Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 631: Doppelganger, harvest!

Huahua Taisui's memories are too rich, and Lin Zhen has digested it for more than ten days when the memories come.

Throwing away some useless memories, Lin Zhen thought it was just a clone, but he didn't expect to have surprises.

Huahua Taisui was extremely wronged. He didn't have time to display his unique knowledge, so he died under Lin Zhen's pill. If he did it, ten Lin Zhen would not be enough for him.

The finger sword aura is enough to penetrate the gold and stone, and the best heavenly weapons are not able to withstand him. Back then, he sneaked into the palace and watched the princess take a bath, relying on the finger sword aura to deal with the immortal warriors who hunted him down.

The phantom light sword, a top-grade treasure, and his life-threatening serial swordsmanship are his cards against the longevity fighters.

Moreover, the body of the Zijin Protoss was outrageously tough. With Lin Zhen's current strength, he could only see the toughness by piercing the skin with a full shot.

In addition, there is a memory that especially makes Huahua Taisui's memory fresh, that is, peeping at the shower of Princess Nanliang.

The crown princess is a woman who has reached the realm of longevity and a super beauty.

Huahua Taisui played with countless women throughout his life, but it was the crown princess that he thought most about.

He failed to pursue it many times, and then simply sneaked into the palace, originally intending to take a sneak shot of the princess, but unexpectedly, he sneaked a photo of the princess to take a bath.

In fact, he didn't get any key points in the photo. The princess was discovered before she finished taking off her clothes.

After that, Huahua Taisui was caught in the desperate years of being chased and killed. The person who really offered a reward for killing him was also the princess.

He escaped in the first battle of the palace, but he was also seriously injured. He was injured by the prince princess's ice needle, and he was unable to recover, so he had a chance for Lin Zhen to succeed.

The crown prince may have hated Huahua Taisui to death, and shot three Bingappao needles. The Bingappa needles entered the body to produce cold and poison, and they actually suppressed the star power of Huahua Taisui.

According to the power level, the third Ice Soul Needle is called Bloodthirsty, suppressing the star power of Huahua Tai Sui 1 million!

This sacred needle suppresses the blood, and almost merges with the blood. It must absorb the blood to lose its strength.

The second Ice Soul Needle is called Bone Cutting, which can destroy bones while suppressing 1.5 million stars!

And the last divine needle is called Mingxin, which has suppressed two million star powers. This one is the most deadly. If it continues to develop, one day it will pierce the heart of Huahua Tai Sui.

At the beginning, Huahua Tai Sui was wounded by an immortal warrior with his powerful body, but it was not fatal. When he was about to rush out of the palace, the princess who was almost ashamed to death made a hateful shot.

Originally Huahua Tai Sui's star power was as high as 6.5 million. After being suppressed by the crown princess's three magic needles, it only had 2 million star power. This was one of the reasons why he did not dare to go out.

Unforgettable and bloodthirsty, these three divine needles all hit, not only sealed the star power, but also contained toxins, which were difficult to dissolve.

Huahua Taisui stayed here to build the manor for many years. Not only was he troubled by toxins, he hadn't been able to pull out a magic needle, this longevity realm warrior's treasure was really not so easy to get out.

This thing is spiritual. As soon as you want to move it, it will pierce into your body. For many years, Huahua Tai Sui has suffered from it, and has not dared to go out for treatment, and has been squandering in this manor.

Lin Zhen read this memory again, and thought to himself that he would train the body of Hua Hua Tai Sui, but don't touch this princess, otherwise it would be very ugly.

In the past ten days, Lin Zhen sorted out the memories of Huahua Taisui, and had a better understanding of the customs of the Metaverse. After continuously absorbing the memories of two people, Lin Zhen is now a metaverse master.

Lin Zhen has learned all the tricks of Huahua Taisui because he inherited his body.

The magic light sword is a super treasure, and Lin Zhen has never taken such a good thing.

The Snap Finger Sword Qi is a big killer, and Lin Zhen's ontology learned to improve it. The injection of the two elements of Jin Lei makes the speed of the Snap Finger Sword Qi reach sub-light speed and its power is doubled.

The most important thing is that Lin Zhen repaired Huahua Tai Sui's God Infant. After this catastrophe, this guy's mental power was immortal, and he actually entered the golden beginning!

An impenetrable body with clothes, a golden infant, swordsmanship and fingering, a clone of 2 million stars, this is what Lin Zhen has gained from this trip!

The only pity is that after spending too many years in the escape career, there is no money in his hands at all, and Lin Zhen has not gained much in this regard.

But this is enough. Lin Zhen is confident that after his problem is resolved, money will not be a problem at all.

The main body was standing next to the clone, tapped lightly, making a clank sound.

"Tsk tsk~! The Zijin Protoss is worthy of being one of the top races in the universe. This talent is too strong. This guy has almost no weaknesses. If you say weaknesses, it is the Ice Soul Needle in the body."

Now Huahua Tai Sui's body is already a clone of Lin Zhen, and the toxin in the magic needle has been expelled by Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen didn't want to leave such three deadly things in his body, but this ice needle is too difficult to pull out with his own strength. Each one seems to have life, as long as you don't touch it. , It won't hurt you, even fighting is no problem.

But you can't take it out. The three magic needles have three attributes. If you want to pull it out, you can only do it with specially targeted items.

For example, the bloodthirsty acupuncture requires the corresponding spiritual blood to refine the pill. Only after the spiritual acupuncture is fed can it lose its power.

"It seems that the magic needle cannot be removed for the time being, but if it is not, I am afraid that I will not be able to do it so easily. As for the magic needle, it will not affect anything anyway. Just stay here first, and wait until I find a way to get rid of it. Take them out one by one."

Lin Zhen once again cast his eyes on the inner world of Huahua Tai Sui.

The world in his body is huge, a continent with an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers.

It's not that the world of Jiewang must be extremely huge, this world is actually about the same size as Lin Zhen's dark star space.

Lin Zhen clenched his fists vigorously: "Great, I finally have a clone again. Although this clone is wanted by the royal family and is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, for me, a strong clone is the most important thing. It's just that. I look a little annoying, so just transform it into my own appearance."

Lin Zhen was proficient in the transformation technique, and immediately changed his appearance through the transformation technique, becoming exactly the same as Lin Zhen's body.

"Haha! I am also the Peak Realm King, and I am an extremely powerful Realm King. The average genius Peak Realm King can have four or five million star powers. This guy actually has 6.5 million. It is definitely the top class among the realm kings. If it were not for the crown prince’s three magic needles, I would not be afraid of anyone below the longevity level!"

But Lin Zhen was also satisfied, two million star power, coupled with a strong body, was enough to deal with everything now.

In addition, Huahua Tai Sui had another method, which was the Breath-trapping technique, which could change the realm on the surface, making it impossible for people to see through. He relied on this technique to pretend to be an early guard of the Star Territory before entering the palace.

Lin Zhen also changed the surface realm of the clone to a ninth-level galaxy, so that the clone could walk outside instead of being seen by anyone.

Finally, Lin Zhen found Huahua Tai Sui's car in his body.

A six-winged poisonous dragon whose strength has reached the pinnacle of the realm king!

This poisonous dragon is also a wicked thing, with a speed equivalent to the sub-light speed limit, exceeding one hundred thousand kilometers per second. After being conquered by Huahua Tai Sui, one person and one dragon almost did all the bad things.

However, Lin Zhen didn't deal with this poisonous dragon. After all, it was a powerful combat power. Although it was not as good as the peak of the real world king, ordinary world kings couldn't help it.

Lin Zhen also put the poisonous dragon in the dark star space, making it familiar with the Dapeng bird.

When the poisonous dragon arrived in the space, he also found a place to entangle in the star fruit tree. Instead, he ignored the Dapeng Bird. It was still thinking that its owner seemed to have changed, and it did not seem to have changed.

After dismissing the servants in the manor, Lin Zhen returned directly to Xianle County.

After returning, Lin Zhen's body plunged into the alchemy room again and began to frantically refine a large number of pills.

In the galactic phase, how much can be Lin Zhen’s body can make a breakthrough in one month, reaching the ninth level of the galaxy, and then he needs the galactic phase. Medicine out.

The clone walked out of the alchemy room, and did not see Lin Feng. It is estimated that he went to the shop.

Leaving his yard, Lin Zhen walked into the guild building.

The lady at the front desk immediately nodded and saluted after seeing Lin Zhen: "Elder Lin Zhen, you are back."

In the eyes of other people, Lin Zhen's body and clone are the same, and there is no difference at all.

"Susanna, is there four spirit blood in the guild?"

Lin Zhen has figured out a way to get rid of the Bloodthirsty Needle, which is to combine the blood of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu to make alchemy. After feeding the Bloodthirsty Needle, it will lose its strength and will not damage the body of the clone. .

Taking out this magic needle, Lin Zhen's clone star power will increase by one million.

Susanna checked: "Elder Lin Zhen, there is only Xuanwu blood in the guild, do you need it?"

"Give me the blood, and you can charge it directly. For the other three, you can help me buy it on my behalf, and you will be paid a commission after the transaction."

"Hehe..., thank Elder Lin Zhen."

Susanna immediately posted an acquisition post on the guild website. If someone had such blood in their hands, they would come to her for a deal.

Collecting the Xuanwu blood, Lin Zhen walked out of the guild's gate, and a shop area was in front of him.

His Ice Fire God Pill Store is also in this location, which is a very good location.

Along the way, people looked at the elder with five gold stars on his chest with reverent eyes. In this place, the alchemist was very respected.

After not taking a few steps, suddenly there was a chuckle around him.

"Oh! Look who this is, isn't this the infamous ice fire alchemist!"