Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 654: Break to the domain king!

"Elder Lin Zhen, I'm telling you a good news. I have received all the skeletons of the ape!"

Furuya's voice sounded, making Lin Zhen refreshed.

After giving 30 billion to Nalan Chenxi, Lin Zhen hoped to acquire bones every day while practicing alchemy, and now finally harvested the fifth bone.

After retrieving the Violent Ape skeleton from Furuoya, Lin Zhen was only two bones away.

One is the skeleton of a unicorn, and the other is the skeleton of a phoenix.

"If I can unblock the Bone Divine Needle in three years, then I will have a strong competitiveness in the Divine Punishment Star. The 4.5 million star power clone can already crush most of the realm kings."

Lin Zhen silently calculated the time, two and seven months before the opening of the Star of Punishment.

And in more than a month, he would almost be able to swallow Ju Yuan San again and be promoted to the domain king.

In addition, Lin Zhen was not idle during this period of time except for alchemy. The person who made alchemy was his clone, and his body had been practicing in the dimensional universe.

There are no more opponents to challenge in the galaxy period. Lin Zhen fights against simulated opponents in the arena every day.

This is another costly place.

"Chrissy, is there anything I need to improve in my current training plan?"

"Master, the training plan I made for you can be said to be the most reasonable. It is absolutely guaranteed that you will use every second of your time. Five hours a day to practice the five star-falling poses and five hours to practice the Taiyuan sword technique. Hours are used to dissolve medicinal powers and cultivate star power, and there are five hours to cultivate mental power, and every five hours, you have one hour of relaxation time."

"How much does it cost every day?"

"The realistic venue of the arena, ten hours a day, thirty million a day."

Lin Zhen nodded. Martial artist training is inseparable from money. The Dimensional Universe is the best place to improve, especially the Starfall Five Forms and Taiyuan Swordsmanship. As long as you spend your money every day, you can fight various warriors. It is of great benefit to practice.

"Master, you need about 630 days to train according to the plan I specified. It takes 520 days to practice Taixu's fourth style of Taiyuan sword technique, and it takes 520 days to practice planetary fall. With these two martial arts, you are in The competitiveness of the Star of God's Punishment will greatly increase. Even if you are a domain king, you can leapfrog and fight the domain king. The time before you enter the domain king will be very short, about 36 days."

"Okay, then everything goes according to plan!"


When Lin Zhen was cultivating hard, Liang Chen had already spotted some eyebrows in Xianle County.

In order to find out the truth about Lin Zhen's fight with Gu Yunting, Liang Chen made great efforts on the site of Tengtian Tower and completely restored the original Tengtian Tower.

According to the analysis of the intelligent system, Liang Chen began to approach the truth step by step.

"In the beginning, Lin Zhen rushed in from this window. When he first hit, the wall of the window frame was completely shattered by his fist."

Standing at the window where Lin Zhen used the satellite to land, Liang Chen simulated the scene of Lin Zhen falling from the sky.

"Then Gu Yunting made a sword in this position..."

"Encounter! Gu Yunting lost..."

"From the wreckage of the original building, it can be seen that the power of Lin Zhen's attack should be derived from the ancient book he bought."

Liang Chen had guessed a lot of things based on the news and video footage he received later.

"After Lu Yang arrived, Lin Zhen exposed the identity of the Zijin Protoss. In this way, Lin Zhen may not be Lin Zhen anymore, he is completely another person."

After having this guess in his mind, Liang Chen took out the investigation situation a while ago.

"Based on some clues from high-priced purchases, I learned that Huahua Taisui once lived in a remote place in Xianle County, completely mixed with ordinary people, and Lin Zhen had been there during this time."

"Later, Huahua Taisui disappeared. The person who continued to survive was Lin Zhen. I also investigated the servants of their house and confirmed the traces of Lin Zhen's visit."

"Then it's easy to draw conclusions about things like this. Lin Zhen went to Huahua Taisui for some reason. One of them was dead, and the dead person was made a clone."

In Liang Chen's heart, he felt that he already had the answer, that is, the person who died was Lin Zhen, and the person who survived was Huahua Taisui.

For this piece of evidence, he worked hard for half a year, searching all the insiders at the time, including Lu Yang, including the people in Tengtian Tower, including the Alchemist Guild, and even including Some ordinary people hired by Huahua Taisui have formed a complete chain of evidence.

Confidence has figured out the truth of all the facts, Liang Chen can no longer stay here.

"It can be over, Lin Zhen, your painted skin will soon be dismantled by me. You are not Lin Zhen at all, but a notorious bastard. The person my father and mother want to kill the most, Huahua Taisui!"

"I know your purpose very clearly. With the help of Lin Zhen's clone, it is your purpose to break into the Alchemy Master Guild, and then heal and resolve your mother's Ice Soul Needle!"

"Do you think you can protect your safety by being an alchemist? It's a big mistake. Even if you become an alchemist, your father and mother will have a way to clean up you!"

However, Liang Chen didn't want to give the news to his father. He planned to tell Ning Qingxuan.

With this great secret, Liang Chen embarked on the way home.


Before Liang Chen returned to Nanliang, an old man appeared at the door of the Alchemist Guild.

This person is all in the dust, and his clothes are messy, and he knows that he has not been very good.

But his aura is enough to make the passersby retreat, because this person is a realm king, a realm king of the ninth level!

Ke Jianglong~!

Ke Jianglong's life in the Metaverse was a bit too tragic. After coming out of the Heavenly Gate, he returned to the Metaverse, but because of Lin Zhen's affairs, the Qilin family had no place for him.

Although he is a powerful realm king, he can't dominate in the new world like the New Realm. Whenever he sees those longevity temples, Ke Jianglong has to take a detour, because he dare not offend the longevity martial artist.

He knew that the tribulation of Tianmen had basically cut off his hope of promotion to longevity, because the knot in his heart could not be resolved.

He is more than nine thousand years old. If he still has a chance to advance to the longevity, then it is to kill Lin Zhen, and he has a bad breath in his heart, maybe he still has a chance.

After receiving guidance from Elder Qin, he went to Xianle County to hunt down Lin Zhen, but unfortunately even no one had seen it. Lin Zhen ran away like a rabbit, without a trace.

The other two realm kings sent by Gu Yunting had long since retreated, and only Ke Jianglong was still pursuing Lin Zhen's whereabouts.

He does not have the authority of Liang Chen to inquire about Lin Zhen's information. He only has to persevere in searching. Based on the clues of the teleportation formation, he followed the vines and walked countless wrong paths, and finally went through almost five or six months of investigation , He finally found here.

When he got here, he knew that Lin Zhen had actually become the great elder of the Alchemy Master Guild.

"Lin Zhen! You made me so miserable, and now even the Qilin clan can't return. I still want to live leisurely and dream here!"

"Although I don't know how you became a great elder, I don't believe that you will never go out. I have found that you have another residence here. As long as you go home, it will be when you perish! "

Ke Jianglong stepped on the alchemy master guild for a few days, and finally locked Lin Zhen's residence outside.

He disguised himself as a small vendor, condensed the breath of his body, and then stayed around Lin Zhen's house every day, waiting for the moment when Lin Zhen returned home in this way.

Lin Zhen is now practicing in the arena.

In front of him, there was an opponent at the first level of the Realm King, with a star power of 1.4 million!

Lin Zhen's body is fighting against the realm king.

Holding the magic light sword in one hand, Lin Zhen's sword spirit is like a rainbow, running back and forth!

The third style of Taiyuan swordsmanship, Taishi!

After several rounds of fighting, Lin Zhen, who was at a disadvantage, suddenly displayed his latest insights.

This Taiyuan swordsmanship deserves the reputation of ancient cheats. The Taishi swordsmanship was developed, UU Reading www.uukā is like the first ray of light that bursts between heaven and earth, directly destroying the sword aura of the other world king!


The two swords collided, and the realm king's body flew out, his chest torn apart, and soon turned into light and disappeared.

"Huh~! It's still a bit difficult. With this sword technique, I can defeat the realm king whose star power has reached 1.4 million, but this is also the limit."

Lin Zhen retreated from the dimensional universe and began to adjust his state.

"This level is still not enough. To enter the Star of God's Punishment, my clone is my biggest hole card, so I can't easily use it. The most routine battles are still done by the body."

"No matter how you practice in the galaxy stage, it is impossible to do much due to the limitation of the realm. I really want to compete with the other genius warriors of the gods of punishment and the metaverse, so I can only enter the star field stage!"

"The domain king, even in the metaworld, has a certain status, especially the powerful domain king can even rival the realm king. My goal is a domain king who can defeat most realm kings!"

After adjusting his breath a few times, Lin Zhen felt that his state was almost at its best at the moment.

Especially the medicinal properties of the last time he took the pill in his body had completely disappeared at this moment.

In other words, he already had the conditions to swallow the medicine again.

"It's time for me to break through. It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, just tonight."

Lin Zhen looked around. The breakthrough in the Alchemy Master Guild was safer, but there was too much movement in the breakthrough and it would inevitably be noticed by others. Lin Zhen didn't want to.

He also has a yard, which he bought at the beginning and didn't live in it much, but now it comes in handy.

After preparing all the pills for the breakthrough in his hand, Lin Zhen flashed away and left the courtyard of the Alchemist Guild.

Go back to your yard and break through to the domain king!