Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 633: The old enemy appeared

After the hot sales on the first day, the business started to drop slightly on the second day, but the sales are still amazing, with daily sales exceeding 500 million!

This means that Lin Zhen earns 400 million yuan every day!

It's just that Lin Zhen knew that such days would not last too long. He made alchemy by himself, and how could he not be able to supply Xianle County, a place that was even bigger than the intermediate civilized universe.

After the inventory in the past few years has been sold out, Lin Zhen still has to implement quota sales, and can only sell as much as a fixed amount every day.

It's just that he didn't expect that Gu Yunting hadn't come to make trouble, and didn't know what he was doing.

Since Gu Yunting is not coming, Lin Zhen is happy to make money first, he still has a lot to do.


Above Tengtian Tower, Gu Yunting welcomed a guest.

"Haha! Welcome, welcome, welcome to visit Elder Qin, someone Gu has been waiting for you for a long time."

A rough-looking man walked in with shaggy, messy hair.

If Lin Zhen were here, he would definitely recognize who the rough man was.

This person was the elder Qin from the Fire Qilin clan who borrowed the wormhole from Tianmen.

"Mr. Gu, we haven't seen each other for a few years. This time I passed by here, but you specially invited me here. Just tell me if you have anything."

Elder Qin sat down, took a sip of tea and asked.

"Hehe, let's not talk about this. Elder Qin is the elder of the Qilin clan, with a busy schedule. When I came to Xianle County this time, why should I give Gu a chance to do my best as a landlord?"

"Mr. Gu, I don't like going around. If you have something to do, just say it straight. If it's okay, I won't be with you if I have anything to do."

"Well, since Elder Qin has something to do, I won't go around in circles. I want to ask if you guys from the Qilin clan live out, can they be returned to the clan?"

Elder Qin pondered for a moment: "Are you talking about Metaverse or New World?"

"It's someone from the New Territories."

"It can be possible, but you also know that when the New Territories warriors come to the Metaverse, their lives are difficult, and survival is a problem. They all wish to return to the clan as soon as possible, and hope that the clan can feed them, so even if they go back, We also need to review it carefully to see if there is any value. Basically, there will be no cases where we take the initiative to find someone to return."

"Hehe, that's good, I have a person here who comes from the New Territories. I also just learned that he is a member of the Kylin clan. Can you please help me with a certain person? Just call this person back to the Qilin clan. If you feel a little embarrassed, Gu can give the Qilin clan a sum of money. As long as you, Elder Qin, speak, I will never bargain."

"Oh, who is worthy of Mr. Gu?"

"This person is Lin Zhen."

Elder Qin was still drinking tea, and when he heard the name he spouted the tea: "You said his name is Lin Zhen?"

"Yes, it's Lin Zhen. Does Elder Qin know this person?"

Elder Qin looked uncertain for a while, and then took a screenshot from the Dimensional Universe: "Is it this person?"

"Yes, Elder Qin really knows him, so it's better to say, you can take him away."

Elder Qin directly waved his hand: "This matter is absolutely impossible, Mr. Gu, I have no opinion on you mentioning anyone else, but this Lin Zhen definitely can't return to the Qilin Clan. I won't say the specific reasons, and leave!"

Seeing Elder Qin getting up to leave, Gu Yunting hurriedly said, "Hey! Elder Qin, you are not being honest, why don't you leave without saying anything? Gu is sincerely begging you."

Elder Qin stopped, turned his head and said to Gu Yunting: "Then I'll just say it, Lin Zhen is nothing more than a little guy, why are you Mr. Gu rushing to send him away? I'll just give you a sum of money and you just kill him. Forget it."

Gu Yunting stunned, and then showed a bitter smile, "I won't hide from you anymore. Lin Zhen is not a young man anymore. This guy is now the elder of the Alchemy Master Guild, a fifth-rank alchemist, and there is a guild. Asylum, I really don't know how to start, so I wanted to ask Elder Qin to take this person away."

"What? He is a fifth-grade alchemist?"

Elder Qin only felt that the world was a bit overturned. How did Lin Zhen, an inconspicuous brat who became a fifth-grade alchemist?

Could it be that the five-rank alchemy master of the Metaverse has already broken the streets?

You should know that even the exclusive alchemist of the Qilin clan is only a sixth-rank, and the position in the Qilin clan is second only to the patriarch, and everyone has to give him face.

However, this also strengthened Elder Qin's determination to never let Lin Zhen return to the Qilin clan.

Lin Zhen went back. His mistakes more than 700 years ago would have been infinitely magnified. The life of Ke Xiangnan in the clan is just getting better, and I am afraid that there will be another wave of trouble.

Just stop, Elder Qin said to Gu Yunting: "You can't start, you can find someone who can start."

Gu Yunting said: "This person is not easy to find. A few days ago, Lin Zhen and a few of my men killed several domain kings easily. I can't see through this person now, and there is another one beside him. The second-level realm king, and he is active in the Alchemy Master Guild, no matter who goes there, an accidental person will not only kill Lin Zhen, but he will also lose his life there."

"Then you can hire too."

"Employment is not easy. If Lin Zhen has no status, it would be easy to say, but to kill a fifth-grade alchemist, those mercenaries and killers are not fools, they will definitely pay a high price."

Elder Qin thought for a moment: "Otherwise, I would recommend someone to you. If this person passes, he will definitely be able to kill Lin Zhen, and he won't spend a penny."

"Oh! Who?"

"This person is called Ke Jianglong. Because of Lin Zhen's reason, he was chased by the guardian envoy of the Tianmen to suppress him under the Tianmen. He just came out a few days ago. At present, he has no place to settle in the Metaverse. He message, he will definitely come."

Gu Yunting hesitated. Although he hated Lin Zhen, he really didn't dare to offend the guardian of the heavenly gate chasing the moon.

Chasing the moon in the longevity realm warrior is also a very powerful existence. Otherwise, how could it be possible for one person to guard the passage between the two realms, let alone him, who is behind him, and he is also afraid to chase the moon.

"Mr. Gu, you can find someone to speak, not to mention, do you think that the Great Moon Chaser will always follow Lin Zhen? His pursuits are different at his level, and he will definitely not pursue it for this little thing."

After speaking, Elder Qin gave Gu Yunting a dimensional universe number, and left him alone if he could find it.

After Elder Qin left, Gu Yunting hesitated for a while, and finally added a number.

"Lin Zhen, don't think that if you have the shelter of the Alchemy Master Guild, you can do whatever you want in my place. You have been stumbling for a few days!"

"Master, someone in the Dimensional Universe is calling you. It is Susanna, the receptionist of the Alchemist Guild."


Lin Zhen temporarily put aside his alchemy work and connected to Susanna's communication.

"Elder Lin, I bought a copy of Erqinglong blood here, will you come and get it now?"

"Okay, I will come right away."

Lin Zhen came to the guild and got Azure Dragon blood from Susanna.

Now he has the blood of Azure Dragon and Xuanwu, and is still behind the blood of Baihu and Suzaku. With the blood of the four spirits, he can take out the bloodthirsty needle and unlock the one million star power of the clone.

Lin Zhen inquired about Gu Yunting's data. This person's star power was as high as 2.3 million. Even if the current clone passes, he may not be able to win, so this is the reason why he hasn't come to Gu Yunting for a long time.

After giving Susanna a commission, Susanna smiled openly at Lin Zhen and said, "Elder Lin, you have recently made a profit."

"All right, otherwise, can I give you such a big red envelope?" Lin Zhen gave Susana a full one million red envelope, which is definitely not a small number. It is precisely because of this that Susanna will work hard for Lin Zhen. child.

"Elder Lin, I also got a piece of news about Baihu's blood. Would you like to listen?"

Lin Zhen smiled and gave Susana 500,000 again: "I know you can do it, let's say, where is the blood of the white tiger?"

"Just in the world auction house, three days later, in the evening, there is an auction in the world auction house. There is white tiger blood in it. Elder Lin can go and see. I can also help you get the invitation letter for the auction~www.novelhall. com~ Then get me an invitation letter. Also, do things about Suzaku's blood as soon as possible. The purchase price can be doubled directly, and the red envelope I gave you will be doubled!"

"Hee hee, I would like to thank the elder first, but this kind of thing depends on chance. You also know that there are not many people selling Si Ling blood."

"If it's simple, you don't have to trouble Miss Susanna, do it well, I'm leaving."

Taking the Qinglong blood and the invitation letter, Lin Zhen returned to the alchemy room.

In the past few days, the sales of shops have gradually stabilized, but the inventory in hand can't support it for a few days.

But in such a period of time, Lin Zhen made unprecedented money!

Today's sales have just arrived, and the cash in his hand has reached a full 10 billion!

With this money, it was enough to support the journey across thousands of mountains and rivers to the territory of the Phoenix clan.

It was more than twenty years since the millennium he and Feng Qingluan agreed upon, and Lin Zhen didn't want to wait until the last moment.

He planned to sell out the inventory in his hand, then settled Gu Yunting's matter, and then left Xianle County and Nanliang.

This journey is far away, and it is estimated that it will not be very peaceful. If you can get the blood of the four spirits to unlock a magic needle, and have a world king clone with a star power of 3 million, Lin Zhen will be much more sure.

"The body, the clone, both have to be promoted. The clone will have three kinds of blood tomorrow, and my body will be able to reach the ninth level of the galaxy in a few days."

"Now that I have money in my hand, I should also arm my body to see if there are any suitable exercises that I can practice."

Lin Zhen picked up the invitation letter, looked up and down, and then immediately inquired through the Dimensional Universe to see if there was anything worth buying at this auction. After participating in it once, he didn't want to just buy some white tiger blood.