Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 632: Hot!

Lin Zhen turned his head and saw that several domain kings were smiling unscrupulously at him in the crowd.

Lin Zhen knew these people. They were all the domain kings of the nearby shops. They blocked the doors of their own shops on weekdays, but he didn't expect to run into them right now when they went out.

Lin Zhen stopped, "What do you want to do?"

Several domain kings did not put Lin Zhen in their eyes. Although a guild elder had two bodyguards, Lin Zhen obviously did not have a bodyguard.

Even if there is, I have only seen a second-level realm king back then, don't particularly care.

Seeing that Lin Zhen seemed to be a little bit fiercely speaking loudly, a few of them started to think that if they taught an alchemy guild elder here, it would be a tempting thing.

What if you are a fifth-rank alchemist? After all, the strength is not enough.

Each of these domain kings has a star power of about one million, and the strongest one even has a star power of 1.2 million. It is definitely the strongest among the domain kings, and Lin Zhen didn’t pay attention to it at all. Surrounded.

When the people around saw it seemed to be fighting, they all avoided, but they didn't go too far, they were watching the excitement.

The leader of the domain king smiled and said: "It's nothing, just a few of our brothers bought the Ice Fire God Pill in your shop. Not only did it have no effect, but instead vomited and vomited for several days, should we calculate this account?"

Lin Zhen said, "How do you want to count?"

"It's simple, lose money!"

"Yes, you lose money. If you don't have any money, you will sell your store. Anyway, your store hasn't sold a pill for several years."

Lin Zhen shook his head: "My shop won't be sold. You die. As for losing money, we can also calculate whether you pay me or I pay you."

"Oh, do you really take you as that popular ice and fire alchemist? Your pill has long been rotten on the street. What are you still pretending to be in front of us?

A domain king walked behind Lin Zhen and suddenly flew with a kick, extremely fast!

He planned to kick Lin Zhen into a dog to eat shit, so that Lin Zhen would lose face. The elder who was beaten in front of the Alchemy Master Guild would always have this stain with him.

Although he would be punished, he believed that Gu Yunting had a way to deal with it. After all, he was doing things for him.

In his opinion, Lin Zhen is no more than a ninth level galaxy, so he can do whatever he wants.

The people around exclaimed, really fighting!

Lin Zhen didn't look moving, and gently moved to one side, avoiding the opponent's foot by the slightest difference.

"Assault the elders in front of the Alchemist Guild, do you know what the crime is? I can put you to death!"

"Hahaha~! It also depends on whether you have that ability, Lin Zhen, you are stupid for alchemy, forgetting that the most important thing among martial artists is always strength."

Although Lin Zhen escaped a blow, the few domain kings didn't care. This proved nothing. They were worried that others would come out to make trouble, so they just rushed forward and wanted to knock Lin Zhen down in a short time.

Puff puff puff~~~! ! !

Four sword qi bursts out of the sky, and the other five people, four of them have a blood hole between their eyebrows, killed on the spot!

Pointing to the sword, without mercy!

Lin Zhen had a star power of two million, so how could he care about these domain kings and kill four people casually, leaving only the one with more than one million star power.

The domain king suddenly had cold hands and feet, and Lin Zhen's eyes looked like a monster.

Is this still the galactic period? You can kill the domain king at will, just like killing an ant.

Turning around and wanting to flee, how could Lin Zhen give him this opportunity, his eyes condensed, and the golden infant **** infant who was spiritually aware of the sea immediately sent a mental shock!

This domain king didn’t even conceive a **** infant. His mental power was far from Lin Zhen’s. A mental shock first smashed his mental defense artifacts, and then his brain went blank. He staggered and ran for two steps before he fell down. On the ground.

Lin Zhen didn't do his best with this blow, but knocked down his opponent, and then slowly walked over.

One foot stepped on the neck of the domain king: "I just said that you attacked the elders in front of the alchemy master guild. This is a serious sin. I can put you to death at any time. Unfortunately, you don’t listen to my kind words, then Don't blame me for being polite."

"I...we are Mr. Gu's can't...can't kill me."

"Hahaha! Mr. Gu's person, is that Mr. Gu who deliberately opposed me and prevented me from gaining a foothold in the medicine market? That's a big man. Since you said that, I will give him face and let you go back. Bring him a message, we will definitely meet!"

The domain king was overjoyed, thinking that Gu Yunting's name had played a role, and there was hope in his eyes.

"Capital sins can be forgiven, living sins cannot be forgiven, you still have to accept punishment!"

Lin Zhen lifted his finger, and a sword qi directly shot through the dantian qi sea of ​​the domain king!

Star power gushes out like a fountain, shining in the sky, it is really beautiful.

However, the surrounding warriors had a chill on their backs, and a domain king who had cultivated for thousands of years was just like that.

Xingli was emptied alive, such a warrior might as well die as alive.

The process of star power being emptied is not painful, but the martial artist is howling to death. This process is an irreparable pain for him. The feeling of rapid loss of power is enough to make people crazy.

A minute later, the million-star power in his dantian was emptied, completely losing his qualifications as a martial artist.

He got up like a walking corpse, and he stumbled away. There was still a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that Gu Yunting could save him and give him another chance to practice martial arts.

But Lin Zhen knew that a profit-only person like Gu Yunting would not be able to save a worthless person.

Death is his only ending. Lin Zhen kept him and wanted him to give Gu Yunting a word.

After killing these domain kings, Thomas also rushed out with someone in the guild.

"Lin Zhen, are you okay?" Thomas asked Lin Zhen eagerly.

"Thank you, teacher, for your concern. I have nothing at all, but these people attacked me in front of the guild. I have warned them, but they didn’t know how to stop, so I killed them. Everyone at the scene saw me. Also recorded."

Thomas waved his hand: "A bunch of rascals, if they are killed, they will be killed. There is no need to explain. Come on, find a place to burn these guys. Don't leave any scum!"

The black-clothed man behind him came over, and when he raised his hand, several dead domain king corpses disappeared.

The bodyguard of the longevity realm, the people present in shock did not dare to come out, and they also fully experienced the power of the alchemist.

"Lin Zhen, don't say a word when you come back, let's go and have a drink with the teacher."

"Teacher, I'm going to check out the shops and prepare to reopen. When I'm busy with this time, we will get drunk."

"Haha, well, this is what you said, the teacher will just wait."

Thomas took the people back, but Lin Zhen walked out of the crowd and came to the door of his shop.

You could hear the snoring inside the shop outside the door. Lin Feng really had nothing to do, so he simply slept here.

Lin Zhenmai stepped into the door, and the contents inside were messy. It seemed that Lin Zhen was doing alchemy here.

"Your father came to catch you and go home!"

Lin Zhen yelled, and Lin Feng jumped up like a rabbit, directly trying to escape from the window.

Lin Zhen raised his hand, and a force of gravity passed, pulling Lin Feng to his side.

"Ah~! Boss, you are back! Where is my father?"

"Your dad didn't come, get up and work to clean up, our shop will reopen."

Lin Feng was sober now. Lin Zhen was lying to himself and got up to follow Lin Zhen to clean up the house.

Halfway through cleaning, Lin Feng suddenly patted his forehead: "Oh! No, boss, I wanted to escape just now, but I was actually pulled back by your suction. I have more than 1.7 million stars. How could it be pulled back by you?"

"Because I am the boss, it's not very common for the boss to catch the younger brother, so hurry up and work."

Lin Feng mumbled a few words and didn't ask much, but in his heart he also admired Lin Zhen. His cheap boss is not as simple as it seems. The hand just now proves at least one thing, that is His star power is still above himself!

However, Lin Feng's character is open-minded, or it can be said to be heartless. Lin is really his own boss. Of course, the stronger the better. As for why he is so strong, Lin Feng doesn't want to think, and he doesn't want to think.

Two people quickly arranged the house, and Lin Zhen asked someone to make some silk flower baskets and firecrackers. These things that are not popular in Metaverse were displayed, proving that the drugstore was reopened. .

Putting a large amount of pill accumulated over the years on the shelf, and then the firecrackers were set off, which proved that the ice and fire **** pill was back.

This movement attracted the attention of many people, and after seeing the sign of the Ice Fire God Pill, it caused a lot of discussion.

Many people are aware of the fact that the ice and fire **** pill was so popular that it has declined. Now that the drugstore is reopening, some people who have used the ice and fire **** pill and know its benefits immediately rush in, lest they can't buy it later. Good medicine.

On the shelves, Lin Zhen has accumulated for many years, and the supply is sufficient. This day's business can be described in words like fire to explosion.

The goods accumulated in four years were sold out on the first day and one year's inventory was sold!

On this day alone, the turnover of the Ice Fire God Pill reached 3.5 billion!

These are all finished medicines, and 3.5 billion is almost 3 billion in profit. Lin Zhen can be regarded as making a profit.

Because the domain kings of several nearby shops were killed by Lin Zhen, no one came to make trouble all day, and Lin Zhen made a solid profit.

When it closed at night, Lin Fengle couldn't close his mouth, because just now, Lin Zhen gave him a red envelope worth 100 million, which made his excited hands nowhere to put his excited hands, who had never seen so much money. .

"Boss, it would be great if such days can continue. It won't be long before you will become a super rich person."

Lin Zhen smiled: "It won't be that simple, and it won't be as popular as today, and Gu Yunting knows that I will open the door for business again and kill the domain kings, so he will definitely take action against me."

"Then what to do?"

"Nothing to do, I am also waiting for him to come."