Era of Universal Evolution

~: Warmly celebrate the book's 2 million words!

In the era of national evolution, more than seven months have passed since the book was opened, and the black soil is also conceiving every day. Working over and over again under the circumstances of codewords, until today, I suddenly discovered that the original book has reached two million!

Two million! Although it is not too much in today's web environment, if it were twenty years ago, one million would be a masterpiece, let alone two million.

Of course, this book cannot be regarded as a masterpiece. It is just an ordinary online literature. Thanks to the support of readers, it has gone all the way to today.

Hei Tu is very grateful to the readers for their company all the way. To tell you the truth, this book has been hacked since the day it was opened. Countless people have complained about what is not good here. Hei Tu is also very diligent in improving it. Everyone’s opinions are reasonable. The black soil will be absorbed and even modified on the spot.

Today, the black soil does not disturb those readers who spit on me. Thank you for watching. I am sorry for not writing it. I am even more grateful to those who have always supported me. With you, we have today's era of national evolution with more than two million words.

Moreover, the black soil discovered a coincidence. When the book reached two million words, the monthly ticket ranking was two hundred. Can we make the first two become one? Readers who like this book and support this book, please vote for it, thanks! )!!