxuan struggled with flushed face.

"Enough! Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial, you can be promoted to the immortal realm at a young age, how much effort did your family members, teachers and friends put in for this! Did you give up when you said it! Stupid!"

Ning Qingxuan stunned, her struggling movement stagnated.

"I know you want to kill me, but you can kill me. Then you have to wait until we get to a safe place. Do you want to die with me? Isn't it just a kiss to you? A kiss is also a kiss, a kiss ten times It's also a dear, if you move around, I will..."

Lin Zhen pursed his lips and quickly moved closer to Ning Qingxuan's red lips.

Ning Qingxuan exclaimed. In this case, her star strength was basically consumed, and her physical strength was not as good as Lin Zhen, and she really couldn't avoid Lin Zhen's frivolity.

closed his eyes in shock, pressed his lips hard, and twisted his head to the side.

But Lin Zhen's lips did not fall. All he wanted was for Ning Qingxuan to cooperate.

There was no movement for a while, Ning Qingxuan quietly opened her eyes, but saw that Lin Zhen's forehead was already full of sweat. In order to maintain defense, Lin Zhen needed to continuously consume star power without recovery time, and he would not be able to support it for a long time. of.

has been determined to kill Lin Zhen, finally there is a trace of fluctuation in his heart.

Although the man in front of him is rather annoying, he doesn't seem to be that bad in nature.

Of course, this does not mean that Ning Qingxuan can forgive Lin Zhen's actions. It is just that something is urgent. Now the two are dependent on each other. No one can live alone if they leave.

"Don't look, this shield of mine needs the support of star power, you inject your star power into it, let me rest for a while, I am too weak now."

Ning Qingxuan made no sound, but Xingli quietly released it, injecting new power into Lin Zhen's protective shield.

With the support of Ning Qingxuan, Lin Zhen finally did not have to bear such a big pressure, and had a rare breathing time.

Just now I was too nervous and didn't feel it carefully. After this time, Lin Zhen felt the amazing charm of the delicate body in his arms.

The thin waist around the arms seems to be tight, and the chest is full of elasticity and soft against his own chest, which makes people feel a little worried.

With the innocent and feminine face in front of him, Lin Zhen also had to say to himself that this was a peerless stunner.

No wonder that something like that happened. The prince still didn't give up on Ning Qingxuan. This woman was the only woman he had seen in his life, who could be comparable to Little Phoenix.

After a while, Ning Qingxuan seemed to feel Lin Zhen's hot gaze, her face became hot, she glared at Lin Zhen fiercely, and then tried to open the space between the two people.

But in the hug state, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to separate.

Lin Zhen also felt that this was a bit wrong, and slowly closed his eyes not to look at her, and concentrated on regaining his strength.

After a few more minutes, the delicate body in his arms started to heat up, and Lin Zhen knew that she was almost unable to support it.

opened her eyes, Ning Qingxuan was also dripping with sweat and her face was pale.

"You take a break, I'll come!"

Lin Zhen re-injected star power, and Ning Qingxuan was able to rest.

Seeing that the other person was shaking and keeping a distance from herself, Lin Zhen simply pressed her to her chest: "Let's be honest for a while, this is not taking advantage of you, if you don't recover well, I can't hold on for a while, we Two are still inevitable."

Now, Ning Qingxuan seems to have figured it out, closing her eyes and leaning her head on Lin Zhen's chest. This posture is indeed more conducive to recovery.

It's just that from Lin Zhen's perspective, the red and transparent earlobes prove that the owner's heart is not at peace.

Lin really knew that she was embarrassed, and she didn't speak, but silently released star power to resist the turbulence of space.

Thanks to Ning Qingxuan, otherwise Lin Zhenxing will run out of power and will not be able to survive here.

As a longevity martial artist, Ning Qingxuan is not in a period of weakness like Lin Zhen, her recovery speed is faster than Lin Zhen, after about ten minutes, she changed to support her.

Just like that, the two people took turns to support the shield, and they worked together more and more tacitly.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Although Ning Qingxuan was reluctant, she had to accept that she could only snuggle in Lin Zhen's arms for the time being.

But with the passage of time, the atmosphere of tension between the two people has gradually disappeared...


Inside the car pulled by the Condor, there seemed to be a thunder coming soon.

People are watching the prince anxiously. As people from Nanliang, everyone knows how much the prince loves the princess.

Counting the ages of the two people, the prince is two thousand years old and the princess.

The prince was also assiduously practicing at the beginning, and he was trained by the emperor, and finally broke through when he was two thousand years old and entered the realm of longevity.

In the heart of the prince, he was thinking about marrying after he reached the longevity.

There was a woman who made a baby kiss with the prince early, and she married him when he was in the longevity realm.

In the heart of the old emperor, the woman originally intended to be a queen.

But just after the prince was promoted, he was in a good mood and went out to play, and met Ning Qingxuan, who was still a little girl.

At a very young age, with extremely high aptitude, he has already shown an alluring posture in the future, and he has captured the Prince's heart in a confused way.

From that day on, Prince Liang Zhihuan announced on the spot that he would marry Ning Qingxuan as his wife in the future, and the position of queen would be reserved for her forever.

But the Qingye School wanted to cultivate Ning Qingxuan, but they poured cold water on the prince, saying that Ning Qingxuan would not marry anyone before entering the longevity.

But Liang Zhihuan told the Qingye faction that he was willing to wait. The most important thing for a strong longevity is time. He can wait until Ning Qingxuan grows up, and when she is promoted to longevity, the two will stay together forever.

This is how the marriage contract is made.

Then the prince did a good job, except for the woman who had been in the marriage contract and got married as a concubine, there was no other woman.

The concubine had a bad life. She married the prince hundreds of years before she had a child, and died after giving birth, leaving behind a son like Liang Chen.

is basically Ning Qingxuan who brought up Liang Chen.

But just after Ning Qingxuan's longevity, she didn't wait for her to marry the prince, but it happened.

This incident can be said to be a scandal. The entire Nanliang people know the princess, and they know this woman who is more beautiful than a flower.

For this, the prince made a decision.

He has to wait, wait until most of the people who knew about this matter die, wait until he completely eliminates Huahua Taisui before he gets married.

Ning Qingxuan had nothing to do with this matter, so she agreed.

These things proved the prince's love for the prince, but no one would have imagined that such a thing happened.

Although the princess was photographed taking a shower, she was still wearing a few clothes after all. Nothing else was visible except for her figure, but this time was different. The princess was actually hugged!

The prince regarded it as forbidden, and the prince who did not allow other men to take a look was actually held tightly by another man. Although the incident happened suddenly, this was something the prince could not bear!

And Liang Zhihuan has nothing to do The crown prince and others have entered the space turbulence, and he has nowhere to find it.

The quiet needle falling in the car was audible, and the Prince seemed to be on the verge of an outbreak.

Everyone is looking forward to it, the prince shouldn’t go wild, after all, the prince’s situation is extremely dangerous.

Liang Chen took a few deep breaths, "Check it out! Check out who that man is? Trying to connect to his dimensional universe. Someone used to fortune the crown prince. She is a rich and noble person, and she will never fall halfway. of."

After that, he faced everyone: "Today's affairs, everything must be carried out in secret, I don't want to hear a little bit of rumor outside, or even if I use my country's strength, I will not let the people who spread the rumors live! "

Everyone nodded together, thinking this is the best way.

The prince looked at the newly introduced system again, and could fall out of ice scum with a cold tone: "Take this thing out of me! Never show up in front of me again!") Download the free reader!!