Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 653: God Punishment Star

Holding this wanted warrant in his hand, Liang Chen felt that he was an SB.

After some thoughts, he already had a guess in his heart that Lin Zhen was originally a realm king, and this person who fooled around in the galaxy period should be his clone!

The thought that he was being teased by a realm king made him angry.

"Asshole! I said I almost couldn't beat you every time. It turned out that you were digging a hole for me and deliberately cheating Lao Tzu's money!"

Although his anger surged, Liang Chen didn't lose his mind completely.

Since the opponent is the realm king, he is definitely not an opponent. The realm king of the Zijin Protoss is not a joke.

As for the clone of this galaxy period, it is not easy to deal with. Let alone it is difficult to beat him. After he is promoted to the Great Elder, it is estimated that two longevity guards will come over soon. At that time, Liang Chen I am afraid there will never be a chance for revenge.

This wanted order is useless now. The great elder of an alchemy guild is useless even if the empire is wanted. The alchemy guild will not allow it.

"No, I'm afraid I can't handle this alone. I must go back and tell my mother."

Just thinking of going back to Ning Qingxuan, Liang Chen stopped again.

Zijin Protoss, these words are a taboo in front of Ning Qingxuan, unless it is determined that this Zijin Protoss is the Huahua Tai Sui, otherwise no one should mention the Zijin Protoss in front of her.

"Huahua Tai Sui... This Lin Zhen actually also uses Snap Finger Sword Qi."

Seeing the introduction on the wanted order, another thought arose in Liang Chen's heart.

However, this idea was not well-founded, and the vengeful Liang Chen decided to investigate.

To investigate clearly, Liang Chen could no longer be in Nanliang. He decided to go to Xianle County to investigate how this Gu Yunting died in the first place, and check Lin Zhen's previous situation.

"Lin Zhen, if it's what I think, you won't have a place to be buried this time!"

Liang Chen is also a person who wants to do it. He knows that this matter may not be so easy to investigate. The situation has changed and many clues are gone, but he must also do it.

Not only must it be done, but as soon as possible, because there are still three years left, and the Star of God's Punishment is about to open. It is a long-awaited event that Liang Chen has been waiting for, and he will come back before then.


There is a legend in the Yuanjie that the martial artist reaching longevity is not the end, the same longevity strong, strength is also divided into strength, and there is a realm above longevity.

But if you want to move on above the longevity, you must refine the divine body before entering the longevity, otherwise you will stop in the longevity forever.

The tempering of the divine body is very difficult. The most common method is that when the endless star sea god’s punishment star is opened, all warriors below the longevity can enter. The achievements in it will determine the potential of your divine body and also determine your future. How far can you go.

Among the Nanliang, for example, the crown prince Ning Qingxuan, once tempered the divine body in the star of punishment, so that at a young age, other immortal warriors are afraid.

The so-called God's Punishment Star refers to those great gods with supreme abilities. When the God's Punishment is imposed on a certain planet, this planet will undergo a great change, and everything will become unknown. That is the dangerous hell. Earth, if you want to temper the divine body, you must go to this planet.

Moreover, every time the Star of God's Punishment descends, it is not possible for anyone to enter it. The metaworld is unimaginable. No matter how big a planet is, it is impossible to hold many people, so there are quota restrictions.

For example, the Nanliang Empire has only one thousand places!

Don't think that there are a lot of 1,000 places. Nanliang, as a country much larger than the Fire Kirin Empire, has a population that is dozens of times that of the Fire Kirin.

One thousand places are evenly distributed, and only one place will be available among about one trillion people!

There are too many hidden forces in an empire. Even if Liang Chen is a grandson, if Ning Qingxuan hadn't helped him fight for him, he wouldn't be able to get this place to go to the Star of God's Punishment.

Liang Chen knew that another grandson of his generation, and even the grandson that the old emperor liked very much, wanted to get a place but didn't get it!

As for other people who want to get a spot, that's not even thinking about it.

So Lin Zhen had to resolve the matter, but he couldn't delay him from going to the Star of Punishment. This was the bottom line.

Lin Zhen's days in the Alchemist Guild calmed down.

As the great elder, he can hardly be disturbed, just concentrate on studying alchemy every day.

That Liang Chen never came to challenge him again, and Lin Zhen had no one to challenge the ring in the galaxy field, so he simply withdrew from the ring.

His current goal is to enter the star field period.

After entering the ninth level of the galaxy, Lin Zhen needs a little time to digest the medicine before he can swallow the medicine again and become the domain king. The transition period of medicine has not yet arrived, and it will take about half a year.

During this period of time, Lin Zhen would accumulate a large amount of medicines every day, and directly hand them over to the guild to sell them on his behalf.

The name of the great elder is still very easy to use, not to mention that Lin Zhen's drugs have very few side effects and are very popular in the market. They quickly opened up the situation, making millions or even tens of millions of profits every day.

Every month, Lin Zhen also took out an improved supernatural power pill for auction.

This drug has aroused great enthusiasm in the market in Nanliang.

Especially the first person to take the Shenli Pill at a price of 300 million yuan. After taking revenge with this pill, the price of the pill continued to rise.

In the second month, the Shenli Dan sold 700 million, and the third month was 1 billion.

After that, the lowest transaction price was one billion.

While making a lot of money every day, Lin Zhen is still accumulating, and while accumulating wealth, he also accumulates pill. Once he enters the domain king, he is ready to advance to the ninth level of domain king.

The Alchemist General Association also had information. Now the number of longevity realm martial artists is a little insufficient, and the major alchemists have already transferred one back, and the General Association can only equip Lin Zhen with a bodyguard.

This news was brought by Nalan Chenxi, just in time for Lin Zhen to have a bodyguard, he would always adjust the system, and this bodyguard has not been dispatched yet, so he felt a little sorry.

Hearing Nalan Chenxi's words, Lin Zhen smiled and said, "Brother, you can't decide this kind of thing. What's worth apologizing."

Nalan Chenxi smiled, and then said to Lin Zhen: "Brother, in fact, I think it's okay if you don't need this bodyguard for the time being. Every day in the Alchemist Guild, no one dares to trouble you. With this opportunity, you can Talk to the general meeting about the conditions."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Not equipped with longevity bodyguards, in exchange for a place to go to God's Punishment Star."

Hearing this topic, Lin Zhen fell silent.

He has been thinking about this question for a long time, and the quota of the Star of God's Punishment is the hottest thing right now.

On the black market, the quota of God's Punishment Star has been fired to a sky-high price, 50 billion! This was the price that someone offered at the very beginning, but there was still no market. After that, the price climbed all the way, and there is no record of transaction.

It's just that Lin Zhen has been busy making alchemy recently, and he doesn't know much about this matter, so he just took this opportunity to ask Nalan Chenxi.

"President, what's the matter with this **** of punishment?"

"That's the case. It is said that when the metaworld was in the beginning, there were great gods between heaven and earth, and the power was incredible."

"The great **** takes care of everything in the world, and gives people the opportunity to escape from eternal life and to ascend the position of God. That opportunity is on the star of God's punishment."

"Every 100,000 years, the great **** will bring an opportunity to temper the divine body on a certain planet. The people on that planet must have offended the gods in some way. After the opportunity for divine body tempering comes, everything on the planet will be destroyed. , It has become an extremely dangerous place, and the opportunity for divine body tempering is hidden in some places on this planet. This is the origin of the star of divine punishment."

After hearing Nalan Chenxi's explanation, Lin Zhen finally understood.

"Is there a limit to the number of opportunities for tempering the divine body?"

"Yes, according to past historical records, there are only one hundred opportunities for tempering the divine body each time, among which 60 are for the primary divine body ~ ~ 30 for the intermediate divine body and nine for the advanced divine body. , And another is the tempering of the first-level divine body."

"Warriors from various places will compete here for the quota of divine body tempering. Only those who get this hundred quotas will have the opportunity to get out of the immortal realm and move to a higher position in the future. This is an essential part. ."

Lin Zhen looked at Nalan Chenxi: "The president, you...?"

"Oh~! My life is not good. I was born at an untimely time. Now I am more than 20,000 years old and I have cultivated to the realm of longevity. I will never have the chance to go to the Star of God's Punishment. Otherwise, I have to fight for everything."

"Then I don't want a bodyguard in the longevity realm now, can I exchange it for a chance to go to the star of punishment?"

"If only this is not enough, you must know that the current quota of the Star of God's Punishment has been fired to what price, but your situation is quite special. The sixth-grade peak alchemist who is in his early thousand years is in general. The meeting is almost unique. I recommend it to you. If you pay a little money yourself, it should be almost the same."

"About how much does it cost?"

"30 billion, if there are 30 billion, this opportunity should be able to win."

"Do you enter the Star of God's Punishment, and compete with the geniuses of the entire Metaverse? How long will it take?" Lin Zhen pondered.

If Lin Zhen didn't have a clone, he believed that he might not be qualified to participate in this competition, but with a clone, he felt that he could try it.

After all, Huahua Taisui's clone is in the realm king powerhouse, that is also a first-class existence.

The only problem is that the two Ice Soul Needles cannot be unblocked temporarily.

But this does not hinder Lin Zhen's determination to give it a try. If he does not go to the Star of God's Punishment this time, I am afraid that he will not have another chance!

"Good chairman, I agree!"