Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 477: Transplanting of star fruit trees

If there are enough star crystals on the star fruit tree, Lin Zhen can even use the star crystals here to improve his realm, without having to spend huge amounts of money to buy metal.

But there are not so many star crystals on the fruit tree, at least compared to when he participated in the training camp of the gods, there are a lot less star crystals here.

Especially the number of stellar crystals is even smaller. Lin Zhen stayed here for a whole week, exploring the original beehive, ant nest, sky dome and other places, but did not see a few stellar crystals.

But there is still a surprise, that is, there are still a lot of planetary crystals here, enough for Lin Zhen to cultivate to the ninth-level peak of the planet.

This is a great thing for Lin Zhen. Otherwise, the metals needed for planets from level 8 to level 9 will also require tens of billions of cosmic crystals, and massive amounts of money are needed from level 9 to sidereal stage. The planetary crystals here can make Lin Zhen saved hundreds of billions of cosmic crystals!

"It seems that this time I have to eat alone. This tree is destined to not be open to all the people."

Lin Zhen stood under the fruit tree and said to Chen Fenglie next to him.

Chen Fenglie has been here for several days, and his realm has reached the peak of the satellite period, and he is about to advance to the next week, which is considered a big advantage.

Hearing Lin Zhen's decision, he nodded and said, "Lin Zhen, you don't have to have any guilt. As a lord, if you can't create some good treatment for yourself and your family, what is the use of being this lord?"

"Haha~! That's right, I'm very worthy of my people. Lord, it should be a bit privileged."

Chen Fenglie also smiled, but said with some doubts: "But this star fruit tree is here, I guess someone will come to explore it sooner or later, Lin Zhen, I'm afraid this secret will not last long."

"That said, should I send someone to guard this place? That's three hundred taels without silver." Lin Zhen also thought of this question.

"It would be great if we could move this fruit tree." Chen Fenglie said.

The speaker was unintentional. Hearing intentionally, Lin Zhen seemed to have caught something, and it flashed in his mind.

Standing there for a while, Lin Zhen didn't move until Chen Fenglie called him repeatedly.

"Brother Chen what did you just say?" Lin Zhen asked.

"What did I say?"

"It's your last sentence, what did you say?"

Chen Fenglie thought for a while: "I said, Lin Zhen, what do you think?"

"No, right, before this sentence."

"I said... if only this fruit tree could be moved away."

Lin Zhen's eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes, yes~! That's the sentence, if the star fruit tree can be moved, then many problems will be solved."

There are indeed many problems with the star fruit tree staying on the earth. Not only will it attract other people's coveting, but there is another point, that is, it will absorb the nutrients of the earth.

The planet is also alive. One day the earth is sucked dry by the star fruit trees, and it will die and become a desert planet.

So the problem of the star fruit tree must be solved, or it must be removed or cut down.

Of course Chen Fenglie knew this, and he was taken aback for a moment: "Lin Zhen, didn't you want to cut down the star fruit tree?"

"Why do I want to cut it? I want to change it to a different place, maybe in a different environment, it can produce more stellar crystals, and there is no need to worry about it being missed by others.

"No no no~!"

Chen Fenglie hurriedly said to Lin Zhen: "Lin Zhen, if your idea is to move the star fruit tree near the base city of Bingcheng, then forget it. Let’s not talk about how to move it. As long as it is still on the earth, the result will be The same, can you still relocate it to an alien planet? As far as I know, there is no suitable planet in the solar system."

Lin Zhen smiled at Chen Fenglie: "Don't worry, Brother Chen, I will never let it stay on the earth. As for which planet it went to..., let me keep it secret first."

Lin Zhen already had a plan. If the Star Fruit Tree were to move away, then the only place would be his dark star space.

The dark star is a huge planet, dozens of times larger than the earth, and it is more than enough to accommodate the star fruit trees, and the dark star is still being upgraded, so there is no need to worry about the absorption of light nutrients.

It's just that this question cannot be told to others, nor can Chen Fenglie.

Seeing that Lin Zhen didn't say anything, Chen Fenglie didn't ask too much. As a martial artist, he knew that he shouldn't ask. In short, Lin Zhen would not treat him badly.

"Then do I need my help here?"

"No, Brother Chen just leaves first."

Chen Fenglie nodded and left here in a small aircraft.

As soon as Chen Fenglie left, there was no one else near the star fruit tree. After all, there were ferocious insects here, and no one dared to approach it.

"Chrissy, can you calculate the root range of this fruit tree and its weight when it is pulled out?"

Kris calculated quickly and gave Lin Zhen the answer after a while.

"Master, the roots of the star fruit trees are about a hundred kilometers in diameter. If you want to pull it out, it will definitely trigger a tsunami and continental plate movement on the earth. It will be a man-made disaster."

"Oh~! So serious." Lin Zhen frowned slightly.

"Yes, so my suggestion to you is to first separate the soil layer of the roots of the star fruit tree from the outer soil layer, which will be much better."

"Into the underground cutting?"

"Yes, Tianhexing has robots for this kind of operation. You can buy dozens of them, and you can guarantee that they can be completed within a day."

Under the guidance of Kris, Lin Zhen purchased dozens of robots.

These robots go into the ground and separate the soil on the tree tray and the surrounding soil under the star fruit tree.

The huge tree disk with a diameter of more than a hundred kilometers, the weight of the soil it drives is almost unimaginable. If this tree is removed, an extremely huge sinkhole will also appear here.

"I want to move this fruit tree to the dark star space. It is really a problem. I may not be able to hold it by myself, Chrissy, give me a plan."

Chris knew everything about Lin Zhen and quickly gave Lin Zhen a solution.

"If you want to remove the star fruit tree without damaging it, you must first pull it out. In this step, you can use your constant crystal spacecraft, and then you need to use the power of the dark star to send out a black hole storm to directly move the spacecraft and fruit trees. All are absorbed, of course you have to choose an open location."

"Yes, I will tie up the fruit tree first."

Lin Zhen appeared as a clone and drove the Constant Crystal spacecraft to the sky above the star fruit tree.

There were ropes on the spaceship itself, and the huge ropes were thrown down.

Lin Zhen rose into the air, grabbed one end of the rope, flapped his thunder light wings, and started flying around the star fruit trees.

For five consecutive circles, the fruit tree is tied from the root to the top, and several main nodes of the trunk are tied.

"Take a try."

The constant crystal spacecraft started and made a humming sound, pulling the star fruit tree slowly out of the ground.


There was no point in the fruit tree rising out of the ground, and the rope could not bear the pulling force and broke on the spot.

"Master, I overlooked one point, this rope is not strong enough."

"What should I do? Are there other ropes that can pull the star fruit tree?"

"I'm sorry, Master, the Tianhe Empire and the Sanjiang Star Territory Federation do not exist. The Fire Kylin Empire may have one, but the journey is too long. Now the fruit tree has been dug out and must be removed as soon as possible. Time is too late."

Lin Zhen took a deep breath, where would there be a huge rope?

"Ah~! Mo Yun Teng!"

Suddenly thinking of this problem, Lin Zhen immediately jumped on the Constant Crystal spacecraft and headed straight for the Bermuda waters.

The moyun vine pierced deep into the bottom of the sea, and most people didn't have the ability to dive into the deep sea to get it out, but Lin Zhen could, get off the spacecraft, take a waterline, and dive to the seabed of 12,000 meters in one breath.

This cane is 100 meters thick, Lin Zhen can't hold it, but he has a way, Guang Sha took it out, the main body and the clone held one end, and surrounded the Mo Yun vine.

"Get me up~!!!"

Lin Zhen yelled, and the body clone exerted force at the same time!

Now that Lin Zhen's strength is comparable to the peak of a black and at the same time, this alien species rooted on the seabed finally couldn't bear it and was pulled out by Lin Zhensheng!

The two drove Mo Yun Teng up and hung it on the Constant Crystal spacecraft.

The spacecraft seemed to have brought a huge snake back to the star fruit tree from the Bermuda waters.

This time, Lin Zhen's body started flying around the star fruit tree with the moyun vine, and the moyun vine was also long enough to actually wrap around the star fruit tree three times.

Guangsha acts as a towing rope, tied with Moyun Vine and the spacecraft, so that the cane will not fall.

After winding three times, the clone started on the Constant Crystal spacecraft.

Rumble~~! ! !

The huge power of the constant crystal spacecraft was launched, and Guangsha pulled the Moyunteng instantly and became straight. After a stalemate, the star fruit tree was finally pulled up!

The Constant Crystal spacecraft lifted straight into the sky, and this big guy with a diameter of 100 kilometers also lifted up, leaving the ground completely, forming a huge bottomless pit!

Lin Zhen teleported continuously almost beyond the atmosphere, looking down here from space.

Until the spacecraft appeared within the horizon with the star fruit tree, Lin Zhen took a deep breath.

The power of the dark star erupts, the black hole storm~!

Black hole storms are divided into destruction and absorption. Destruction is strangling, and absorption is simply transferring it into its dark star space.

In the world stone, Lin Zhen used this trick to swallow a large number of cosmic crystals.

The surrounding space suddenly collapsed, and the black hole started with Lin Zhen as its starting point, and it spread to the front quickly.


The black hole appeared and disappeared, and there was no air in this space, and it was absorbed into the dark star space by Lin Zhen.