Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 634: auctions

The world auction house is also ranked top in the entire Metaverse, and the endless Xinghai auction house and the exclusive auction house are also known as the three largest auction houses.

The auction house itself is a business house. You can buy almost anything you want here. Auctions will only be held when the rarer and precious things appear.

Lin Zhen has the authority to inquire about the goods to be auctioned by the auction house, which can also attract customers.

The White Tiger blood is just the bottom thing here. Although the Si Ling blood is a good thing, it is not too rare.

"Huh~! There is actually an ancient pill!"

There was a picture that came into Lin Zhen's eyes. It was a prescription.

The pill prescriptions of the elixir in the metasphere are basically public. It depends on who can practice it. However, some unique pill prescriptions are unique. The alchemist does not spread the pill prescription outside to ensure the benefit. It is very valuable.

Unknown that this pill was unearthed from that mysterious monument, it appeared in the auction house.

This thing will definitely attract a large number of alchemists to buy it, and of course Lin Zhen is also tempted as an alchemist.

"Although I don't know what it is, since it is unique, it is worth buying."

Locking this pill secretly in his heart, Lin Zhen continued to browse the merchandise.

The things that appeared in it included exercises, treasures, treasure maps, various training places in forbidden areas, and even women who were all over the country.

Lin Zhen watched for a while and felt that he wanted many things.

Finally, Lin Zhen saw a special auction item.

A set of ancient exercises, five styles of falling stars!

This is a set of killing skills, a set of mental methods, which are divided into five types, namely, meteor fall, comet fall, satellite fall, planet fall, and star fall.

After practicing the technique, every blow is as powerful as a real planet falling.

For example, planet landing, once trained, you can knock down a real planet with a single blow.

"This kind of lethal martial arts is what I really need. If I become a star drop, I'm afraid the longevity martial artist can fight it!"

Even the longevity fighters dare not face the frontal bombardment of stars.

Just seeing the pre-sale price on the official website, this thing may start at 3 billion!

Lin Zhen calculated the cash in his hand. There are now 11 billion, which is not enough to guarantee that he will win the auction house.

The White Tiger's blood is probably hundreds of millions, and the Ancient Pills and the Star Falling Five Forms are both worth billions or even tens of billions. He fights for it with all his strength, and it is not bad if he can win one.

"The ancient pill can help me earn more money, while the star-falling five forms can greatly increase my strength. The two choices have their pros and cons. It's really a bit embarrassing."

"Unless my money is doubled, there may be hope."

Lin Zhen searched back and forth in his dark star space and space ring, hoping to find something that could be sold.

The four-year pill he had in stock has almost consumed, and all the pill will be worth no more than 3 billion together. This is the reason for the crazy refining these days.

But apart from the pill, Lin Zhen found that he really had nothing to grasp.

The things brought from the New Territories are not only edible but also edible, all other things have become waste products. Those technological products, spaceships, cosmic crystals, etc., are all piled up in the dark star space.

"Um... this book is!"

Lin Zhen, who hadn't had much confidence before, suddenly saw a book.

Taiyuan swordsmanship!

This sword technique was obtained by Lin Zhen from the New Territories, and it has never come in handy.

At that time, I didn't know the source of this sword technique, but now I know that this sword technique is also a technique secret book from the Metaverse, and it should still be a very good secret book.

Looking at Taiyuan swordsmanship, Lin Zhen felt a little regretful. Now he is using a sword as a clone. After inheriting the memory of Huahua Taisui, Lin Zhen's understanding of kendo has greatly increased. Now he no longer deliberately adheres to weapons. A gun or a sword is his weapon.

However, Huahua Tai Sui himself is also proficient in the swordsmanship secrets of the Metaverse, and this Taiyuan swordsmanship is a bit tasteless in his hands.

"Fine! Sell this swordsmanship, I hope it can give me a good price."

After making up his mind, Lin Zhen directly contacted the world auction house.

In the Dimensional Universe, the manager of an auction house and Lin Zhen met in the room. After a few words of greeting, they entered the topic.

The people at the auction house are really knowledgeable. After seeing Taiyuan swordsmanship for a while, they gave Lin Zhen a message.

This Taiyuan sword technique originated from a strong man in the longevity realm and was also an exclusive cheat book.

There has never been a lack of sales for swordsmanship cheats, especially the cheats of longevity. The value of the cheats is even more expensive. The auctioneer conservatively estimated that this cheat could be sold at a price of 5 billion, and the starting price was set at 2 billion, Wen Lin Do you really agree?

From this point of view, the price of this cheat book is not much worse than that of the Starfall Five, Lin Zhen nodded in agreement.

After consigning the things to the auction house, Lin Zhen continued to make alchemy.

There are still three days left. He wants to do everything possible to accumulate wealth, but don't miss any good things because of a short amount of money.

In addition to leaving enough for me to advance the medicine, all the remaining medicinal pills are on the shelves!

For three days, under Lin Zhen's frantic work, his wealth was still increasing rapidly. By the third night, all of Lin Zhen's medicines were finally sold out.

And his wealth has also accumulated to 15 billion!

"It's almost there. The auction will start tomorrow morning, and I should stop."

Lin Zhen moved his muscles and bones, feeling that the medicinal properties in his body had been completely resolved, and he could be promoted again.

After swallowing the galaxy phase Juyuan powder that had been prepared long ago, after the medicine was digested, Lin Zhen made another breakthrough in his realm, reaching the ninth level of the galaxy!

The star power of 900,000 has been improved again, reaching 970,000!

I am really satisfied with his Xingli Lin. It has only been a little over five years since he came to the Metaverse, and he has already been promoted to the ninth level of the galaxy, and once again broke through, he is also the domain king.

It can be said that the experience of being trapped for 700 years was finally made up for by him.

The black hole beast's talent for devouring is indeed a super abnormal ability.

Sitting quietly in the room, calming down the inner realm that he had just promoted, and waiting for the start of the auction.


In the morning of the next day, Lin Zhen sorted out his clothes and walked out of the auction house with Lin Feng.

What came out was his body, and the clone was still madly refining alchemy in the Alchemy Master Guild at this moment. This was the advantage of the clone.

Riding on the Dapeng Bird, the two came to the door of Tianxia Auction House.

The auction started at 8 o'clock, and now at 7:40, everyone is entering.

This kind of auction can not only participate in the auction on the spot, but also in the Dimensional Universe, but Lin Zhen really wants to come and see it on the spot, because after all, in the Dimensional Universe, there are things that are not really true.

"Welcome to Elder Lin Zhen, it's an honor to meet you!"

The manager in front of the door was kind and smiled, bending over to salute Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen nodded slightly and entered the auction house under the guidance of the waiter. His position was slightly behind on the left.

Although the status of a fifth-rank alchemist is already very noble, there are no ordinary people who can come to participate in this auction, so Lin Zhen's status is not unique here.

Sit down in his place, each guest was also equipped with two small seats, which were prepared for the entourage. Lin Feng, who had gradually entered the role of entourage, sat behind him consciously.

Whenever a big person arrives, the manager will shout out loudly to welcome the big person to the scene.

Those who can be called big people here can only be those powerful, or warriors of the longevity level.

"Mr. Gu Yunting, the president of Xianle County Pills Association, here!"

Lin Zhen's closed eyes suddenly opened, watching Gu Yunting walk in from the outside, chatting with the people around him along the way, and walking to the front position.

When passing by Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen felt Gu Yunting's Yu Guang glance at him, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

Lin Zhen originally thought that Gu Yunting would take action against him early, but he did not move, but Lin Zhen never let his guard down. Maybe this person was brewing some tricks, Lin Zhen didn't believe that Gu Yunting would just do it with him. Let it go.

A personal admission soon filled the auction house with hundreds of locations.

The host in a white formal suit walked up to the high platform, and the lights lit up.

"It's a great honor to be here with all the distinguished guests at the auction house in the world, my dear Wu Dongliang, I hope everyone can gain something tonight and return with a rewarding experience!"

After a simple opening remark, the first auction item is on the scene.

"The first thing I will show you is a medicine that many alchemist friends like, the white tiger blood, one of the four spirit blood. I will not introduce the efficacy of this medicine. It has a very wide range of uses. This bottle of white tiger blood The price of is 50 million yuan, and every time the placard is raised, it means an increase of 10 million yuan. Let’s start!

Under the light, a crystal bottle contained a bottle of blood.

Lin really had to take down this thing, and it was inseparable from the first magic needle to unblock it.

Seeing the appearance of the white tiger's blood, many alchemists or medicinal material dealers on the scene became agitated, and many people holding cards one after another.

But Lin Zhen didn't make a move immediately. He was observing his opponent to see who could compete with him.

The other alchemists and medicinal material merchant Lin Zhen didn't care. These people wouldn't trade at a loss. When the price exceeded the normal price, they would give up.

But Lin Zhen estimated that Gu Yunting might not be so easy to let himself succeed.

He looked at Gu Yunting, but the person hadn't moved, as if he was lacking in interest in the blood of the white tiger.

"It doesn't matter, since you're not moving, then I'm not welcome. I must get this bottle of White Tiger blood."

At this time, the on-site price has reached 120 million, and the price of normal white tiger blood is about 150 million. Some people with the mentality of picking up cheap have already retreated.

"Two hundred million~!"

The first time Lin Zhen raised a placard to bid, the scene suddenly became quiet.