Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 652: The wanted order was found

After Deacon Feng finished speaking, Nalan Chenxi looked at Elder Wang: "Elder Wang, what do you think?"

Elder Wang looked at Lin Zhen and weighed it in his heart. In his opinion, Lin Zhen was young and absolutely impossible to be an alchemist.

Even if it was, it was probably a first-grade apprentice, or a second-grade alchemist, it was not worth mentioning.

Besides, Liang Chen also stood firmly on this side. They were all grasshoppers on the same rope, and of course they had to advance and retreat together.

So he resolutely said: "I thought this Lin Zhen must be a liar."

Nalan Chenxi sighed slightly, then looked at Lin Zhen: "Then Mr. Lin Zhen, do you have anything to say?"

Lin Zhen smiled: "I have a recorded video here. Let me show you first."

This is also thanks to Chrissy. This intelligent being found something valuable, and recorded it directly without Lin Zhen's instructions. Just told Lin Zhen that she had recorded the conversation between Liang Chen and Deacon Feng, and they accused Lai Lin. Really picture.

When the video played, everyone's face changed.

Unexpectedly, Liang Chen actually wanted to conspire with Deacon Feng and Elder Wang to put a lot of shoddy pills on the market.

As for the method described by Deacon Feng, everyone understood that it was nothing more than to sell it to the guild as an agent, which was also smashing the guild’s signboard.

After reading it completely, Nalan Chenxi said blankly: "You said Lin Zhen stole medicinal materials, do you have evidence?"

Deacon Feng's face was already very ugly at this time, but he still insisted: "He is not a member of the guild. He is sneaky in the guild. I suspect that he is not unreasonable, and you have also heard the president. People pretending to be alchemists, is this true."

Nalan Chenxi glanced at Dwyane next to him: "Brother, it seems that both of us are blind-eyed people. At least in the eyes of Deacon Feng, people who are blind will think Lin Zhen is an alchemist. We two Should one pull his eyeballs off?"

Dwyane snorted coldly: "There are indeed people who need to pick eyeballs, but it's definitely not you and me, guild leader. It seems that we are too high, and the guild needs to be reorganized."

After that, Nalan Chenxi asked Charles: "Elder, these are all your disciples and grandchildren, what do you think should be done?"

Charles had been holding back for a long time. Hearing Nalan Chenxi's question, he stepped forward without saying anything, and slapped Elder Wang fiercely on the face!

"You bastard. When you become an elder, you think your wings are hard. Tell you to be cautious in accepting disciples to see what you are accepting? Blind dog eyes, dare to slander Lin Zhenda in public. I think he is tired of life. Up!"

Elder Wang was knocked unconscious by the slap of the elder Charles, and asked for a moment: "Who? Elder Lin Zhen."

"The guild has already issued a general order at the front desk," Nalan Chenxi asked.

"Posted, I watched it when I came down. Elder Lin Zhen's name has already been entered and has been on the staff list, but these people didn't even look at it."

Nalan Chenxi nodded: "Lin is really the new senior elder of our Alchemy Association. It has been recognized by the Association. You actually slandered a major elder for stealing medicinal materials. It is simply a slander in the world. You don't know how to do bad things My brain."

"He.... He is actually the Great Elder, when did it happen?" Deacon Feng was completely stupid.

Dwyane also said: "Elder Lin Zhen's assessment was personally invigilated by the president and I. There is no moisture. Are we going to disclose the content of the assessment to you? You don't see if you are qualified!"

At this time, Charles came to Nalan Chenxi and Dwyane with a face of shame: "President, Vice President, I am responsible for this matter. I didn't teach a good apprentice, so please punish me."

"You don't need to punish you, just pay attention in the future, you still think about how they handle it."

Charles firmly said: "These two people not only want to sell shoddy pills to destroy the reputation of the guild, but they also slander the elder and reverse black and white. Such people cannot stay in the guild. I suggest expelling them. Removed from the guild!"

Nalan Chenxi nodded: "Not only will he be expelled, but he must also notify the general association and blacklist them. Such alchemists will never be hired by any guild in the Metaverse in the future!"

Nalan Chenxi's punishment was too severe, and she lost her qualifications as alchemists. Even if they had alchemy skills, they could only become dark alchemists who could not see the light in the future, and no guild would hire them.

Elder Wang and Deacon Feng wanted to beg for mercy. Charles, who was already impatient, picked up the two of them with one hand, and threw them all outside, and one of them gave a foot, and completely swept them out.

After doing all this, Nalan Chenxi faced Liang Chen.

"His Royal Highness, I deeply regret that you want to corrupt my guild's reputation. In addition, please note that Lin is really the elder of our guild. Please give him due respect. Please leave now."

Liang Chen's face turned red and white, and this incident today has lost my lord.

I believe that things will spread soon and my mother will know, and his life will be sad again.

Moreover, Liang Chen owed a lot of money after getting this medicinal material. Now there are no alchemists, and the basic medicinal materials are all rotten in his hands.

He also really didn't expect that this Lin Zhen was actually the great elder of the Alchemy Master Guild, this is a very status person, no worse than his grandson.

Even before he became the throne, it is estimated that people still value the great elder more.

Knowing that there is no advantage to take advantage of, Liang Chen gave Lin Zhen a fierce look and left the Alchemy Master Guild in embarrassment.

"Well, what are you watching! Why should I go!"

The people around were all gone, with a look of excitement on their faces, and there was another post-dinner conversation.

Nalan Chenxi came to Lin Zhen's side and said with a smile: "Okay, it's just a small matter, don't affect our mood for eating."

Charles was also embarrassed to apologize to Lin Zhen, after all, he was responsible.

At this time, Dwyane asked Lin Zhen suddenly: "Brother, why don't you reveal your identity? If you reveal your identity, they definitely don't have the guts to slander you."

Lin Zhen smiled: "I said I did it on purpose, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Several people glanced at each other and all smiled. This newly promoted elder seems to be quite bad. This is deliberately digging holes for those people to jump. The two alchemists are good to say that His Royal Highness is not the one who fought with Doudou. It's light.

However, Nalan Chenxi patted Lin Zhen on the shoulder: "Brother, I still want to remind you that although Liang Chen is nothing, but he has a short-term mother, Ning Qingxuan has not married the prince, but Her strength is also very good in the longevity martial artist, you have to be careful."

Lin Zhen nodded slightly, he was also on guard, he really didn't want to face Ning Qingxuan, for nothing else, once the clone was discovered, the trouble would be great.


Leaving the Alchemy Master Guild, Liang Chen returned to his home in frustration.

He didn't expect Lin Zhen to be the elder of the guild, but this was not the most important thing. The important thing was that his financial path was cut off.

There is no money to challenge, and he can't get back the lost money, which makes him unable to swallow this breath.

After thinking about it, in the end he felt that he should still ask for money from those who wanted to be wanted. At the beginning, it might be a little too much. Only a few dozen counties paid for it. This time he should screen out and select those who have committed repeat offenders. Wanted, and then specifically went to the county guard to ask for money, the success rate should be much higher, at most he reduced the price to 500 million.

Flipping over the wanted orders on the table, Liang Chen began to select key objects.

As far as Metaverse is concerned, murder and arson is not considered a serious crime. Everyone is a warrior. Fighting is an ordinary thing. Only those who have caused a significant impact will be wanted.

"Destroying people all over the door... this is worth two hundred million."

"Kill the son of a palace lord...the **** is also wanted, then take 500 million to talk."

"The concubine who stole the county guard...this is too embarrassing for him to be wanted, and he is not afraid that people will laugh out big teeth! One billion! This is absolutely indispensable."

"Kill the president of the Medicinal Materials Association...this one is worthless."

Liang Chen threw the wanted warrant away, and suddenly an electric light flashed through his mind.

"who is it!"

He grabbed the wanted warrant that he had thrown away, his eyes sparkling!

Because there were two big characters on the wanted warrant, "Lin Zhen!"

"I'm not dazzling, this Lin Zhen is actually a wanted criminal?"

I picked up the wanted warrant and read it carefully. There is also a picture on it. Liang Chen took a look and confirmed that this is Lin Zhen Zijin Protoss Realm Wang Lin Zhen... . "

These words attracted Liang Chen's attention. If you look at these words alone, they are definitely not alone with Lin Zhen, even if they are exactly the same length.

Because the Lin Zhen he knew was only a galaxy period, definitely not a realm king, otherwise it would be impossible for Lin Zhen to set the stage in the galaxy field of the arena.

But Liang Chen still felt that they were the same person because they were so alike.

"Check Lin Zhen's situation for me." Liang Chen ordered.

After a while, he got a copy of the information.

Lin Zhen: From the Muwangfu of Xianle County, a warrior from the New Territories who came to Tianmen, the current elder of the Nanliang Empire Alchemist Guild...

Here is another coincidence. Lin Zhen on the wanted list is also from the Muwangfu of Xianle County. It is normal if the name is the same, and it is normal to come from the same place, but the same name, and from the same place, even long It's exactly the same!

And when he looked carefully, he found that Lin Zhen on this wanted order was actually an alchemist, but Lin Zhen on the wanted order was a fifth-rank alchemist, and now this was a sixth-rank alchemist.

"No! There would be no such coincidence in the world..."

Liang Chen held the wanted warrant in his hand, thinking that the wanted person and Lin Zhen were definitely the same person.

As for why the wanted warrant said he was the realm king, why this Lin is really a human race, and that one is a Zijin **** race, he has not yet figured out.

In short, there is definitely something he didn't understand.

But he seemed to understand one thing.

That means I was fooled. If these two Lins are really alone, then the ring of the galaxy is definitely a trap! A trap that tricks oneself into throwing money in!