Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 661: Lin Zhen's tactics

For these three days, Lin Zhen experienced a life like hell.

escaped from Ning Qingxuan's subordinates with the help of Shenli Dan, but the side effects brought by the Shenli Dan also made Lin Zhen very weak.

After half an hour, after the efficacy of the Shenli Pill expired, his star power dropped by 40%.

During this journey, in order to resist Ning Qingxuan's occasional surprise attack, Lin Zhen had to release a clone to resist.

Ning Qingxuan's eyes were red when she saw Lin Zhen's clone.

Although the appearance of the clone is Lin Zhen, Ning Qingxuan can clearly feel that in the body of the person in front of him, there are two ice needles that he has penetrated.

After confirming the identity of Huahua Taisui, Ning Qingxuan’s pursuit and killing was even more frantic, making Lin Zhen miserable. If it hadn’t been for the double-headed dragon to run desperately and the clone’s defense capabilities were relatively strong, he might have fallen into the vast starry sky. bingo.

I thought that the double-headed magic dragon could take herself to escape the danger, but after the third day, Ning Qingxuan did not know what secret method was activated to make her five-color deer speed faster, and Lin Zhen originally left a distance. , And gradually caught up.

Lin Zhen groaned secretly in her heart, Ning Qingxuan could lock her aura, and she could find it no matter where she fled, and he couldn't escape if he continued.

"Master, you must hold on for another twenty minutes!"

At this moment Kris spoke suddenly.

Chrissy became an intelligent life form, with independent thinking, she spoke like this now, and immediately gave Lin Zhen hope.

"Do you have any idea?"

"I don’t have a good solution, but according to my smart scan, I found a void detector nearby. When scanning its contents, I found that a planet is now about 20 million kilometers away from us. Come here, as long as you can persist until that time, those who chase you later will not care about killing you."

Lin Zhen immediately refreshed, and if this is the case, he also has a glimmer of hope.

But Ning Qingxuan was already almost catching up behind her, and it was not easy to hold on for twenty minutes.

At this time, Kris spoke again: "Master, have you forgotten something important?"

"What's the matter? Kris, please speak up quickly, and slowly, your master will become the dust of the universe."

"Master, at the beginning, your clone was the Galaxy Beast Xiao Nuan. Now you are the Huahua Tai Sui of the Purple-Gold Protoss. Although the clone has been changed, your Star Power Transfer can still be used. Your current body plus the clone can be used if you transfer Star Power. If you take another divine power pill, you may not have the strength to fight Ning Qingxuan!"

Hearing what Kris said, Lin really slapped his forehead!

That's right! When he lost his clone, he never used Star Power Transfer again, forgetting that he still had such an ability.

Now the avatars of the body are all there, just as the star power is transferred again.

Ning Qingxuan has chased Lin Zhen for three days. In these three days, Lin Zhen has also passed the weakening period of the Shenli Pill, and now he can take the pill again.

The efficacy of the Shenli Pill is half an hour. Chris told him that as long as he persisted for 20 minutes, a planet would come over. This made Lin Zhen have a crazy idea, that is, turning his head and chasing him all the way. My own woman fights!

Lin Zhen has never been a peaceful master in his bones, otherwise he would not deliberately become a little boy stealing fragrance and jade in order to vent his anger, and kiss the princess.

In his opinion, there are probably not many beauties at the level of the prince princess in the entire Metaverse, and he would not lose a kiss, but Lin Zhen didn't know that his mischief had won his first kiss.

But at this moment, the anger being chased by Ning Qingxuan was too great, and Lin Zhen couldn't care about that much.

Lin Zhen let the clone enter the dark star space, Lin Zhen used the long-lost star power transfer, and transferred all the star power to the body!

The 2.8 million star power of the body, plus the 3 million star power of the clone, made Lin Zhen’s star power soar to 580!

once again took out a magic pill, Lin Zhen swallowed it in one bite.

He didn't have much inventory of Shenli Dan. After eating this, there was only one left, and he couldn't care about it at the moment.

Shenli Pill increased the star power by 40%, making Lin Zhen's star power directly to 8.12 million!

Eight million one hundred twenty thousand star power, this is Lin Zhen's unprecedented power!

Lin Zhen didn't use black hole swallowing this time, because Lin Zhen felt that the current black hole swallowing might not be able to kill Ning Qingxuan, because Ning Qingxuan now has an extra seven-color Xia Yi on her body, and there is a rich space on that Xia Yi The power is probably a treasure that can hide in a different dimension. In case the black hole storm fails, Lin Zhen's last hole card will be gone.

Instead of doing that, it's better to fight once!

Only feeling the power of the whole body is extremely full, Lin Zhen has a double-headed magic dragon running desperately between his legs: "Don't run, let's go back and clean up that girl!"

The double-headed dragon also felt the super improvement of the master’s strength on its back. It was also angry, and no one wanted to be chased all the time. Seeing an ambitious opportunity, the double-headed dragon immediately turned the dragon's head and moved towards it like a mad dog. The five-color deer rushed over.

The five-color deer's galloping stamina is above the double-headed magic dragon. Seeing that it is almost catching up with the magic dragon, it unexpectedly dared to turn around and kill it back.

Ning Qingxuan looked at Lin Zhen, who was attacking frantically with a long spear on the back of the double-headed dragon, and a sneer appeared in her eyes: "Did the dog jump the wall in a hurry?"

Lin really heard Ning Qingxuan's ridicule, and suddenly grinned: "Prince princess, is your brother's kiss sweet?"

Ning Qingxuan, who was about to shoot, suddenly blushed, more angry: "Thief! Damn you!"

But this moment of pause gave Lin Zhen a chance, and the broken Yue spear in his hand flicked, and ten thousand pear blossoms enveloped the past.

As soon as Lin Zhen took the shot, Ning Qingxuan felt that the strength of the opponent was completely different, which was completely different from before!

However, as an immortal martial artist, Ning Qingxuan could not be afraid of Lin Zhen, waving the Qingfeng sword in her hand, and resolutely greeted her!

The satellite falls!

Lin Shin's move is his most powerful attack!

Ning Qingxuan is also hard enough, she actually blocked her with a long sword in her hand, and after a loud noise that shook the space, the two of them retreated at the same time!

Ning Qingxuan stepped back about a few hundred meters, while Lin Zhen was repelled thousands of meters away!

"This woman is too strong! With short weapons against my long weapons, she can still gain the upper hand. I really don't know if my black hole storm will work for her."

But this didn't stop Lin Zhen from fighting enthusiasm. Fighting against an immortal warrior was also an experience, which Lin Zhen desperately desired. He once again brandished his spear to kill Ning Qingxuan.

Time accelerates!

Shake the mountain shooting!

The powerful offensive was able to withstand Ning Qingxuan's swordsmanship, and the two fought in the void.

Ning Qingxuan's fierceness was unexpected by Lin Zhen, her swordsmanship was simply outrageous, every time she shot, it would inevitably lead to space tearing, which was actually much stronger than Lin Zhen's current star power!

Ning Qingxuan’s star power is definitely more than 10 million! There are even more than ten million!

After three rounds, Lin Zhen's 8 million star power only lasted for three rounds before he fell completely.

But Lin Zhen is not a fuel-saving lamp. With this kind of star power, he is also a style of play regardless of his own safety. He has not even turned on his immobile martial arts. Every shot is a dead-end style of play. Ning Qingxuan also Quite uncomfortable.

铮铮铮~~! ! !

After the continuous weapon impact, Lin Zhen fell into the wind again, his mind moved, and his spirit shocked!

Ning Qingxuan's eyes showed disdain, and a mere domain king dared to display a mental shock in front of her, it was almost death.

Her divine infant had long been condensed, and she wanted Lin Zhen to bump into her mentally and teach Lin Zhen a severe lesson.

But she still underestimated Lin Zhen's shamelessness. Of course, Lin Zhen wouldn't touch a rock with an egg. After the mental shock went out, she actually took a sharp turn.

brushed across Ning Qingxuan's chest in a non-destructive way.

Mental shock is of no use if it does not act on the mind, but for people with strong spirits, the strength of the mental shock can still be felt.

Lin really used such a conventional flying method to swipe over the sensitive part of Ning Qingxuan's chest.


Like a light breeze, it passed two points very slightly, but Ning Qingxuan almost vomited blood.

This thief! He actually... How dare...

The extreme embarrassment made Ning Qingxuan forget all the defenses, and the offensive in her hands was also messed up. She just rushed over with a powerful star power, wishing to cut Lin Zhen in half with a single sword!

Ning Qingxuan like this is not so terrible to Lin Zhen.

Having lost his offensive tactics, his immobility can finally be used, and the delaying tactics can also be The handgun technique has changed, and the heavy gun shadows are placed on the iron curtain like a mountain, and Ning Qingxuan The attack was blocked outside.

This is Lin Zhen's tactic. Although shameless, it is extremely effective against such women.

To say that there are also drawbacks, I am afraid that Ning Qingxuan will never forgive herself for letting go of herself in the future, even if Lin Zhen said that he had killed Huahua Tai Sui, it was a matter of revenge for Ning Qingxuan.

What Lin Zhen is doing now is even more extreme than what Huahua Taisui used to do. He first lied to kiss people for the first time, and then struck his chest with mental power. Ning Qingxuan absolutely cannot tolerate these two things.

However, the battle became easier because of this. Ning Qingxuan's messy swordsmanship gave Lin Zhen a chance to breathe. Originally, long weapons occupied a defensive advantage, and immobility was even more defensive. These two points finally made up for the two. There is still a huge gap between human star power.

Time, just like that under Lin Zhen's shameless delaying tactics began to consume every minute and every second.

Soon, fifteen minutes passed.

Ning Qingxuan's attack for such a long time did not take Lin Zhen, and she gradually recovered some sense in her heart.

She felt that she couldn't continue like this. If you want to get rid of the thief who has continuously ruined her innocence, she must be rational.

But when Ning Qingxuan adjusted her mood and wanted to give Lin Zhen a heavy blow, she felt that in the starry sky behind Lin Zhen, an extremely huge pressure was rapidly hitting! ) Download the free reader!!