Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 662: Strong woman

Compared with the New Territories, the starry sky of Metaverse doesn’t look much different. It’s just that there are more planets, and the stars here are almost scattered. Under the mutual pull of gravity, the movement of celestial bodies sometimes deviates from orbit and is wandering There are more meteorites.

Metaverse cannot enter the parallel universe. There are random meteorites flying everywhere, and the large spacecraft has no room to accelerate. Entering the parallel universe is nothing short of death.

Ning Qingxuan's excitement didn't last long. After changing tactics, she began to use her strong star power to urge her sword energy, making Lin Zhen passive again.

dodged a sword aura dangerously and dangerously, watched the sword aura fly forward for a while, hitting a huge meteorite with a diameter of several kilometers, and actually shattered the meteorite with one blow, Lin Zhen was secretly speechless.

"Chrissy, haven't the planets you mentioned come over yet?"

"The master has come, feel behind you."

In the distant starry sky, a powerful pressure is coming!

This kind of feeling is like when the satellite that I cast falls down.

It’s just that the pressure is now stronger than the satellite landing, countless times stronger! There must be a massive planet flying oncoming!

The little light in front of his eyes quickly zoomed in, getting bigger and bigger, making Lin Zhen once thought it was a star.

But stars don't run around everywhere. It was not until they were close to the planet several million kilometers that Lin Zhen was shocked to see that this huge planet was actually a constant crystal!

Constant crystal is the most precious thing when it is on the earth. It has extremely hard characteristics and is more brilliant than diamond.

But in the Metaverse, this thing is not valuable, but the huge planet that looks no smaller than the earth in diameter, but is all made up of constant crystals, still opened Lin Zhen's vision.

Seeing that Ning Qingxuan on the opposite side also stopped the attack, Lin Zhen knew that he had to escape, otherwise the effect of the magical pill would disappear after a while, and his star power would not be enough in Ning Qingxuan's eyes.

Just when Lin Zhen was avoiding the impact of the planet, he felt the murderous spirit behind him suddenly disappear.

glanced back in the air, he saw Ning Qingxuan riding a five-color deer, standing quietly in the void, looking at the huge planet in front of him, there was a trace of determination on his face.

"What is she doing? Is it hopeless to kill me, ready to kill me on this planet?"

"Master, can you use your mind? If it weren't for the arrival of this planet, you might have belched right now. Do you think she would crash into the planet and die?"

"Then what does she want to do?"

"According to the information I got from the planetary probe just now, if this constant crystal planet falls, it will eventually fall to the capital city of Nanliang. The probe has sent information to the people from Nanliang to change the direction of the planet’s fall. Otherwise, if this thing falls, it will be a huge disaster. It is estimated that Nanliang has begun to organize evacuation at this time, but so many people are not easy to evacuate. This time, many people will die!"

Lin was really stunned. This is a huge planet that is larger than the earth and whose actual mass is hundreds of times more than the earth.

If this thing actually hits the ground, I am afraid that there will not be a few people left in the capital of Nanliang.

How many people are there in the capital of Nanliang? It is almost equivalent to a primary civilization universe.

How long does it take to evacuate the entire galaxy?

Lin really doesn't know the specific time, but it can't be done in a short time. This disaster is almost inevitable.

At this moment, Lin Zhen knew what Ning Qingxuan was thinking.

This woman wants to change the direction of this planet!

It is almost impossible to destroy this planet, but if it can change its direction, then at least the capital of Nanliang will not be hit by the planet.

At this moment, Lin Zhen suddenly admired Ning Qingxuan.

There is no doubt that this woman has a noble character, which is very rare among warriors.

When a warrior was young, he would have some passion in his heart, such as helping justice, hoeing the strong and helping the weak, etc., maybe anyone did it when they started.

But with the deepening of practice, the warriors who advocate personal strength no longer care about those things. As long as they can improve their strength, any means can be used.

If you want to change the direction of this planet, it is definitely not an easy task. Even if the average warrior can do it, he will not do it. That is very dangerous.

Besides, Ning Qingxuan still has Lin Zhen, a wicked fellow, who can temporarily let go of his hatred to do this, it is really not something ordinary people can do.

Lin Zhen drives once again to summon the two-headed magic dragon and begin to run away, turning back while running, only to see Ning Qingxuan's thin figure staying there, facing a huge planet.

The planet rushed down with an aura of destruction, but Ning Qingxuan put away the five-colored deer and began to slowly move the sword.

"Hey! If you don't chase, I can run away!"

Lin Zhen yelled to Ning Qingxuan from a distance. Ning Qingxuan glanced at Lin Zhen, her eyes revealed hatred, grievance, and unwillingness, but she did not move firmly.

"It's really a pig's brain!" Lin Zhen no longer cares about Ning Qingxuan's life and death, and drove the two-headed magic dragon to start flying far away.

The huge pressure of the planet's landing made the space hiss. When Lin Zhen ran out of the planet's descending route, he even saw a long trail behind the planet. It was a space crack where the planet was torn, which was huge and incredible.

In the distant starry sky, Ning Qingxuan's star power soared and became stronger and stronger, her tiny body burst out with incredible power, like a bright moon in the sky!


There was a crisp and sweet drink, and the sword light that looked like a sword flashed through the sky, directly breaking through hundreds of thousands of kilometers of space, and blasting far above the constant crystal planet!

Even though Lin Zhen has run hundreds of thousands of kilometers in a short time, he can still feel the violent shock of the space!

"Chrissy! Can you analyze whether the trajectory of the constant crystal planet has changed?"

"Master, after calculation, the trajectory of the constant crystal planet has deviated by about three centimeters!"

"Three centimeters? What use is that?"

"It is very useful. Although the capital city of Nanliang is extremely huge, if the planet can deviate by 30 kilometers within a range of 100 million kilometers, when it falls to the ground, it will avoid the range of the capital city. Being able to deviate by fifty kilometers is enough to protect the capital from harm!"

Lin is really speechless, the distance between three centimeters and thirty kilometers is too big, right? When this fight continues, when can the planet deviate?

He has also heard of some ways in the Metaverse to change the trajectory of the planet, and has arranged many probes in the sky, but this planet is different. It has a completely constant crystal structure, which makes it fly faster and cannot be Wrecked, even hard to deviate.

Nanliang is not well prepared, this disaster is almost inevitable.

Ning Qingxuan was unmoved, facing the oncoming giant planet, quickly backing away, and at the same time wielding a sword aura again!


A dull blow sounded, and the planet deviated about three centimeters again.

Swinging the sword again and again, attacking again and again, her attacks are also very skillful, only attacking one side point of the constant crystal planet, absolutely will not waste a little extra strength, although every blow is not the strongest , But it can keep the output as long as possible.

But even so, this is a huge planet after all, no matter who it is, it can't be too long.

Lin Zhen did not take this opportunity to leave, but slowly followed the trajectory of the planet's descent, watching Ning Qingxuan wield her long sword time and time again, sending out powerful sword auras, and shaking against this huge planet.

"Master, she can save hundreds of thousands of people by swinging the sword once. It seems that this is not the first time she has done such a thing!"

"Well, she is indeed a very stubborn and powerful woman."

Chrissy said again: "But I can feel her power is quickly consuming. After about fifteen minutes and twenty seconds, she will definitely evade, or she will eventually fall under a planetary impact."

Lin really didn't say anything, he had a feeling that this woman might not avoid it.

Sword Qi surged out like a storm, and even dozens of attacks per second made Lin Zhen fully aware of Ning Qingxuan's strength.

Ten minutes passed quickly!

The gravitational pull of the Metaverse is very large, and the speed of meteors far exceeds the speed of meteors seen on the earth. This planet moves at a high speed of several hundred kilometers per second, which is much faster than missiles. .

Ning Qingxuan kept backing, out of the sword, back again, and then out of the sword.

In ten minutes, she had no idea how many attacks she had sent. No matter how strong she was, it would be difficult to withstand such consumption.

Sweat wet the clothes, and wrapped the curvy body wet. A white jade-like face without a trace of blood. The hair is tightly attached to the The star power on the body is already very dim. Now, even if she is in the realm of longevity, she cannot fight against a huge planet alone.

In the past, this kind of thing was done by a group of longevity warriors. There was never a moment when a single person faced the planet alone.


was another desperate three swords swung out, a qi and blood finally could not be suppressed, she bowed her head, a mouthful of blood spurted out, sprinkled on the placket, like a little plum blossom.

Lin Zhen watched Ning Qingxuan's very tragic behavior, and closed his eyes slightly.

"Master, are you planning to be a hero to save the United States? Or save the common people? Do you want to be a great hero for the country and the people?" Kris was very excited over there, seeming to hope that Lin Zhen would do this kind of thing. .

Lin Zhen snorted from his nostrils: "I have done this kind of thing. When I was in the New Territories, I saved my hometown and saved the earth, but it is a pity that Metaverse is not my hometown. There is no my family here. I don't have that. feelings."

"Then why are you so late to leave?"

Lin Zhen smiled: "Don't you think this opportunity is very rare? A huge planet falls from the sky. This is clearly the meaning of planet falling in my five star falling patterns. If I can learn this trick, in star power After the transfer and the urging of the divine power pill, I can also fight the longevity martial artist."

Lin Zhen's mental power spread out, turning a blind eye to Ning Qingxuan's persistence with injuries, and began to comprehend wholeheartedly. )!!